Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1945, p. 11

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isto cacao THE BAR BEE EXA v22me 074 mA THURSDAY MAY It 1945 WW MNrrrer lltXltiltlAtllAWt UlBhJIIRPHY auxinmm min gt itll it er WWIITLSLITWWTMTIIKIIKIITA oweomomomomoaomom a= if it sill rbrl Zinniatrunk wt fWkUll If laiislnm ltletz i1 51 rt ll mp in wwv one tll nttllxh uai tlltlll lt lll llIv it up mtl Iaf tln GOT YOU DOWN it lel HM MIL 11 riHlh yummy Itl li it llltlltli top in ltllltl in tt ml itll ltil on 0144 ro le 1v llmw Mb will ht till ltl lll it fnl this lit2 filial arithex for both tllu itgil 1il act gt ll in tin lIIlxh ti illcit rii Ivitr lit Iu rl 31 llZI till leln If index lullAw tltl ii31c li it 1dll not now it 13 on with tI it 1f to tn prune 47 bl li litwi funwlu til it lilft4 lIIt lbl la tItI Mr ltlIli MILI IN ttlll ltti Its main liit lit IIiitil1ttin 5i in li and llxatviiivi H5 Iiti Ll it mt wt ill lvuilt 244 All gtli mini It ii twirlx 41 Mai his ill Ration Coupons Vnid Iii lot and Jan ll hl iili amt ll lt lll Mill fiinllb Iljtrliiil iii Etitlll 442 lin ltltlt ratio Utll tillt3 Lip out ttb tin titlil il Nit with II mlt itlli MIN tt Ill tllilt and took A3 hit Ilt lilti ttxitilnil it ltt ll tltrmtnl Im II tl vomit HERVE rm morn MUSTARD it in tllu ii ti Ill ill iittll lut ii tut twat rt llll il in lit ill tit HAN it ioIvntw uai mlm not liiiiU im itll ltllil ll liim tItl ii itwtlv ll hurt lion ll II AYE now an oirhitil tiII a1v inf pinl Ill Erwv In llIt ltl lill omnu FRYB is to Quaint tlllillltl suit Illl tllttllllt ilrv IIll happy thn almww oi llllll lurinm lti illtt IntIIIasINIumin llnit Church tiwlat lt of pretty Wilda iclmli iattu tn tlltl lllv ttlivn llrr Iliaill unitcii lli menu lltuvth Illeaiwr tunili ll clfl on Itll violint1 In It Ellazutultlin lttlti ttltl lllleritlllt li litigll tn tut7 Hulitpl Iii ltl Humid nAHv crixtzm It 230 490 BIRDS EYE SPtNACH or 4ll il tit Mor Pkg 32 ttlil in llt tttltto wore hormin iIlIu IJIlIIiuHIM UH WUHT MW 14 will twill hpguutiplri Hm lie aill ol Ml iiul llalolri ttelltn Im lull Iralchaig calnt of lace with sh intl itl Vtll and llllll bouqut of mm in orrluiuquH lit lb and Ilat it runs and Inaldenhnu felt tionii 55 Myrna lirmau Allzuulalt LT mm Vs who was the lttltltllltltl was III Im In lmhh ChrStlon INHUCHCC MM mm will In Mm Hm ItIaIIIauo and shc wore an tlitttht In China Cause md Wyn THNH MW own ot izutpnrc lace and not made and mauve sweet peas Hmffgllilltdict 1ltlllll Inset of Japanese AffOCk LL mm mm vlmm are Imn lH pom ct itais Ine the Luwiomsinan and the llhl lmjmhml1mhmfhhkbfdg my 145 Ktlbtllll lieu of LL Roy Amory Canary led with tulle held her fingei3ltiip1dum W1 1mm Univ Hm Jumps Hump BMW EVftll She carich tritnrie tillritlLH versity spoke at olliei St Unitmh or llrrson pltywrl the wedding mountl WWHHJ Fillm ltlullllmh Church Sunday IIIorIIiIIuuiviIIu Pt Hp it oI ililllll the Lltmllllt gifts were to th lilllll ll Hm picture of China and her needs to Frail brute set of furs to the brideu dlmlldx 955 lily Dr Kilborn was born in liinai HIl llti lluce lwllll lis During the IIun of the nuclei MI lllltillml lttllll ol the Ln llllllt salt lll Walk lieuldt You In IF Alltl illt ttiI trlihlhlt ltnr buffet hituhcou was enjoyed by lb At Lli in or HI Ah Ii no iltlliltlis present imam lt stir no zuu Mrs Mills left for lrr Avedtlintz trip to Toronto Hamilton Hugesimszcnm and North llay For havollmu tluI luide dress Mm itlltll2llfh linnli All lllltltlllll tttlltttllx of Hat Isit ll and hlll may MIMHUHH Jim 1an It and uaritl tl ll it ul llllttll son of MI and Mr In Hum touto tt the IIlJllltdit of Mm liwnias latltszn Calgary Hi iblarv lbralwtli ltllt daughter of tl ll ll it and Mix liotitIt land to Mir HIP lti 45 l42t it Iron In buy rni in nil Sim ll Kil Illilllllilllllllli lilPtiQS 3234 at lust Hi cm In all Sim wore litllllttl illli 6V