71thlemTWebb son of Mr wINIo Bgaiid listen THIS WEEKS ISSUE 6975 Copies MW PAR risoner Councd Approves Plans TH 82nd YeorIuNo 16 For Celebrating VEDay 1111 51111111 flit the iccogiiioon of illicit ll 1111 5111511 follows W511i lll Europe is now vei 1n l11 l1 11 11gt is iilelcd anlliE 121111111 121 the clards and places of llilllgt to close as 1111111111111 as 1111111 11 lltilllt may be 1111111111 gt12 1i I11i who wch 211111 liouiagct 111 111 1111111112 Wefluedotoiluimlgletbay lull dismal Lliullllu1 1111110 13111 1A Victory laladc formed at the Arena at 11130 1111 The parade will prot 11111 to 1111 Cenotaph for memorial tztlVltt which lnize you 111 to attend hi1 Dudley secretary of the 111111111 tilillltl1 e11iil ceiitiil clviccs and the public Vllay 13111 for store windows as drawn up by Thambci of 311111 1111111 111 available 11 The Barrie Examiner office SINCLAHL 1111113111 Fight for Freedom Activities of Men and Women in the NavyArmyrAir Force 11 Lorie 11on firaililatcs as Pilot At No MTS Saskatoon Aiiiouz the HUAF pilots 111111 lilllliilllIl 11 the final wings parade of the ilritish 11111111111wealth Air liaiiliii Plan from N11 Service living Training School Saskatoon was Sgt Keith Newman Smith son ipl Smith Veterans Guard of Canada Toronto and Mrs 11111111 lit lJuckWorth St Barrie lIior 111 Joining the Air Force Kcith served ill the Signals Platoon of thc irev and Simeon Foresters tlicscrvcl lie reported at Toronto 111 April lfliil for aircrew tIaiiiilii 11111 was posted 111 No initial lraiiling School Edmonton lie pl 111 his elementary flying at No 24 lIFlS Abbotsford BC and was then posted to Saskatoon He was one 111 very few castcrncrs iii the course and the only one from this county lie is now at 11111110 on months leave before reporting of 1iuili11of lle Slranaghan Itcporis Having len Live Hun Pigs in Pen Mrs Robert Struiiaghan 1110 Blake St has received lettell dated March 10 from her son Ptc Stranaghan 18263231 who is ill tlermany telling of conditions there Everything is going very good herempienty to out now We have ten live pigs in pen and will be having lots of pork to eat When ill llolland we never took thing but now its differcntilsall on the lcrrys hope to be going on my English leave oilApril 23rd and am sure looking forward to it Mv Itc Squencc Home lte Sqiiance of Richmond Hill has arived back ill Canada af ter fourhycars overseas including six months in Iceland He went in to France last summer with the in vasion forces as member oLjthc Royal Regiment of Canada His wife iStile former Doris Smart 45 Clappcrtoll St Barrie Pie Webb is Home Webb 29 Sanford St Barrie and the late Alfred Alexander Webb has arrived holne after four years overseas Before joining the Army iii 1940 Pie Webb drove truckI for cattle buyer at Elinvaic HeI enlisted as mechanic and went overseas 111 1941 He served with the tariariiaii Army Service Corps ov erseas and went into France 13517 summer HisAathey lied two years ago when Pte Emerson Webb was overseas Left for Manitoba P0 Wilbert Hirlehey left last Wednesday nightrfor Paulson Mall1 iioba to take refreshercourse at School gt Promoted to Captain National Defence Headquarters announce the promotion overseasl if Lieut John rank of acting Cdptaingis wife Taylor to the Mrs Phyllis Tailor resides in At rv Listed 15 Home Alutmg the names of Canadian soldiers recently listed as arriving home from ovbrseas was Spr Lucas of Thornton Returns from Germany Major Pitcher of the Can adian Provost Corps Camp Borden has returned home from three lilOtllSII1Q11EWthh tookhim to the Canadian front lines in Ger many Major Pitcher was on oper ational duties to obtainfirst hand experience ofthe dutiesIof mema bers of theprovost corps in the 11 liw1 11liltll Monday Ill1ll approved 111111 put i11jv11i by 1111 111 11 flittYlltL illh vollrieifiil news 1111111111 who can never Itltlil to us ill to 1i11111111 111111 1111ttly the aiiilolillclnleilt made to receive will the fallen and to offer 111 players Viav lil ilnlle The program will c111 11 1111111 te are utli nowz the war has ended luilh itlliiiflIl blc to thank Md and honor llllirL All llaillc churches Chamber of Tonnnercc will be ill3 gtllllt will of littkLll tlllI1 on for JUNE AND JUNE 11I SET FOR ELECTIONS Ontario voters will be able to east ballots in two elections