BARBIE SEAR zucizsuax ainfi Eh ufaw womowomomouamonoc TO ASSESS E550 NEWS OF ELMVALE EL onomouomouomouc AT THE Market Letter of Appreciation to the many friends of Wrigleys Spearmint Doublemint and Juicy Fruitf Chewing Gum tj were Pr Uullk Ziiig is 5119 and 11 tv illiui litVs Call 1Flill SHAKE leiTi of ii fjiikcl lilel lilttl ti netlend llet lpr lt Spi it 13 ltlfil Hiii lliul iititlulwl vliii liliiiij iti if 1tl xUi iii Irhic lillrltit1 like Jsdllll malt gt 2w Hos Red runs ihlllgh Slllil Flux Ilxlllllll uiijirivi lll rais The itl litl lii ii if ili Sn lit Yluzi loiii itrltv Now ljlliVJlr ia ll ltllltll ti llaiii liitl Overseas lit tl Baiuicrnian lb liil tutti Wm litans ll Cakes Pastry ctc 3i imp litAF =lti llxlttll my of laltt ixli illl lt4 of Main yin lillai llulif lll Id iicnw itllvt to Stir LHr Zilir lit tillm litlcllllfl inil 1r with Willlt Toronto at Hiltons Mr lllltt and children at Wilszm llwsats ulls on lliglicryiclds stronger stalks uniform growth bcttcr resist ance corn seed to suit your own conditions these are some of the characteristics that make it impor tant for youto use WARWICKS CANADA HYBRID SEED Theyre BEST by TEST backcd by nearly fty years of service to Canadian farmersfifty years in the com business Write today for free literature and insist on Warwicks HYBRID 0N5 itfakc ltoll iml bum lll lllllit tlail lltv lit lies tllrmul lfrtl TU irriiwli lcfe itllllllv ll41t $135 per 1001b3i narqu FLOUR MILLS swim lllifllllll iv Sixitil lownship liurcli Servici for 5le Fire lwiiliip Wai Seivire thauicun duz ip ry 311 He was fIElil Hf mils tiziii If llltl Hm ard llJWl xini lit pi il llltl each nhudl rtvllN L1 unlit Day BBAN iiii ch tlttli TififEiT EA Tl lii llltf lliillillllt rivi1u ii lt lltltl tl la lliirtipe tlt cw lll lit jouil citiveni clergy in this liillll have lilll iiiv1teil to take part charge Campbell it llnhinson It Word comes after ti pin service will held llle fulliu morning at ll urlnrk if ll arr up then the service will at ll llll or if between arid ti in it will he held if oclz ck the same lay Mrs Alvin Simpson Heads lilmvale The annual llltfllll of lIlinvalc institute pull YofPR with RWICW 153 full brand but ha in Ini Will on it let guano i=liits small at tlllulll Woolf llrinili rctlal tack place Eliiivale and Vice ilapi gt tillll llilvlll ral uvuutl asaiei lzitrt church and of yaiintt iii different lies iiitlnrncc lill he Annie llirhardsun lf liirci lLl llllll nll Fulfil Ii lits in 12th flnirrir lllllli1ti ichfrd Sloney tici llieri pt Mule Si iellc has for married of lltlltlllll lrlermd children prrdcec llltlllllil at Norwich Lodge No Niagara Falls liftnn lule Al and AM Falls and Cobalt Lodge illl rived lf and one brother Frank ll Little of VancouVrr was spent in Ontario Will the ex ception of ltl suiniirrs at school in England and Florida since his illness private service was conductle his late residence by Rev Drl Thomson who also was in charge Andrews uiven Hits Itlgtlli and legttll runnith is lllllllhtd If iiiipeij ilflil $71m ihllll Mr this Jack uuznnnq the Army The farmers in this locality busy rtttllllii and Mrs Mrs ll Wight loronto spent lllt weekend with Qtiit here Monday and sport lan infant Lucas lllllllll lie was enlisted Sons and held Womens on April Mrs lippinszs with 17 inembrs and three visttors Simpson the Navy Bruiues and Carson thunderstorm nigzht rather uuus ual for this time of the year UTOPIA All his life Mrs Eric tag lay League will be held Sept 13 The institute will purchase woollen blanket to be donated for district All donations for the layctte are to be handed in at the May meeting ports were presented Social WIl fare Mrs Tipping llistori Research Mrs Copeland Mrs Whiltoii Artivitics and presented the fin statement were held with total attendance of 219 and an average of 22 members on demonstrations werduivcn iuriin fhc grandmothers were The institute Couiitv present pr visited Sided Troublesome llight Cough Are Hard on the System We the cough that clicks the ouuh that in haul the rough accompanied by ii tickling in the throat fiat cruises the nrrvuiinil throat xviticking trouble that keeps you awake at night llr Woods lmrwav Pine Syrup helps to relieve this coughing condition ll soothing the irritated parts loosening the phlegm tlllt stimulating the bronchial organs and when flu is done the troublesome irritating cough may he lllltVtil