implies and ti good lunch wus ieivtd by the ladies AA itolzuid Hammond Montreal critiiu VEAL minim 21c BDNELESS VEItI ritiiirrx 27c FRESH SIDE mini 33c rniisu iiiiivis 33c riiiisu cuii riLers 31c riirsn Iiiiiniiticir PILLETS 35 per person hger lleiid rules rc liissitied Advis wnl IYllll have yourself to blunie it you Mi and Mrs Leonard Bltioins illilVPI DR liltihft rules SliClll the weekend with his father Mr ziiid Mrs Ken Bushu Toronto zuid Minesing spent the week it Blislis field Toronto are visiting Mr and Mrs Art Wilkinson Mr and Mrs Frank Widdiiield PRO their daughter Mrs Leslie Rose Cedar Valley spent Sunday will Mi und Mrs Clarence Siltk iotid Newmarket spent Sunday With ltd Mrs heme CHIROPRACTURS ACCOUNTANTS Wm pear has lelllmd Med to her home here after spending GEOI RI Ls AI BURNS DI WEL HIANDERSONCOMPANY Licensed DIllgltssIllierapists Chartered AccountantsTrustees etc Etcmc Riiilih VdiU Nd Crown Life Bllllding 59 Yonge St ii iiigaloirilgllimlllthnhljl Cook Mfffm lhemunw Int Toronto Mrszed Vasey of Vuscy whd gtw22 13 has been ill CURBETI ire LEGAL ll Aservicz ofI thanksgiviiiitws CHIROPRACTOR AND held in the United ChurelHitZW DRUGIJIISS THERAPIST Mimday evening with Her Phone 3070 15 0mm SL Barrie BOYS 075 larristers SolicitorsNotaries Pubv Lacey in charge BY APlOINlMENl Zion Presbyterian Ladies Aid conveyancers etc Money to mmwwW arm at lowest rates of interest met May at Mm JOhn WI MEDICAL tlce 13 Owen St Masonic Temglt Building Barrie Branch Ioffice VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Elmvale It Boys Barrie Branch Well Baby Clinic from 230 to 430 oclock every Wed nesdny Abolication of nurses sen it made direct or through mm SALMON 336 II nNfaiifciirs oii lb HERB STEAKS lb 396 93331550 in MKEAEONI AND CHEESE LOAF lb 25 FRESH SHED BULUGNA 26 sons with Mrs Langsiord in charge After the business the hostess served delectable lunch The June meeting to be at Mrs Chas Linklatefs MEWEiidWiIrs Lewis Kellmim GLADSTONE QURRIEII lilie winter months with friends it Ilka ton II meg mime Bailzifi minim 332m inmate lasso II IIiwtwei fjttl MEMWH II Iv TIA WM IIf afff aNOINIOINOONllIOOOO MW mounmomomomomono I= II lI gm II II SHANTY BAY lt3 alt onemonumouo II it jf new lr iin III II III CI its IIII IiII II Fairbanks Morse iI but usiiti l0 Hunt mkkbls Bltunnnoug Coal It Dtl KEENH iizi limit In iiMii cumulus L4 siOKLRs WI Bxigs tiliiti iiir iirtaizizi if IIShfi if iilliti5r rm mm miwt 5iIlHiltiti=i BISTEE lb mag lUH UVH IIIIIIIIjIIIhI Hr IIII LIL 55 lu znt ii inll ii ii 2I iw tri tiitIiii tlil rm umno to mIIIIwwwvm MMW mm NOW ll llzt tlil ltftlzii iii ii 20 liimvti lluim Ahht Png Mil rl viii llwii Wyyw rthvle Lou li LU 21kli out it 35 22 Mi cl ll IltJllJlll in CHOWMIX ui Illtll ir II III in INVK IN Hk III UNI IIIIIIiII IlIIIillIitIIiILIII It II IIII II It lllllr linilll illlltlt ll in litiiiiiti III ml in tli thin liliiil Pt iiil Ul lI 93 ml mu ii iiivir it till mm ll it ittuttnitmu II II it iiizm innit Ni t= lblt 4me II ii Nine II It ill Mfr Wli li ti vii Ell Uliliiii tt lx tiiil 1th 51W II mud it Jlllltl it limit kind it PM ii lulu Iiiiiill teii il lliutitlcrs ll llios litmihdti i71tihlll iii in Yfit itIllvwiri IIINHIN mun vr Bimini Iiisliiti iitiilitt lli Vtt Rilll lltu iiI Hi tlllttl ti lll ll PairVin lhllinli huk tg tii tiililllilli tI ili=lt lii ituuiirr iii Pink tlt It 51 emitMii llUl luT dines NIL litllit llllill IIHHIHIII 3I1H113III tin tintV iv iiii lll Wit 17 5le hmi ll It lktllitt llltl tk MLil ld EM ll Btl II itIiIIIh In IHHN III IIIIIIIIIIIIl II IllIIIIII IIIII lwiv litilh Dithtv Jewi it ya Pig It Imam mi mid MAL C0 it it hi li Viu ll iI iiw hi Nll Ittrititlllldl valdltlll lllfnnII Ill Ill hr v1 1liliii xi lillliilvlllWtl lH lls Llill All hl liil3 MAM lLM Call RIM