II DAY APRIL 12 11315 Mm PAGE II HI IIII HM INI CTION IS ASKED Heads Ontario Red Cross MAJOR BINGHAM v1 WM mm 0+ 31 III urn imcaw tcr converter ill chunky ave KING GEORGE LEGION SPEAKER 12 if yd11srgygrgitzpngeizfg lIII III tummy LolllliiLSi Ream on are 11 Lu II III II 11 page one cn IIIIIIII 3pm III II II II II 51111111 Wilson vmzh Rutvlreulsw Utjhl may H51 mvv 11 III II mil future 111 flicIBallie Lisailillicr er AnyhowI Ignited Ir cry 1ch ii is full of interest and IgIIII nI II II I13 IvI 111 truly2 1H ml at 12m prrr 51llirgtailig bargains WMW II IIIMW II II Tl red 19 is RUIIdIIIIII II It TAMBLYN ll II GOLD LABEL Vitamin 8Complex III II III1 LH It II Rec 14111 gtilkLl I1 1thr villi bhhlwn II II III II III II 11 A1Isltii II 11 lzr tidegeltwalnut 1191 rue sheu In bblh tl1llUtltliunlzuul intcling in 1111111114 111 md Lunlul 1I WW IIIIIIIIII IIIII II III II lib 10 11 AL H7 filter incur1111113 11111 11111111151 Minnow 1111111 lHErH PFC IIII IIIIIII III III III II III IIIIII III III III II II lt this xttlwm 11111 It II II IIIIII II II III III 5tIIIIIIIIIIIt IIIII IIIII III III IlIIII It ltlt 11 1111111111 111 111 girl 111 111 hi 1111 t1tlilwliIlu ill the lust our 111 HI It II If 11 III II II II II IIIII Illm IMI IIKAIM hdldlm I1 ummm Hi If mm 7k IIIil IlIlllgtmIII II LII iIlllIIIlUl um elmlale inefn 1111 mIImI WMMI 1511 11111 111 jIvtse1 ltll rn111 111 III II I1IIIII 1iI IIII II IIIII IIIIIIWII 12 iItlIII LIA Km HILH II 11112 ml 321 ti 11 inrtellxentt ntvlllllltlititiiVrlll the 111 Ml llill A1111 it II II SIIII II IIIII ltl 1t11n illnlic TOOTH PASTE it MLM 11 Ixmmz U1 1W it whim SHAVlNG SPRING DESSERTS c1 MOLASSES 12 it nut 511 11112 lli teturlwlt 111 ll 111 11 1rl IiI 121mm 111w in 11ft 1li11 Milneluvlti 1111111111lt will 111 IL II II II IlII li rlilllwil W11 ERIN Rm hhlihhh lhr WW H1 11 ll 11 b1 Jnl 11 iiililttll Ilril i111 Ltlt HIH III III1 1W 1I1XIVI IIiiIIIIiL1IIIII I6 49 Trill An ldml IUII II WI II IIII llm ll llIl ii 1le IMlglI 11t 70 111w mil lvztt If IIImiIIIIHW CI II ll IN Planting Ill IllIIM II illn 11 ltllrlon 10 oz II II II JiHlHiittU lt tllit t1III Ir IIII IIIlIltlIllt I1I1I 11111111 ItI11I111I1I1IIIIIIIII IINIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII III IIIII III Ill lII II 111 111 11111 111111I1I It 111 IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIII III 11 tr II 11 II III 19 11l 111ml 11 1117111nsnitteet lliilii 111111 r1111 tteluh tn lltllilllt wnAmw 7tllh llill lllhl fillWl llllll ltldl 11 Imp 1I 111 II In 1111 Hunt ml the liltrltlti below the next litlti WI III llthlltnltnltll I0 in IIAIIUI IIIHII IjIlIiIII IIIIIEII IIIIIifI BURJBIOCK WW Ae II IIIl hint 111 111 1111111111 out wt lhI h1 1111 11m 11ml llrtfllnlutti llequests the bust llltl 111111111 11111 IIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIII II IIIII IIIII IIWIII uvIvud ll II II Ibellotil srtltldlltlll mien 111 III II II WIIIIWIII IIIM IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII III 11I II it 11 lIutlItItlIiI1IttIIt Jiill till spew IIIIIIIIIIIIIII HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII II IIIIlplrh itltt 11111 tlttI wlmmm WI id in cost of $1135 This ret nest ll1tl or rganzes IN IIIIIIIII III II IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII inc Cl 11v Mrs Slllilil illtl itlr Mtiliilnirli aw6 am 1II3III IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIII II III II II III lltt iIltllll ll yl ll II II SP AL wanted Men and in nmf Hill IM P0 lhlhhhh hlhhl ll hm lhtl illllttlt 11111811111111 under the yuul in is in epmumtr to we Women Who Are ilhhihs 11 or 1sslsl111lHllitltllllldl rel LEG SHOW yum