Dr Woods Norway lino Syrup has llttll on the horrid fur the past The Trade Mark liue lrrrs lrire 35c 21 bottle large family sire about ll times as much title at all drug cuuntcrs DALS two winters in roiv war work WA RWICKiaf in Tris corm ausmcss FOR NEARLXHAU ctnrunv V1 QNT AR of the late Mrs laylur of Midland was held United liurrli rill iioon Weekend visitors and lletty llidwcll at Wilsons lthl lC lolinston her parents herej llaniiltoii Camp Borden at their iinesj AlA lxin Spofford Toronto Browns lhc followingr lliv funeral SilV Church address was by Rev Jas Isaac of Stayncr foimrrly of Stoney Creek and The scripture lest Bum ISJIIIC ii Mr aml family spent Sunday with relatives in Grand Valley Mrs Murray and son Maiiiirei Mrs McQuay and family New Lowell and Mrs Karit wood visited at Arthur Dobsons Varcoe accompan two grandchildren after spending picasant Winter their daughters in and Bracebridgc Varcoc has rented farm from Buie and will commence shortly The United Church WA me at Noseworihys Robinson presiding The devotion McKay and John lluudeii fllLlflllll period led by Mrs Robinson bers of Coronation Lodge and Ben Millnirn family friend the floral tributes was llOilllllfllliI7iglni gains were given At the close of the meet llillltll5 and friends and bas ingr lllllLt was served Day Service in order that everyone may be prepared for VsDay come at Qany Dunn rector of St Georges An glican Church wishes to announce come in early morninggservice will be held at lllt pm if at noon at 330 pm it later in afternoon at 9pm St Georges WA attended of St Georges Sunday to get rid of ch Lets Chat for report of the Farm lirtlcration ltllfltlllllf BLENHEIM reportEd Misses Laura family friend son was read lirnx College lsaar Stanley NB liarun of St Andrews choir as FlSltlfl by Wilson of Midland duet by Mrs liain and Mrs ll Cainaliau The Beautiful Gar lcn of Prayer flldortl Ellis and Wm son of Rev inissimiaryelcet The music Mrs lark it Moorf Ten Toronto lle ltc ancial meetings and and was in roll number of at of Indis ycar 48 years entertained in June sponsored furiniiiu unit Jos Mrs home Saturday and all Parcel it pays it read and use liszrlniinei Classifieds beautifully lhc hotlytviltintcrrcd Presbyterian committal was mica The Milliuru 70 Limited Toronto lot by their Elmvale weib 55m to boys overseasi Twen tyfoiir dittyi bags were filled at The WI sponsored tat lay for National Institute for Navv League Twccdsmuir Village Book has been started Christmas gifts were sent to the Christian The Wl cemetery service Dr lhumsmi followed by Masonic service in charge of CnioiiatiOn Lodge with llro Campbell in charge hearers were Campbell McGuire Western Mr liillsdalc was taken by Rev and Rev lhe with Canada Christmas Isaac the Blind and work lhe pall Island Institute refreshments at the opening of thef new Coparo Proceeds of social cv cning were used for war work The financial statement showed balance of $8624 from 1944 years receipts $26931 Expenditures $27398 ance $1763 is in the general fund and $6384 in war fund Mrs Butt gave the auditors report Seventeen paid their fees iiiclud int three new members Mrs Boyes of Lefroy pre sided for the election of officers all being returned by acclamation Alvin Simpson res Mrs Eric Simpson Mrs served Mrs with rs Graham plant hcrc was taken from the pamphlet of the United Womens Assnciation by Thelma Among wreath from Vineiituuiit Jones total of $2 Of the Illunuuulb kct of ruses from Saltflcet lownship ibrary Board lhoso from distance attending the funerai wore sun and Mr and Mrs Kctt Mrs George Gliddon and Roy Martin Fletcher Brand Vinomount 2ndland Mrs Milininc Mr Milmine trict Deputy Grand Master and AM District and Reeve or Salt which RSV Robert Misses Richard time Varnishes Paints Enamels Wax illamilton Mr and iCarter Toronto Gtildford that should word and Mrs Stoney is Past Dis Al Vic VicePres SecyTieas Mrs Whitton Pianist Mrs Butt Scribe Miss Foster DisthDircctor MrsEric Simpson Auditors Mrs ZJos Dyer and Mrs Bell Con veners of standing committees to be appointed in May Mrs iRobt Boyes dress on Agriculture adian Industries The speaker re ferred to the Old Testament and dcsmbeththahodcpfagncut ture in early days Crock FINISH FOR EVERY SURFACE Bert Rowley Fifteen Haniilton Masonic monthly meeting fleet WAheld at Mrs Louis Truaxs on Prayers were read for Daughtcr tentering