Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Apr 1945, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTHtr enoonomoac===aoao It NEWS OF ALLANDALE Hun 1111111111 111 NW ll ouomwmonoal OHOWIMO mm lHlSsitf 51 11141111 whiny we Successful Red toss Jeni lgskitlilr 54113 if Discharged Alter can II it IIIIIIIIII lIIIII II IIII IIIIIIIII IIIII til 51311 ll 11 1m lrezit ca lulu 31 71 11 fills Norma dnv 11111 M1 2113315 ll 11111 Mr ll 11 gr it 11 Al NY II II Keiinrli 151111 hold III1IIIII1II 111 1111 1t stool II in 1f It ileie 1w 111 11 Ml um 11 111111 gt Noniage Lt tl II lg ll 111 II III II 11111 15 Il lvl Ml lll lltil 111 111111 The 1151 if 111 1M 51 iij IiI II 11 ll II II ll ll Fi Ilp III IMHI gt11 1111 ii 11 li2i Nllliia 111121 1l 11 IHl 71 51 id Ilnuf 11 111iiilot 11th 111 111 Ux mi All llelrnu 31 mm It 111 1111 loi ltl 11 11 11 1tllsl11111 II III II 111 gt111iilI1l I1 III III llIlnrh 1111 A11sI gt1 I1Ili 11 tllllll 1v 1111 ti v11 111 gmldmw itlkllllll llliliiili 1211111 liliriuc K1111111 1112 12 Ind mg ll ll 15 oversc ingtillilb lililies 1111 lh It 11 tf l15 The 11111125 of F1 I1II IIIIIi MI MINI IIIIIIII 11 1llllli 11 11111 111111I ODll EU WA Inf 1111111 1311111 Welsh 1i11 11 11 11 1111 1111 ll 11 111 111 Ilim Ill llin 1111111 use 1111 l=cf= 11 mi 11 11 ll illlmmlil HM may Nle the Sale 1111 11111111 111l inc ilill Mb 111 11 1tlt ii 11 1I1 1111111 111 11 llllllCDt VI it II iur tell1 llacn in 111111 i131 l1 tuI IIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII Mi 111 12 11i1lgt1 pp 11111 was gzivc Imp 111 31111 Wired 11 311 1111 1111111 cIk 11111 Mis IIIIM MILII mm III III 11 111 11 111c1 1i1 1i1nc1n Mc 111111 111 11 the bores and 111 11111 v1111l 1tiiili 11 111 Willk Vlltll Itllll 11 li ll 11 11 111 lliirldi Vllti lli IiIgiIiIv 11 1111 I1I1I 2111111 1lI11lIMI NIXII 1va my 11I1II13II1II IIIIII IMII 1H1I H11 21111 111 paper Wyn II 0131111111 the til IIII II WII 1111111 ll 1111111111 11x1 11 11111 111v 11 11 311111111w111111t111111111111111 1111 11111111 111111Iy 1s 111 bll lllllillcll 11 lo 115 H11 111111lll 111 i111fllollr 1v1 Escaped From Hospital inoIt 1111111111111ty centre 111111 111 111 ll 11 111 ietillilial 11 illllgtl be on 111 itil 171 5x03 Ml Ior RH rm Soc an AuromObc i1i 111111 11 the iovuiis 111151 91111111 1111111 11v11 11 ll ll lizllllily Sent TO Reformotory l1 11 11111111 iii 1le til11llll for Pf Ken liitc ou in lfiiglinil 11hr hr HUI 13 Yt l1 Ml ll flay 1111 lhdr Jr Iltiui Itlilllt1 1111 1e 111 111i Mi ti 111 13 1151ll 11 I1 mPIHIHI ImmpIm you llullllllulll 111111111 1111 11111 urea is 311lie liltltltl Mlllrll cencii 1111111 51 51 11 51 111 Pltlldlll1 Him 11 ii 31112112 il Maisllall lit pleaded 1111 111 of opportunity lll s1111111111 their gt111 KH 11 th it lllllltl 111 um 1W1 ll1s1 111 the lit izistiatcs inliil til Sau tllull We must 11111li11e 111111111111 that he x1s 11 ll 131313 QI 11 lll ill II 13 $13IlI111I1 to theft of an auto fin1 l1111 111111111L 11 1l1ll s11111ects llzust line He 111 11 11 t1 his cl JANi 11 iillmn Moiois ll1l1l1tltl 1111 Maui iave Willics in subjects that iciatc as 1111117 otfzccz 1191 11 tl 11111 11 1l1li1l ll 11 and was lllll1 1111 11 111 to 11111v 1111 and we inlist pio 1tillil 11 11 111 llttlli MUN111 HI lili 3TI1 1I llt ill 1911111111111te 111 lil till1111 ltfilllhl idc 111 every secondarywllcol for gt111 Ilia 111 11 111j1111 As 111115 to Munich swam WWI With IIddmIIHIII lx HMHIII IIIIIIH Imlwnmu 111 s1wI III 111I1l 1111 111 11111 11 11 I111 11 ll1il111 II IanHHmIm mm HMIM III II MIMI II Im ng rents from local 1111lt1c11ct VMm Wm lml 11gt 111111 filmisim 1f iuohe Weltaic 111 l1 $8115lilllcan who iilvzstiuifrvl said ili1lliil1 111s111111cslill high schools Swm it llllliliw 111 mm 111 illl lltWlil litllttlltlt limb11 139131 MIHHHH 11 mm 11 hmiIIml 11m Hmmumuml