THIS WEEKb 15 7075 Copies THE WW i2 BARR EX BARRIE ONTARio CANADA riiuisOAY MAch gununmnuuiunwm Buying Cibig Plane Imperial ThunlnaSal NEWER roman COUNCiL T0 DECIDEi g7 GEORGE in ms BEST HIT HILARIOUS ROLE 0N MIDNIGHTSHOWSE lllQ again thi nutter of bonds midnight Show came hrforr tlir loun iiunrll when wits they were in Mxslon tut Mon ii 11 day night At the previous iiiiiiiui iii lttttlllig Aid Brown had moved il la apptaii tui fine that bylaw Dt prepared to Mi if ti ltw llv closc thc shims 115M Monday 3r liillit Fljya ltccvc lurk lnovrtl that no by cvata luiinlvi it li hi pripirrd lltiil itll ltwtu All liiiiivriliililw mg Sim laiq ifliititgt Aim 82nd YeorA NO AMINER Section 2Pogcs to to twrrx nsoWqmou iiiiWiNiS CLUBl 73 Missing in Action liHiiLii iiiiE Sll HOUSE or HITS iPATRl riiDRSDAY rRiDAY SATURDAY UNIlNltllH SHOW ALL DAY SIlltDAY HIAItIING 3l3 RM 1310 Lari it vi rlillliy PMEAilIH iliaiv GREAI BEAUIYS STRUGGLE LQIMHL TO HOLD iHE MAN SHE LOVES UJMIIR tart sud that lobby tiad Dttll brought to hear ltttt lllt llttl0l intcling and llt lttldrttl that the Council llJtl played with tho matter too long fH ll iiiilii mu ty Mai or studio sud he had Mm mm had lcttor from the Mroml Womens Institutc but he had not icciiicit slnglc complaint from anyiinc in town rrgarding the midnight slums llc criti cized tho councillors for chang ing their minds from mouth to month IONAPD HrtifS ARNOLDMOOREHEAD CECIL KELLAWAY 6J3 SAM 06 3AM UHS citriianirir MohmGoUhuu Picka AKIUUN AND IPUX NICHS Iill SIIUVS 640 AND PM NDNDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MAIIMJIZ WEDNESDAY 230 PM ANOTHER GREAT SPECIAL ll tti VUH lvlltl iii THE EAST SIDE KIDS in Follow The Leader thinmid iltt PULll wilitiliq likiWi tl ii tian ii iii xiiil iiilt ll tia 1iillritf liltilliutiti ii Willitilil flzi iiircrilj if tlltlJll lltllltltlili null agiiiatc Allltviill giixit an ll tvl itl ti tiiil input mal izrliiilcd naznhc 11 llaiiti tilt tln llilltl lpl tic ltct Nwiiuiii lli of Hamilton kii was aci ltiy Mia ltiiusun licsidciit ldt ill Iiitll uipaii wt ll Fisher aid Mrs Fisher The grain was airsngcit by liic an lltlllft lll1tlll ii PVIilill slurs Was led by Fix Kw sficizil 31 liallziils astric tli Lphtfiilly ltlltltlttl lii polaritl Ill the PH llzitllipwih filt Phi iiiwii pans lhc illcrm ilia tzil to tritilirl ttitlitllrillthiltiillf Kl rst aniilhm HT 20 mm it Ldmuad lliltl in mom itllM to Mr Iilltl ltlltl llli lltl Ililtiil Itlhnii ll lliii hint liiliiiil lllWllllllltl hint illttLttt tiptnlgv1 prim Il tl yiais Iil saricsui iiufili The votc wax lrft OHI to thc iicxt rncctiiiz and thc Mayor mprcssrd tlic hollt that the matter would hr sittlcd once and for all at that time lm ll Tlii llllllllil ItJHll 1i group il tron tiii Bfl anti illil lllt Kl Itttiili llli liili isiiiiliiiitaloii iiiilict for iiic lllilii fui nf lrui litAli xiii ll in ii rl mind at illn CloMil llt iani ritititli ll iiltlllltllll with tho ilini liicli twin iii Itllllllitllllfigmllllllllkll Eh itf lg plmitlkf whi WW WW btlhxilznxiif li llll H2lll ltlii ii are iiiiit 11 Hy lc iiiiilc lll liofnii hi iy1i il thme lLlltslltl ftlllllztl lilllzzzl li iaiiis Club for th Hu 1Ll it up to tl to ll and to ll it It ti llllt llt li lI tllt in ii up