IIIIII SARA Iifil3ft One of the most outstanding vin Ami 21m lllIlItIt in 7Com it inimiolirqpi ll Mllttl Broad It lttlng tippiopiinteiy draped With deep notified that all of any or every kind must be removed from all YARDS LAWNS AND OTHER PREMISES Outdoor Toiletsmust be thoroughly cleaned and tioii show llont miss it purple cloth stood out prominently and indicated the respect which Canadians felt for this great Ani erican toxoid clinic for thcprevcn tion of diphtheria will be held for babies over six months and chit dren to five years of age in the Library IIall commencingApril 25 at pm This clinic is under the 299 iitttlti tltiltttftiitl SHOES BLACK ONlY SIZES TO lN EACH PRICE GROUP IVTies Only Cores and Tics PAGE ELEVEN Ah VNOIIIIIOOlOlOIIIIOJIII anuI VIII tbuvaov NORTH SUNNIDALE ATTENTION so PROD UCERS II ll resolution tu ttl Its out Illrltillrfs it hiii lAl mortar Hv use int lequtlnl to glu inrfrtriiu to liltilllttl prutltu lizttilur HKtrtl that utiiie ttltultl glriitltlxlititl lrt sr eggs from mrmtsrn mm hr tulll lftllttf on ri rssi tutti which Hill riiitltr tin lil to Hutlul All llintl ax til eggs Aliil pullltti liintirli list iuupriatnr FRESH MEATS Iv titlltix iii HAititlitllctt31llt it It Illtl IOllthllH lKllS UI till lhiw for dale luprr HS 5w it in ii av imam it Miami in III Ii gt CURED MEATS it xiI that no ttluil I4 Hwt will tint tix ili ti uli ha IIII III is Il= 1Il I4 ll II in mi in 12 UHIUI Hm 33 lit the it in art xi II gt tleiuhrr of Barrie Ittilitl If ta til hatet ltilt ti humher of oinmene it itt it it hi it II incl gt illI rll Itl ll 41 $333111 12 Vi VI 13 alt is it tili PRO it mhIN All eoiitr arr FVttHitMth NV Her 111 Shiite Klaxei tlli ltllitt it MI IIIIIIHI of tiiili titiilltxl tw lal Hit INN II til minor nl nut ttlx III IIltiiWIll Hr ll lter ltIII IIIIII WIIIIII IIWIIIIIIKI IIIIIIIIII mid II It qu9 ii VIkVVVVV VIII IllllllIlJI lie tiuiV ttin graint aui Hr VVVV hVV VVHVV VVV Haw MVVVV um ii Airs tthittls it Huic VII Ir 77 Him III Al it lHtlUgt tttttltttl Ylvtlll ll IIIIIX III in iIlIIIHI IlliIIIIIIIIMEII IIiI II II ll PM and use Hammer Classifieds Il lll IL Vl ll lu or Anew appeal PdlftVtVW this fitJr by Myrna is yam 41ij any Vim DWI IVI1IlIliti lilttl ltll rtealiui ltlllllitt ID om int iiiietiiie mm VVVVVVVM VVV IIVVVIVVfV Viilantue ll tl1ttVt Vhlui hurl VIII HVH adv mark bah LVIVIH knuwn HIVth Mil ivi pun Iltl lie tKAIIIIII IIIIiIII II LIIM IIIhIHHI IIHII nut in I65 Ar ii iiIIm Hi In Wm IM rd it IV CV VV VV Vltt btlttic tut ti it at ie IIIIIIIIIIII WIIII IIhIIImIII IIHII 1W IIrillmliohtIIi lllillIllIlILUllll10 HIIIitioi III II III IIIII IIII Illtl the other ltll St hitl hall gvhmll IVVVV1VVI VMHIM mu ilk VVVVV trump Mdhm WIlwhtpurin well he tthlt on the tilt 1ilit Ill in lIIMiYU liIUlllukiinK IVlilinied tli tlHIIIUIIhIIII IIIIII IIIIHII III III IIIHI1 VIII It It Ithese cheques were for uituess new II Imm IIMII II Iv IItIliiJ lrtliI ii III III inm my map IlVlV VM MIMI ttltlltv it VJL Minimal HtiII11 inferred that to III IIIII III III III II II llalll HI tilt II Il tonsutt Gertrude Archer raterei titty mint5s IttS 11W litltt mllt to iv to encourage them to make arrests 0mm IHIIHII IIIIIIIIIII TIIIHII Iltfll tv Hi yr Illls font Classified as II UNIV VtlwllVlVlV IN 33 II Smu yii ei am in Int lllitt lass llltl llll REGIMENI Huh AGAIN mm mmm 433V 121ml Wiit oV We recommend van to UM of the livelier lliilllllllhlmsIlllllltlllltkltu til III VI ax IwI let Albtllit ill HI Ing IIrIIXI1IIIIIltIitII IlIllItIIllI lititll iWIIiIIIIIIIt II IlIIlIIlIIItlIllUlIllI fIilIiIHlItlIlIlII II THIM your 1IIlujrvnllnt as II tIII III tII II II Submit 711m CV gillfiIIIH IIIIII 31fo Hffff jiffini1thVimhViiVltVtVtffjVLtm lilgaet Etinu muqu Uh II II It Tm uHI H10 UIILHMIIU Mu thhf but 5101 Humt giII mm ilw 113 Ifntmml 1V lllfllI will In up hum the unit of this All tlitni Fit lti gt1V Snirt 110 wrestling show the unit litllfllll mli 93 150 