Il1II 11 EATSLEEDLOOK Mi lb 11 lliil IJ llamlmllV 131M siilcroail off lliuhwav iltl 11111 llxoviiicc tilt in 111 Agricultural ttlllllft1l 11111111n111111111111111 II II II II II II II IIIIIIII III IIIIII OPEC 11111 1111 11 the 11111 11111 The talIllIn IlIle oIIlIui II1111111II I1IIIIl 1I1 1IIIp11I lI1111 II 1III1I II III III Ic311 111111 111 11 11 1I11 gt1 la 31 11mg III 11 III MI er 1111 1111 111111I $111141 111 lladsolil wheel 11111 It 11111 11 111 11 11 11 111 this was iccovcicil illl be 1211 today hays 111111 11 at cm VIYAMINBICOMPLEX 1i lll iIltl 111111 liiiIss1 LiIf 111 13111 11111 gt1 1101 hold I1 undnmmde IIMIHIII III II IIIHKH pmin Hm own 11111 111111 fIIJI II 11 IIMO 11111111 1111 111111111111 further lilvcstr Mowing mp t11111111 s11 there gt better 111111111 HUN ll ymn All 111 liiiIIJlIWll ll lltlll Ill illlllIiltlltll$ MN 111$ Im TMI Whip 111111 111 inking 5111113 11rk anti WHITIYS Illtlti STORE rm gunylilq TIM 111111 11 11111111 lltllltllltfl 11111Elcttil had spent the vliitci WV 1I11l III 111111111 economics as 111lll1lll courses ml HS day 11111111111 April 1111111 inc llll lit Wife and faiiuly in lo sol1 11111 1111 all 11 1111 11111111 to have less necessity ill f1 lends ii= 111111111 con 11 Vtll ll floor 111 111 fitin rioliic 11 1111111 ioiitil it 1111 Synliilgton Ave ltll gt 1r lfor lived lvillli oiiditions vary guys If 111111111 timis slVlli 11ml 11 1a II 31111111 11 li11riii111 by his gt1lll llcnr the p1i five years 11c had vorkerl 1H meme M111 111111 11 1I11111 riiifeient districts and it is left PLYMOUTH IiIlIN curacmm 11111 lit Near the body has the niiiiket garden licar Bradford 05le 1mm mm Ruhr 111 pim1 11 110 51111 II MI III 1111111y 11111111 111111111 11111 sharp 11 3151111011111 11 quiet ulall and my 1151111UI 111 im 111131111111 illuc Wind pawnunc Imrsm It DOUGH TI IfNi Ill Ibucks1w lii1i11 111111 of 111111111 1111 motive was found for the slay nitmm walk MINI mi I1 HUM 11 1151 Illnpmiuni HI 1II11 iiIiiisdIa I1If1I1I111Ion Illii balm dated 11111 1111 lllitligttlll by the investigators mm mum the CI IIlkdI111iHI is mpr Imam inMilQts arisi 111 HM HM mmnmm III TI III II IIII1 III II gt 1o 101511 in 1115 11119111111 11111111111111ity 1il it 11I illlf hi PART 1111111 flilllllillllltll itll mm mo hulk Hf lAMhmmx Wk hospital was because he 1111 cvi the conlllllllllll tcel llade was forced 11111 was lllll 1ducclt IV IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII SIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIII flu l1111 dcntly shallowed filltlitll 11111111 lllt pl 111 II lllhlrllllllfll Nilllftl deep into lle ieck iilllltl tullllli 11111 2111 Unknown p11111115ol 181 Page and laideil if 8111 il unduly In 1111 lllt lllMl 1111 extended thanks on behalf of 41 ll Vents iliI 11 11I 11II11111111v l11ll1111111 11111 K1waninnsA Barthol 11 11 11111 1iikiN Mill 111 OMIILIJL Nix IUItHih III 11IIIsI llioso ll my p11 nun anuni 11 11 IIMI EI GI Nurmim Imp PIIVIIIII me Imd AI Cumming In 19112 RMLR Hill x11 31 Mid Mlle bh loll 111111 lltl litu lllll 11 Ml chairman Frank Spry of the miners expressed apprecia II tum and KT 15 mlnL Mlder 11 ill lllill and lliltl Lloilc Into 11 11 ulimmg 1111 111w an lwwumw MIC Paul MN ilrldford rose hls been nmlerl for the 1Igtlt11llilll cvteiided rmmvlN 11111 3111 nlcalvu1i tliplllIIldl itlill ictiiliicii about 111 11111 Mm America Secretmy 1mm IWI I4 Wand not Hotliin 111h lllbm but mmle Om pdge me ior and doubtless hi any othi Have you renewed your subscri 11 candles Mrs Jones the lhlcsident lClCd the 11 the grounds believed llllll winking 1111s will stress an Induslrldl Tlllll namemwould have t1111111s1C1111s cents At all newsdealers or this A1 jbl Wm Sill and made sicondtrip into town acter with floats from various in 11 science MnniuuI 0m hllzlbh Illru