PAGE SIX fRetlres from Naval Service 0R0 STATION in LOWELL ram 1lli laii Solute lla ii tziii ll ii lLllittl lieu iu iii lslAt lI iivmi BlllNK HAL it In lull ilxlt lti liul rii uni iti 41 liwi Humidn ll thin duphtcr iiiil RHtixvtnl iIu All ll li rt fillltfl liii Sunnidale Corners and la 1i ti lIf ll our inil llllliill tlaiszzl Have illl lllilttl iu tion viirtu riittitllllli one tune llb Jas itiifi Alis itrtulml tll tltlli iii Turmoil on Saint lliiemi1 iiiixseititi ther play army at flui licli Friday night Ihc sympathy of the cnnnnmity is extended ti Mr and llrs Henry ito lairkliart ard Hibil lll tauuliter Mrs iiiiftirlrijvimmx when breakfast brings Maxwell llousr coffee lls MrQuay lIlv id Hfrn tiiffe in l1 v17i Seal ll aid tilll MM Hi illllthlll uuple if luwnirp Kids JilliJll llt grand satisfying flavor MM ll1ll stimulates and cheers you Packed in it Wartime llag in all All Purpose Uriml death lli Holt of Stayncr lhe sympathy of thy cominuritv ls tXfCllthtl to brother 1Wlillll of Mr and Mrs and Lois Clt lxtlltl ll lliitili fl Helps heck Colds Quickly lilt Til rs Sytiiicy Martin Mitchell was instantly killed last will rt las week WWW rillia lhursday Sunday visitors Mrs Ed Patton coukstown tuiid Mrs Harold Wood Mr and 1Mrs Donald Meliityre and Mrs Oscar Galbraith lhorir don Mr and Mrs Everett Loug hied and family lcafori WEST ORO and Cleve with You can often elirik cold quitLiv itll if you follow these flirlltltlllAli lt Justus soon as you feel llll ioiil min iuu on and experience lllltliltlu tam ill the bark or liuilis llltlH llltlll llltilltuly fttlxlfll liitzulul tablet rural liiudrink of hot ltllitlllllt or xiiigii tea and go to lml lhe liirailol affords ilinosl iinined into relief from illl pains and tlllit and helps you to llll off bishop may ll repeated if nrrisLrv auroral in to the directions licss if the throat parole nith two lariulul talillisdissolved lll vwattr Just try laradol tlii nevi time oii liziri cold and we believe that you ill lti well pleased larutlol does not disap point with lIva llurc There will be no service in illt Baptist Church here on April 22 Johnston chance to hear Dr Iliilpotl who has been holding evangelistic services for week in Bethcl Bap tist Church rillia will April 29 lltllflrlC ulvc Allen ll tlun is sure Mr Johnston resume the services here on Canada will supply the United government dressed poultry in quantity up to 3000000th pounds this year lt Statcs with frozen Pr Now Available Farm lmprovcmcntlloans Loans to farmers up to $3000 are now available at any branch of The Royal Bank of Canada under the new Farm improvement Loam Act from THE PURCHASE OFF6UNDATION on BREEDING LIVEf STOCK in tlir scnrit of the livestock Oflering on April 29 when Miss FOR THE PURCHASE or FARM 1M lEMiNTion the security of the farm implements IVY on in In ltllln of the lrrsldcnt Bi9l liis fa Gilliz lluinrnx Institute lia Apzd Elitillll of the Womens instli txis lltlll Mi llct lit9i on thrill llli1 lll rlcrlinii wt iillitiils ii place iii Iltilllt iiul tu ltll wete piiwin liu riunn ire mimetic xiii their ilul lie ilimlllt liiltl balance sun liaiiil lin tnithtllV Iii ii lrniictl ll ported tlil ttl puffs were uiaiici iluiiiu iflt Han and laclle IIll lithllllll illilllllliih The liiliiitviii ullirirs weiri rlrttcd llt virs lieu Arniilil tirelvrtcd by zirrl lst View llt Mrs ii ltlllitil Liul Vice lrrs Mrs las liltlltlllluli Sit Mis liar Reid lrcis Mrs llouaith liranrli nettor Mrs liis llistiirt Director Mis llitll liis onviaicrs