howl inavsholi mottod Luge SI IIII III zIIIIIm IIIII 111 Hafd Hearlng IIIiIIIII III VIII umwm III IIII III WINTON FOLDER TI IIIIIII III SIIIIIIIII III Ilsk SCHOOL If III IIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII III NIIIII Cunt Silt IIIIIIIIIIIII III II IIIIIII IIIIII IQIIIIIIIIIIIIIIY ItIlIIItIsIt um Md In deafened bothered bv ringing huzz IlIl II Iubs WIII smooth yen 15 um 11 Caellnemlero 10sec IM WWI HIM mum III VIII III III me it SafeSurcEconomical hhhh Clhhthl the Allrlne litllll Method test that st here oi irtlure barley litKlSlLlCd utility sztIv has enlibletl them to hear seed will he used for the outs but wIell t1iiIllI You must lleur better II GumI IS II ml 5mm of bin1W ter 11111 111 this simple test or III IIUI IIIIII IIIIIIIW buck III OIICCI Continued from page one mil Bu Bony K0091 Underarm IItII II ilIi Ii1I Afk huh Am lull Balsam to 011 motion of lrusttc strwurt IIflIIl ifllfl fLIIlIlIIIIIII 72 Dryand Sweet SIIIvrP3311QIIHiZmilyflhilimier mmlcl by Tmhh Wllmh lh p0 1130inilImTlufnl W3 For the Ends EI VIII hi 100 Board VIIIQd III IIISIUII IIIII SIIIIIIW III 111 lhlll lllIthJLt WI til Leaves and 111111111 cost 11 Illtllltllttll record including Leg Milling 21 Perspuinon llmlFfIl lldWIlhlll WHUOI hlhl IIIII IIIIIIIII III IIII III bIIQIIIIII III wed III pow tht NJ of 1111 1ll Heat to $3000 This lt III ISIIIILII It H1 Lemon JUICE Reelpc liresents 1111 increase of $100 ill each 151 mgmv mums Shad DANERUFE Hm 31 SCJP IIISIIIIICO IIIId It III II swine club in Nolttnvusaga and ex Checks Arthritlc Easier to Manage tl lit lub will bi started lll REMOVER Dumplwimn lufl iiltthsiiitock FlCll of in members SllAMPOO 3968c Pain Quickly When Mrs Smith spoke of the if you suffer from frrthritic CXlIti Work done by SlVllhl lhtm Du whiff vqanlnig York illeuniutic or neuritic puin try this bers of the BCI stuff Mrs Cloth 511 mwV PWJCClI de Slllllllh lexllllSlVll lllmt lCClPC lllcns sliid She was ill favor of hir Vlllp on blcodmg mls lld oi the Nottuwasagzl club hus one 67c 33 Get 11 package of Ruex Prescrip IIIII IIII Mm IBMhe III IIIII III III on achievement day will be held IfgllIIlIIIIltillIIIIIiluiliglans tier that such ClllClltltllilti activities hllllhh hhl Fdll of lemons its cosy and pleasant mid be done by the teachers in ijm For Smart Groomin Y0 med my tablesllmllsml me rogumr Swim hourq She OHM Murder case exaltn For Haudos IlIWUIlmICS 1361 OllCIIIllhIII48 mllhlmd llhl ML 91 3119 To Be Tried in Barrie WIIIII lltl With5 mill 189 FluljsfhmllfIllIlvmhl 75119 he hath 01h 10 Sldll Illxt lull 1mm II 11d lesults inc obtained If lllL ams III Channch WaycKns 35 696 lttylcrccm 25c 49c are III IIIICIIIV IIIer and yuu WietIlIse cIIw IIIn IIIZIaIcItLILItIiIu than IIIIVII WIIIIIIIIIIIIII SIIIICOC I7 IIII II II Gaol 15 MMI It 05 011 itni 60c tiitiniuivillecogityiiu Iiiiitllillgftimtlry Sm than the were Wills LIUIUWI Him Icolltlipilt mm Hollywood WaveSet 15c in Your money refunded it it does not 150 We were flV Whlh It XII 12 IIlI gupufii 25643C FITCHS Y3 Sha 25C49c98c 1131in 15 fl IiIlelmTIls 9th bl II IIIIIKILII Fmennn WIIRCI Comm ShaTBBLEEE IDEAL lovcrs Mange 59c110 ca SC to lc was vruig Tamhlyus Robertsons Drug Sloretyeals use pwzlsyho excusl why Lit Vim Emmel pde mgm BAYER 71Ancnbum SImmpuo 55c 33 HAIR TONIC Vim 5409 LlNlMENT and other leading druggists Should be wrong now watchman three weeks ago II vawunuommwomwmDomlout tisiltingilllifgfdiilllelglg Renew ptiliee Court No evidence was Sole Muscles submitth by the IIdcfcnce The KREML VAS buy sat 111 court between his father FITCHS ELlNE and IIISIIIIIIISCI WaIIIIce Cam HIS HAIR TONIC HAIR TONIC