fathers of the forces Mrs Mills lCd the flue Good morning dad just ran in for minute to say hello Betty ladies April 10 lscripture lesson while Mrs McMastcr gave chapter from the study book Much taken in the packing of layctte mother Just ran in to say hello f0 the needy infamy and got all my change THE SARJEANT COMPANY LIMITED an ad interest wa and Can gave Dad Too late Your gyerseas lunch was enjoyed continuing down throughqhagcs to modern times she painted out the changes in methods and improvements and molecule l5 NATURAL rams howed the of welltilled land She drew attention to the Holland marsh which until few of no use and cultivation value years ago was through drainage has been made one of the most valuable sources of vegetables in Ontario Mrs Boyes gave resume of Canadian industries many tkohich we have given little hearty vote of thanks was given Mrs Boyes for her in mformative talk Little Kenneth Parnell sang two songs accompaniedby ins motner social hour dainty refreshments sciiyed by the committee The Late Alfred William Little There passed away at his late On Tuesday Aprilvlo 1945 highly esteemed Alfred William Little son of the late fRoloert andJane Harm Littler of Niagara Falls Ont Deceased was born in Cobourg When he Mas quite young his parents moved to Nia where he attended The Rhinoceros is built like battleship Nature has provided him with Tough almost impreg nablc hidewruggcd lasting protection naming thought teresting and But Mr Baker was determined man To him life insurance meant security for himself and his family Because New York was the easiest centr to reach where life insurance was avail able he set otiton liomeback The office of the only British Company here was in Quebec Cityalong TWO 30 to seek protection Roads were bad and there was only the beginning of railway In 1845 Hugh Baker Hamilton mathematician was one of the first Canadians todo mine than wish for security for his family But there were no Canadian life insurance companies and no American com pcniel operating in Canada BrantfordRoong toorprovides rugged lasting protection During the past 39 years Brantford Roong has safeguardedrcountless thousandsOf Zahadian homes against sun rain windsawv was enjoyed and residence Elmvale resident sleet yes andfire 59 years 330 Whether you aieibuildingfoc lust reroong specifyrantfbcd for doublcprotection reaspp able cost ease of application blended beautynnd roof that will notCurl or warp or split Brantfordoofs gara Falls public and high schools and busi ness college and where his father WBS connected waterworks His first position was with the with the City lFE INSURANCE has de veloped into great institu tion because it has grown with the growing needs of our people The financial stability which it affords hop madc if an essential factor in our everyday life and vital instrument of social servlco through the 13623 if tter LIFE lllSlllllllltm Butler Lumber Co where he was manager for several Hg was with the Ontario Power Co Niagara Fallsand then went to Latchford as managerof the Empire Lumber Co Where he who was teaching When the limits were cut off he went to the Fesserton Tim berCog Fesserton mills were burned he was offered posnion in the head office To Jtte butdid no preferred life in the 1918 he bought the general store of Wentworth Co Vine postmaste there Ridgeway years met his wife there When their Returning to Hamilton he witha few momma orgamzsda hlrshsf tire Canadian life insurance companion And in the lOOyeaxn Iinco pioneerbd protection of the peoplc by the peoplp inCanadomillion of Canadians hivol enfoyed financial locuiily through lilo lmunnco Ho finicth his journey by river limit Hudson In Yoik ho found life insurance already national force in the United States Ill Canadian be resolved tohelpl lihomsmcmscgbththe Ham entity It was journey of overjfl miles Tiler he crosisedthc American bound cry Mr Baker boarded stagecoach and in itiolled day after day acrosl 6W York State Ho was truo 91 cannucyot 11193 try 45 mount and was or sole by iaafJMiiIfcoam upper until 1986 when ill health forced himtoselh vHewventiintothemTonvW ronto GeneraIAHospital for an op eration Paralysis of the left side followed and Continued until his death He continued to reside in incslag ironitlu urbncc CompaniesSte Ufalm Vinemount until 419443 when L134 heimuvedto Grim and in May