ll ltoi lily Ill iiiiiir tll fall itii llliillitl Desires and dreams and powers lenge to meet Earl Rowe in public And everything buffsleep debate SWINBURNE Duncan McCuaig KC federall BRIE ONTARIO CANADA HURSDAYMAY101945 Simcoe East LoanI89 Urii zzt itt ln taint Itll hilliiitt THE BARBIE EXAMINER BA 2A Timely Message mewwmmi CHURCHILL CALL By Kiwanis LtGov illli ltloi ltii til min tiiilzisilia iI ioti til xiii Mimi ourr than and hliiiiauti also v2tu iilt clamisle Imm lit in II II II Sririal utlrllcs II left to tltuosr from III sum lci 37 Ubjnlltc Iu Ittc Itlll ix II uy sill HUM LA WWW ml IVOIlllthIS IOI =Iliiilj Ltd tart lt lilfllttil origin pp lithll Oz GCIICIBD Bronco 1315 its ii it liblltiill 21tiii ot it mt Atrium Latina Gordon and field III tiitftitIiI iilliliill Militant II Seeds Ugiiiia lgi tiriiiiiti sit out 95 It That iliiiol Hi Lt 1i II WC Um midst of Will Top IOI llivllli si tilu intuit thiu 12 Vicaoiia llailtor Ilililit inn UH Ow 1510C Ii lit iiiihutlti lilililllt ill Mattlitiuil II ltlltltl ijiiii Total $1 Hitiiroii glitzyiii tat II it ti if II Garage Operators Hear III VIIIII II minim of IIJHIP Talk on PSfon Rings Ih III lilm is Iiaiiiliir oi oiiiuicrce in in tit my it iltillll Hi li it ILi tlgt IHII hriz IflIIIIlIWHII if iitiaitt toiiif llJl ii mini tilt n77V AA tint ii ii iml itll at ti lui in Ill 1m Ina lx1 Iliilllllldllrltlillirlllllll llllt to ii tti out It li tiitiiiiiLYtd ti lir lit um ll tlil ltti iiinsi lului illtl lltlth ltiizl xiilrlii IO ill lt1lllll llrnll tilt Ln girl imrL iii itlxv3lliii iittiiii Kl lillill ll III ll illtlitfsinllw ll 1iwim ii HI III lhr liii tl iiiix mi VIIIll IltllI Iv 12 ltIJI HildaL illn ll Wm mphm Jill iti ti ni ltti rlillvlr lilI Hill tx liltlt li tilt ln to it WITH I3 Ill uli lIttli 11 it 1i Iii in lrl usi zioztirli viiiitczs Ittil ii Mm mmm mad the task Sim an that llt li ilxl iw ii iii lill it illv ltii Mull iitl um lingu Eli tutti Iii xllilllll of III riil tit IIl iltii tut it ill iiiii had to IIULL IIlIIIItH iIttlil liillii Illi lllIIt IIIIIIIIIV IIII III IIIIM IIIIIIIII lIII rtl ll nilil tilii li Hm Judy ll ItllLilli of tfttiiih Ltiattiiiaias in tat vi litllilt in om iwm iltiltlltli lfiiuill jlilhniii UI tritdit ttxllllllhll animal It WW ll MW my ll lymv MUMHmmuiym II HENRI HI IIIWI vltlilfit Intel to llv lciiii til ltll Al itbills il ll Iii illlii llIl lilltllnii iilltiilil tout ili l=t tJl tit 1ii tllll ltillJtl Mi llllisllltll Iaitl llhl li= lttl HIIHIIS lov iii lvillilt ti ii ldnlx Hmll 11 lliii llltti lit ltiiil tiIItt Iliitt with Willi W11 511 llllllil Jh II itlllIlil ihtlllrdllIlr ll lirl It it llltl lllllillll lzlll lioiii tlic lliillit tioiil loi the aint iiid ili the iioiiiial II III NIH II IIIIII II ilal til lltll iiiilli ll hillle til Ill it ftlimir itiiiia ll Ill MINI MAI MIN IIHIIII lltllittl iiiiint1il brunt aiid Hf lllt Iltltltfli SQUARE 151 iInw li tullitiii In tw WFuiitl o1 Im II font ii Hui gtiim iw Itliliil liLiiiiLL ugh of iiaiiictiriiit bccauw ot 11 HULMIW Iltipllcwl NW 1le iiioi ii II lion lairi it riot 141 an tart thiirtli is confronted uilli titlii Itll tl It iiiit Ii it iit llill atititt it til 12 Hit ilai ill iiiii tit it til umooormoloootolnum hill Hllli llllllll III IIII