MS i2s 45 noon 19th THIESDAY MAY 11 ct in it IL su If 121i It 2i 21 in thin liu IIIEIlt ii liked liin jncut yer Il ze iin uitliuriii li iii IiilINtilI IJAI 11 Ily III Li tciio ili Lii ltl to Home iltf le ntiiziiitoili tau iclln number Zlc pzw ii lilrl election wr vi lurid Suitc er Iinb the fuviirriv viz Lilloliiiul i1 huh Kiri Ifu lluiiI 1y It Ii id IwIlIrii For Miri Iliilfl Plii Lott Irv tIiiir IIII gringlil IiiI Iii we xullxillIIiIt if iltnliu it 51 Kurts Sinulu II it loin lc IIc wm neohpumwl iuel spurn ly fcilm Arm LillntIrIllI itlcuuu lliuiirouiy or lilIiiiui in flour It remI 1Euiiiigtiilixlitciii iiirpel rm iluig if John lzrrl= ltilrri incur urol Itolit IIlliiUIiiii kilnTHIN number by urxuim Utliijhcil nIllrl II ii IvitI llctncril Humour2 il gj in llxc IlllIIItllI pianist of the even ml to frilltIiiHla jilii leiueirt Ifzrirrbtiuru vm llrllu hm WM Huldiilticed by Mr Howiien the huh MUM iw WW Utyiiillrmwi ol Irv lLlilitiI Iliilu irul down of bull if file itlziifurlwlhmm twill mm 1mm MUN lump UMle LHWIM pluycil his own composition but Irelrlj upphudul Inc NVHLHUHC Thu lm WNW NHL Hr ml mm cziiiiiid ui Itiude His final drium of the crowd tubbiue their TIWHUH lad with uh mm and IlilllIHfI was llreiliovens Moon ft3 couiiiiulron ll ilu poiiru Swimu tituoiilillirijuicil vl Slur Almmor numb by MARC lluuti was tire second movement of Iuvutine delightful selection by or American currrposer Gould highlight of the evening was novelty number by Glen Morley with his cclio The lights were dirult iu Vii lory loui lllilI clizriiiuuir ii Iorrou iiilroiillccil lipe TACK or DISHES and tried with the exception of spot light on the uriisi and be begun drawing out of iris iiisfruuurrl the awful wail of the air raid wurriluit ircu in London England Then is the siren died away the sieudy hum of bombers droning over the city was heard From behind the scenes Ctllllc the booming us bombs fell in distant parts and their ierrifyiu iututrttul as machine gun op ened up The clever performance was cliunixed when it great flare lit up the building Rev Mr Howdeir introduced Captain Rawson to the audience report of Rev Mr Ruwsoirs address is in another column of this issue Following the address of Capt Rnwsori Mr Howden explained WATER WONT RUN OUT and he made an appeal for col lection to defray the expenses The collection was taken up by liCI girls in their school uniforms The grand finale to the program was the Warsaw Concerto by the English cumposer Addinscll In his number the guest soloist Clement Hambourg was at the keyboard of the grand piano Glen Morley conducted the BCI concert bOIId2IndIhE director WArsh er played tbetympani whiclrcorn prises such an important part of this vibrant number lhis stirring selection brilliantly performed was fitting conclusion to an out standing eyenings entertainment The chairman called on Chittick chairmanpf the Barrie Victory Loan committee to thank Capt Rawson andK Morri son to thank the assisting artists Mr Morrison announced that sales men were at the door prepared to make out Victory Bond applications for anyone who had not yet been called on by Loan salesman WHEN THE GREASYMESS that Clogs your drain pipe meets with Gilletts LyeI its gongl Fast In no time waters run ningfreely agairpAnd remem ber drains stay clear when you pour in ilictts full strength once week Use Gilletts in solutions toget floors spotless without hard scrubbing to lighten tliejload of all your heavy cleaning Grandest way yet to have clean sweetsmelling house without break ing your back Ask for Gilletts