rltlml we isel ru lltili Hillilllil llLIlS ll 15 tlltNll lelli Impurth lortu lllrnn RH YllMS 211com nniiuuu tylitnrnm Ittl 72 PltlDEi rm ARABIA Chmtmlo mans ltlilllllltttttIl TQMRTOE Iilitnrnia Largo till Sign wailiciurrrs Dont break your backyou dont have to scrub and rub so hard Almost like magic ill lcttslyo hisks away dirt and grime cuts right through grease maid tortoiso shell compact tiltr M155 AH lillt Will WWW but was educated in Toronto lbs1 tho groomsmnn glrrvtsrirtnddo the it 555 hm il 110 fittiftPJlJtfmttitVL Kilborn all lms ows m1 key mm organxa Miss Joan lhomns Wits lllQ of the pioneer llllSSlflllillttrfii arrEWHllHHdMhdKrhvMtgilllwitr lT went to China In Win andI ctition was held at the hum of wore iltlllllil VtllWV Tho was one of the men who started Hit tim in Medium tirrml lets you fly through heavy cleaning without ing tin of Gilletts handy always Handles mesz tasks too Dem dorizes garbage pails that full strength it clears clogged drains first completely destroys con tents of outside closets Get some today lNecer lirrolio Ivn in Int water The action of the lye itself heats the water MADE IN CANADA exhausting drudgery Keep wonderwork the brides parents when about 30 guests were present The brides mother was in fuchsia suit with black accessories and corsage of roses tancc were Mrs llcleu Woodlo Ionto Mrs Queric lorontsi Mi Harold Byers Toronto For the honeymoon to Ilutfzilo NY the bride donned beige suit with brown accessories and corsage of red roses On their re turn they will re de in Barrie Those attending from disf of the bride matching bandeati bats were trim lned withbandmade organza flow ers and they carried loosengse Lays combining the shades or their frooiis Lieut llrute lorrie llCNVR was uIoomsmau for his brother and the ushers were adet Officer Ward Cornell Mr James irown Sgt Fronk 7reue lieut Itoss lolliffe Miss Jones is graudddughter of the late Rev Matthew Kelly who served in the Ciuigregatioual Clntrch Edgar for some years lIlllSllllltlll pretty wedding was solcmnizcd at 700 p111 on Ttlcsday Mayl at the home of the brides mother at Montague Prince Edward Island when Mary Dorcenyouuger daugh ter of Mrs Murdock and the late Murdock vasrunited in mar riage to Flying Officer Donald Franklin Mills son of Mr and Mrs MfMills of North Bay The cer emony was performed by Flying Officeruthe Rev Biueloiv RCAF stationed at Charlottetown lhebridc whowasgivelrin mar riage by her uncl Dr Heath Mae lntyre of Charlottetown wore floorlength down of while satin with full skirt and fitted bodice and string of pearls the giftof the groom veil of tulle illusion 75s caught by cornel of orange blossoms and her bouquet was of American Beauty roscs Mendel ssohns Wedding March was played by Miss Louise Hewitt classmate The brides sister Mrs Albert Goswcll was matron of honor She wore floorlength gown of blue taffeta with flowered headdress and veiling and carried yellow roses Flying Officer Bill May of HamiltonOnt was grooms man The brides mother wore EMPIRE TEA IHAV Flt FOR KIN powdqr blue wool sheer dress with vs 105 The Soup Sensation of the Nation Corsage of red carnatiorts The ing outrthe shape ofthecalf your legsa little too plum Lie straight as possible Drop trauma sour 771w croise faithfully repeated 10 or til Upcrsistencc here quickly brings West China University at Chentul Dr Leslie liilborn returned lo China in 1921 and has since bccnl on theistisz of that university lnl ltHZl lIc accompanied General 0d luIn Canadian Ambassador to China on four month tour through China When the first missionaries went to China 160 years ago they found people Willi traces of fadingi civilization Leadership and ambi tion were lacking There were three main religions Confuseion ism Dowism and Buddhism These were in conflict with one another and there was sort of fatalisiu that things had to be acceple