THIS WEEKS TH 6950 Copies mm BA RIE EXAMINER tilted Yeor No BARRiE ONTARlDWCANAlDA rrsoitsoAv not if if mmmm PESUMEd Killed 1A LT Chief Ol POlICC Vr vrnwniooooawouwwuovmE ton SERVICE IMPROVEMENT limperialThurFriSat TO THEIR KING PLAN 0N WALKS lRiCKED BY sucr CHtCK ON ABCARD HUNT The Ceilings oil on laughs when leon tries last one on the local Rolion Bourdl 001000ItotvocoovwloNuovlolvvvoilootwlullooctlovlroodl pnoxr HOUSE or HITS HURRY HURRY MORE DAYS THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY thllNlUlS SHOW SAHRDAY 330 RM FMVWWMKW To notional ANDREWS SISTERS ucrarrrr JOE BROWN our CAiiiOR runner lOtllCiitttiURD Still sumo grind iyr ALEXIS smut rniiilitltiiliu BARBARA gunner tilt tUPlll JUSFPH SZiGEli BEiif DAVIS ills lint it il hit Hunt igthrcr Otto ltlwn hi in inf litt El mill Wink Aid lint iiiiiiiiii iiiiiuiritiits T0 BED mass it il =3 timi =t ri ili lt tilt lliitm llitl 011 $7llll lllil Eli fjjfif RU WALllilt noun scorr UlHIMlJ ilygjlll filinllri llll lflllll Waltzi limit Scott 57 mm Allow ll ififl itgtgirp 5HVV1m iilirli tic ntrnti fl llL gt gnn ioiiti til lur nlr himii nulzi fl ti only liilllll lhi ii soaizm or no1 1m mu tioztli gt MICHAELSTANGELEWNE RILEYX mm an SiGtCtD not worms Wu wl ti Iit lollrl tlll In 2ND iriiiitr mom Wmlotorc otmoooovuwounuo ommooOvumoonwom WOOcWONlOOI too ONINIWW WmefN ON oov 00000 wono Eve Shows at 540 and pm Mil llNlili hlNESDAY 230 Id MUNCHI wmmV ChihllYVlll lltl Sllfllilll Flynn lllllIlCiizdcrl Hm if ii INN ginmd Greer bloomow Vbeomiy Brown Miss ltgiii Goodwin lltlll iii lllt ll tit ilolltrv1llt3WWW Huh mm Hr in Fish lll ll Slitiictli lssl05ltilmt Hill limit tttittt IltltVli Wolfe Mu mum mm gt ll Chromatilicuoguel Milizm Wm Smith Mossy his hing nt mun iliirdcn mam it was minit ii ttlld liwsin Mrs in llili iAitril litlit il Ltniii uxtrsins iitlli 11 ll White to iiiow iii iiiitmitiiirLl They both knew who they hm Mic Itmvnin Lint was innit won 901 it 00 my LHi ill it Hnlxl Ni flirl01i Aid llllil usltcd tho iItiilitl if VWVV training ovoirotlS IL iK Ltiiliiliis lmmu Djm Mlqsioncd and posted pilo with in and lHmmllll lll ll lltv lit MC lcm llmmwmm MN mmld lmr MP 5mm WW the hmm itLitt or tln imo in lilltililtlx Wm ll tfor buildm lliilviiLtil lltll in gt 00 MIT 17 Hullllmi Mml ill Ilium iv Hm 31ml Millw51lllillllrslnml ml Mitzi1 it iidiivmliilil IM ml Altll Mtbit1VlVIVlI lwlxliflillll3V ld Vfhwrv villi some pcrninncnt iinpnnonicnts ljliVlV Mlb Ci lottll le ml Junctill lldtili and ltitltttl Nor ymr wag mi of hin Ciwhm WW ill ll Bitll ins iiiiritwzisl jsruut iliwzi wrii ll Illfill lor why IV 1H iluu IM ll Lin tlt hm lzt1ilcct liil illn Vilm Jon hlilitll dill it hr itc on that li 1tttl tliil Unrzc pliiriizzsc tin if 11pm AIiismiv ll prism SW mm Mumidldon VVVV WM Mm VVVV nzwnn tiiiiitiiit it ltl 11 ti gt MV IV Vill NHVgtVllrtlilll nuigmt will of tot ltl lliln =ltll lu tilibf 511s lluntf Murray 1311 lllllH iifi Scott llt itfuvw ttic Ilpvirlt XMMVH 0H vnmmpwuh lllitlttl itziiviow public school ziridifl for ihrcc or our lltlltl lii llt Stnynci $300 Mrs it =iitiiitlitiii jhtltll Bt councillors llllal this tiltill Tilt OllilillsV RITA lllYlVOKTH llll HT hill Miss Art M15 ll llllvlt Juininzt tiic ittAl mill in or gtiiili tnnc No one until iimli h1lllhll it lltllidlt