waded 1m IVIIIIHI 11111 He came hack to the tarni later in lustries and organizations in town wmwmmM 7m gm SERVICE To ALL lKIlo 111v Diviis Klw 110 llttlnoou and searched for his and with the farmers from around MAKES 119112 11111 WE Tm fatller Oil entering the home he assisting Some local units will 0111511 vuci 1101 cund the body wrth 11lHtlltlllitl also march and it is hoped to have lt 1011 ens vocal aild i1imo chloiw 511011 mm Duplm Cbvd Kll Doric Nome 10 WINK Upon entering the shack Mrs tie Band and also coming direct from Western Ontario the famed Mrs Bllek and rs L9 IDavid luuhetti and lindo Illntl 010 Hf mo mph bl RIch neighbors foiinil 111cchetta lying 111 Canadian Womens Army Corps Keno MN MW hmvla pool of blood PipeBand More particulars about Iv gt work Mrs Butler OM Edwn Zliectietti said the mans forehead both big events April 20 and 30 lrs Mltchett Mm and eves were blackened possibly next week 1gtI Miss Barnard lhgkklitilllzex Id by blow from the wrench Good MoVies Available Those who keep mass of liucchctta had been seen lues The Loan Committee impurity pent up in their bodies day after day instead of having it removed as nature intended at least once in every twentyfour hours in variably suffer from constipation The use ofcheap harsh purgativcs will never get yen any where as they only aggravate the trouble and iii Elsie the delicate mucous lining of the male and are very liable to cause piles If constipated take Milburnls LaxaLiver Pills and have ll natural movement of the bowels They do not gripe weaken and lichen as many laxatives do Oscar lolibrook Toronto Saturday with Mr and Mrs Delnpster Sprintr work has commenced on tile land here the earliest season for some time spent Sgt Stan Jennett Hagersvilie1 and Ml$ Beryl Jennett spent the weekend at their home On Friday Mr aild Mrs Black and Mrs Muir Sr Barrie visited the latters son Walter Muir who is improving from his recent The Milburn 10 1116 Toronto Ont serious illness BRENTWOOD hA Mrs Conklin has returned home after week with her moth er in Hamilton Mrs Art Thurman and family spent the weekend with Mr and iMrs Seymour Mrs Austin and Antoinette Mimlco spent afewdayslast week with her parents Mr andMrs Dumond PENETANGS CUSTOMMS OFFICE 115 YEARS OLD Penetang has customs office day by 5cveral neighbors and had have number of excellent movies Conducted some business Willi Bap About ANN Al nullsol tNlRt slllttit riloialissliig 1NgttRAlfLr BRUHURUQ Victory consisting of battle pic1urcs takenl tista Wazzoler who had bought 1Iy Canadian Anny wins and 151 Sign Um llilll Signal Corps at the European and Zucchetti after seeing the body Pacic fronts Another ne of the murdered man jumped into movie is me Bring 111m he his car rushed to Bradford and inl v1 devastating London and lnediatcly returned with Dr methods taken 10 511001 the 101011 Sinclair bombs down There are sing Chief of Police Waiter Reeves songs and good val131 Uf was called alld with Provincial types of 16mm pictures handI Constable Cecil Dean arrived at If any 1111 lodge organization the scene the ltilaedy desires to have slvvingu phone Provincial Inspector Kennedy the thory Loan ofce and 81 took over the investigation and rangemms W111 be made to sup Coroner Dr Shannon of Church my the machineI screenI Operator lllvvas summoned Itjwas announc ahdjy 18mm bf program desired Good civilian and Armed Forces speakers can also be arranged Simcoe West Program Concerts and parades ale being planned in many parts of the Sim coe West unit One big feature will be the tour through South Simcoe of the Barrie Collegiate provincial prize winning band on Saturday April 28 This band will parade through Cookstown Brad ford Beeton Tottenham and Al liston that afternoon and evening The BCI Band will also be heard $1775 in Stayner on April 23 afternoon $1785 and have been invrted to play in $1735 the big opening parade at Coiling TODAYS PRICES HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY As quoted byFlrst Cooperative Packers of Ontario Ltd Barrie BACON HOGS Dressed hot weight on rail Grade plus federal and provin cial bonus Today One week ago Two weeks ago 115 years old it is revealed in old sessional papers lt was made customs port Jan 1830 with ThosG Anderson the first collec tor In 1889it was reducedto an outport and placed under Toronto it was detached TronrToronld in 1902 and placed under 11111111111111 where it still remains ovr POLIle M11111 Eventhbugh your estate is not largeyou can enjoy the peace ofuninci which comes from knowing that your affairs areSafe1y in the competent hands of this corp oratjon Indeed in many instances we have been able thibugh our adminiStratlontoeffecbsavmgs many times greater than the costs involved Ask for our booklets merit ScrviCe it 3A large wood that Inight Collingwood is Threeweeks agIo S18th having big Concert on Apr 29 bow 14 and Stayner on May with talent N01 Grade 1430 from Camp Borden and Toronto NO Grade Simcoe WeSt Committee SimcoerWest Conny Butcher Cattle Steers up tom Complae Butcher Cattle Heifers upto $1000 lee for the Vlotmy Lila Butcher Cowsr up t0$750 been announced as 9110 Chair1 Bologna Bulls flip t0 $700 lan KZN Mom50m Balm Veal Calves II up to $14110 VlC Chairmen John Leltc Colingw00d McCaguevAl 311 listen Chittick Barrie secs Wm medium fA pullets II 23 Bradford II23 Sales chairmen Walter Godwin 16 Barrie andVictor Ellis Coiling wood vicechairmen John Wilson CHILKENS craggy StaynerrRh 72 7L 1A Neillyg11 Grade and fordi Barry JebbI Cookstown Minded Minimal Group Payroll chairman FIgaqu lbs and over 31 Sum Barrie Payroll Savings 1105710 lbs 30 chairman John Woods Barrie lbs to 51135 29 Vicechairman It Wheeler unde 115 23 Collingwood Public Relations Broilers 28 chairman KpWalis Barrie vicechairmen Bern Brophy and bwlnCollingwood MI Chepesuik Barrie Speakers Com mittee McVittie Barrie Dominion Civil Service chairmen 13 M1 ChepesulkI Barrie and poultry Bellamy Collingwood gt Barrie Committee Over lbs lbs to lbs Under lbs Old roosters The above are dressed prices and are subject toga killing charge of five cents per bird on chickens and towl and15c on tur keys10r birds delivered alive to the wm purchased dressed head off Un Iat presentable THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA mOOWOHOWOBOWOEOj true WEEK cooxsrow 23 Wright Stayner Evans Chairman Chittick oak eraI Sales chairman Walter God Public Relations chairman eese are only ChebesulkIvicechairluanL plant Duel and Salter and Lemma inislled ul notbeing accepte PayrollSavingschairman John Woods vicechastise 151 carp 1111111111 EGUESTS OF THE Cemal 931th flirtatious and wears like iron blushes Flat SelnLUloas and Gloss Your Nearest Elastica Dealer In the loveliest of colour eomlt Softene brill new charm and freshness to inter lore Softonc washes like chum in three Velvet Finishz THURSDAY APRTL 12 1945 macaw ElAsriCA KWtCKWORKGLASSITE It ROBINSON HARDWARE ill LOP ST Ilttlll Buuiifui litigant Was Well Presented cilivizs of viziliil Ulilltli 11111111 illFlblttl villltis of 1111 111111111 by lilt1llltil iittl 111caill lne ross 1f Light before very liiriu liltltllLlltt lll the church liiiilioiliinl on lllibltl Sunday evening The garden ettmg for the pil fuinmoce was well arranged itn INTERNATIONAL VARNISH COMPANY LIMITED Ialllfll is lllllitl Itll dclilleh of the whim alil 1111111 PHONE It 31 CHI IBIIIHI Ii lljXlllA FUSSY coffee lovers go wild about Max vourgluceis iii an All Pur pose llind that suitsuny ype of coffee maker its superb coffee lends ew llllNiWi MEN ilisiilri RESPONSTHHJTYAFOR HORSE