rs++r=1 Imke lh iiarr Mt thtldici Lll Thuuleli Shower for li Bulge we presented Mr ltuielitiz It lIIIwei ll gills new and gloom lgtllt fur rpm Institute lllit hItllit April tourist and ehINl le ft limiting Prim ilis tiv 1fl threat ittt tllit IiiIi In lrr zeztzt Agnzl in at ti and His Hutchinson it llttircrs lilrrtrtl in liv Mn lililt lsl Vtiwltt Il tni IttI illlt rlnnth rim the 131E BAILilE liXAidl Ml Illa IIVWJE in lltnllnt All ll illlt lea TVlI III WIN IIIlIIIIl ilukfh Ltd1 much th til eslet in IM Mi Ll limit itni Linnh lwim in ll Bonner lilIli or NixI ltt but Annual iil ti M1 gL iv II IIIIiizl in It iIIin loltliun Mt lilt limil Ht IIl II lt own Station ltmarto lll the hits lIIritlnzitI lllalllfivl NI l5 il itll fII til Lti tIv the IIv uit Itll Sh Ii lhlui Ml Him 31 Ll blight ll llmli il liil1l lilll lIii IIIliivil ilIlillH It1ii llitilisu 1lw llwll will RHim xlil Unix iinti Ii lttWtl or II tin it lt tl rt onnniltu iwInviieix Agniultqu lullllll hits lleul lilillli tlw ttwl ii mutilai Mrs Slim lllllllllll 311A M1 and Mrs liztant lie ll ll II wttIItr Itiw lltl lII Him in iztuut It lli llau lillwlllil litmuch lull spiu Sunday will MIgt lIII IiIIl Iiltrr llllI iIi II iI vmx Iy hits Illltttlt Na in iilllllltlllll llntiitlil Hlt Ill util Iilt IlIIIIIIl li ll Iftlt llenni Vltlllt ll of lilllll All lett Social uiIllate All ll llll arruthe it ltititih with lm Flori tit1m lilslm Lauder liilrlitIf My ll file an I1lvll lhi tlivnd Wild it gt Vm Work Mr Hunt lu nr lllll tinny lilrsl let Miss Smite ilietirlaIilti xt Nex HHIllltl Mitv it at it lllltHDIIH thitmsriiy kll at Mrs lltletI shI tl olllaxin ionzliuiiu lit thII llllV ha te lin llS me at Mrs lIIiniI quested rruthers luesilay iith IIIII attendance hit IntLoki tart Hiv Purim lls iv izmt mrI II II Mr and Mrs ll lltlltill Irl its llt tlll win Hm HIM 3mm ill UH lttzgwHil spent Siintlay Willi Ilt IMis illltnlll ltlil on my IIIltpi5 pow Lennard Mtf Euil il ll Ii Ii lI Iit weni ill llltllllilttll tins The latiiq3 Aul incl ll Mr 1leii lp llr ur iIii an an attietoiis Vldllllil afterEadzan Aiuuuhul gt1l7 lanit ll lIreui of lIIIlhir uill iil noon delicious lunih was ten In Sunday Iv to Ir he llflllvilIlsI iiIIriI served by the hostess ll to IIpnl flm it man it with heart ltllillllitll Mr and Mrs Munroe Adams re was ahlII llllt tne fr Iiu thc Ian llllilL lnrontrr has hIrltilI tl cable that illlil sui ll llV Hospital oi Siliirtlay and is Mrs Stinplitns store and properly Luv HHI VI HMH liud irrivetl safely In England liltlllllll alqu tztItlv Hoiiwhud Beat1L 10th liill th lmlmlh Mr and Mrs Cm lIinlllll unit The llli til th it it All are glad to know that lects and to olleiziate stiul family have returned tron lhun Hy Iol initlr prewu Wte hide to he out Iut hIt hill and have taken up restlezve it imailqwl is It ale IIlIaguztn though Slill Ilttltlttll mm lnlyhllh in lvlvlmh or of iardtirrs houses ltoiuenmle halt III and Mount the eninneiulIIrs and Victory by lliltlltl with Bachelor of lmwcr for Mrs 1Glllllll1 ll rIvIIue lIiiti twin tIwIlIIIuI fillflllll llII hotIi callers shower was held lill IiIrtiv mute art rt wintew lilgt int nImu Als NIH In Human liarl liithti lncc llarl Rtllvlilt untmc lIt inl Itnf Mi and Mrs llavid Flllsll English and lrettth noldsl at the home of Mr and Mrs llveryIInI in iie Illlltlittlv more stIiz a1 lay IIIft veIIJqI lltnr Reruolds drum of lii askiil to lurt all tiun hi Itn llil their aiigitsr rs APPDHnHNJt lihmu erlgirlslslagtd llll hriliniauul lillli at th rest tutututitazniiwllI Mrs lruv 3904 Barrie which brought 1101tiil nflat Mrs Ms Walt tll Mrs VVlll lltlld Welland lsI laughter lhebridc rercivm many Igdmrml III IguIHMVI Ijllt gt1an timi uttlr herI lovil presents 31IMIIiip mm III IaII utis Mr and Mrs it SixthI hmurl will fl llll tit llll ill Iv Duuna Maine Mason treated nI limpiwtdnll IIIIIthl 