Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1945, p. 4

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RERMAN SURRENDER CELEBR Armistice Celebration cl Illiis Ictmit LRlIIII lIlt lIRR II IRII Harrie lxsntinvi II IRI it Iii it iRR IER It II III IR tr RIIt lR gt III III II ii II IR HI IIII XHLH lI II IIl it lI iiIIII lIllR III Il Izwv RII IIIII RI IHRIIH II IlII YII iv RRI III In Ilr Il ll ifhl 1l ltIIlfII RR lIRRII RI IIIIIIIy II llIIIlIRIn lIIiIIRR lint til RI II II lirr RI llIIRIRi IRIIII RI IHII lIl ll lIIlIII lR RII il IIIRII In ll lliIlltl IIII IIIRI I4II III hrnltiitv IIRRrultars hit IIelRIIl the st III IIRRI up It RRIMI 5R IRRlRII few lIlRI IR ii II IM RI 1I Illlfttli II II II IRI Ii IRIIII fans ZR II IRtRIR IIIRRI IIRII oil prhiic RIlII Im Mayoz SIIIRII RI it II IIIRI lI IIIRIRIRI II lIIIt 1II It IIlI IRIII hr holiday rill II ltlf iiRRi IIR IRRH nine The II=III II II IR lRI dunnolye mI RI It IR lRR lIt lIRII IIII IIIIHVltlll Hall to llIRIRII II RIl of the LltlItl Il= it IIIl not till peIIIII Is lui lIISiIIlN llu II Ic MN II 19 Inmtwi Iflti Itlei IIIIluy mi youths RIRII luv LI at liltlllti lie tIII 1t the memo imIIIR liII IiiI IIII ti rally RIII raisin IlIalrnnn til II It that LlllllllllI lJl lIIaIIIIer III llllll4ltiiltll III RIIRIRIhIl IIVIr to the Ailltgt the My mum my RIM IRMIRI RIRII II IlisIIIIuId the llhine tongues lIl Soon the llI III tuttnI IIIIIIIIieIl AllltWZ Alll the illl sEIIIIRs llltLlIi lit Ml IIIRi Itlheil llllMlllllw lII liI Stelie foiluIIIi Yl In IIIRIIII Irzeii llyy Til Illi lIl lltttl Iil ln owner Barrio nand illlilIvlIl RRR RURIRRHRUH mu RRIRIVRR 1V lhw Hm ruIIsIIlIIRIIILI lln lllllllllll Il mm my lItiiLLV III IRIIII tinw IzIIi lilt ltlliltllil 51 fl Illllll In IRIJaIlaIIie to get then Himmlmw iii III RR lllt sea In the mean Hid Sim ili Rio iiR llllll lllth lll he lied illlti mle My 11 IIIIRll though the pay isl We QVKlvncv IN 11 ii IRR tRI lrlI this IIIIIIitiy iiir limksiuvnm 11 Hill Iilllllllil of Parliament Will have WW Nil IiIvRItI all Ihoualit lIll reginsIIIIII hmlhmi lirl and the RsxRIIIilatiolr IRt theSe sharp on tIzIII IIR um lIIiIt IIIfIiIIII with Ilipkiu IIIIIRIIlezI IR lzII 13 tlflIN flillili that ARitiIl llltill litt tilllltlllltlil of peace lllt RIIIIIIILt IIIll ailthVIIiIlR llii Rev Gel in III that lllt built of these IRIIIII expressed by My 1W 1i ilIIIil IRIsRerIers will lose their IJIIsi IIII ttli iII nIRI RI rave tit Il 11 Vi HM MM HRIHIIIHMR has LN IcIIdIInII III IIIIII than luwul II II Il II IV it IL III RI RR IRIaIIaIIIIe LIIllllllIlllgt Rormfig my Ii II It RR llI RIIIIIIIs IRh liIRys 18 III favIIr of Wm Emd Wild Hm church llIeltIIrnIRIII lRl all the ser IIIItanIInIIpminus lltttiwlltlt they lIIIlllti IIII till they illltl satisf thtr Maon illli the other If the Mililrlillnl II the pldtforin Iltilll RIIRItI the direction of DI IIIIRlIIII lIl led the audience in wt IIRIIltII II Izid IIRIIIIIRI employment IIIIIIn II it IIIIRIIIIIIt IIIII rordtnI of the httle llIIl that day by the lWVII tittine it read We helped and patriotic son RI Flam mm RIMIIR ltl IIIII not you lltll us Vii one IRR IIIe splendid men It you have iIIIIIIIw said the speaker buy short llltllOSr 2r iltiI iltdlli and buy layear hoods lle AR Boys KC Ml lie nIIt feel likeninakinu mornifie feel IIIIIIII ltlt out and cheerin and omitting was heartily applauded llt IlJR VllipII an effort throungthSIInday Ill On every Illlliilti for nnIniI IiIe writers III law