PAGE FOURTEEN SMITH TOWN CLERK FOR 30 YEARS linnlinis vifi way lN your own way Here are definite practical steps which the Liberal Government has taken not just talked about liutliltctlt to make this lanarla better place to work iii and bring up your children You will have to decide whether yogi want the men who devised these measures to carry them through or whether you wish to entrust your own and your familys future to others 34 Retonstruttion Plans for jobs for 900000 more workers than in 193 and 60000 more each year as the Dulation grows livery kind of enterprise will couraged The Liberal Government has set up the machinery the Department of coiistriiction Foreign Trade Liberal objectivczSixiy percent increase in value over Canadas prewar export trade This means 45 Forin4mprovemcnt lounS iiiK thousands oobsfand is Basedoa the number of jobs created byCanadas normal export trade Credit for Enterprise The Liberal invernincnt set up the Industrial Development Bank to provide money at low terms to help enterprising interest on long man 2773 ULleilt tll llllll rl Statoimnt wiutoil lion lllt tiltit If lI lii iintilillt Cal tollm liovcil that tllt tinli ltltl tuken thiV iii niobium in the lltlll of ti no hiatloo Hittll from ttit rutttnourd iota lltlillitlt have tvtl tot hurl tltlll to lliutoi lltliltl uii lloinmn Key of Wow the uutlll II lltl flltllt to 1tltl of the Medal for luiclmllwmll in Illk lhiiio lluii Stiiiirc offered it llli liofosionill MIN ltlt Sittttllllii Mmllltdl lthov were liuestioncil by both local lllgtlllltl of ht tvil Hoivirc of ltlliilllfl llll llllil Willi llll Inuit provost ilillt nul ltuthutn llJll zuiarlzi rlrivin off with the air not stoplt and the lllue lloont lpiox for anything inchidiiu tiny lv nly copy vell tttlltltllHll llllilc lllm lnorth bnrrier camp llc liailivhat lllltl lllft in these in are brothers the dew must inittl Humbled into ltl With his uniformlol tintsprint problems tits llllill us the iconic and we most avnati tit tilts Now lmt ropt who have the verve lllroton vho based liei remarks on llc still anti know that am God YOUR Liberal internment under Mackenzie King has taken practical steps to see that every Ianadiaii alter the war shall have wideopen chance to make real success of his life it can be done by giving everybody the opportunity to get ahead faster and go further isnt that what you want chance to make your own thousands ofCanadians to own their own homes In the rsty3rlUttLQermtInylsdefeatacleast Returning Veterans NW MVPm forget color The llltitllitlLL worship service ttl Ittllltllltltd by Mrs ll llalhctt lln closinglltl service she urged the knowing that nothing can happen lotl is with us and lie is our refuge Mrs ll Armstrongconducted at very impressive memorial service for those who have been called to lllighei=SerVice during the year ers Robertson placed beautiful honuuet on the table in their mem oly The afternoon session was opened by Mrs Clemente leading in the devotional exercises ltcv Dr iGreem pastor of the church ex tended welcome and llev lAuld President of Toronto Con lfercnce brought short message illc said it had never been easy for the Christian Church to advance and the postwar lays will be more difficult but we are not the only ones concerned God still lives God never forgets and He can do lmighty things ifwc are willing to give llim our best Family Alownmes Mrs Campion of the Deaconess From July next Family Allowances are to be paid Olden made Strong appeal for more deaconesses There are so monthly to assist parents in raismg their child min ret ucqts comin ii ti can ren$250000000aveardirectspending power not be filled She asked the WMS in the hands of people who need it most members and Sunday School lead crs to present this work to the young women as vocation Sim coc Presbyterialf is asked for two volunteers forathis