HMTW rm Hle ll iii iti litAlf LU li tliiii tltl in lzitttwl pin tlIill 1H ii it trit rig to vi iliip Trixi Star Ill and rllr Xiiiiaii ti th Lani pro lfltll if llin la tliib and Mt Liiiii ll tli giicii Mr lisiicr inodcstl WW nu Him in back Hm up lllt tlttlll fur tlu Hurtd of llt MN in lm plane iiiiiigilctcl iiiiiilt and $39 hand to lllt gtllllltl= llt lc stiil LPN Ill Itltlttl itlitllltlt=lu ltil to tho spruikm and all who llllt iin iiic at the HP cii llll to 110 tiic 31 ad tll giicxlx iiit tn rim im in Li it ll til it tlill illlll1 Human lmfl titiilailv tlit service cliii llll tll gt ll tlllllt tiii llilllitWiill puriiww ENLISTED tiiiiliizgx llic grim vn livt The pcipli of Dzirriw pat LvrfiiitiztiiVTlilritiikdgriztillvilli liiilliiiyiig it ixpcctcil lllt iiltiio Will lt uiiiE iiiiil ifhi lic llltltl FOR SERVICE Siiiikti said that ltiu Niinmvi tllil3iili ititllllllillll RUWSOH Wt llii ti fists llilll and lllt aiiziiil ltlllllyl ll Ill tiftlicll out cliJiilllltiiitzlirlcigbig bliilnld tnlglinfantry at llxliihitioii iriiunds lii ltlllltl Now stationcd at Kingston lopcil lt sci llit lay tlrii iiiiirii illll lilit tirllllttill lttAlhir iiig tlIttltlintit spmktrs lll laii tlltlllltlllll too has lllttl Hl at $1 littl li lliiiwihi to Hamilton on tho sccond sllllldl tillll ho main lilijttl la igli iii iitil can lll tiiigalttil iidzi today Lloyd lliiiiiipnii llll III Miti xiim at til the riot in April to play at church tl all schools xiii llltllllltlltl izi Capt IIIIWSHH said he vw ioiti Mn swim timmpsnii llillslt ill ii lllll HE iii VlCL at which Sonic six or sivcti II lrffs Iii lililtiflllttll and rat ly impressed wtlh tlii Zillfliulltlltkidnhl FODHHM p01 9er in hundred Kiwaiiiaiis ktltllflllfl pris aiipir tlll iiiiv bu DARRiE DiiiiAriiiiis TD RcD cross llii lilililllll ii lii Hi It test ilijcv ul lii liiiiii litll iviliiii iilil tt Snxllll lltlj illll And learn how to make wolf eat out of your hand 10 Liitiii lilt rsiittnlriiils siiiiiifiih it Hm tlitltlll may he viliiiitiil tlw liiiiii llltl gt Willi lllt ltllil if iiuilliii in lmwmm WAN Hm NYC llvlleyf iwuunmb HAND WMH lltilt lllii isljv Iiiiiwiiiawh that lllillt of lltt lt1l rillvii ncimll Wmll Illlhm This list is made up of donations it Days lilll and usc IiXltlllllltl lwiii invrtiii to laiiv Iill iiiciiilil at ihl Classifieds siiili for in iir latiulilir lll lltH ll WNW rm illtillll it tin lll Stirs ill lliiinorously tlic speaker lilll how the frogs and the snakes wtlo driven out of Ireland wlicii St Patrick was iiivitcd ivti from Scotland and had the Irish import monkeys Then the monkeys got to be menace and they had to make war on them but every Irishman had to wear shamrock in case mistiikc might be made In more serious vciu Capt RUWSOH referred to his trip last year to Europe Representing the Spcakcrs Committee for the Vicv tory Loan Campaign he and number of others were sent over on factfinding tour He had been speaking for every loan since 1040 and he wasnt just too sure about it all However what he saw in Europe convniccd him that we in Canada should give every ounce of our strength and every dollar we can to support the boys who are givmg so much over there llis own lad is among those who are there No matter