hmv Ctllitiiitzi tun ic one Illa fps Hi tixiizt lifzwg II It Posted in Limitation gr wii il 2137 lt Ittl 11 I611 it 11 it III II ti llngcett utiiinissiuuid hip It iilrJ ltillitit iii 4va wimp ML uAM II 51 is gt 11c ii 111 Maciiilll 114 limit ttiiiii iziigi Iliizs Itl 3110 1011 I311 11 Ittl 1141411 =iitoniitsort HARDWARE BARBIE PAGE EIGHT up Ight for Freedonl Activities of Men md Women tn the NsvyArmyAtr Force Wallpapers Hundreds of pat terns to choose fromgwaith Plain Plaid Stripes and Floral Designs in colors that are de liqhttul VISIT our Waltlia per lic purtiiicnt tll tlic sccoiitl floor and lciaurcly pick your clioicc of in privacy ECONOMICALLY PRICED from 1212c roll and up papci sunwoemv mm MU LTI USE re 600 574 ENAMEL $195 Qt SENOURS FLOOR ENAMEL $160 qt SoftoneI Finishes Semi Gloss $170 oi Elm $150 Qt MfIMARIIIJIAOIR PRODlCI Gloss $150 Qt PHONE 2431 MEMBER BARRIE CHAMBER OF COMMERC Iiii llltll xta llllllHVttI by the Hill lilllllv faking fourse at Plimhitlr 11 321 ai 311 tinned iii higtmd =2 l11 in HEAT an tlr 111 wt 31 ticiu ti lil Ji lixtiet ItIi 91 Htfit It 11 oi tio ht uni Angus Milli lromotcd 51 laiiuw Illfllattl ltwiziiiii tlliiittll liligttltttl tiiaps hi it tcxi li 111sl tllpiillllilltlil in he tic iii2101 tiic llcpaitnicut of iilfltl Ilctcucc iniiouiiccs iii ll1 of it Iltlgttgt lliilllitlilk lli 1l Mis Marti11c ltooiiniii Ttc lilmvule Soldier Silii 21 lohtisloii ltllilittlil mifwt Al uul Mrs 11 IrlllI1I llliH tlt lillcii lx Canadian School is llli lzllllvthl Kingston llllt the Army last ltliilltlllt tii tt lllt Alvtllllllltllltt 101 no Il 101 Illlli Wood it 11 rill And Horn tllll oiiipamz Ittlllt Lieutenanttoloiiel ltichard lhoiiias lotci aiizidiaii Army Medical Now Mallit lIoIval oips whose wife Mrs IIuitl lot THE BARBIE EXAAHNKR BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Brig Clark Gets CHE SHIHJAN BROWNViflfilllAlllJi 1111 iv for 111 lumlwi it the ll1iiti of llllillltll Dmitiuoii lprcn lltllttl l5 Scirttc have been succc lui Tip icarctt to milieu 1151211 iicluulw ill the til QIHI of tiitiv toilillol with itli lik tllt v11 gt rd 01m JlLPQVCdiLl 121 txitli Irrls 3111 MARCH 29 194 iGNR CLARKE HlT BY snRAPNEL atom on LEAVE i329 one 1s tuner Sit 40in ltr Ti II vs rm it In the loveliest of coauir coiii piesisc tartmeet one flirtatious Softoiie bruiter new charm and freshness to all llltcr GREAT MAN HM It not mp 1011 SoftonIeIIwnsht Illit tItIiIirniI 124 1113f11 anal 01 8an wears iron in et urn In 533mm 1IIIit5 um lIw tilt in II LII IIIIIIh nmhm VPIVCL bluish 52111142 charms mum lulu i1 uw it SemiGloss and Close KWlCKWORKGLA SSIYE if la Mr 4m Wow 1w tiricliolm 5W rm It 31 ms mu ini in is 00 in Your Nearest Elastica Dealer bottomed bxllltflllt uracil 11 igt 111 lli til liltt 11 Canadian lawyer tioiiS artnal legal facts of war glttflldlflltllt he illuxtrates lltt between tlilliltill no1 tolltttnc rimes tribunals desctthts the development outlines the out of international law proper punishment for 111111 mam and the nation Mtcrwo Iiiicilt these and many other 111M In fascination Minev of tliNl Macmillan $17 50 lirillimn 102 ROBINSON HARDWARE III It It qrrtirsd Itf rennin unit my 41 IiIIv It Jails Lil ItIJII In II FNIAH Sir PHONL 2111 In pi 11113111 11 II 111111 of 1111 titliltt trim IiWI II Mm lie when 11 llt in 11 it s1 at Mi II LE it skittish fiit trait 1qu lrll II IH II II II it IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIII II II It ItttI 11 11 111111 mm mm unuu cmm rum mtmn gs 