hi the month of June Premier Drew announced an Ontario election for Monday June ll but when lrime Minlt istcr King declared the same day for the Federal election Mr llrcw set the 111111111111 elec tion back one week In June While the election dates have been set it appears that first place for the next three weeks will be given to the 11111 Victory Loan Ilmvever once this is successfully concluded there promises to be bitter political battle inntarlo 512111 Mendocino DROVE BULLDOZER ON BATTLEFIELDS Spr Jack Mei11uall 111 back again in Canada aftei f1 years overses with road con struction conlilany of the Royab Canadian Engineers Jack operatcdl bulldozer ill Germany liolii111dl Belgium and France repairing roads ill order that supplies could be transported to the men in the front lines usually some distance behind thel forward battle lines they were of ten within reach of heavy artillery fire and they were not neglected by enemy bombers However Spr Mc Dougall reports that he was very lucky and never got scratch In addition to the repair work till the Continent the Barrie sapper ill so had part in the construction of two new roads in France one for the Canadian breakthrough to Cacu Prior to the work ill the actual field of operations Spr McDougail also had share in building two main roads ill England and ii large airport When Spr McDougall arrived in Toronto last Friday he was greeted by his wife the former Iiclen Halv thorne of Holly who had been dis charged froln the CWAC only one week previously Mrs McDougallI had served with the CWACs for three years Her husband enlisted in May 1940 and went overseas after only two weeks with the Army in Canada Spr McDougall is son of Mr and Mrs John McDougall 21 Jane St Barrie After 30 days furlough he wwiliereporkrbacleifmgfurtherr posting BCl BAND 17 BARRlE EX OBARRIEONTAR10 CANADA THUR ADE FRIDAY sin iiliiuacs sruNnEN flaillc Wth rcpoi 11 llllll1 in France last September lfis cute 11 cciltly icleivcd Word that he prisoner of war at illiiikn 11 Al though the Allies have the ici mans surrounded and cut off at Dunkirk there are about 1tl 11111 litiliri therc who war ile illsillltlx 111 WARD 11101111111 WANT GARBAGE 111310111 1111 11 Headed by lraiik llobxon dele gation of 11 110111 Wald Six vigor ously protested to the Town Council Monday night on the selection of their district to experiment with the land fill method of garbage 115 posal 11 motion of Aid loiichei the Council voted in favor of dis continuing the use of Ward fill the sanitary land fill Beginning lhuisday or Friday this week the sanitary fill method of garbage disposal will be trans ferrcd to town dump property and will be continued there until other land can be obtained Speaking for the residents of Ward Mr Dobson stated We Dewhugumwhucmm me we are hereto ask your assurance that Ward will not be the final rest ing place of the garbage problem And he added We of Ward are long suffering In this connection he referred to the establishment of the packing plant aiidItllc sew age disposal plant in Ward and he stressedthat the taxpayers ill suffering the odors and inconveni ence of these plants did not appre ciate the choice of their district for an experiment ill garbage disposal Mr Dobson presented to Mayor Sinclair petition signed by 150 to 200 Ward citizens supporting the protest few members of the del egation added their personal pro Turn to owe three please PARADE OPENS Azz DRIVE Headed by No 19 Army Baird A22 CAMC TC opened its Victory Loan drive with impressive cere monies and parade of all per sonnel to the parade souare to hear addresses by Col PLloyd OBE VDand LieutCol Clendinnen1 Tllls was followed by flagraising ceremony then the men paraded to the YMCA where theyienjoyEdfaiviCtUifLoan film program rInconnectionwttliLtheIBthVictoryLoan campaign the Barrie CollegiateBand two years winners of Kiwanis Music Festival Toronto will make fine contribution in the use ofIits talent Friday eveningApril20 the band will play in DIRECTED BY v11 FISH charge of the parade are Major Clarke and ii Jacobi with Major Macliarell ill com SDAY APE 197 911 AMINER EVENI Militaryoispiay Bands And Troops feature Show The Eighth Victory Loan opens iii Sinicor West 111111 on Monday next April 23 with till olllective of $3250001 an ill crcasr oi Sl5111iiltl