1tllillltl of lltl little friends to riI SIIIIUII gummy Ipartv last Friday ll hem hr flirl liltlllitl Church ptl an em 1lltilllttlu IIHIiIAVIsIuy were in airl oi the Sinin Slil IIl lluillllllll5 Ml MI IIIMWCNI In IIIoi iiIIQIIIM AliConlwy who LllLlNilllh her IIIIIWHIIm and pm II itsrth birthday anniversary on May nIwa WIII WINS II IIIIII5 and to Mrs Wtrklum on her tilttii on the pram Thou very gtI1V MU much IpItIWIIIIIWI Recent visitors included md Mrs West Maple at WitCs llnitnerson Wehli 42 fl If youre really year doctor But if you ust feel dull and headH achey you may only be sufferin from in complete imination Heres how one simple change of diet can help you keepti Start now to eat lOOK FQR the name Kelloggs Bran Flakes every morning To keep fit the natural way get more of the ubulk your system needs by eating deli cious gentlylaxative Kelloggs BranFlakes With 0therParts Of Wheat ll see ellogg way yellow package Regular or family GlLFORl Bell for several lays last week Mr and Mrs Owen lwll Mutton parents at in the end Cilfnrd encc at Sunday Mr and JaCk Bracchrithe aurt eitson aul It Struul illllllliltl lltl Ylli Alis lllll lll7 tors with Todd England place in June Tired toreth Ibecause forgot oneisimple fact RIVING is second natgreto me But somehqvgmy cab seemed to buck me at every turn My job was terrig strainrbecausie was nervous and jumpy all the time And then was told about the 30day test started eating Kelloggs Bran Flakes wary morning in 7635 than month was convinced what difference one simple change ofhdiet can make Now is when the dayisdriving is done still have energy tghave some fun dust thirty days should rovetoyouhow grand it is to feel alert to have the energy for all the extra things youd like to do Youll want to go on keeping the Kelloggs onthe distinctive golden at your grocers size Made in Lon don Canada by the makers of the famous Kelloggs Corn Flakes Bobby Harman Angus lllill the weekend with Mr and Mrs Wil ford Neilly Mrs lluiinrlly oolestoiith visited her laughter Mrs Owen and small son John riited lllt Owen week number oi ynuu people from tIInIei Churchill Saturday and Mrs ilutkle uul suit littl Ii Todd luioilo here Sunday visi Mr and llrsShcrinan The engagement is announced of Arthur Wilson Bell RCAF son ofp Mr and Mrs Leonard Bell of Malton and Joanne Snellint of Old Farm Avenue Sirleup lxent The wedding is to lake Harold Robertson and lordru ludl wer in Toronto liicsdrj IlllllLI llliClillllltl the supper Lllll by luminous Plans have haeu null for serI lllllCll was served by the hostess shower held in her honor at th home of Mrs Cowan Jr Muti cakes Ayliuer Miss Meeson lorIititIi Mand Mrs Kneeshaw and Wayne renttcils with Mr and Mrs Fred Webb dance of loronto Western Hospital in lllllllll of the graduating class of 194 Miss Olive Robert son is member of the class The Womens Institute will ltt 1n the hall next Thursday after tirmn Mar l0 All flll ltlt asked to havct zrr reports for lhls melinu Roll call is to hi answerd by donation iIlI bulbs or Ithmts lhllll will sIIlrl 100 of prayer and thanksgiving iu St James United Church Stronil upon the announcement of an Al lied European victory The hour is set for 10 am but if the an nouncement should be made too late in the morning of VlCltlV Day to permit of gathering at that hour then the service wlll coin mencc at nm Presbyterian WMS The April meeting of the Pres byterian WMS was held at Mr Harrisons with 16 present Mrs Nelson read the scripture It was decided to have bake sale at next meeting in aid of the fluiw er fund also shower of small articles for hospital bags Miss Cowan and Mrs Hand took the study book chapter delicious assisted hv Mrs Cowan Brideelect Showered rMiss Margaret Third popular bridelobe was the recipient or many lovely and useful gifts at day evening