SIIII IOIIIII mother and other relatives sat Removes BRlLllANTlNE 15 Th Imam panda QUINOIL 4W9 9111 Coroncr Dr Brown said Pihpllyzkhev PM and Chm AIR Ull 25 Dtessing Walker died from about 30 stab 9c Falling H111 LOVIAY IIIII 4993v Your amblyn Drug Storeand the Dept wounds Evidence was also given sotAgriculturereeemmend to Vow Vincent Toronto medical analyst and Raymond no inmi Campbell boy chum of Simcoe Aids SHAVlNO CREAM Miss Vincent said 11 stains on Constipation If IA 391 Tube 29 811110065 Clolhlhg were mde by human bloodI oz 49C mm Campbell testified that when 100 II L09 II II II SImme was commng IIIS hm In 24 19 FEENAMINT no CM the wash room of restaurant at fengngIvel assertspoonsml day Winter 1130 put March 17 be exposed The Claw Cum Laxative red stain on his white shirt cuff II Dried Brewers Yeast1A cupful twice per week The last llme Whale the COLDTABLETS watchmans clock was 1110 pm II IW Potassluiln Iodidel oz to gal waterV2 cupful of mixture plant Officials testified The Fawn We Laxative weanling Pigs Sanderson Elecfe ICOIIIDMBEETMSI gill 32 Oglgifsjgggggffxll 2922 139 dayv Ollleled Blew County Master For Special 4plysafcty 15c 25c IIITIilllllilillun III Slmwe weSl ImoL II II Id centre gives extra proiecuon 153p by uce ron1 inc wicea week ont eton ue Feedin 0r 68 at 95 an iron can be discgntinued when pigs start eatingg solid foodg Jackson Sanderson was elected 24c44c ll efH rmrsxlsc or 25 II II County Master for West Simcoe of 1562 to 25C Phenolhlazehe Can be led to Pigs in lhe following am0unls= the Loval Orange Lodge at the an Box o=12 lLYCRM Pigs up to 35 lbs oz Fa nual convention held in Orilliion cm Box 35 25 ms April The convention was at MINERfLnoL SUNS Pigs from 35 t0 50 le 13 t0 11 oz 46 grams tended by GrandMaster Fred Cook is Plgs from 5010 so lbs 11 mm of Bradford Grand Secretary Jas Ac All 233 III glams Jacksonof Owen Sound and Grand imsnmt VKIO 15 Nursery Pigs from BIO to 120 lbs 02112 grains Organizer Saunders pf To 553 Fevonie Mature pIgs oz 20 gIIams rontoam Omal camI II II The sessions werudpened TUeSI AI 69c129 II The suspension form is more satisactory thair thepbwdei 1N0 day afternoon by the retiring II starving is necessary Mix the Idoein the regular feed If County Masteri WOFBl Samuel ANACiN Allan of Allenwood llutll F000 For Reliel of pigs are not the same size split them into roups so the re ceiv the required amount IAddresses were given by the III Grand MaSIeII and Grand Orgam fnsI III PAIN II nut MALITED NoteJKeep pigs out of bright sunlightlfor one to two days tzer and theGrandSecretary told cumow Due to gIIlIIIlI MILK Iafter treating and do IIInot tretsick pigs of the progrss zind increased mem Clgerfim undid mgog TABLETS bershiiIof the Ontario Wst Grand Neuralsia Inst unlit lhis rgredy IdoesIIgiIot get rid of all round worms If previous LodgelduIIIng the past year baggie mum 551 aliens tiltidettlttlild soc son Sandersom was presentedeIh fluid drum of oil of chenopodiuin County Masters collar The WM 9212 other county lodge officers elected Remtable ounces casthrI orlwror pigs weighing 100 lbs are Deputy County Master Robert Davis Midland County Chaplain Church brillia County $ecretary Cross Orillia CountyFinancial Secretary Al er 10k Midland CounWreas urer Karl Brown Orillia County Marshal Jas Lee OrilllaI First This dosage is sufficientIfor two pigs of 50Vlbs each Starve for 20 hours before dosing TAMBLYN Wednesday 830 cum to 1230 pm Saturdays II $313311 Lsiittitircoiiilyiergiil ml lO 1030 Pom Open every Sunday 12 to pm to 9pm on sicmou MERGENCY AFTER HOURS PHNE 3871 ii Rowley ElvaIale tmad andhseExminer