Uthlimllnh IIlIHVV 1qu vnunU lorouto man lieu Camp for Victory loan match VHHiVI HIJMWII Wm HIM Cm Wm HI through the courtesy of Frank mm IGmwo Wan in mm Siyeg InoNI 3401 BARIHE Tunney Ttltlllltl tiltllJltlt innit irk film 0mm Ami 1i ko WNWJW llltSSIiO in 0m month in tum in l0 IIII or at or OI Lrs JV VJ hm HQVVHVVVVV HVNVVIVV cwom mum vou is tili at large Mb Sturdy lilum or II lii IhiiqIlIIIIIIIIItf Amd it Leather Sous II II 1lI1IIiIBIIii III ilth IH mum mII II ton and on the same iimsmm Rldv SzVElitl other styles in 16 group hillb hinVigvzmquv VV is of ticV or iVVaVnVV VIVVVVVVVV hFVVVi but V1265 ht bphVtron Householders and other Ill lmlmm II are ere Sat this week Big laugh and ac 16x disinfected Particular attention is directed to all 1mm III Smith i7 WIDTHS MOH irir Three executive members of Itln IIISHIUN TO These must be cleaned and purified and all manure SimCUO Fedmlion of Agriculture 501133 ICEE ARM removed VaidiVewwrttngsi 0V1 Cleaning up don VV We The Owners or Occupants of Premises who have not meeting addressed by James Tum complied with the requirements of the Public Health Act 01 PICIdem Natimdl will be held to answer for their neglect SI Union England Will Of three women charged With By Order Of the Board Of Health vagrancy in the magistrates court WITH or WITHOUT TOE CAPS EXTRA seizciiii 500 Pairs 500 PaysDriesst Boys Oxfords LEA SOLESTAIIEIII RIIBBER HEELS SIZES to 11 299 and 349 Growing Girls yesterday two were remanded in custody for one week and the other was allowed to go to her home Two more were held on more serious charge of by reason of vices leading an idle and dissdlute life and were also remanded for week Pleading guilty to theft of an auto owned by Capt Dennis of Allistoti in that town on April Leroy Crowe 19 was giyeiiIIIone year SMITH M0H Oxfords SIZES T0 BLACK on BarrieApril 19 1945 mouo 90 00 nun oooooooonoo oooooooo 90 Ozooooo coco no ooo 3i FLATI 0R BLAC in gaol after hearing before Mag GROWle gt$lt istrate Jeffs on Saturday An addi OR OWN GIRLS HEELS nonal three months The Popular amp Shoe was given for lttaking license plate Sizes homnmher car at wabrldgeThe Charge 35 laid 53 Chief consmble to II Ixigvgomwiiigtg hgircIiIiIiIaIiltyIiiiIiiIltlIieI For Men QI II Robbins Alliston who was assisted Sizes to 11 oooo byProv Constable Hicks and Cpl Gordon of the Provost Corps In connection withfthe 8th Vic tory Loan plant rallies are being held in Baie arranged by the 332 OO AI Payroll Savings division of whom 0oofoofo29 the chairman is John Woods and IFor Boyse Sizes to 51 302i CHEAPER QUALITY For menSizes to 11 organizer Galatoff Today t2 VV CNR are holdin 1311 Wr IIIII the at the roun house omorrow mmes are Comm atVLoonVmV and at Clarke Clarke Ltd at 5309 sped Speaker for thesemeeings will be FlyingOfIfIicer Tony Matth For Boysut ews Allandale boy new stationed atV Sizes to Camp Borden F0 Matthews rIe centh returned to Canada after DI overIGer III VV VV BMlt1992999$Stitliegs Travers bus travelling towards Barrie Ifrom Borden turned over in 854 the ditch yesterday morning atJiJO am There were no passengers in the bus The driver Nelson Hub bard came upon fa limb of tree suddenly In attempting to Amid the limb he swerved the bus and it rolledover and ended upside down in the south ditch The driver was Shaken up and some damage was done to the roof and windshield of the bus Provincial Constable Byles of Barrie investigated the accident canes and MISSESVI LEATHERIIOXFORDS Black or Browa With Leather VSoIIlIes in the Lot Good heather uppersimd leather insoles Sizes to 1017 0nd 11 to 2th both groups VV IIaveVV you lost or found some IV $333150 ZigRanaEsxmlngsgltasa Vv one Iof theselittIle adtets teddy xth Rubber Soles VV VV VV $3353 liliiniilIId I0 III Owner VV Vr II V9 QUANTITYWITHIQUALITY Barrie Examiners Circulation with totalVlestribution of 7000 co ies week ive ualit AWth quantity Its paid in advance