what those boys may think they have to stick at their job SO We at home must support them till they are back and have job The world ismoving at rapid pace and we are never going back to the Old world Of 15139 We must revise Our ideas If not we will Brothers Serving mun vol full cvus 050 and ran rm vriarsiinrnrccimnc rantsmar GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY BIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOLlS snow sArunnAvzao 13M LEONARD LAVERNE ROBINSON ROBINSON Three sons of LCil Robinson of the Veterans Guard and Mrs Robinson ofIBrentwood are serving in the armed forces 0le Jack cii have to fight World war Na listed in June 1940 went overseas in the summer of 1943 and had his and What W3 that Will left foot amputated after being wounded in Germany Tpr Leonard was Remgthi mule 10 HQCPW wounded in France And recently returnedto Canadztdspend furlough Wailing peOp edrlnk with his wife andfamlly at New Lowell Ipr Laverne is now serving in at murmur Every section of London has be bombed and Holland or Germany There is one other hoyriithefarmly not Yet Old 1250000 homes have beep made enoushto entist uninhabitable Every woman in Britain frOmtheage of 18 to 60 must work and just where they READYWHILEYOUWAIT $2350 $2950 $3409 $3600 RAINCOATSLYouths 32 to 37 $1150 Mens $1193 to $35 are directed by the government In visits to hospitals the speaker HATS by STETSONP$395 to $750 OTHERS $195 THE RED CROSS NEEDS YOUR HELP said he saw many sad cases and WMENS BOYS WEAR mLFIHO 55 Daiirhlop St Barrie JACK ROBINSON iiiDRiiiEiiit5 2h 77ff lUDY ELARK iici ciiiiiia iiiisaiii lHUMlSON iiiiiim iiiiiiiuiiii iiriiiii STEPHENSle lANE Diiwrii ADDED HIT CHAS srARRRTr in isonnowwvannnx Dig uerERSAL NNEWS StartSSuridayMidniht also MONDAY TIIESDAY WEDNESDAY MATINEEWDDNDSDAY 230 PM marvellous things that modern EGGS POULTRY AI quoted by First Clooperative Packers of Ontario Ltd Barrie AllaresgglifdigvigilgEndralli3 ra pus er an provm lt THURS EVENINGS 815 AM Oddiellowsl Hall cial bonus 01 CL stairs Today 12 GAMES 25c scoop DOOR PRIZE signal $1800 $1785 Three weeks ago $1775 sows No Grade N0 Grade TTLE Butcher Cattle Steers up to $1025 Butcher Cattle Heifers up to $1000 Butcher Cows up to $750 lBolOgna Bulls tip to $700 Vezil Calves up to$1400 1GGB large HIE EGION HALL st Eve Shows Amedium wen 011 650 and pm pun THURSDAY MARCH 2871945 830 sharp Games 350 on SURE To sort Grade Ctr made ENTIRE PROCEEDS FOR THE RED CROSS THIS GREAT snow Mkfed madn BURTON Pedet RICKETTS Chairmn Halli cateyzWmllemaiest $1450 One week ago $1400 Two weeks ago Agronomic the lied special biiigo will be held William llamas This time hes guinea prii iiisiiigtesi Surprise inn the aniazing romance hero of the roar trig forties who made hundred uprooriooc mistakes before liemodetlicHollofFamcl Cross rCHICKENS lbs and Over 31 11159 DRAADDEPTRAATI nANlB in ENICTORY LOAN ORGANIZE UNIT 5275 iiimic vlllll MI ll IIllit li iliizitllc laicliys Flower Shan Thliss Mary Iltiliirr Miss Mci Aiilcy Mrs Hiiiiii Miss l= Brown Mrs Monknuiii Mrs Straiiaghaii It lrwiii Mr xiiri Mrs lillioll Mrs IL Dinky Miss Tony Smith Miss Selina lxclly ll41 iuiii onlr lvlis It Wobslrr Mrs Carol Kowalsknz Mrs Iiiirii Mrsl Slitliltb lO