trees and sliiiibhery fill4 lllil 11111 other flowers through which coillcll be seen 11111111150 of the tomb llicE liitliznienl was reserved in 111 putc 11Vcr horse that died while it toinli is beautiful hand panith 111 the care of someone not the big the work of Mrs ochrania llayfielil Si Al the back hung the lighted lil which was most effective Those taking Miss part wci llctty White as Rachel Major Williams as Reuben tliactlcls hus band Miss Audrey Milligau as lti11yblis Agnes loiighlcy as Mary Magdalene Miss Frances llcll as Salome Miss Mary Maxwell as Adah Rachels sister Mr Neilson lwens as Bartiluaeus Mrs it Smith Was the Reader The junior ilioii represented the cllildrcn of Jerusalem They sang linricconipaw led as they entered the ciuircil and proceeded around tllc auditorium Their voices rang with harmony and sweetness The symbolic char acters were Mrs Perry McIntosh as Easter Miss lletty iiook as Love Miss Betty Bill as Faith Miss Ruth Cameron as Peace Miss Ruby Givens as Ilope Miss Janet Illewell as Life Miss Helen Scott as Truth Miss Gwynneth Allen as SeivicezMiss lClel ilarris as loy The costumes of all were exec lent and Worthy of mention particularly lovely was Easter who carried Easter lilies and was gowncd in white as were all the symbolic characters The soloists for the evening were Mrs McCullough Mrs Murray and Eldon Trick Mucll praise is dilc all those who 111 this but owner The matter was heard he forc Judge liar vie in Barrie Monday Frank ook of ollliigwooii who operates 11 11111111 stable at Wa Isaga Beach had loaned the horse for the winter to Norman Knuff who lives ill trey County near ol lingwood According to Took the iiiycarold son of Kiliiff was illlt 11111 the animal without saddle and while racing some colts ran the horse iiilo post The horse died within few liliiiiiles This was October 29 19111 The boy alleged lthe horse did not r1111 111111 post The plaintiff was claiming $11th for the animal and $150 for loss of disclaiincd responsibility JUVENILE Vl RISES t1Winnipeg Venercal disease inong boys and girls under 17 has increased in Manitoba 19 per cent to 66 per cent ill the last 10 years 1Dr Jackson deputy health minister said in his report to the legislature took part and Iltflftillllfd in such capable lnailucr The pageant was under the direction of Miss Jessie Bryson organist and choir di rector of the church who gave genv erously of her time and talent to make the performance the great success it was 111611001100 LTD durable washable semi gloss nish of remarkable beauty Soft attractive Calais that form perfect backgrounds for all room furnishings siIsiiIrIlHIlI III1l1511ci fJUSTRITE 5131313 SPECIALTIES ELECTRch FENCERS STEEL POSTS sIPoUtTRY FENCE 2911104 Douro ST JUSTRrrEjBIRD SEEDS iuISTRIITE FISH rooois TONIC $1600 DELAVALsrranaronsurruss BARBED WIRE80 rods for $375 GALVANIZEMBLACK WIRE THE GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE andCHINA WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS 16 oz 89c 110111 not ii 64 ozs 598 128 025 $298 RICHMOND PAINT Qt FOURHOUR ENAMEL P0R CH 86 DECEQENNT VfarH 5Lcrqei IPACKAGEI FLOWER GiANT STRINGLESS FLOOR ENAMEL RICHMOND Qt VARNISHrdvaARNISH STAINS Qt cv QUALITY PAINT Qts NUIILAC Shellac StlbstitutieQt JAPAIIAC ENDURANCE PAINT Qt $145 JAPLALAC 4HR ENAMEL Q1 $185 JAPALAC FLORENAMEL Qt $155 VARNISHES Iron Evnnvfronroso 15 CHLOEVINE oIsINrEdTANij is Glam 11111 1111 10013 THOSELUXTON GARDENPEAS lb 35c IBLUE BANTAM GARDEN PEAS ib 35c ilENDERWGREENI STRINGLESS BEANS 111 40c GOLDEN BANTAMI CORN lb Duran SET OINfONS ib MULTIPLIER ONIONS lb cool lanai 750 Qt 79c Lot i$155 1dr $150 VEGETABLE SEEDS BEANS lb 350 3513 25c use of the animal The defendant iwellHomeAvai111llleAatAww rayn

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