IIIIII III III IUI itiiiil Iliiiik llit lllllltll Ill Illllf Illt lti=lt 11 it ii ii iv sg mmmmwu drip ii it ltll lli liuiis aa mtw ut iiiitii ol iliil Hum i1 mm ltigt atom In one be lotlavribiii for lilt old ltritrh roi 11 din wan Vtltiltltd lllt iNi llllll lliiiil tlI hittiilgloiitiii PM mnmmm It IVI It 1x 00 liirc Lil lilttl in Alluvial itltltl Irll ii vi III II IIIIII IM rm iliIJIiI IH d9 II III ill llliliill lil lsllltttt Irsbvtti tiiti lllt ltllli lll liil lllll tor ml lhl NINJA ll Hmmmv MW III lains of Abraham as clialleiiizv to Ll Ill ummhnn llII1II WWI lialt ltltilll ltlltttl Ltlltl Alli your lmnll WNm AM Hi Hi In liii opthint and concluding ic llltt lllt WWII EFilltt yiLpltytd iith tlllllI ioi lat mist ii Illt AND HHII IIIIIIIII HIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIII III llltli lii lltpbiiii it lLlltll to tilt with ill lati lti Simpson who represented NW II Mid M135 lillltl WP Iltll IDDIP llit pittisltlt III III ltllll IItItiittwitll IIIIII dim It IIIIUIIIIIIIII mitilwd tit hp iillyngwmiil Illitii lllttl ilill iltti Ilittirl liii Inn II II mm 1mm NMV litiitli as the special missionary tXItlltl ttil It aw and llt iiiilt iiir lliit Alli iVitatiIon to the public to ttttiid tlit IIIII IIIIISI IIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIII III IIIII Wm dII ltn Plcsilyttty was glad to wel bociiurc it Is the Illgtl time have Dedlcqllon OI MHIIHI Hillllil illili 31Wll lllmlt II hm II Wmmil math in Bu vliidiiiiz Mr McKinnon said he had iihovc dark days WNW WI SIIIIIWHIH road the Ontario Liberal party llllt we are today with victory IL HINNIIW mm wervulw platform and heartin approved at In Ballle Sunday 13 IV lllllnlllII 115 Uimlllllt littoral ridini associzilloii vasll ill ll lm Hf Whihml Hllltllllliill oi the Luke and lliltllv law WWW 50 In Mid CI 0C luvday on Itlliicritlili lt Will ltt loriuiii was filled and scores stood rustic izalhcriiii and he introduced ll ti ltOBEItlSUN rot1 PARKER utttti Illti WWI Al litiHIgnia thanked the spczilLct at Ilw hack of iiw ituii riion was III orgy lt salii nc so tininy II II IIII illdlllllrtll Utlllit Hoard Sonylien llonteisoaitl mm nmo boyii Illittlt to preserve mm ltev Watson Itreiiili iliei speakers included Jitncv Illl lcivc II ll tiVillliitioii lliis slitiiiltl llt tiiiiv OAIt hut III lIm 2980 zm rm rm mmkwivm jIn WHIMI Ilobiiisoii ltcv ihltildOtll Mackin illttl Hull Duncan hltLlllli Aim III aiiuiiaiIioii lt are going to llIitXILItlIII II II II hard llllit kctiiiiiii the peace lil1mll UH md are liviiii lit highly ttiItiilllMtl so mm IMV md II lml Robinson lllidlaiid lawyer Fi2 tittiliuliiilit Wt hoiild Jakt1 tiiiiolInd Idmfm ENI Mlldnf IIII sit down and ioiiiniiiiic with iiiirl Illslmll llmmml Lng Ealhi gSMWS SIN II is gm withinltllllg was Sllll indication that III WI Should IV In km Hm Mitthell lIIcpbiiIiii would be llIIo Iiiext Premier of Ontario He said things that have been handed down= that his riding had to share the rcI Ito us by those who Went ovor llieic and offered their all It all is right Spanglbmy my Ml Drew 90ng IWMHH WWIWSI and if his start when they permitted llllllI ilcttriniiicd to til the right tliiilttt Gme501 SlmEOO Ea by arch Itth to Wm build honeyuvmw niatioii