MiiiEilfttg in om I1i in IHV ttn clittin lower ill lldziiv Shm Ml lrl Mlbl lttlliilllrllzil Nickel uiniizinv ill ill neon off in vcns Mrs lrntt ivczmn iw lt l7 lk on Cr llors lcticock lliinii liiipin llltllV blunmu llmml ltdl lll vtrdlir littitllllt MW MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAY lmiriv iiiti to up and ivlt niorv mini and litittr itslziutiiiitri title llyrnc Mrs ll ll lloii Mphinumjlvmx my could not lttilliit very liltitll mon gt Lillltliil ind lie urwl ftVlllitllltl Esmlalvllk illifmuilllif Qilgt1li llN Sluyiicr Sunl Mp it pinnt thousands ot ninunls lClhl in and lit rttiltlltstctl tlirit tiity wouldl Mrs Littd Mt and Mulcmnwm pd bit ltilllltll in lllltlilllll Btirric llcllnlLk Mi ind Mis lltsV Monti Mrs ll Putinnn Miss lntlcr LLPOM lm Ullllmtbll Nth iitrirtivo tor Visitors first im sonljlvi 1an Mi VHHSUMV ksdoilgofrlllllillitlghll ilnluiiiplsioii lfrlilllll thc pulincnt lltlttlitsslotl it was stitfsswl too that linuzce Allan Mrs Gour TM Medg weynlmiil llllllmi lllli Ill WM Hitlllt llllgillll buildings along the main streets lily Mrs Ruincy Love it RVM Undvrhi Wilwh Vanin for till the sidewalks on Slictttll5lmull ix tnighunwl up mth Gribble lice Foo Iliiis Mills Miss 83500 imujiu lliis inis mount that iiltiiotigii Sttilitfl5h mi Ur pump iltiegliililllmtv tllgllrlinlfltllz Kind Smm Mr ltd Fiillll SDFY WU haw bocn wlnmu my Rllmllli ll llll lfllitlllttlls Ml RM RML ilfolshm mfl CISVltodmCl ll illifl Scott it 51l3iill5 itll lilc IV iternlly indicated that most ofthc ShcllCWL Ge CKlmms Mm SlitlltltlIlliimdnidhlil nit Rialleilliiiinnlflilcglill iii illiliiilllli $le Plans To 95 midm Thompan Miss Betty nld Miss 01150 MmT DOWN Mm 1ng ini IH IV tziry hon ii person is in ii liniidiiy Edna GONG Mfg Mappings Law suma Mav in Elxicl Sp tiltis ill 1311 WVme 511w honor Hm lm Vin lircn nrric DIX ti Ii0lllBllel 1an llilmuc lit 15 Villiiiir to pay little ClthiiilrerJMlIHVb wdxiclrdtliullVl S0F Brown Wm nummrd mbmsn lili futile Vnrlzltci unit om Em meal served mi Miss BClltl lVlillcri Mn itlmiflllimiv MI mid Mrs IlllbOSC ill Cllk il Swim wrmundlngs Mildred Nliiylic Chas OConnor lgtlillltillnll it ntfitmumf lmlmnllllm Llll he matter or thmy it WIN My Lama OK Sh Rem Migs lMd Illedlm am suuucstcd lille Barrio should culti 510030 Atlttllyltillllb AltOIlViilotis Would be built on the local nn gidnzr TGIDLIidlorcMlVlrsI WV womworm Cu The mm lmwomem plan This means mt IllonllnerblU51PllVllsll that Iwouler AdlBleliCOuluzdlw If xiVlrkSiA we thmmnm SEOtmh mm Mm citizens will be Ne han Side synonymous pith the district lvonderful new liirmiin Mrs Bolyslliss Iggilall walks built when they ltll willing til111110wedigedklhll mlV MCCBWY MIS VOW MCKCmev 3100000le Ill liliit my TOW Will Ol bc J4 CV MonkmlmMrsV David 5mm mrJl lht dV VV in VV tiiit touiists ippiecnitc ltitViViiLl ii ll lb0 my ex Mdmlly mm lllClil that pcculiir to the district Simmer Mr Kl M15 The Biiytriew Grocery Childlllil0 for this purpose wu galiitOllmnlgigCE Billlllllllngl we St hwnlerly owned by My EM membcl of the 13mm IiV2flgghi313136hmmgioggg Mrs Alex McClmng Miss Minnie ll MoMaster has been taken over Works has been named to head up mume his Point SELECT SHORTS Sidcuilis us ii ml rnt lll AlV5 Al melONONOPNW OW mo44corom ION miuiiil