year Miss Helen Day of the Literature department presented prizes to thompsonvillen Burns and LStayner for being the best read anxiliarles in the Presbyetrial She also gave preview of the new study books lfor this Fall Miss Ilolt who has lately return gel from Chinagtasfintrodueerl nan MACKENZtE use ta am New Homes for Canadians The Liberal Goiernments new $400000000 National Housing Act enables hundreds ofI 50000 dwellings will be built Gratuitieslicnefits and grants of $750000000 will enable menand women of loprrewlmsmessnother step towards creatingfullemployment Exports Encouraged Wartom countries will want to buy tremendous uantities of Canadian goods To facilitate this ilte Liberal Government has set up the Export Credit Insurance Act to do two things to insure Canadian exportersuagainst 1055 and 24 to make loans to foreign governments un er contract to Canadian eprrters their energies in bud the prosperous Canada or 477 menthas been planning Floor Pricesfuniler Fish and Form Products the Armed Services to a5ply f5 111g Interestingreports of the Toronto Confereiice Branch were given by IMrs Kirby and Mrs Johnson The election of officers conducted byMiss Day resulted as follows Past President MrsIrVTIIarvie Or To protect farmers and shermenand to main 11 Pres Mrs Bard oruai taindprices the Liberal Government has pro chcpresldfmls Mrs Harvey Jolm vide oor prices under their reducts Pref 50 B33 Mrs R05 Goodfeuoivf porous farmers and fishermen makea prosperous Stroud M15 Fallon Mldlanl which your Liberal Govern Your Liberal Government has made low interest loans available to farmers to nance their workaiid make improvements bizGuurunteeill Markets provide farmers with better wartime in Lorne the Liberal Government made contracts for denite quantities of important producthlhLiberallovernineiitwill gradually reduce Frank Grilliu community Eriend taxation when the European war isover to freeO ship Mrs Ney Midland Lit agreed iiiceswnotablybacon eggs cheese and beef ese contracts have worked out so well the Liberal GovEfiitneiit extended many for lunger periods thit you lioveIdoneIinMuruyou can do in pence You condo your part bysupporting the Liberal Candidate in your constituency Miss Lawrence Creemore Ite anldd cording Secy Mrs Hewitt HawkestbnezCtnTespmidiiig 7581 Liberal Government has conrmed collective merit boards More thanmooooo workers be thwards Labour and theylabournioveinent now 331 annual vacatwns Wllh Pal ft Mrs Vernon Johrstn Stayner As freedom and World Friends Mrs Archie Mrs RobeitSOiiIBarrie Trees MrszC ParsonsBarrie Depart meiit SecretariesChristian Stew bargaining prOVidedtunemploymentinsurance yardsmpI MFSI WI LudeIGrfoIIdI appointed labour representativeson govern IMissionIICircleSersI SI RubyIMid landi CGIT AffiliatedMng Munro Midland Mission Bands Mrs RoyUrry IBarrie Baby Bands in cooperation with organized Labour the cause of the Liberal Governments attitude sociateMemberMrs Kirby 2Relullo inihxulm Collingwood Supply Mrs spending power and to give Canadians every erature Miss Eva WinfieldYic opportunity for prosperity employment and toria Harbor Missionary Monthly Basleyf Cookstown Temperance and Christian Citizenship Mrs Geo Prixham TOttenham Press Mrs West Thornton Librarian Mrs Halfyardfarrie Without Port follo Mrs Sinclair Barrie ada has been brought under con trolmto ensure supplies allocated to the United Nations Combined Food Board Rows THAT AGAIN Daughter Mother are Iyourtth nearest relative Ive got Mother Yes deanand your fa ther is the Idlosest THE EARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA SECOND Ann INSPECTION 0F SEA CADFTS il Inr secretary rillllltfdll of ll beryllium II lAliUttt punttitcd ltllAs ioiiuaii itimh uull Iuintr lhoinpsonvillo hillia hurelnlllue of the mess tens by prinnsraoo tum Mum IIII IIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII and Ilampshnr Mills for the bound tapt Warren IVilqar Ificei oinnumthniz llcadiniartoi otnpany girry tlll Siniroo lol esters in tltIilltlxtlttl of Mayor address on lhc Need for Cliiistianl Education for the Youth of loday Ito us more than we can bear lllilllup iyearsiagofwhcn itheywmnved Miss Ruth Jeniiett Toronto is snendiiig this week here Willi her parents Miltliillml ivY Mr and Mrs KitIvk vilrtl friends in Suighamptoir Sunday Miss Ruth lennetl lorontii sprn last week here with her parrot llenrv Davis who was taking short course at Cornwallis has omon to 10 mm CM nmmmn mmod hIImCI Miss Ruth Alec Toronto vias ll xl of Mr and Mrs ll llari 15 forithc weekend Leading STillllitll Billie Coxworthl Halifax is spending furlough With his parents Mrs ll Dunn spent lat week nil Toronto anti attsnded the WA con tllll while there Litc Schlaht amt Mrs Schlaht Barrie spent the weekend Will the latters father Bates The many friends of lhompson Jennett will be glad to know that he is able to be home again aftW his recent operation Mrs Mervyn Martin is patient in RV llospital Barrie havint tndergone an operation lhnrsdax Her many friends hope she wtll soon be better Misses Norma DaVis Mllllitl McVannel Marion Arnold Murray McVannel and LAC Viennel Toronto and lsola Bani ing Allandale spent the wneIkemt at their respective homes Sliver Wedding of Mr and Mia lticVaimel Mr and Mrs Bruce McVannrl entertained their family and number of friends on April 28 it being thcoccasion of their silver wedding anniversary At 12 oclock the guests assembler in the dining ronm where dainty lunch was served The table was tas fully decorated and centred with beautiful wedding cake Mr and Mrs McVannel wereI married at Shelburne in 1920 and resided in that district until four Ivy Their two sons and two daughters were all present Their many friends wish them many years of good health and prosper ity Too late for last week Miss Ella McLean loronto spent the weekend with her sister Mrs Elwood Jennett Walter Mueller Calgary Alta spent Thursday with Mr and Mrs Beverley lennett Mr and Mrs Frank Hill and son Toronto spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Bcv Jennett MissDolly Edgar Toronto Spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mi and Mrs Jas McDermotit MiSSMEliOhAtmdfMiSFNDr maaDavis LAC Murray and Mrs McVannel Toronto spent the weekend with theirparents Lstl Howard Majorv Toronto Scottish who has just returned after five and half years over seas spentTuesday and Wednes day with his mother and Mrs Jas McDermottI here ChristChurch WA The April ineeting of Christ ChurclLWA was held atMrs Bev erley Jeriiietts on April 26 Mrs Geo Davis took the Biblelread ing MrsIDann Willwallettd the annual Conference in loroiito this week The secretary read an in teresting item Ifyom the Board bulletin reporting an interesting address by former rector Rev Wilkinson of All Saints Church Kingsway Toronto on clerical rural work in this diocese Mrs Elwood Jennett and Mrs Jae MeDermott were appointed lo NEWSOCIAL ORDER see the other churches as to oor covering for bedroom and the hall in the rectory Mrs Bev erley Jennett gave very interest ing talk onILatin America illus trailing it With map Mrs Robt Dann and Mrs Elwood Jennett sang duet Mrs Geo Davis conducted musical contest Mrs Bey Jennett winning the prize Readingsiwere given bv Mrs Lee Banting and Mrs Jas McDermott Thelayette for children in Europe Was packed Mrs Dann invited the ladies to the rectory for the or illll tin lit war lien in iusi paid la ililii llltltl am th of wnmj lint lino Lots who has szivcn hi lilnnlilol month new pitsiitd Ilac tlVio late for luEl ttlil WWwMct BRENTWOOD iilt il mil llttill huich for Me lfll Hill llt li killiil till tliiinzinv Apr iii The hh cs Atlillt ll klllll iv lit IlI large attend ltt tie Ilnuch in