To the music ofllir wedding march Margaret wasleti to well laden and beautifullv decorated table Mrs Suther land iead wellworded addresx with best wishes for Margarets happiness and future Margaret replied in her own cheery way After the gifts had been opened and duly admired singsong anrlI iuiich concluded very happy cv ClElllg gt7 Inferdcimminational Fellowship Between 35 andr40 young people from tlieIthree local churches Anglican Presbyterian and United gathered for an evening of tel lowship in the Strand Community Hall in April 25 This was lhe final meeting ofthe season of this group which has beenconducting asuccessful experiment in inter denominational cooperatimr After couple othours spent in mustcal games IBible quizzes and singinc led by Rev Cathcart wit Mrs Smethurst at thepianogthe young folk were hungry enough to seriously damage the beautiful and delicious sandwiches provtded by thelunch committee Albert Reynolds president of the Socrety in few well chosen words thanked Mrs ISmethurst for her help my providing pleasant evening and Revs BCath cart and Paisley for the faith ful leadership they gave the group during the winter months in Chris tian knowledge and fellowship o7 SAYS RY TICKET NEVER LOST ln3 years railway experience says AlbertA Gardiner general passenger traffic manager Canadi an National Railways he does not recall one case of railway ticket being lost though many are mis laid They always turn up igt It pays to read and use Examiner Classifieds MWH ha 21930 00 Jut WHWVIWH ILING rowr 31 deliciom TASTY COOKED MEATS SPICED PORK LOAF ll MOCK CHICKEN LOAF 35 Hill Ill sl ix DUTCH STYLELOAF 25 MAC Ciirrsriou In 25 COFFEE Finc or Medium ll vs Illllil WiENERS 27 lllllt BGLOGNA Izzt lb pkg LOBLAWS EGGS EVERY coo GRADE BLUEBELL Bland GRADE MEDIUM SIZE Fe 001 EDGEBROOK GRADE LARGE SIZE Per nor STRlCltY FRESH 37 ii Dwa YE Intr hi rl iiilreliiiililiilin MANE LEAF CHEESE PLILI 19 returnableholllM Elli iiIIrtu In HNW IXIIII IE Palmolive ill 533 lo IIIII PORRIDGE itif 17 gs4 Super Suds tittiitriii 24 lMt 10 liATION neurons Ivory Soap tun 153 63 SANDWICH SPREAD 13 17 VALID sr iIiiIti KKOVAH HEALTH SALTS 23v C0 Starch Itll 19G wwwwIIIIwwmw Floor Wax Delia Bram Hutu 27c ideal for loaslror bandwichesl MApLE LEAF rLohlaws Bread CAME cl lirrii FLOUR rownlng may 10C Hmnil honing rllulllZ Illnltull in lII Chlorideof Lime Ilnlhun 14c ll2lllilll Assorted zin Shoe Polish me ROSE mo YEAST aluke 156 no 44 ourimm gxtsiv$ggs 25 We Mix DR BALIARDS DOG r001 memes iKlBBLE 0X0 CUBES Jul 23 i24 jMEATiEs 212225 Vioono PLANT FOOD lit 10 ITERRIER CAKES More Flavour at Less Cost LQBLAWS ORANGE PEKOE RED LABEL 127 Pkg in TEA BAGS Renme Offerwt complete assortment and large variety of Government stand ard dated packaged Vegetable Seeds atrialImp WNKET WW ll vand highest quality Flower Seeds an 10 treasure 35 65 anutllhl EXT Hm ALII 0mm viiisit Mm mm outlast BUNCH oNlMllo cmmmm 0l over nuirunmn SUNKIST SEEDLESS GROWN GREEN ONIONS WINEAP APPLES BUNCH EB so Size sis iiiisiu MEL its 49c 13 45 3239 annoys least one of these sizesin all stores citrus Sin $93 NEW itor Gillzg u55l 3224th sis 45 39h SW uf Large 30 size FCllRIDA VALE Solid Green Illeads Full uneasiness 52 45 imported At least Jll of these sizes all states T03 lit FRESH DAILYhEADY TO USE Fig 2Ih Pkg summers PURE SEVIhL RANGE At least these sizes In all stores WA AwaAu WA Iceberg LETTUCE for It Size Elli ler Dux Size HF Per Duz title 100 ler Din FANCY QUALITY 28 vi oi lin Aylmer Pumpkin ROYAL MANOR PIMENTO 31 Zliiilsgiiegggunthms QUAKE QIJICK cooler QUIALITY Macaroni iii DneedBeets WWII winnnrv Biand iz CHOICE QUALITY lllurascliino Cherries TIIIIIIIt it Tomatoes 2m 11 livSflY Grape Nuts WHEAT FLAKES Quaker Qulx AllENS PURE Apple Juice no ivntti lPreSeres enupmu Breeizisl Honey in Pkgnr 20 FlmTin Flakes 17 21 an