ll Bradley Rainint Ovcndcu Collcuc Room Orcndcn Cillegc Rooms and Ovriidcn College itoiim Ovciidcn College Staff Ovcndcn Ciillcgc Staff Ovcndcn College Illle BJllfliltl Alllt Scott Miss vs Diiinoiid and McCullich Miss McKenzie Ovciidcii Judy Glliilll will vaiidsii College IIOiim iciirl Collcgc Room Cvcnrlcn College IIillll Ovcn STAFF HERE TO First liiial iiiliiiiiitinii that it ltiiglilli Victory Loan will opcn lilK Siincoc West Unit on April 23 wast illic arrival on Monday of this week Of the organizational staff and their installation Ill the Barrie National War Finance office for some weeks to come lhis ti ie ll Boothe due to ill ticallh is unable to head the livi sioii for the first time since the start of tlic Victory Loans His successor as Georgian Bay Divisional organ Tier is Cochiaiie of Toronto Pope returns as head of the Simcoe West group also Gala toff who organizes the Payroll Sav Iiigs Jack Jennings of London is new organizer in thisuiiit thisI looked after the Collingwpodiireil Sandy Couttscontinucs as secretaiyaiid also will do Organiz ational work in the unit The new office secretary tliis loan is Mrs Agnes Drummond 0f Barrie The loan slogan is Invest in the lBest First luncheon meeting of the Simcoc West group was held iEsteraymziVthe tOEiT0fficetwitli Morrison presiding Towers Governor of the Bank of Canada wouldbe inBiirrie on An and committees it it COMING EVENTS Cookstown Continuation School don M13 loan in place of Collver who It was announced that Grahami iril 13 to speak to the unit salesmen Easter dance Town Hall Friday March 23 Beattys Orchestral 12b REriiiiiEiiAiioiiSEiivicE lbs to lbs 29 ALL MAKnsr Under lbs 28 COMMERCIALna DOMESTiC NESBITT AUTHORIZED KDLVINATOR AGENT 113 Owen St BARBIE Phone 9337 WONTPLAY PLUSspeed Couriers cormcamon plant Ducka grid geese are any COMINGLDEANNA DURBIN 95 TrHEzlemGttmg scissorscarcass vtpresgnt an Old roosters The above are the prices and are subject to killing charge fives cents per bird on chickens and fowl and 150 ontur keys for birds delivered alive to the PHONE 4521 hi is LOW coilusok no no an pl nd straw yiii PLUS tllUlll lllllISl llllll ltth Clllllll lSltlillll Prodiird tn lflllN AUIR 3mm cm by humor which of Adventure TOM CONWAY AUDREY LONG EDWARD BROIlle JEANVBROOKS LOUIS BORELL NANCY GATES 101IfllOIlOlJllolIJlfIlo00l$lfw College 10 Mrs Grccnc Dr tlaslctt Mrs Dorothy Martin Mrs More Allsopp Mrs Paw lzdi Mrs Helen Smith Mrs Ness Mrs Bowcs Mr and Mrs Elliott and Mn Mrs Bch Baldwin Miss Ii Colo Miss Martin Miss and Slizi 10 20 LIMITS iik Allcms Mrs McLecr Clicesmaii Reid Mu iCOiitinucd on page sixtccni wcscll Auto Liability Policies according to your Needs and Pocketbook MAncomsoNs 41 DuiilopSt PROPERTY OWNERS INSURANCE AGENCY LOOK NOW to your INSURANCE ADEQUATELY INSURED TO TODAYS Covering BIG Flftino jobfor Asmall policy STEVENSth AiiD Phone 2419 Ed PROTECTION ARE YOU CONSULT INVESTMENTS TORONTO RAWFORDOO AIE FLYNN BRANCR MANAGER BARRIE BRANCH89 DUNLOP ST MEMPERSHIPS sow Av Address Enquiries to BARBIE FLriNG CLUB fMASONIcrsNRLE 17 Owen VALUES Phone 3735 MEMBERS or Tris TORONTO STOCK EXCHANOR WWMWONOWONOIOOOOOJNJNQJItoitvIVOIIOINOOJOIO NfvmommmWW WNW 10A cumin 95 Dimlop Sticct TELEPHONE 2443 AILAELE