OINOIWO Mccuuoch Mm Graham Mm by Clarence Mills who Will con il committee under his department Mr Mchilly declared that tlic Horace Kaye M1 and Mrs 1th busniess Will complctc do 011mm 995 and MW All tourists who will be stopping in ARNOLD MOOREHEAD Lloyd Gurside Mrs Win VGl line of groceries meats fruits and Wilson roads and plowing Aid 9wm mour llziwkins AllttliVCWBltblCS lk Bmu the 1mm gel hives640 311d mm Ben Mrs TV DouganV JV 11d ug CV powm5 good first impression llid bc Knutiti Henry Moore McNivcn Reeve CllllStIC disposal plant and we ilmied if they are wing 10 Kcll Better Dress Shop Wm return and advertise this place tol EDWARD AGNES sewers Ald Harris water courses How Sunrise Cafe Mrs Der win Miss Marie McLeod Haw kins Thos Blain Mrs Malds urgently Maitland Mrs Ramsey Mrs needed for the Brown equipment Ald Ha VlttCk Howey and was thanked by Truck Suffers from Heavy Duty walm Comm GEMS mstmcuw ery owne rs cMas er has becntakenovcr by Ald Hart reported that $600 had and timely informative address ENTERTAINMENT RV THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY QONTINUOUSSHOW SATURDAY 230 PM top unit and isle 2NDHIT JANE FRAZEE and THE HOOSIER HOTSHOTSWin SWING in Tim sum lomlinson Mrs Job 0nDMzijr Cay1e tCol oug ass Frank 111 ush Mrs Blake Underiiili Mrs Gilchrist Mrs Harold Urry Miss Edith Jam ieson Mrs Warren Johnston aartleyt Vlljlilslon Mrs itt Miss ve yii Gore Mrs Golds Murchison or Part tlmeo lIISSE NRSmilth Mr grid Mrs as witzci udo pii Dun or Mrs Case James Lewis Mrs Please to been spent on repairs to the Ford trucksince the first of the year Plli PLANT OVERSEAS The truck was bought last year and Mr llllCl Mrs lzick Plant llttVQ has been used for snow plowing been advised that Ptc Ruy Plant is The plow wing is placed on one now oveiscasfHe reported to Di5lt side of the truck and in order to Etrict Depot in Fcbruary1944 and be of any use the little truck must was sent to the RCE at Pctawawa carry five or six tons of sand The In November of that year he trims overloading and the plow on one felled 10 Infantry and 35 DOSle side havetbeen largely responsible t0 Faliiliaiii Qite His other served CLARENCE MILLS who wiii carry on the business with complete and fresh line of GROCERIES MEATS FRUITS VEGETABLES Service with Delivery Phone 9025 Orrock Mrs Recsor Mrs McBride Mrs Tyrer Mrs Sinclair Miss Muriel Felt Geo Hubbard Mrs May bee Green Mrs Green Stairs Minnikin Anon ymous Mrs Hann Mrs Soberge MrsF Perkins Miss 00th Miss Booth Mrs Walsh Dudley $550 $700W Arnott $800Rev and Mrs Petch Mrs Willan $900Mrs Billingsley $1000Mrs Lee Miss Rodgers Mrs Standen George Fine Dixies Smoke Shop for the big expense in repairs the Royal V1ctor1a COMPLETE COVERAGE OSpllal 01 phone Advertisers in The Barrie Exam iner get complete coverage of the people they desire to reach 2586 in the town alone plus 2330 within 25 milesall paid in advance Total distribution 7000 copies BACON HOGS CRAWFORD co in the war of 191418 Gamer Spamam Caruso culverts find storm sewers Aid the friends Miss Strange Bill Hall Byine oiling and sanding Aid The Speaker was introduced by THE BAYVIEW GROCERY at Charlotte Street form TODAYS PRICES HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY HA5 quoted by FirstVCooperative