SOIIIItI years ago However iiiitiiily and better world That is meat Ml Drew Wild have 1Im of Kiwanhh la real battle on his hands IIII he eoii llie llllllilltllttll was introElem mlmle 133 ljdfly duced by Fast IltllinGOVCllltll RVVI Murdoch lilackinnon 017 Ilt McVittie llltl ti uittemi cx llgwlli led cfml tended thethanks of the Club me If pLfIQIICO 53 was llltl tirm citiivntion that the In the As faIrmerIyou need TEEN 16 time ilatl come 1or all citizens to IileS Willi Wide deelp PROQFRLINFH take an active part in politics And it dont know the ropes Im going Here VhEIe the World is CIUIPI to know them before we get veryi Here where all trouble seems far lll this campaign he stated Mix jDead winds and spent vaves riot Mackinnon said that the myth oi In llplibtflll dreams of dreams Earl llowe being unbeatable ii watch the green field growingdying Explaining why he was For reaping folk and zoning witnuio Liberals the clergyman For harvestlime and mowing Ildescribed the Conservatives in Can sleepy world of streams ada as being at the same old re actionary level of those in Europe am tired of tearsind laiighleiIvho helped Hitler wise to powerl And men that laugh and weepyIhey are of that type Referring Of What ma Come hereafter to the CCF he suggested they were For men that sow to reap at the otherextreme with some am weary of days and hours thingakin to the theme of the Com Blown buds of barren flowers munists He also threw outa chal treads that biteinto the roadmforword and back wnrd Tires that can pull yououtof tough spots and keep yibing Every thing you would expectin tire you get in Dominion Royal Well be glad to help you get your tire permit candidate in Simcoemrth asked aside in favor of menewith no ex omen Are peiierrce He stressed that the Lib 00 go 09 resentinguall Canada and support To make thls Slmpler 110 51 ing this contention pointed out that hearing test If you are temporarilyl deafened bothered by ringing buzz the ConsulEth had 0E1 30 mg head noises due to hardened members of parliament in ive p10 coagulated wax cerumen try the megf ML MCCUHIE made all 89 57 ELIZABETH STCIC PHONE 2694 many say has enabled them to hear the war against Japan well again You must hear better AlexMIF0rbes 0f Oriiliafpma ggtrga53 Iggillsefbmaggl atfsgnccg vincial candidate in Simcoe East Ask about Auriiie Ear Balsam to spam Hepburn Ina day For sale at Taniblyns Robert of 30mm the man Whorgets thmgS sons Drug Store and all good done and said he was glad to be Visit the Only Recappers in Barrie IAurine Home Methodtest that so peal foreveryone to cooperateuu Complete Tire Service dluggiSlS supporting him Orville Toddintroduced McKinnon provincialcandidate for Simcoe Centre He said he wished to state that he was not pushed out of the contest by IM McKinnon and wanted to Cantradiet rumor to that effect At the nomination lie had promised all possible support to McKinnon whom he referred to laughineg as the only honest horse traderhe ever met McKinnon told the meeting that his Liberal beliefs dated back to the timeshe taught history He recalled that the Liberals were or ganized to overthrow the party thatthought it should rule by di vine right Referring to Premier Drew the