111 If Ill Shhlnl 1Ilmiti2f rst if li IIi ii Ar it II an II IIIII HII lltvrt FIlr 5111C flit It It IIII III II II III II II lltAt 1211111511251 li st in vHNItll II III humus Ill flr rtzia file 0111 Hf iI HII ll vHhl Grimm tl up till ll WM ll Uil flll riiiiliuhi 1H Hut Jl mot in itiiincz 12m tin la 11 tl which Yo ti Ui ttlril Hi this sum deep into norce tlifrlV exaltid oic 13 tin 111cm iii in edit ii vlich he tic iv HZ Yu il lic flu tirtufarmn rii violin to lt1fll cur Flu ml Ill tltlltt in iritiilx at tllc coiiiiiciiici ItiiIalit 11 iii ljtgl il Pvlfltlla file SlellCJ and minim ache MOVIES All IAIUIINH Plil3 tniiailac l1tc fuiii=ci IIHIIi Il lrmc uid 13ml It lll lwir llldtliil and H3 Im IMl ituiinrd ltll Av litiaiizcr 1141 111 iwj tiic Wtt 111 or which St 111 it I1 It 11111 Ill Jib lltill En lvir Wth CI hill Ii WWW WNW in IMHHIP II II cc liltl lt it ill vied Vliirh Jifflltlll may lie biiu iI l1 1f 112 UN HM Hit Ink it 1w iii dmimultittititw inclimam mm iiiwant iw iwrtv il Mfmml Iluvl VAR CRIMES Nl lllNlSlt it 1111 wt 1121 tiltlitl ll ll 44 Pl if In it mi Mn xcii 114ltl ldllli Killtttn ltviil and use lixzuuiiici Classifieds tritiics 1111 the differ lItlII MATIII olleiziatc institute hlttlllttlltllltc Debentures and Coupons Public Schools Maiiitciiaiicc Debentures and Coupons Separate School tci lt at lotteiihain has been Iproinotctl to be acting licutciiaiiti colonel llis promotion is an got officers and other ranks of the aiialiaii Army Overseas which has bccn released by the Depot iiicnt of National Defence Brothers Spend Leave Together Mrs Annie Lee residing with lltl daughter Mrs Frank Arni stroug Ajax has received cable ifrom her two sons Elgiii in Ger many and Bennie in England that 01le are spending their leaves to gether in England They are bro tliers of Mrs Lindsay Grove St iBarrie and Mrs Dickey Cum lbcrland St Allaiidale Airmen to Serve an Extra Year RCAF ground and adiliinistialivc tpmsollllel must agree lOtWo years additional service after the cessa tion of hostilities if they want ov erseas postings it was announced Iat Ottawa Their enlistment oath called for only years service af ter the end of the war An official explained the extension oftlle ov erseas limit to two years was made in the expectation the airmen be needed to serve with Canadas squadrons with the Forces of Occupation ox Tell it well and iLwill sell rot Barrie and district the telling is best done through The Barrie Examiner 16 MbSCwi v13 qty rem 31374335 BYOUR MODERN 0000511 NthERMlT REtlUlREll ER TIRE SERVIC 11 Clapperton St Bcirri70ntf II Britons icucrul Rate less IltllfllLtllltl lilxcinptions 0130 tPublic School flute Separate School Rate Lecal Improvement Rates on Sewers Pavements Waterworks Dept Electric Light Dept P011 Tax Licenses Rentals Percentages added to taxes Interest on investments 11s County of Simcoc Board of Police Commissioners lioard of Parks Management Board of Public Library iiouncctl iii list of 00 prouiotionsIlvamuws mm Cmllmns Dog Tags Plumbing permits BARBIE RODGET 1945 RECEIPTS RECEIPTS Requisition Mills 110leth 871000 245 4218700 529801 0111 453213 1100 3113000 570 200000 300 300000 55 037084 117 2720407 v108 0100091 1501 2350711 71452 Tax Roll 351330 355070 PU Debentures and Coupons paid by Town 184930 202319 Waterworks Dept share of profits of 1944 County of 81111000 re Reacts Ontario Government boilus mill Liquor Control Board re licenses Police Court fines and fees Canadian General Electric Company fortland