In the Seventh Loan Sinicoc West actually raised Chairman Morrison 11 Battle is confident that once again this unit writ attain its quota and be among the leaders will lilttlitttvilittr $3589600 The complete organization headed by Largest centre ill Sinlcoe West is the Town oi Barrie gwhose izitzzeils have subscribed oycy 111m 11111111111 dollars in Ithc last three loans For the llglltll llarrlc has an objective oi Sillfltllltltl an increase of 511111101 hilt actually $130431 less villan was raised last time Sunday April 22 has been designated as Victory Loan 15111111113 by the National War finance Itlillnlittec at ttawai land it is expected that appropriate messages will be delivered tloin the pulpits of all denominations lliutltllih BIG WENING PARADE Wllaiilcs big opening feature will be the huge parade to Iniorrow Friday evening onlnlcnmilg at 715 from the Auril jIcultulal Park and marching through the main streets and 1baek to Queens Park for Victory Loan Flag dedication cer emony and address by ltol David urrle VT of lamp llorden hearty welcome is cxtcndcddo all the people of the neighboring rural conlnliinltles to come to ilarric Friday cv clung to see this filic procession aild ceremonies ill the park The Barrie Victory Loan Ilomiuittcc feel that it will be very worthwhile effort Here is the parade route Leave Agricultural iaikII at 715 11111 and proceed cast via Elizabeth and fluiilop streets to tVlnlcastcr tlulilcc up to Collier and west via Ross street to Queens Park for the official Opening ceremonies of the Vic tory Loan about 800 pm Barrie Victory Loan officials ill Dudley Norman nlaiid Tile salute will be taken at the Cenotaph by Major General CL Spencer CBE ED Commander of Camp Borden 1lurn 111 page eight please cramming Addresses 200 At VictoryILoanI Rally bl More 111111 2011 salesmen and of ficials from throughout the Sim lowers on his first visit to Barrie and expressed the thanks of the cue West Unit gathered in the lgathering to the National Chairman Oddfeliows Hall at Barrie lastof the National War Finance Coili Friday evening to hear Crahamlmittee for including this unit on Towers Governor of the Bank oflllls tUllt Canada and chairman of Canadas The hall was decorated with 8th Victory Loan outline the need flags and colorful banner over for supporting the Loan thc head table welcomed Mr Unit chairman Morri vamis During the dinner hour delight son in introducing the speaker outlined his meteor 113 in 110ful chamber lllusic was piov1ded by conceit trio with Kenneth Walls at the piano Stanley Hunt violin and Ernie Burton cello The artists were generously ap plauded for their enjoyable con tribution to the program Seated at the head table left to financial world Mr Towers inter rupted ills university studies to go overseas iii the First Great War returned to McGiil where he studied law and tirencntered the Royal Bank of Canada He spent two years with the banks biggest and most active foreign branch at Havana Cuba and at the age of 36 he was made assistant general managerof the Royal Bank of Can ncr Norman Boadway wood Mayor Sinclair Barrie Cochranc divisional organizer Graham Towers Morri ada In 1934 he was appointed II Governor of the Bank of Canada 50m MCICdeUE IAllisIton and was given the responsibility Re James Dmran Allmmh Chittick Barrie Stanley Nixon secretary to Mr Towers Col Forbes OBE MC Camp Borden Following the introduction of therlen at the head table Mr Turn to page 1130 please1 of organizing this new venture in the financial world Mr Morrison addch that it was rumored that Mr Towers might be the nextrcovernor of the Bank of England He welcomed Mr right were Wright Stayw Culling1 Nil OPENS Borden Chairman IHUHIHL Mi Ill Ithaiiiozi of the 1111p lloiilen lithI jlictm an 1111111111111 went ow ititt private ill ihc 11111 111111 War and mm the Military 111 Lewis 111111 officer He Illi 1111 civcd 11v1ihi11 ill 11111 Scent11 111111 Will SIMCOE WEST 8111 Victory Loan Convossers iMllhllC llll 111 1111111111111 it l1nlcjl ll tirecn 1111niu1 Moore Mcfonkev Iczipiainl Phillips 11 11111111111 Archie chsley Wen Warren rilizar fcz1p taint ll 11 Much VilfsiilA ll Rania Ioiitls llickliile INNlSlil flatmoi ll Sproiile Wilfred Silthclland JOLIJNUWOOH llfllliilYl Bro 111111 Iilristic Victor 101119 Laptainl Will Kelly Percy