Liberal candidate said he knew something of the background of Mr Drew in Guelph As knewIthe Drew family there were only about six other families in Guelph good enough to associate with them Speaking further of gt Mr Drewas leader he declared Mr Drew is teetotally unfit to rule this province Pointing to the CCF Mr McKinnon said he felt their theories were dangerousand that every vote cast for the CCF it was thrcatto democracy Con WC THE ISABIJIEANTI ooMFANLLiMiTED II IIIITIWI SHRUBS chum ransom good representation of farmers and sympathy exittitled tohis bitI tlltl reared family SIMGOE CENTRE ELECT The LiberalCandidate His RECORD Lag Experience in AgriCultural Affairs wanna Mme 11332 itiiltttstfdthat Managing Direcrorancl PastPresident of Hard of eral party was the only Party rep II Two years in Barrie Town Council Four years On BoardzofEducaItion II 9ij aIsvChairmaln II Successful Businessman Simcoe County for many years gt VoteIIMcKinnonfor Capahliiand PAGE BIW mww RECOMMENDS THE ccfywm PLAN 830000 IN CASH TO YOUR FAMILY in uyuld ct deal nor it 33859 IN CASH for expenses caused by death PLUS 100 MONTH for FIRST YEAHI 7599 MONTH to SECOND YEAR 5092 MONTH for llllllD YEAR All pieiiiiuiiis on policy will be paidtip Ly Age 00 ll llnillizliLu proteotzon is 10 longer needed poia 5th Le vatlsdliglml dl AL lwf All 41iss am issued an briifilr Putiziiit arranging iii xilu billIIKJUY ltlfllltlrlal lli2llllliliflli it Lotti vrluuclr Agea zml ibitAll llfAitnllft fiiliittlisii lliiltc iivff iitiiiiiv dill Ttltrrilolla iii listtinioi iaic iszitliiitig italicifill Nl EXCELSIOR com MI HI NIH Atltllitjt5 in The Barrie Exam ifxiiiiiiir ClinJlftLJs cost little yt3ilII xIIlLiIiI In incr get complete coverage of lllil but give rczults NH mm ih pcoplc they desire to reach 2586 in nonfat thigh tln town alone plus 2330 Within 23 ltcad rules Classified Advts mm pIIIMIIII miles all paid in advance Total You have yourself toblaiiie if You WI FI AI IWIPHI IIITWI IIihdriliutiori 7000 copies have to pay higher rates Iltilllll iltaiiasc iii the iitoliicii ot hziitn Si NIlv but an tiiioiii aging tacitm til lint itiili ll ItllIlilIilt Alto there has llttll it Llilltlit oi tiizlit iii the infinite ot clams being taught by Ill tlilil Jll public and high Mlluitlf Presbytery authorized lill illlllillll ittt oi hrntiaii lhiutatioii lit iiitialv lll toward the Itlrlllll tioii of boy iaiiip oii Georgian Flay CRAIGHURST Friday May 11 at pm SP 15A KILRS Capt Douglas Smith East Simcoe Federal Candidate Ray Doolittle ProvCandidate for East Simcoe Inn resswelL Federal Candidate for North Simcoe Harold Bingham RCNVR Prov Candidate for Centre Simcoe ORILLIA ARENA Saturday May 12 830 pm TCF Provincial Leader IOLLIFFE Barrie Watchfor Thursday May 17 Death of Rev llardon note of sadness was brougtitl to the Presbytery by the announceI merit of the recent passing or the Rev Arthur Harden foritierly Chairman of Presbytery and the minister of Coldwater church be fore he resigned to enter educa tional work in connection With the Chaplaincy Appreciation of Rev Mr llardcns contribution to the work of the Church was voiced Momma900 oomo vrooooJ Wm mmoulrm Provincial Ridiiig OF McKINNON ii tr ive Reii sentatioir