appointed larr War Work Mrs if lelniclt ilgtgtllllii hllS loisuii Publicity Mis ii lcunotif Auricultnrr and anatliaii Industries Mrs 23 Davis ilileligtliip Mrs lleit MrQuay Historical Research Mist listen Davis Home littllltllllltn Mrs Unearth Surial Welfare Mrs lhns Lee Liaison Officirzf Mrs lee liaiitiiul llul Tony Mrs Earl Reid Mrs Mervvn Maw tin Mrs MrVauell Pianist Mrr lfubt Danii lhe tea llilrllltlt Mrs lieu Arn old ilrs Davis and Mrs uni gtarth gttll tasty lunch at tlir close of the meeting THORNTON Titch was heavy frost on Sat urday night causingf thin ice Mrs Arthur Reid visited recitat lv in fottrnham with Mr and Mrs Roy Devall Miss Aileen Grey spent few da last work in Toronto with Mrs Robinsoiu Mr and Mrs McIntyre of Stayncr andMiss Vivian Galbraith Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Galbraith Mr andMrs Ralph Determan who have been visiliiuz Mr and Mrs Scott left last Friday for thou home in Formast Alta Lieiit NS Mildred Henry lo lflliltl and her father Henry left on Saturday night for Van couver the former to return at the end of April Sunday visitorswitli Mr and MrsW Peacock included Mr and Mrs Wm Maw Marion and Bob Raymond Ward and Misses Doris and Helen Maw and George John stun MFR Mincsing Mrs Curtiss formerly Miss Mar garet Torrance of Havre Mon tana is visiting her sislGAr Mrs Herb Black Mrs Curtis many friends willbc glad to learn that she and Dr Curtis are coming to Barrie 0il0r0nto to reside Rgcent visitors included Mr and Mrs Sherlock Barlow and chil dren Toronto at Barlows Wm Armstrong Toronto With his mother LAC Whiting Mrs Whiting and little son from Bran den Man and Mrs Whiting Toronto at Mrs Jas Whitings Mr and Mrs Geo Lenn To ronto at Jas Lennoxs ai Mrs Walter Milligan Toro to at Mrs Crossleys Mrs Halbert Toronto with her parents Trinity Auxiliary Trinity Auxiliary met at Mrs Wests on Wednesday afternoon for their Easter meeting Plans were madeifor the Easter thanko Olive Sparlingvof Montreal will be the speaker Mrs Kent brought message on Christian Steward ship Mrs Campbell Mrs Fort THE PURCHASE or FARM EQUlPMENT on the security of the equipment FORTHE PURCHASE AND lNSTAlkATlQN OQF AFARM ELECTRIC SYSleMon the security of the farm Electric system her 15 FOR facucousntucnoujo DEAINAGE svsrcms andot improViments or developmenisgwn tlie securityof implements danil speaking of the late FOR rue icousmucnonmcmn cszNsron on iMPROVc MENT of whom Eennox and MrsWestt50 tge mission study which was taken from Dr Beatons book They Came Throug duet by Mrs Kent and Mrs Lennox was very muchenidyed Memorial Service The service in Trinity Church Sunday m0rningtook the form of memorial service for President Franklin Roosevelt Appropri atehynlh$ were sung Mrs Me The pastors text was Mases Thy rservant is dead now therefore arise gonvei this Jor ilfrebsident fhe speaker said that he didnt long to one nation GS ON THE FARM on the security of farm implements Interest rate5 simple intereu REPAY by convenient instalments overouch more years dcpending on the size of the loan and its purpose atonembut the whole world Two minutes of silence was observed before the singinbg of the last hymn furse Presented to Cpl Everson Last Tuesday night largee =crqwd from Egbert Thornton and adjacent community gathered ln the Orange Hall to do honor to Cpl Harry Eversoa son of MISH Ellis who has recently returni ed fromactive service in Alfluropei splendid program was cauhe Mange THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA FISHER