REEF 031 IARIO CAD51s 7TTTTTT gt THURSDAY MARCH 29 1945 mm PAGE Dm IIUSIMNDS ENJOY the WM iargmrru 11 LUMM sine Mom HOLLY Illt lI IH 8111 111111 Hoargt71 of Mr Ml 1111111 RCA French Knight yCit diniuluting flavor of Max 11011 IIUUM Coffee Its All lnrpme Grind is suitable for any type of coffee nuikcr llie Wartime Bog saves you money te111vst1 1rkvrl The 1111 111111 cor tst1ut dress and frget1uc1 tended Follow lion spetml Fraiay litifl in Judes liver 11111 lilll 111911 11 1111 1111 l1r11 suit has 111511 ur 1x1 ltlit 111111 111111 111 11 rtilitt sir111 RCA jlii11 101111111 111 151 11 10 11 5211 1311011 117 311 11m sti 11 1111t111a SC 111 11 t111101nt is III 1111111 sdf 11 ch ll111ltl Sii1111 llttitrl Mrs 11 ll urhctt Sayera 8111 lidl ll i11 11111 1110 WA 1111 zirctt litliliis 111 lueoh li 1141 111 red 1111 itlttl Htillltt FLAHHI 11Illrllillt gt=1 111111 11111 111 itl 11111 Vllt 110 111111z1111111 tiul 3111 111 1110 111=lt fcins tlllflllzlhwl 11 HM 11 111 It 11 IllIIMIN it 11 11 illh 311111 rice 101 i11l 171 11 1711111111 111 ins1111 331s 111111 111131 11nd ri=I11b 111 111111 111 lilu 111 11111 11 ll 1113i Mr 11111 It Mtlitii ne spent and 311s vale to 111 tltiiutl 1111 011le gt 11111 11011 1111 1111 1111 11111111 10 and ti11 clcn10 Athzir men 121i 111111 liviio 1111 11 ti1il St1111ll Ihv 111111 the 11111 I11 111 111311011 10112111 M1 0310117 ritl Mrs 11 11111111101 baby Marv write11111 1101111 1130 luink of berry 11111111111 1111t 11 do two very nzcc tnirlts ship lvu lilitl have Ionnns Institutc 1211 11 111111 11 lid 111 lll titt1 3111111 117 1101b 111110 1111114111191 cd the 111101111111w lllltlt 1110 t11111111t 111 111 1111 311 lltt11li 50111111 211 i1111ti littlrl1ltl 1111l111t1 1111 xt1 1llll 111 dial011 T110 down of 011 bodice 5110 wore Hm 1lltlli gunk 1111111111 1110 $110 11 11 111111 01111 11011tli111 311w 111111110 11111115111 1111 v1 L11tl ll fllflf1 The lllIutttl 10 now 11111 111111 mothers and 11111111111 the11 111 to the li Ilcrl Crow 311 0111 1111111101 T1 been 111 11 111111 91 111111 11110 11111 1111111101 ginno mlllltooltllInorlctnltoo1 THE 11111 11111 lllw111 1101 sst 11151111 l=11tlv1Lti Illt titli 111111 1111111 RATIthttllilthS VALID flutter Non tillMd Nos 40 715 Holler ervics lnitcrl 11111111 next Sunday In the womb 111100 111 the choir Pinter mesAIW 11111 111 111 111 Mi 1111 Ne ll mm 14 11 olltkItl lI sugar 01 11110 111d mac 111111111101 11111 FULL 1911 1111 Ht1111 rot111111 mum men Nos 33 1101s 11111 51121111110117 111111tit1111111 1111 row 111 the even wk 011111110 IlljWt 111 111111u 111 11 1111 10111Iil Next Ntltll 1111111t1 All 11101 11 1t111 and 11111 111 there will be sacrcd inovin Picture The Kit110d 131111110 and Mrs Roy l0llv Mrs r1 1041 lllie sticnt 311111111 111 llhs Mabel 1ul V2111 11 11010pli1111 11113111 1l ln h1111 ll Aubzcy Edda011 tlnln by 1111151 111 CUPBOARD FULL tlll ltHlZb Il LUNCIIICONS 111 1110 STORE HOURS FOR EASTER of 1111 1111111 1121111 it Hit lll1l 111 Altaforrl Nixon 11111111 1111010 1111111 11131 11 51111111 ltllllJ111ltl them its f11 as mun 29 PM 11itl5111 1f llLlll 111111 elephants 11511111111 1101111 1t1d 1l1 111clu11110 gtl11111101gt Wind and spent the lav wrth Mrs lhujzcv Visit from Newton entertained St v111 ltlltIllll 11 bull and 111110 There vclt about to1fv mush 111 Wilton Icccivtd in 1010 CATERERS for BANQUETS 111y 111d ltH 11111111i11011ti 1111111111121xi11111 lrinitv 1011 Robinson Yll 1cls social on Tuesday March There were about 30 111111111 lht 1110011111 opened with ItW Inusical to get acquainted the games the visitin voun 110111110 conducted vc 11M $11 1110 11111104111111 VP 1111 brown 11s 111111 wore 0111s 11111 of l1l1gt111111 11 ititlllt loses llit 111111111114 mother was in ltopcu 111110 flunvcictl 0111111 viluiClmV llt1lllll 111 littltl 11lifnll llitoftown A11 11101 WWW we10 11 loynt St IN1111111 1111 John 11 11111111v Llll Duk 1311110 12111111111l1111ltl