From Reserve EXPENDITURES ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Collegiate InstituteMainteInance 463142 Debentures and Coupons Public SchoolsMaintenance Debentures and Coupons Separate School ICountyof Simcoe Board of Police Commission Parks Board Public Library Board Debentures and Coupons Public Utilities Commission WaterworksDebentures 80 Electric LightDebentures Works Departmtntl General Works Sewage Disposal Gas Garbage Collection Welfare Hospitals indigent patients Board of Health Assessment SalariE Printing and Reception Interest on Loans Uncpllectable Taxes Elections Liability Insurance Councilfremuneration Agricultural Society re barns Excess of expenditures in 1944 over Contingencies Discounts on prepayments of taxes Mayors honorarium 871699 4218789 529801 Coupons 184936 Coupons 202319 Property Committee Water Light and Fire Department Fire Brigade 412000 Fire Fighting Equipment 150000 Fire Alarm 10000 Fire Truck Drivers 300000 Fire Truck Mainteruince 50000 Hydrant Rental 350000 pfstreet Lighting 645000 Special Grants WtsiiiiiiiiiIIII 3627000 ll 050000 silictioii of SlltltlttS the mtg fr Ill idual Ger it III fa II MI Ito cw 27 xl 97f K211 13 114 Parade iof Values Levy 13110301 1702070 1005211 21140131 2000000 300070 0300274 272201ii Youll be Smartly Serene in Seersucker 0100001 Engaging little numberseach one fresh as daisy and as tubbable as llanky Made II of Seersucker imported from the Us the 001400 Land of Cotton striped or checkpatterned in appealing colors Featured at Zellers at price thats little for so much quality and 000 00 smartness 26IIIIIIIII 5170512 to 20 ZELLERTHRIFTPRICED 100000 15000 150000 60000 75 10000 IWOIOQ lor the Smart and Thrifty 160000 19300 Ginghams 140000i 1020 Tfhamb $23970660 rays $6095 1334341 Cotton Aristocrats ivv for Crisp Smartness 4748590 7I74I985II3I4I1 THE SMART YOUNG CROWD is cottoning more 31I130I00 iand moretofqualitycottoirsrfColerluiGiiighamS 20 000 00 and Chambrays are quality cottons withenough body 00 II for smart tailored effects yet so lightWOight that 30 youll love them for their coolness as well as for 637934 the fact that theyll come out of each tubbing as 27204I87I bright and crisplas new dollar bill Iheresa grand assprtment of these Quality Cottons in Zellers ReIady=toWear Department Come and see them 872 5r in all their glowing colors 500000 Zellersvi MIl II Iianery eptII Zellers bright attractive store has always beach popular rendezvous fOr budgetconscious shoppers 19 170 and each day the extensive stock flashesreal values 42750 00 Walkmight through tO the reaIrIiif the store tOthe II Millineiy Department and see the smarthats high litStyle low in price IManyI of theblaek straws are accented with white starched laceIwhile others are 4237000 II gay with flowertrimsiITheres an entire table de 000 00 votedto Kiddies Felt Hats berets poke bonnets and other girlish types thechildren adore Matrons 9000 too are not overlooked andthe dignifiedlady will 300000 dowell to See the black felt hats Top the season off 310000 with chic hat from Zellers and still remain on ZIZOOIOO the credit side ofyour budget 400000 600 00 Millinery for Modish Matrons 150000l 50000I Hats with an air of elegance and dashing smart 160000 Will do justice to onurIchic hairdo and arkling ZOOIOOI gels IOngroquuality Felt with novelty rimmings ors urquoise old bi lsgggdggl ELLERIIHRIFHBRGED and greens my Plaik 65000 130000 II ZELLERS 150000 500000 1073920 482049 $27970660