today Never dissolve lye In hot water The action lye itself heat the water the singing of the National Anthem Barrie Examiners circulation with total distribution of 7000 copies weekly gives quality with Iquantity Itspaid in advance New Recipe for AllBran Muffins E4sy and betler than ever mousse Arram muffins cups Kelloggs egg AllBran cup sifted flour cup light molasses teaspoon salt 5i cups milk teaspoon soda Add Allan to molasses and milk let soak for 15 minutes Beat egg add to first mixtureSiftrour salt and soda together combine with AllBran mixture Fill greased mufn puns two thirds full Bake III moderater hot mien 400 about 20 minutes What rich satisfying avour you get when golden molasses and toasty AllBranget together in tender hot mufn Andwhat adeliciously mouth melting texture Thats because All Bran ismilled to make the delicate shreds softfarid tender Enjoy these grand mufns with glass or milk for bedtime snackor spread them with jam for the youngsters when they come home fromschool Get KelloggaAIlantoday2convenient sizes at grocers Made by Kellogg London Canada Helps keep you regularnaturally an Hui if Iiir liliut gtIitl tlrc IQIIIHIltiI iicirr r7 conclude wili the touring inil IIH that the program was not being Now you CCFcrs be quiet for the paid for out of Victory Loan furrdslrest of the night Again the iudi Theprogram was concluded with fit il 213 it fm IIHPH urir fina iviiuim IIJI til tvi Iiril lgrlix IIIifx iilillltlrly the lion sum the xI tin IIIVH part of llu Join vool iItTIilllthl if pix lliz vsitli ct out Iiiiil loll JVIIILV toriiltriilcv for inc 211 iclnry loin Irririlv etiiri wil thel ltrI Vi lt Iitlr iniiiiii lll uurtfiicu or IE iiienteu cl this riiiiry ILI youth lluw tuir incl flute uul inut lcl llum Iil our iurul W0 lfl lli II Ind lirlx und luiwtx jzruiul IIIIJII lIIl lIsIlIiiII thin Int util III Vliili Iiri sliiziulr lll Ilii lliillli fii=lcriitioii Iii lliIl ilriI I=Iui Izui IliI iIIlW Iltl it Iiyliill ULHI ul IiUJl NuilflfilI Antirelii our ruwser URGES BUYlNG VICTORY BONDS Confirmed from page one Wliell Il llIiiHIltd ilil Iiitior of the build IlIll if you do not vutelr oui well sled Illll 1mm you lie siziicii Referring to lien Morley null Clement IIuluboiirr tire spcuker said there was riotlriiiilikcpzitriotic effort to bring out the INgtI iu suclr artists luiveui Come here to sell you bonds tonight Ive come iii tell you if almost made rue shudder Illl tlrui bomb failed to go off Capt Iluwsou told the crowd in tffllllf lo the lruitzitlori of an air raid given by Glen Morley jud prior to lri address DIiIlllIlllI tliui Ilf has uveruucd eight Victory foiii lltItIlPSSUitl day since April ll Tupi ltnwsou said he was riotgelling puid one cent for his services And the audience mur ed with lzrriizlilor when he uddcrl that no one could accuse him of be ing supporter of Muckcmic King Asqflre laughter faded from this bon mot the speaker added up extra bit of humor vlreri lie luteijecied crice was rolling in laughter and the final puirclr was when this dlcd dowh IIIIII lie con cluded you Conservatives be quiet too youll be quiet enough after June 11 No subject is reserved from lev ity by Capt Itawson not even reli gion Tellinguof his trip overseas on 2i bomber lie culogized Cardinal Villcneuveingnerousrarid glowriig erms In afinul burst of praise he described him as one ITIhe finest Christianslie ever incl This or pansive speech from Protestant clergyman was greeted with thunderous applause And so it was throughout the ad dress From high flight of dram atic oratory Capt