Lawl rence Alex Malcolm Cpl McCarl Mel Wright SlAYNEltsJ McCaguc Walter ll ilowilcy 111 Allan Hughes Stewart W111l 1111 lol rtlflltf in ti 111111 of 11117 111111 1A Wright ZREEMIOREA11g115 Gillespie NOlTAWASAUAwE Beattle ionald llrown Edgar Buckinghaml Iliarry Little Donald Neff Andrew 1Rausier 7r SUNNlDAliEJack Wilson leap itainl Geo ll Duff Norman Oliver iJ itiscborough AlLISfONA ll iiatcs Wnl jCaesar Henderson lOSSOltONllOmlildrcw iilcrman Swaffield AlJALll McDonald 10 Solomon ESSAlace Banting lion iper Barry Jebb captaillt ll Willson lra Wilson TECUMSEIHwNorval Brawley Cecil Hayes Arthur Kidd vROlillitOll BEElgNwJolui Carlton TOTTENliAMllarvey Simpson BRADFORDAlfred Gore Morton WEST GWILBIMBURYThomas Brown Frank lianibly Hip Iizvell Neiliy daptainl Fred Welchu The Classified Page is thefirst feature of Tile Barrie Examiner cy ery week It is full of interest and imolieysaving bargains Kidd Victory czi all citizen 1311 llt 111111 lllll1hii tribute l1tt1e foll ln llieccell 111151 V1tnl lti1 the vetcii llul whole licilitcci 5111111111 of 171 icfo 111 vir low tiitlilI 1111111111111111 1111111 1111 311 3111 1111 li1l lllcsi tsIllltn have there not 1111 1cI aiirIiIIItliA 111 hilt by our cxc 11111 11 11 ily lfl1llll1 11 jwi ten 111 ciniliplcie the 111111 111 plowilllco iierziicn 411111 H1111 it 11 711111511 111 111 11 1111 111 111 by remaining 111 111 ad ltt ind 1IVlllill 112 are 111 11c 111itc GABLES COMING or co COURT HOUSE The 01me Property oin miller has let contract for al terations to the onntv ourt House that will entirely change the face of this iilEIyearolit County landmark The huge highuraked gables on the front of the building will be removed and the south edge of the roof will he straightmcd Small dormer uindows ill be constructed in place of the gables lhc ouutr has applied for building permit and work will be commenced as soon as this is granted Reeve Walter Miil dieton Flos is chairman of the County Property Committee Ray Doolittle Orillia Will Run for CCF In East SimcocRiding flay Doolittle tOriliia undertak erl was chosen CCF candidate for East Simcoe in the forthcoming provincial election at an open con veiition in Mannings ilall Cold water last week in vote by but let Mr Doolittle had an ample lead over William Bartlelnan president of norm111111 Unitcd Electrical Workers Union Five others were nominated but withdrew their names before vote was taken They were Frank Tissiilgton of Orii lia Ross Cockburn of Orillia pre sident of the East Sinlcoe Riding Association Allan Feitham of Mid land Fred Smith and A111 Hugh Johnston of Orillia feature of the convention in which 58 persons voted was the large delegation from Sturgeon Bay where the Bluewater CCl Club was organized only four days ago All the officers of the Sturgeon Bay Club were present at the Conven tion along with about 10 other members Orillia Midland and Coldwatcr also had good represent aons TODAY AM MAN When Capt Dornano Alf Victory Loan salesman sell bond to Pie Robert Doxsee of New Liskeard Doxsee told him he couldnt afford oile as lie was getting only boys pay The cap tain checked Lip found that Dox see had just reached the ageof Flu2 years and thus qualified for full soldiers pay and made sale attraction for concert and rally in the Barrie Arena its FrenchIHcrhs4Mary Maxwell Harry Lowe Bernice Baldwin heavy schedule but Mr Fisher and his youthful musicians II are quite pleased to help in the campaign The various towns BassesHerble Morrow To iii WILL 131 FEATURED lN mom PAZRADES John McFadden Marvin Fisher Harvey Dawe OConnor Gordon INeedham Section lwPages to 111 11111 Mayor Sinclair Urges Loan Support sex1111 Monday evening Mayo 11 LTB Good music tried to I2 Vill1 Loan rlftli 11gttli lie 11 The 11 aciilv 1111 Jiffl tzie 11111112111 etc 21 ltii itizczi cf 13112111 lll iy 111111 ll 1=l111 1i 11111 11 11 11 11 til 11 111111 llu testament on plumbing lcliiiI 1112111 iie 121111111 you 111 1111 I11111111 people 17 11 111111177 11111 11 guanine self511 111 1e and high office until the llnd of mud to 111 and observe one mnem 11111111 ted friend 11 fflfl SINCLAIR 11 ayor of 1312 TOWN COUNCIL BRIEFS Aid Mayor asked regarding the level of sewers on Blake street and Aid Hart replied that survey 1131 being made and full iepoit would be ready at the next meeting Aid Allsopp