failed to ltlll tum tlltt of hwnltl our loinmi to vulcrans of lil lhrt vct noiv rniva lllttltill by tho llltIlWil ruunnimity lt the Storm firiinlv and the ii tw ltttll ill in inwiy of thohoys llt have paid the suprcnn sacrit ltll Sail It Winter If on liullstlziy for overseas Mrs W111 lichav lorunto is visi thug her sister Mrs lllllltltfl Leonard Hwhinsnn New lmvvcll We are stirrv to repott lltul Witi Davidson had nan est may one bottle of tape from serious injury on MIm rt when the team he Was itllIll from NZW Lowell tltll away tlnw ltlt him from lh wagon ll was taken to llarrit to doctor by Francis Mctarthy who happened long shortly after the accident Wilfred escaped with painful head injury and bruises itctl spirit the ttcklnd with Mrs lirur Mrs Armstrong ollingwoodf utwli ilw weekend with Mrs Robinson 4M and Mrs Alex Denney and cril Utopia and Mr and Mrs next incct The hostess served very his lunch and happy hour was spent over the tea cups ZenE til It vatit In we WW llluit lit Lit ago wxi in if It la in iiiilllliuti lrn tltll III my at lillii lilll ll ii EI Mi Adonis vet iiii WM ll litliix ltltt with ilil iti ft fvi tll ti MO PAM gt ztmr vs utiirll unit is trnit II lt sunta at snot In the lOVfltMt of minor mar itt3l him ii ltitiltlL traitor of lu lyinalmmq thrillth lirttthI ntW II little thwn the titxiii to lii harm and fmslmrw triIttll llllIIZr it tHChOhN lttll mud iiiita inm Softrme waIsius like cltltl the no iitim ltvltilit ll and wprg like iron IllIlIlltti 3m mutpiiieiit uu merit in nihmi Hat Velvet hmth la ii iv ici gm any TIME III HI ltm pristoiiiiifyI Iy piIiicttluzt tl SeulLUlofs and 05$ lt iit ii may item unun Ni utr tnt tit Ii1 ill ill lets it Pl rtrtllltr ltlcfflige Ill PM llml il ll Your Nit 59 ltlu nzitti tllttl Kpii iitim llil it as fitac it mitiltlttl ti tnlrl lit Ifit II It Vi no irl at ilitizmiii out tttltl ltili lliftllll tl The tla vttri in lulltl lion l2ilti ti ixr in HNIII It li II llv llirrzr Ir $111pr ilt ltlil Melititt lx ltttxte norm ltTrl lt ill court xttni itil pi itltt Iii ml 11 itrtptrmr Ilatl lltill priilnnrty tc Ht ttt fitlyd UP it lplniii riLZiiiiiltll tl pitwtilril ltgt it vlt WWW vith tlitllll by oinrizuirlci ilrr lSE lllltlll lltllL on Tl WW rtl5 ililllilliltll lht antiviI liwwirtIii IIIII II II II IIII IVMIII II IIIII 3r IIlIitrwIlI IWII IIIII II Ev Iv song Ill luit lll ll Il it it tin is llttl iv lllllt ins IIIII tnrl lfl itltrllttlt inttttv Elm lI tli ll tI IMO whv 2Illtiliiii it lilii lt gt il lithlllih when Slow Mm ll ll llv l9 Ill fir loltttiit thin llll litttt truirl =irt to wit on trout ll hlitulu li LilM timid illdtai llli7 Illitli Nil wni tm axlmh is ttrtplrtl and Di ill 15 it fl fitlllill ll I7I lJJmLLigxwwmImuxm Liglll4 ll ilol smplr niitn iii ellcctn loinnnidir hltifiitiuiiihTTTllfjihf lull will yix7iiii MI 51 Honduran ii on Ktiiiiltlnicd lthrtltl in congratnlitiri them HHI Hmm II up it II tv zippl iuton 3th docs lftip1 porfiuntilnti til the ltlllt Hm than Hum III sin Entttxttt ttrHIttttttlv NH The inspecting Itlllttl raid on tlvI Tm mm or lt not till It grownd tiltywi Hittith It lht ftmi vtlHl enjoyed tiltstlYllll the thn ltIIlIti II IIIIIIIII IILIIII II IIIIIIIII II Ill Ll ll II HEMFIISZLIJ hllllilfi lIInnIlILIItil mu ii lihh tnc average but on some litll3 it ii ll Mtv liuiitit the motion on oltl tl I4I II II JIII II II IIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIII III II III IzI lli llou Iil illim lift ml mr illlml ml uIll Hm llw whom Full ill lille vi ill lyi lit twill lliillrni liotti fl le rt IIIII IIHII III tr IIIIIHI II1IlIIII will Ijltttth Vzrtory lom tHllllMllZl lno II II II II If II III II II IIII III IIIIII IIIII III ii if to it it 51 III IM Ilt lift ii wr II IllIIIIIIIl tltl added to the llltlllll of lltl HIILIII III IIII IIlI II Hwy II IlIl IIIIlII II III itini ili it ti IIIII II III II IRIIIII tv tr LINN Luv 