that Stllrltlls III help in their small way the no can tIIIIlIl saw to tinR peopl your and old and trig IRlIl IM Iii Mhtlv hm lllt Cm Image RHRIM LlIli Ir loan and iltllll0 cause of the that Ithls i5 lllt llIIIl IIIIIIIIIIIR he rude RIII Il day in the history III the Wetltillt really realize ll1li lia beenIEgoiiniI IIn What scenes in the trenches today winII pardtivelynnodest canvas community in 1916 has expanded since the presentgwar started Inblee RMiilsII lwas given there has he Irie LI of it ltIIII tIrltll iiilllliil head IIII IIII tIIelt Ill IRs leIlIa t1 IiIIle litturning III the hand led III lltll llttle White ZIIII lllIIe and zxtlaILr lilt iIIIlIIi IIIIillIIlI IlIItaIIIlIII ilIIi lhe MIIRII lIIl SIIIIJLI lh lionsan IhIIIi RRIIIe lll for tile llllll teru i=IIII IIIIl Ill lliv other lIae XIII diqu KI ll lore ninthins IIIIRII llI th LIlIn lot and IIIII up IIIIl tllintRi iivrli linre llliiliirllli so iIIIl lIII IIiiIlI IEIII tRIIIIItIII wilrl IIrI sen iliit NullIItIIIl ililfltl will tllt lltltl IIJIlII It II ll IIIII RhI lli IIIIIIIIs IIIIIIIIIIIIIII hIIIIh Setviee At elllit IIIlIIIl III IIeIIIIe Methutltl IIIIi IIIIlIrIII and though Very inadequate nIRIIIIe good ill lltgt to lod for tlltlllll the conflict and prayers tor Iundanre llt Iolvlnnl the perplexmz plohletns of the peace settlement iIlltl lllt IIIyriIRd difficult questions which Rllt left III the wake of the war II St Maiy Church II service pt liltlllkSLIlYllilt was held in the errn inI after the usual IRIIRaIy llev lII James reciting the Te Dtlllll loreh Liuhts and llIInllIe In the evening the streets Iltziin filled with happy throne After mithe church services band concert was given on the PRU lawn Itiitl which the band headed about 2th torch bearers who marched through In he IIIIIHILId SUClI Short the business section and tound up are Ill notice Rllll practically no effort at at the Market where they kindled organization the procession which buildings tli lIIuRIIIIt lilt elainour that rent the ltlnIIzspoiled whenld Sol sailed llll Ml lIlllllllll hut from behind the clouds to smile ion the llllit performance llttlt was spirit of tittll illilllliillli oiy llltl ill ltlttlll III lEIIi lin AR in In II illt Ivteninii IilllIIs were held In illlitllllll Iilllzthtl huge bonfire that had been prc ity to mingle in the Inerrlureuti CAMP BORDEEN IN TWO WARS Two pictures abovo indicatepart ofthhtltltary centre as it Is today and below 1916 view of the SameR IregtilersmodemIcityawltihpermanent place VII some of the motors the procession tin pull for drum battered it as THE BARRY EXAhWER BARR ONTARIO CANADA MEI Sate reason slith 1945 RW no RRIRR TI IIL RR IR RI IIRI Int Rt IIIllIInIr IgtII IRlI ItIIII 11 Uiilr gt RI Ill ilil lIIIR III Illilliilli IItIRItIt lII til IIIIIlIilIly itil Silltle IllRllI lllkl Iillllltl llIIIhllIlR Jill II ill II but out III Ixlzll IImnr It tor ltIttlItl luau and littlillll allowance HR IIII II ll llil II ILIIII Il lIRItleIlI ll IIIIIIIIIlaiiis RIII lII llRlIIRI ttH tin ItIIIIII may erII III buy lIlII ti 11M llII lt1it who ll hIIIli llt ll tIIIIII IIRIIII tllidtt Tllt illtliItilf lRIIIIt Il it to aim IIIR llIIIRgt luv RIaI ll lumein IIli lH IRiIIIR lIIl III hIIIIII and equipment cont DILIIIIIIIIII he IRIll IIIIIRI RI Li ISL Ml llII IIIIIIIIItIIIIIl tli tItIIIIIIIIiI II Militia ii ili 94 lRllml 5iiillll IllW lI II IIIIIIIII RI HR lRIs RIIIIIIIIIII ill will Iltin in III that New Ill llRR itllllRR II III