asked if the Town was going to do anything about welcoming the boys coming home from overseas Aid Craig replied that he would be getting the non of those coming home from thelte fhabilitation Conmllltee Aid llylne asked if the Town was going to do anything in clean up property near the East End School Mayor Sinclair replied that Turn to page eight please COMINGI EVENTS bJ Dance Shanty Bay Hall Friday April 20 Mulhollands OiClle tra liib Bingo 7Lrll30rangc llail Elia abeth St Barrie Monday April 23 830 p111 flip Dalston WA baking and liilli lnagc sale Saturday April 28 at the market ltilib Annual recital by pupils of les sie Bryson Collegiate auditor iiinl May 16l7b Dance at Gearin flail Phelpston Tuesday April 211 Good music Admission BBC 1151 Bingo Allandale Oraiige flail Tuesday April 24 LOBA can work 830 sharp 1611 Dance at Midhulst llali Friday April 27 lunch counter auspices l6l7b Bingo Friday night Legion Hall cancelled for this week owing to Victory Loan parade Brelitwood dance Friday April 127 Wilioughbys orchestra Com forts for boys overseas 16p Bazaar and afternoon tea May Aliandale Orange Hall lm with bingo at night Auspices LIOBA WCTU rummage sale Trinity am Donations appreciated For ldetails dial 2859 lJlb Rummage Sale Trinity Parish tHall auspices Womans Auxiliary 1Doors open am Iii16b Ruminagesale Central United churchrrschoolroom Saturday Apr Womens Association 1617 Dance lvy Orange Hall Tuesday 1May Willoughbys dance bandr proceeds Red Cross Lucky spots and door prize Admission 35c 1613 Dance at Barrie Armoiiries Wednesday May pm spon sored by WAto Canadian Armour ed Corps Tickets 75c per son 16b Foot troubles Come and hear i11ustrted1ecture by Mr Mela lin at Gilford CQrilmnnityHall Fri counter 16b Come to the play Simple Simon Simple by Edenvale Young PeopIE at the Grenfel church Apr 26830 pm Admission 25c 15c Auspices SS vlfib meeting April 23 8215 pm 18 Speaker Rev Bromwich subjECf The Promised Thousand Years Peace 16b Iareurged to bepresent at the club meeting tonight Thursday in the Orange Hall Elizabeth St RoyIWil lisms organizer frotthe Provin eial office will speak 16b Womens Canadian Club Thurs Library Hall Speakert Captain James Gardiner subject My Ex of Marmara 20 Irnilesvnorth of Regimental SergeantMajor at the in 19425 He was at Ottawa for field of battle He was with the Canadians in Germany from Kieve on to Sonsbeck native Belleville Major Pitcher enlisted at Trenton 13131940 andservedas Officers Training school Blocli ville until he won his commission time and went to camp Borden Turri to page crumbles big1opening Barrie Victory Woods big parade andwill Sbuth Simcoe communities to Alliston 011 Monday 111111111 way tdColllilgviood Loan parade Monday even lng April 23the band will take part byinvitatiion in Coiling paradethrough Stayner about 500 Saturday Aerobatic BCIBahdWiil make tour oi lead in Victory Loan parades During thcafterhoon and Evening of that daythe musicians will beheard in Cookstown Bradford Tottenham Beeton and evening April 30 the band will be featured listed above are looking forward toseing antithearing Bar rle schoolband Reading by sections left toright TrumpetsSergeant Jack Clark Jack Nixon Bob Hunter Jack Wiseman BernIMayor DrumsJohn Stephenson Bill Blain Dyrllent Kenneth Cooper Marjorie Gorrell Ted Health Bill Spanis alto clarinetlpJohn Brennan basslclarlnetr DrumMajor1Marle Henr DirectorW Fisher Johnson Mary Hamilton EuphoniulneIlartly Tuck Bill Clarinets40ameron Stewart Doug Philpotts Elisabeth Rob Trombones1mm Armstron insonLarry Monkman Patricia Tuxford Reg Roach Margaret Hodges Florence MaxwellHScrgeant Barbara Halprances Craig well Stella MgardII itfaitland Ronnie Blackstock ackI Feltis Bill Craig Bill Cald IIuesd petfences in Africa andzthe Middle Alan Gates II FlutesDmr Maxwell Betty StairsOboeTed Hutchmgs EdwgrdsChomI direct My CD191 BellI will sing cup of SaXOphonesebrdon Philpotts Don Reid Cpl Harvey sonas Sheridan Manager Economic Deirelupme ment of the Cathodic Comma will address meetingtot the Barrie room notify neon 1613 Parish Hall Saturday Aprithl at 1Trinity Church Saturday Apr 21 280615 open at am Auspices per IIdayz April 20 No admission lunch British Israel World Federation Georges Parish Hall Allandale All CCF members and supporters day April 19 at 831 pm in the