minim Ih III lltttlllllitlltli it iiilIltiIAtil tllt tli li AW FIIHIIIIHII II INN Irma luHMI tummy And ii llitl iilti v1 ll iiil itill MLAI llii 4ch ll II 11 numb 30 l4tIi1Jliiilliilhl Ni Im flit ti llitl ilsiulibtir mm dummy Itllilvvlite iisizl mite ll itt 1531 PM II fl it ltttit iiziitt nil Silhflfl Ull lllul Iltltliil 1i zt the lm nilm it titanium Biol 1M kph Alum tli Ni ii li lt in hit vil lu sudlv iiiisslt5 IE ll IIiniIIIii my iIiI ii ltitIl oaunuonnuunnunnun 29 tvt ns 11 We lt Ill TI II III ii in Suiinidgilt wlure Ilit Led EVImU MW duh WITH PAYS ton ITSELF ililti=lf CAMPBELLS IUMATO Tins 95 it Iii llttlll itl in ennui til en cuM m4 an ii ll tlW tmill Itld Ytumr Mm ln IN it Chum Alis Milt VIM WWR ll 76ununl luluhuhnuEtirul Lot to mourn ill 1qu wild Iwith litr thlltilts in him 13 II IXVY tilI ill Ii lhlll llI lltlllSl ti iv it mid brother are his lillflll Misses Alut Miles 1W1 ltII ll BUY CUSTOM GROUND illl 0VLN Fth DAILY ll IL Mr il Mrs Arthur ilis it Tiller ltiitinio iiiti Mrs it ANN PAGE AN lil liil li lll ll llll lllill it lilUWN III III XIIIHIIIH gym Slmmgifllm WU Qua I1 Ll Ilit Iil tnd Dorothy lliiirit spent it AllllllUl fL iii the weekend lll Mr uitl coin lritlhzini Murioii of StuiniI dying at lliliI vaektntl Kllll Mrs ll llll Will 7N 13Yl1 litlt and Mrs Gt uilts tlluzeli will ll Il il Kl Iffl my DH Mid ll Numlmlwxu lr fl ll lhc lvmml Sl Aslwtmllil ihlim VGOROUS WINEY Il WHITE Iii at it cir in NW nu us ill iIv IN HHIHII II IIIIIIIIIIIS lIIIII IilIlIISIIfIlIIIlI lilho iii lll llltll 1IhtI lltlllllt lotkiwi ll WlIJHL WHEIAT BY Yylhll hmm Inllll Bib Chmu ll lllc hill ClALKED WHEAT ii in Class WA of Unith Cliiiiciil llIlIIt litl Vliltlillgtltlit lllil MILD MELl OW 24 It lvitivicw WI and No mls HIMHWH WM Wen ll ll ll Illmm mu Stance Who Medem Wm Mil ml WW 31 WW5 IIIIIIIIIII III funeral mnw mm MMII irepmofI MlNI xKl tlu lllSlJlV it it III Ii UH pl 15 Nosilomn MM mummy the hymn lock it lIgtI ltItl It Sr ALIIII II hunk UhhvaI CIhIImWdII MOM in MA Illll Ni It IUINIS irii tilil riiI gtilllltl IlleuftiiL lhiIiIrnbuiIyI IoroIiIito Foi emailing II llouhlt Presentation to Newlyweds It II innI gm and mm iird tuiorgni II dI III II The llllttI burrow urine pallbearers were Cecil hiLAitIhiit1 as low ltltlltll nIiihillkkl llilllllllt it It it lilt3Ill lilt Tiiinciui MeCort Jim llulh low Ms IllJltlgslIA In II II II IlIl ll8lyIllilllll toiiple It ifh Ii iiii lliuI LIiIltl Ulllim Bmde CNI Frmhl lurid Mrs Aubrey lifien use ll unit it no lt ii Illlli stunt Archie Burkholdcr Alex In mummy mi MIN Indmm III not Wm 11mm Active heartrs ChmI Cam III II it ym ll 11 Ru tlll ll it ti in no 19 tt ii ltillll1 Eldon Iottit Ru Nudl phmum mm was we 5mm IUIH MI IIHIIII MI Ii II Iitis PIiiddISImI Nummn 1xkllklIl In Id IIIIIIIIIISI MIISI Gilchril II HHNNTU II II IIIIII II IIIIIIII IIII II illllilm 950 llItl Iain itlIdIitIsII tIK Mrs Bowniiiu lliI ifi on Hug plogonui tlllilltlt 5t Al IlllllIfl ll1Ll iimwml in tinLI lil OII MA liir with it silver bruzid Iirziy from I4I til newsprint problems mum iiIiItIlIIiLilsII tonouoiiuto IImI MIIIII GEHIIII IIIId JIICII IIIIeIII lciidtrlom land Momwl iiresented them withn lovely oloc Mrs lllllly Smith visited friends 35 itiil my 13m mam Hing it Sand Hill last week Successor to vices may doctor Telephone 2451 AMBRON CAMERON BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Mr and Mrs Vie Pridham of An gust Flats Mr and Mrs Frank Higginson and Mr and Mrs Arnall Owen St Barrie Telephone 3173 ITS TIME 1an am WU0000 OOO0O Muir 5th Line had their babies MUSIC LESSONS MONEY T0 LOAN It baptized at St Geowes Anglican the RI st cow FRESHSKINLESS WEINEBS 2va ori aaIvIrrSn Jn aesodgarstyner Organist ling llgllCIDHCICtoh iaariiste1istsoliCiEorstConveyancers eiira IIIICI BIIESI etc and Meier and