II III RHI IIi II let in Itldtlloti to the lervaI liIItiRiiiV II In Ii io llR II IIl It Il IIIlIIIII III IIIIlIR min in It lttlttl III Ill lidlutzlulilt lttll IIIIIIVII lll IR tll II IL ttt III RR gt RI illittl it ttllllll tlIIIItllll LI lt titllil it if lllt ill ttl till IR Wm Jr mum IlIRIIIII IllllRtllI II thlll IIII 33 WWII IR lszlIatIIlIlatton IIIIIIII Il one month no In II Inmmimn HI IRWIRllMI It RR IIIRIIIIppRIIRIIi iIliUVRRllllt iIIIIIRIoII Art and wdl he lililfxtti to sun III gt RI IllIIIIHl II INN my pity HHI HHHMHHW Hui lIII Iiiuiltill illltl tlhnlxitlllIr llll ltlIIIIItIIII in ll II IIIIII1 in 33 HNMIL MI WR Inf RRRRRRm and other problems IIIIIIIIIIII the returned IIIIIII ll IIllI II rtndy ll The RyIIIIIiiItlIyI of all IanI out to thoRe who no tllhtllthtl and particularly the tIlaIneR Ill Inwa IIIIhJIII IR tRRI tittnn up In lltlll Ill Wu fiIHlII ildlttll IIi Zitlll lIIt IlIIll llttliyllll ol llIIIIII RxertIIe phtt illiIlIU to RI RI iR llllllltlllyll mm mth writing WW Iho IIIRIIII the supttnu mltlllltt Rl Jll lt LIIIj th ii in addition to line IlIoII InoIIIy lirantrt the NM mi Will MINI It oter IIII IiIlnI IIIII lIII llllili III tiliII duty to see that our Iteinorratlr held and litllflltllttl IIRI lltllt lltlII DUNCAN MICUAIC KC Rletlt IR Illl ll till II Rtlltl Ilittll hut the option Ill lIIIdIIIIf Iegtr IIIl oIllII lII1ellt1ol Winch lllI lolloulin ttt lI I1tlllllltI IIIII =ll QIIIIIIS RIRI RIIII Iill IIII IIIlitlzliltti II ny Miss lIraIIlIIII LII Iiilill would lllllkt lllli horns of II IlRIIIIiption burer IRIII dish pans pIIl IIIIIIl Rs IyInlIIIls etc III He may take comaII III Irainine durinII ItlIIIII Inne he will IIIRIIIie lilulilrl III I1IIIIIIII Illlf III II Ii III It yquII titttliltitll Al IIIIIIIII dressed as clowns thai lI litlpilln tit vllll Elllit Roi tnns top hat iltilllt as master furnished lot ttinIIt IeIeInoIIIIIs oi Illllltmltll lIIIIIIlI lIIuIIs stentoriatrtone RIIe IIIIIIIIl l1 Enlist Iiltlllltlly Iitta lIIll IIIn even with IiittgniilIIIIIII lll IIIIIiIliit make much impression IIllliJItlll atliIIIsplltle AI ten IIltlIlLli hunehlof Ions started omitsized bonfire lIe hind the station but the effect was lIrIIIiI the row of tiny flags of the that decorated the engine hood of Mr llnderhills rarto the llllt laelts that completely covered displayed nearly every size and rtyle Iii lllItz Dr AInall with his choristers lIoIn lrinity church filled hint dray and did Inn fail to make them selves heard ne of the girls using vigorously as though every blow meant crack at the Kaisers head ne of the earliestrand noisiest gtIIs of perambulating jubilators were the Electric Light Dept men on the plant truck with Supt Hare at the wheel Nuiuerous hammers rigorously operated upon section of boiler made aclangor that there wasnt any difficulty hearing The local telephoncexchange rshich is supposed to be in continu ous operation vasprettyImuch lent for most of Mondayafternoon only small shifts remaining on the job to handle the lon distance lines Nobody begrudgedthe hard working operators their opportun Massimo CUSDBNS IltNIoIIrs DRUG groan nave STORE B00KSRSTATIQNERY HelenazRnubinieini KODAxs FILMS Elizabeth Arden Toiletries Toiletries arold Idusden Plum linguntop Street Wellington ow Block gtrNextto Roxy Theatre DIAL pm DIAL 2240 3110 asrarr ROBERTSON nave STORE Opposite Post Office LAURA SECORD enocomras DIAL 2903

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