as were no one Could do any thing about it The Gospel message brought to China by the missionaries has taken root and is spreading in all direci tionss Japan saw thvchange that Christianity was making in China and resettled it That was the real cause of the war Chinas biggest need is education The universities and schools started are overcrowd ed rWhile the native teachers and ministers are doing wonderful work there is great need of west ern missionaiies teachers and Incd ical men to guide and keep steadying influence That is why we must support missions in China HOW lO HAVE PRETlllllt AND SHAPELlEReLECS By Vivian Tait pretty pair of legs has helps1 more than one gal on the way to faine and fortune Here are few tips that will help correct tht commonest leg faults First to round out tooslender calves stand up straight hands on him heels together toes out Nowiraisc up on toes then bend ineeStuin ingthem out as you descend lhen rise to original position This ex times daily does wondersdn round Are flat on tlIefloor placinghands on th small Of the back Now raise legs inlvthe air keeping them your right leg to the floor then raise back to origial positions Repeat this eiiercis vwith Vrightr and left legs alternately until you feel real pullon theleg muscles lo remove blotchcs and small flesh bumps which show through sheer stockings use mediumhard brush or rough wash cloth and wmkingup good whipped cream lather with your favorite complex ion soap scrub vigorously little back the satinysmooth texture youfre rafter Remember heavy legs look pleasantly s1immer in dark or dusky stockings Seam less stockings add to toothin leg Slightlybow legs can beimade tiil look straighter if the seams dire WOItLQLI theinside of each leg neerer the calf while knockknees are camouflaged by the reverse ideaanchoring the seams nearer the outside of the legs ti RuoLABr1 iLIPTONS TE MUllGHlES ODEX loiletSoap Cakes 1i Arriving Fresh Daily Onfdrio ILg Green Gators Rhubarb Radish Spinach and Asparagus kwdmgm How to that Sugar for Canning Inui It at xiiirial hum tanning unzar rnIIpom twenty li pipwrir common in Illtttl Book No an being IHJIf atailaliln tor the purrhasv of sugar for running lIwa tlll4Itl are good tor half pound of sugar uniii or the Hlvlltti mine in commercial prescrics for lllP am the snow at an at nur preserves coupons otr It use no other lelll promHrs coupons to pinchin snu alto at half pound cnch Nu ewliance is necessary Your grocer ill accent an IIlulprvscrIes coupons when you purchase actor for canning IIIerr are unit only two liinrlh of coupons lm lugU he regular sugar coupon good tor one mound of mg ynrroi m1 and the promrips caution irtli half pound of sugar 94 Juice lt= Itlcuil of Iltll Eli Fl GANNING COUPON CALENDAR llltl All llli March l5 tl tl til 11 April Ill iui May 17 l7tgtt luprn Cl i7ll July 19 I2P3 llli ltiJ ltt Flt lltl Ill lllll For tho below Wr coupons for prnwrirs uill lie Iom good each month Special zIItro i1 lASll SPICE Luncheon Roll 115371 PORK Loaf Ii21 lljl Kilgltllll RMUJQ il 3l2llilljl EINERS ilzirtioixirttricilxh HEINZ STRALNED rl BABY FOODS 3053525y CRotiN ti BlltllL 3J7lj In Preserves Cautious 1241 Pkg CEREAL in CANADA liretut VflAMlN BEVERAGE VlGOtltt Hlthl ITS FANCY return itllCE cltorcu QUALIFY 29 orcrocmiors 24 26 El or This DELIYIierIchi ltth F031 471 20 FLAKlIZS in eniacrss YORK anii SAWWWH SPREAD Large lkg GERMlCIDAL ANTISEPTIC of WVWWWems ygt 5011113 wcooi3ocrsu2ogs 15 Basra SLICED liliearultheeieloaf26c DUTCH Style EFLODBVWAXiitg Cami WRRCH F9l Oltottlilfst ticLash Lfgng VXQNSUCJH tit 26 SMOKED COOKED BitthFiltlCIiSlYLE Lit Saugage ill3512 srtvrit carni rot FACIAL SOAP HAW 32 eroii lift ll oz Bottle sCARrEIs rrirucui 15 43 Bitter Sweet Pure sevillcDrange MARMALADE 24 Hot tar 21 lresencs Coupons guilt consortia to than

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