Manager For furtherpd lira ser ewe of Essa Was chairman An address was read by Isaac Jennett anda pre sentation of nurse of mode was made by Lorne Gilpin C1 and Mrs Everson replied fittinglv lunch followed and the remainder of the evening was spent in danc musu being supplied by Beatitys orchestra OKAYS $10326 FOR SUNNIDALE ROADS lo live fully Today provide for Tomorrow thOughtful man can fully cnioy the preSclll unless he has provided against uncertainties of the future Life insurance offers practical way to meet future needs it is the only plan by which man can provide sure incomejfor his family should lllSililAliCE COMPANY Nut OFFICE TORONTO CANADA malaria in they lose his supportor for his own retirement BRANCH OFFICEMYOA DUNLOP STRlIlfl WENSliYBKANCH MANAGER BARBIE TH hlhx Limp iznl for miles Canadian ltw Siiiiiudalr biaiitbeis built iiltil llti Limited ellt rir Lancaster heavy ll Victory Aircraft onto contain ll miles of stingg and limping and rapita limiting in ltlilll ittai nam lziifzt tiaiii scivur Hiuwl 6999 tlflii lllllfl Klll utiltxriy of smug tillllftl lullittl by Council llnarl liiuicrs ltitlll Lilo will Stipeitisoi ilclltl in ilt fl lfic tutllltlllu charge of each division at eaci gtllltflltltl llil iii advise llut is ltllll put on llh rillillb atul ilu report in the llrmc iiieiy neck the Wurif that is lltlll on the adjourned iNrw Lowell on May It Kill Many Romance The lives of many young people are mmlo miser able by the breaking out of pimples and you probably mnnisiug miiuinru lulu been iilc festering and pus filled uracil iurctinz spent gravel Iit when know of cum whom hpoiled by hone red wires on the face The trouble is not so much pllYtitfil pain but tliu mental suffering calmed by the llll3lllllli ltnlittllftllllllb which very often molten the suffmrr ubrmml to go out in iiuupauy llio quiekeat way to get rid of pituplcu in to improve illt general health by thorough cleansing of the blood llunlork lllood llittcm helps to cleaiiso the blood and with this blood element the complexion should llltl up Th Mlllilllu in ltinllrl luiontu liiL it un liiil itlvlllt utuiril utulth lltllll $329133 llulri inert at flit pii 01 lint app lltl Siiiiiniiair lin The ltlflttl latze is the first lealinr of The llarrie lExaininer ev It is full of interest and avine bargains til llH Iltl iSLiImiilale tninir liillll 1i ii we iiiiursiiii in iiiit la liiiiiiit You have reason for just pride if you have done all you could do on the home front to support the gallant effort of our men in active service If you have denid yourself pleasures and comforts tome Victory Bonds you too have played part in helping with Countrys war effort Youhave worked and saved and lent your savings to your country With gt out this help fromyou millions of her citizens your country could not have maintained the promi nent place she now occupies among the freedomloving nations no and tiger Canada hasthe use of your savings to helpJo win victory You will have IIII needs later Prhaps you wish you couldihave done momma you will be astad to do more Men who have come back will tell you that there is lotc 10d0 yet Canadiausaie on active service on the ghting fronts More eeaqd to amateur Carisang JesusThou Art All to money is effort Youare askedmo Myron11 hind saving and you will bgyaskedto put more savingsintoVicmryBocids They are the best investment any Canadian can make an investment thaccvery Canadian should make BONDS athlflclcrytocnoplnskplrd Nuionuuu numctcomuniu Jim VICTORY