Ma Vlltlt ilnnns of luxe llzc liappy 011111110 ltlt 1111111 liu 11111 best wishes for lloronto 111111 1111111 south the bride 11 111 POST OFFICE SQUARE Proprietor 11 111111111 zam Follow wore llic tillnillls 2121 black 1tgt1112t ll11a1cllffc ltt aunt 511111101 3115 wltlt lll lt worship sr 1110000111112 closed with 011111111111itv sinusong bruntiful lunch To Report re ltlcninrial Hall public lloys Reunion was held on Monday night 111 the Orange MOOIOIJIIINIllllllulo 1I1tl ltlllll followed by of 0111110111 11100111111 tl1c Old 11111111 suit llall anr twillltl Loblaws Strictly Fresh mm PM mm in md Muck 1111111111199 onsistuny Gordon Ilvnly Ivan MUW Neville lamreson was appointed to obtain nfounation regarding grants etc Memorial report of this to be given at the next public meeting beingT held in the Continuation School on Mondav April 30 at ll p111 10 Goof lungev Writes from Jungle The following is 11 1rtter receiv by Mrs Greene from F0 Geo Dunzcy dated Feb 28 1943 Greene11 your parcel yesterday Little could you imagine would reach me their 1cturn they and 1ill ltll at Ill Cedar Island lhc Yuan ltttplcs 111001111 l1ld was under tlr lc1dc1hip of Marion Allsopp Fellowship convening Jim Bell lilntvale who is on months furlough five years overseas visited his sis ll M1w last week 1111111111 of local young people ltltSMllHi BLUBBBLL Brand Grade lIl Medium BDGBBBOOK Brand NEILSON JERSEY Brand building llall JISI ARRIVED Ilritislr olnnibln Extra Fancy WIN ESAP APPLES Allrnctlrely priced rrordlnz to silo rant turn of tho dance 12 In oath afar Ik777VLDD AA Dal Wm FLORIDA varrtstia FULL JUICE 175 Lugs ORANGES 47 Ilnx CALIFORNIA SINKISI illCr LEMONS One of UM abnia rfzu in each rtarl 332 111111111 111111111111111111 Grade Clips llnllr Tuesday evening tsp salt tspns lauic 111an Powder tbs butter run tbs nuuur tbs milk apples Dear mm after spending lthfiVtfl ltl lYl llrttlicnts cut in butter wlh mix lightly llrop emf Into cup unbeaten 111111 inllk lcc cold HORNES DESSERT where it am living1 in two knives ndd sup 1111035 Mrs Turn on to SI111111393 rsrmrim 45 iuncle in the forward most of our meals are from can ned rations and soonr meals are standardized it really hit the spot area oured board shape dough SERVE 11min ambits 0NTARIO No TRADEi Pure and cut ripples into 0111 COOKING ONIONS 11111 ONTARIO ONIONS ARE PLENTIFULSERVE OETEN fireside service for young people held in Muiesinr Sunday took part in PUDDING 201 Ikgs put on creased sheet hths prcssinlo parallel rows into 111111er sprinkle pith sugar and cinnamon and dot 11h butler 111lxed together in the pro COCOA 91 11 11111 and was Church Donald 1197011 prcsulcd Uintcd operations against the Japs and have at present quite number of operational sorties in As you have travelled in this part Wlh itSSISl1 by AllaierlcNabb and Mur IIb introduced the speaker Jack Patterson of lorOnto chili011N111 Mam16 HEAD LETTUCE 21$13217c 19 Its Chocolate Cocos 29 portion of two tbs sugar Hlltl tsp clnnnnion Bake at 400T 20 minutes DGILVIES vmw ray Rupert who MADEY IN CANADA CEREAL 1601 Ila of the world little doI need say of the heat and mosquitoes Christmas TEXAS 0031111 11211 SPINACH It is Read and use Examiner Classifieds the natives SWIFTS SILVBBIBAF week for 211119 so dressed in their brightest and cleanest Sundaygoier sheets thev They brought fruit and beat few drums while about 30 women put on dance it was dude interesting and took es The jungle is quite have yet to see tigers did have par rott native gave me but he died too much being kept in captivity Thanks auain for the kind consideration Urom llb Curton PURE LARD NO IUSSNO BOTHERNO WASTE BIRDS EYE 111111111 BEANS 17 28 HUTCHINSONS Brrull Pkg FOR RESTFUL SLEEP 17 0111mm DURIIAM Brand CORN STABCH CABB CALIFORNIA BUNCH CARROTS ZlurISc BEETS ztrr 13c Orlglnnl lunches 111 or over FLORIDA GREEN Large Size 48 CELERY STALKS 11W 271 ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR 23 paid its visit AGE 3151 151 Ill0 Hb Pk Bag few piet lace sta king around LlPltS NOODLE SOUP MIX BRUCES BIRD RED LABEL 111111 11031 r1111 39601 Ikaa parcel and ONTARIO NO GRADE WASIIED BULK CARROTS lll 15 10 GRADE ONlARlONO GRADE WASHED PARSNIPS 111 15 1001 Pkg SEED 80 hr litlb Pkg 1le Pkg 50116 TEXAS BUNCH ONTARIO HUTABAGIIS MOTHER JACKSONS JIFFY PIE CRUST 1312 24 Contents Make P1es Patton SPRING TONlCOtlT15RlO NO GRADE HOTHOUSE HEINZ 57 Beelsteak Sauce 24 41 um INVmmvvvgumu Vcu nn unvt QUAKE noun 2Hu17c 21kg 256 30 Bottle Miss Eleanor Visited friends here over the week end Mrs Arthur Dobsonspenta few days last Week with her mother at New Lowell Mr and Mrs Toronto ROSSMILLER llog Foods MIXED MIDGETS KIBBLO Standard DOG BISCUITS 2111 szo 25 Iloxbomuch ofl Brampton spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Hector Turnbull wellattended Federation meet me was held at Mr andMrs Nos Follow QUIX FLAKES PUFFEI WHEAT 311111111113112p113c uunu muuualolael Iu uuuvn rworthys Monday night the discussion was formed to makemlans for SGCial evening in the near future plan to entertain the ii commit 88 muau when the men ladies LIQUID STOVE PIPE ENAMEL nousunr is 17 TOILET PAPER CASHMERE FLOOR PASTE Old English Wax 512 49 99 JUN0131111 IVORY SOAP Water Softener Cleaner CHARM sz FLOOR CLEANER LHVOLINE one 23 LAWRASONSSNQWFLAKE AMMONIA rig5 611118 Writes from Germany An air mail letter was received here Monday from Johnnie Muir from Germany Date stamped on the envelope was March 19 well and states they busy and on days Frances hileCarth home from Toronto Wesley Conklin Stay er spent gagweek with Mr an Mrs John Cenklin gErnest Comartin and Jos Mc Carthyleave this week for their boats in TorOnto and Hamilton Miss Mabel Fenwiok and Miss Collinzwood spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Wm MbQuay Jr VinCent Noonan Mr and Mrs 750 Street 80111 50 ANCHOICE SELECTION OF POULT COMMERCIAL QUALITY 35517 151113 Bonus PRIMERIB Boost CROSSor SHORT RIB Roost LEAN Meaty BL ROLLED ROAST Bonelesssrvaildex EOIIND Sleokor Boost1 391 CHOICE LAM r012 TASTY SNACKS SMOKED and column Brunswicnstyreversausage1153s SLICED smear PORK LOAF i11z1c9 ercrcn momentous Loan 1113111111 enormous 1111 11111151 25 are very the move every few Boz cm JALIWAHYS IRES AT Lorine5 BREAD WHITE union when CRACKED WHEAI iA YId It It rooo PRODUCTS AYLMER HOMEMADE STYLE GREEN TOMATO PICKLE 1601 Botth 19 TOMATO or VEGETABLE to F1 oz Ilnn TWOOD orrAOu Brand 24 Loaves LOBLAWS 1751 has peturnedi Trump CIDER or MAlJf HEINZ VNFQAR GLENWOOD WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE ADDED PECTIN RASPBERRY JAM zircon Tln surfaces or STOKELYS FANCY QUALITY Tomato Juice for 15 chrome QUALITY TOMATOE BEE Hivu or CROWNBrand 25 conN svnup 4111 22 Preserve Coupons CREAM OF MUSHROOM 23 Clarks Soup 20 GIrot Bottles 25 711111 this tints olate Cocoa Bessie McKinley tloz Bottlel 19 Preserves Coupons 29 20 F1 or Tin SClinwood 05 aug nessy Michael and Mary spent Sunday With Mrand Mrs GErald Truen Prepare to Welcome Boys meetinu of wrll be held in the school house on Wednesday April to choose committee and discussplans for we1c0ming home the boys from overseas AyImerSoup AYLIVIER PURE BITTER SWEET ORANGE Preserves Couponl MARMALADE 24 ILInf AYLMER FANCY QUALlTY 2017101 Tomato Juice TIM 17 AYLMER F1 on Hummus 11 AYLMER RED PLUM IAM Added Pectin 15 hm the community 271 in F1 nl Tin 11 T0 SPEND 330000000 0N VOCATIONAL PROGRAM Canadas Ministerof Labour has announced $30000000 federal provlnclal vocational education program for the training of mem bersof the armed forces and war workers for civilian occupations 24 F1 Preserves coupons AvLMiin cagrcr ouiuarv Apple Juice Fl Tina 301 ottlel 151 We WI ve leltod Supply of okod Ham and Other Smekod Meats for Each 111111111 111231 rues 1411 Burns 21251 race so 1279 ills 35