1w Hip 3111tl II IIII III II IIIHI II IIlllllsllll tt flittllIllI teeming flitl Inn Ihlh Imilipd gut Hir IcI II In ttIIttiltI lltlvl Illitl lilllllt IIIIII IIII II II III II II III MIIII II It II HI IIIIIIIIIH hymn II in It it illltlt unuiltuli lui iii ion lll Imtl ninth HI Teak Slallon Wagon ll lmil ml ll lthe Victory loan ointiiittco Iuizir5l lill lliw l5 llllllll Vlml ml ii Without PCHIliSSlOII ll Ill Ell mi ml illiosc present to rwlllllitili thr llltlI lliIIEHIlIIItItIIvI to then ounciI ind IttllllIl to III1 the int gt tt ltt lli tt of tliltlitll inilt tlll IIII IIHIN Ivmm IHZIHII in NIWI IIIiIIIIIIIII IIIII it angling tilltllllllltl 1mvi to TWO SOIdICiS GC GGOI pl tt iii torunt that tiny IIIIII II in Mm ImIN IIIII II III II NIIIIIIIII IIIIII II whole Vllttit tltuil incl fir lwl II Numb mitt II Lilac lln llll Followinl the llllttVlIm lll iiiili int llltl itll litillillll tl Md lli and ill lll lit lllt HliIIniit iv tlltl in Al oo not also vnlll 7h ll ltttll moo Iorplion was held lll tllt llilllllIt llllt HM Littl divitrtilr Ilit tint micr lltvitwltwnt lunX Ml ml llll Illl ltil ilm UllVNW ll tilt14 if the north NttiVl lll ll Al ill tlil lvithl Mr not till llvlll to old itinl other nihnruls vhuc ot lilttilll iiilitit tll hymn milinivint vltttiili llI importin officer and piitlyl lllilli to in hot III hIIHMMp Wlmhihv of the Ill Elwim hill il WLlll llllll llil ttontnnuvl from page evon oil the office til llH tll llimmlm ll ttltlltllltl 34 ItltIlIlI lljilt lillllml Hull lll ll Mi Ml ll ll llllllwlllvii ill lliihii ill ll hulk Hill lolwl iil fulllId ll Ill 81 full llitiilllllllilill ail ltliiull lit llll122213filililx ll illlliiymll Vllutnitt lli louio lltllt Itl lllll in In inoii on Hum mmmpp of tho ltl ll till in ltnnatvay MAY ll 1945 THURSDAY blm 4W clan mama ELASTICA KWICKWORKGLASSHE PHONI lNTERNATIONAL VARWISH COMPANY LIMITED Illtltl IIIIIUI Illlllv lllthI Itllll Ilflll llllllll HICIMIII Mill lfu Urinnhutt llt littltl iit ttlltit tiiiorni lttll ll tlttlll lltidtlllill Hiiltliilliil tltttltiillllttlI II rlilillth lllli llllltlli tltlt tliti tiont titcliiiiie ti lutlin till To Exhaustion iliit lironit fatigue and nervous ri ltltlljllttll tlrt urttinr turn down tluvin in lllllllll noili own in ltgtlgtilt3lltl It in high time for it build up with Dr lttisra NliltVli ltllltl the It will help to mull culmuiI M1 WI anr iziimlv your nerves and help you to in lltlltll ltl Germany on tipiil 11 Davidson lainlully llurl lttp better It will help you to digest your food and to regain energy and vigor Ask for lin new neon lwithout noon Dr Chases Nerve FOocl at lllillti lth3150 Burning Stinging Eczema or Salt Rheum ECENHR or salt rlienni no it it commonly called In one of the most painful of all tiltill troubles The intense burning itching and sniarting es cinlly at night or when the affected part in ex host or the hands placed in1hot wetenoro most un bearable relief is ladly welttinted lly Burdock Blood sBittera is based that such ailments as eczem impure blood condition Bring about inner cleanliness by using to help cleanse the blood of its iiii iuritieii drug counter for Price 8100 buttln The Milbum C0 Limited Toronto Ont The re of offered Ask at any tbrbugh7 alive mfg on the knowledge and other skin troubles are caused by an n9 we Tycherryem may 161 Childrete cherished hop Of all IiivvssrfmIIHE Bssr By helping tIoishorten the ar byl day Iab6tter the homecoming an hoursQr even minu ton chances of thousands OfC Thats why there must beatno leteiip Ihoi relaxation here onithe bomelfrlont zThatsI Iwhy we must purchaseBohdsIfor Victciry BondsiIIhelpxbuy the Stuff of which ViCtory willvbermade Victory Bonds will help to shorten the war1 Victory Bonds Will help to hastennfthe return Iof fathers husbands sweethearts and friends Victory Bondslwto hay sons brothers Powerful things eIanIclIto hold RTSLJhAI