TEACHER oi swam JELLIEDVEAL LOAF 39c Wamwl Tmomov 399 few and MUSICAL THEORYTalrgradesr BranchOfticefStaYnerThursAfts III cays With Mrs Lorne DaVidson including ATCMI Modern Methods Ross Cowan gslzidsgeelii don Satuldily IllIm 8mm 27 Bradford successuaucion sale or household effects llavinq Edmund Hardy Mus Bac FTCM FRANK AMMOND BA BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Masonic Temple Bldg Barrie MONEY T0 LOAN DUNCAN McCUAlG 8A KC BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Money to Loan Ross Block Barrie DONALD MacLAREN an BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Montay to loan Masonic IflempleI Building Barrie Germany has collapsed It is as if we had beenin tugpfwar with life itself as the prize Now suddenly the line seems loge in our hands We must brace ourselves lest the pent up farce of our own power send us plunging backward intodisorder Joy is natural to us at this time but letus beI glddeisely Much remains to be done Much Isacrice must yet be enduredif we Iaref lo sold her house to onCtOl McMas Teacher ofFPiano Singing and ter she intends to make her home Musfcal Theory Organist Choir With the Warnicas Jean in Tm master of St Andrews Presbyterian ronto Church GoldMedalist Toronto Cont Ted Jardjne Liberated servatory of Music and University Mr and Mrs Norman JardineI of Toronto 113 Worsley ISt Tel 2215 Creemore Itnee Stella Latimer Angus received word on Satur DOROTHY JOHNSON Assomate day that their song Frederick 01 Toronto Conservatory of Music JamesI Ted who was recently arm 351i iiiiiriiriiiiir 322 CAL imvgi amers mi 29 in APPLES 25 CABBAGE and London Eng College ot re orted missing overseasI had Musiciliano and Theory be prisoner of war in Ger many and is hemeYI maroon McAULEY whom Thanks OrganistSt Georges Church 152 Maple Avenue JOHNF w00n BARRISTER AND son ItTOR mtaioooo0I tiers of grateful aclmowiedg We this wed wt Peace and order mm being with 1Petiteletterhead 33ef2iilmiilhe3 on ythh I5 and hClS been our reulgoal the cal Red cross and Families1 from overseas for the135tb0X oPIIOMETRY JOHN ram Thankful we should be Proud We may Wellrc iigldfrrcighmaiecggmubiergihof aAgRlTEltI SOL CITOR ETC II II beat the courageous delity of our fighting men Irwm Eaton Brennan KI IROBI BARREL PFScI Bar my and the women who have backed them up 353 Twat353 93 nimioposptTOMETerightme2962 TVETEmNAnuN 3c 3995 rII II and of the proven quality of ourlechnical minds Eagllr gtifrsnalm fmm Begg Attendance 96 ml industri ROBERT SMITH FLEMING Md Josf cue tho kferis ifIth lid 53 01F ToleTglIST 2588 ggglamgnlwafgg gigglith 0133 3232 can er flex You SPOT ugtgls 96 drill II mmohon Canadas new wardeveloped c1v1han whomthe USArmy OSTEOPATHY MHIWWIII abilitieSishull be applied to assure better living 33 imwlmmg against Wide Wk FUNERAL DIRECTORS wotw vnmnanr ety of diseases preparing him for EDWIN WILSON BSA 00 iihmsyou wth iI PPe which expanded to an was getting his mm at mom Simone Kinamock saw ASPAiiMius Pwe me 9le war llldUSilles of Ontario 50 fifth jabblnf The nurse immuniz HomrTglfghg 22335 pmI Ihim ted him to IN II in 2mm Pea your gydrosgnds ready slegeve Mindyou said hepTnf PM no By appommem P0 PIOVi inn ependable Inot complaining im just wonder IT lowcost electrical SGIVICGIO homes industries me whether there isnt some other SM c0 FUNERAL 0mm dams gt part of my anatomy that youIcouid Ms 13 III pumlum rm running out mmml NEW arms The name lieutenant AND EMBALMERS Wm looked him Over slowly bored bula mm Th up OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 20 Mary St Phone Th MISSION or ONTIAR Io 811 your 9130 W51 DiCk BARBIE OINT PHONE 2530 your CODY xammer 1855 received Subscriptions your spot hills to reach youyilook on last ad payabledn udvance II It gtAI