tPackers of Oiitario Ltd Barrie Dressed hot weight on rail Grade plus federal and provin cial bonus Todziy $1800 Youths Tweed Suits Sizes 34 to 37C0atVVest Pant $2150 Pant Suits S26 LOAFER COATS very smart 34 to 42 $1395 $1650 MENS YOUNG MENS SUITS IN STOCK ready while you wait TWEEDS or WORSTED$2950 $3400 $3600 H5 MENS and BOYSMWEAR 55 Dunlop St Barrie fainmwm Harley Mrs Pullen Di Collis Mrs Griffiths Frank Hammond Mrs Gales Rossl INVESTMENTSegLT Morrison Kirk HardieMrs RN TORONfb One week ago $1800 Tworweeks ago $1785I tBINGO Cowan Esten Geo CoiesF Godwin Smith Ralph Weaymouth Smith McConkey McIntosh Woods Bakogeorge Mrs Robt Murray Mrs Minnie Redditt Mrs MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE TTZYNN BRANCH MANAGERtlr Three weeks ago $1775 SOWS INopii Grade $1400 =No Grade $1350 fButcher Cattle Steers up to $1025 CATTLE THURS EVENINGS 815 1530 Oddfellows Hall 9333 morniiri Tursnzir WEDNESDAY MATJNEE WEDNESDAY 230 PM iori Misg Ella LRDbertson Thos igqggher gags up owe owe Mrs Isabel Cogna Up 71 11s THE HIT AND FUN AFFAIR or THE Timur Cliittick Stephenson lVeal Cali95 $1400 Molecmson RNei1 LtdMrsGor Gd Ewe Sheeiv non Stevenson Coutts Mrs gt Vi up to 1401bs not wanted titf Barr to Cali la ll 0w Youm To L059 LiteVrAV Felt MrSvE chls $11essthVan market value Your Drivrk Licene Yd ic mi HV cpolgdSFaTeI 32 Your Automobile Your me me gt 5023 and Ml Jan Anpuueltm An iUninsured AutomobiieVAcmdeiit Could Cost you All gzmrs LIorneFTyrIezlr iB 24 This and More rs ontagu 16 BE SURE YOU ARE PRO heed at TECTED CONSULT ALLYNJOSLYN ms argar Sinclaii An excellent concert consmtmg of wrn CHICKENS Otton Mrs Renee Steveni FBARRIEBBANCHdt DUNLOP ST TELEPHONE 2443 ButCherCame Heifers mm 120 GAMES 25c PRIZE Simpson Mr and Mrs EVELYNKEYES Parsons Esten The Sarjeant hem of oratoriCDil contest for this district Grade Grader MARGUERHE CHAPMAN CD insurance Mrs Isabel Mc and EDGAR WAN Carthy Mr and Mrs Fred Sar musmewamners at Klwanis Festival in Mm We titan tooli Sliiriintlwubluutillrlis lonlnSulvrm Small Play by tlsur Slut Ev Greens lmm llllm Warm iii Burt lully Diurld lly Allied Emu gt mom PLUS THESE ADDED TREATS jeant Norris The 39 Club Dr FVPerkins Lower Dr Spiers Boadway $20304 Scott Co Miss Ida Pae Miss Ethel Crossland Jones Capt MacLaren Toronto and by other pupils gymnastics by boys choruses etc lbs and over 31 lbs to lbs 30 4i lbs to lbs 29 Under lbs 28 Broilers 28 INSURANCE AGENCY 41 Dunlop St Phone 3735 THE srdoccs in in McCarroll Mrs Margaret Grasett Mr and MrsS Dean Grade Mr and ltflrs Matthew Robertson Over lbs 27 Etraggags Ladies Wear lbs to lbs 26 lal ons REMAnonymous Armstrongs Dude lbs CRASH GOES HASH Hardware Geo Brown George pan 01d roosters 13 COLOR CARTOON Geddes Mrs Reeve Law The above are dressed poultry an COMMUNITY SINGSONG fence Reeve Hunter Arcade prices and are wheel to killing IV chickondmfowl and 15c on tur keys for birds delivered alive to the StoresV HC01eman Mn and charge of ve cents per bird on plant Ducks cud geese are only gtAlan Mrs Gordon Reeve Barrie Whole purchased dressed headiio Un All ADMIssiou zsc Hai eavevDrFAR Dru storse come osonn1gs ALL SEAFS AT THE 36 Aprons 00 Mr and Mrs Swill ude 35g 1llIlierneVii allfr ag an rs gt nished poulitry being accgptei atpresent time