Rawson threw his audience into veritable melee of laughter He cracks jokes at the expense of anyone and lirrs the audiJence coming back asking for more But in addition to all his jocular ity Capt Rawson did stress the importance of the 8th Victory Loan He recalled that six years ago in Barrie he had prophesied that he would be back again six years later asking the citizens to buy wru bonds Now Ill say Ill be speak ing for Victory Loans two years from tonight he declared Stressing the desperateness of Japanese Capt Rawson reiatedgthe story of the fight for Okihawa It is almost identical insize and con tour with Manitoulin IslandTwo of the most powerful fleets ever assembled in history 45000 picked US troops and squadrons of planes one ICl rave never ore been seen in thevPacific battled four webks Andwhat happened The Americans had taken 0003 yards and 1000 yards of this was retaken by fine Japanese The Japanese are not surrender ing The Japanese are dying he stated After Japan itself has been taken thereare 10000000 trained troops self sustained in Mancliou kuo andChinzr Cent Rawson said he Was urg ing the people to buy bonds in cr der to avert the possibility ofa re volution in Canada followinc the war man who has stake in Canada makesjgi poor revolution ist he declared In conclusion he related mov ing story of young Canadian pi lot of 20 who was slrpt down by delivered he battle that is aheadwith the TH HARRY EXAhirNYR HARPER ONTARIO CANADA this it HOLLY it AT INSPECTION Luckm it re 77 uh it ta All ix it In Hale you reprise your gubgcp German fighters Two daystrlater he WM found near his plane He had died waiting for someone to find him WhiIe he lay dyiniilie wrote note Tell mother loved her dearly and Mom please leave my picture on the living room table where saw it last time was home All ask is measure your effort by his sacrifice pleaded Capt Rawson Tell it well and it will sen r9 Barrie and district telling is best done through The arrle Examiner THREE F0 the Stockinqlcss Vogue DOROTHY GAY LEG SHOW no sum in MAKE up liner Smouh In ihn wu Nu ant322 rgams Good News Good News May GOOI NICWS now in all Iuiublyu Stores CAKES COOKIES DESSERTS Get Your Copy 12me iood Baking Buy VICTORY BONDS To the Limit LSE gt In New Harmonizing Color Creations Louis Philippe DUtBARRY NGELUS RED worn rumor are warm are CORONATION PEPPERMINY RED PINK roam are 109 LUCIEN LELONG SOROCCO REEDOM THREE FLOWERS DON JUAN CARMEEN CRIMSON REGAL MILITARY RED RED scream DARK RED TRUSHAY CREAM The Beforelmnd Lotion Guards Hands Even Ho Soapv Wale Quickly Reliever Pam Headuhe and Neuralgia Battle of IOO 27c PALMOLIVE SOAP GIANT Size ENCLlSN STYLE HEALTH OVALTINE Keep You iecling Flt Tonic Beverage For Young or Old EXTRACT vSursu urilln renown GREEN so BURPOCK g3P 29c eueueni Purgatoidhe SHAMPOO Handytor Gnarls ymlbmt TAMBLYN orseeesmnmsorf the Office LISTERINET room rower 79c GERMOLENE 77 THE ANTISEPTIC wQuick ReIle OINTMENT rand DRESSING For ugh em If Acid Indigestion Antiseptic LIJ imam it BEEF WIN Paws Heartburn ogrzma and RON Mouth Wash and with Excellent for Gastric Gallium Disturbance Soothing and Healing arse492 mm Deeresea Mineral rountomc uman DIME of no on khbrlnnr tunmu autumn Moogust com 15c35 Hands Resastancc Keeps You Fit new 9219 So ifln mull buy the 23m the to love you JJOI nut fouluirbz dmfyuyk um am OfNqulftwnl mm STORE HOURS4000b Tues Thurs Frid from 830 drum to 2650 830 pm WednesdayBO mic 1230 pm Saturday 830 am to 1030pm Open every Sunday 12 to 5131710 pm on SICKROOM misnomer men Hosraccoon earnest