Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1945, p. 5

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ItCll If IBIS THURSDAY MA kner County President WCTU Urges the Necessity of Members iMiss Gwyneth Fol Added to Stoti of CA 33 il Every Iiit Wm IlllCL LEILLtl Linusn irttpcr Ulz IllxltLIuj ll hit 45 Hugh Bcwril pruning IlmlL wlllt Wallet Saigeazti Led lite all Iittlix Ixri liat Arthur ttuiliir lti tx ml Ta Illitl Iloicctlnl 52m iricivrti to llgtlil ttt czvitv Neill itllutliac St illsitl Sal bride taste who wrote Bile as wrench ltla fttl Ek til then tzttln ti by ldzs Eotls Way is Bet lotlttmiOtt3t onnly Have it helpful anal inspiring lzced of cvtiy lllftil iitct Lei in the tctugtcixtncc cone Three new members were tlcncd ii tld plans uncle mate for rtlvlttr the Lltion Till ilozilzris tlit Slvllrld it ltltcic of gt tce limit instanti was young lawyer min of hie and lulltl lt tIHL The lilLlltzlthlI sheet The lm LlULl Ht dull Trip to ittltliltl tweed with Olon JLLUMJII itiWiltJ tlm witlint t2p making titlvl ft llilt Uii IEIL l= lane lnnnftl it duet ilttl 51th In tllr vlr til pilttt ittl haircut in Imlgll ni II ill lil LlK lllll ttli rllltb MIKEHtlAlLllIY Mix Patricia Striftttthv Iii Mr tilltl flit littrclton and llttllilHl tloazt llCAl It All Eli Sylttgtt litri ltlk till lltil Feb Iotestttll liven Ill ntrtitIL it her ltll wow matching hat and CUIMIiv rows and cutiitd lllllttl Mao flittyntc was lc attendant ntd lt Barr IIltltlllt lti Ailci lllt littyttl tlilllllt itll for hip to New York plane litey ltltli few days it ll irll itoloth for her Illlt tttL ttl nho helped Liil lilsz titlitl li1lllr of tuxlit the The lilLtlIIFL Llllr rd llll prayer by Major CUIllilS IOIIIQIIZDIIING ANNIVERSARY The family of Mr and Kills itllQuny Bcctm lucid liltlltl lllt iitttiit til fill Leld Ilall Iottenitatn on Thursday If in honor of llttll piitlttlt llitllollt weddtn tntteiliy Betty Ililll tlI Clttbinid ltci tetttl birthday it being the mine date grandparents velsary were the recipient of it beatiliiti litilill ilolii table and lamp Cl enjoyable games present Mchty and Mrs Douglas Barnard Toronto Mr and Mrs Roy lIoag Malton Mr and Mrs Motley Mc Quzty Miss llelen McQutty and Ito Iltllllslullll Mason ltttiu itt12titgt ii Ditto iii li Vtlt lltiil in lilit ic Iivtnzttl tt lli it gt Tito null lZlLl liliittl tcxt luv Jtitl ltt ltnlli iltitltl VttiS It titd Liz iivli Ilaznoiys on utltetity ii ladm rplcwni litV llili flint of we ltttlLlt sltl tl itllltll the weekend institute ie lllt Mtlltl from iiiltc silt pink tlh lr Mrs Ull illllli MLQtlu wedd int Mrs ttitcn ttl znnmt and tttltn lttltl SIHIIIIJIII Ititlviti Clif litvtilllblllllll wedlinlg brt ll lltlicl bride ll tztd ttltatl glib titln lurch Yotl ill wh 1in evening and spent singing Iitost Mrs music were litlnt lite and pic Mrs Studlitlit with coffee and ltl Bcilc Mlilkt llwail last wool llll his zttothcr inl and hayocta Htltltlil cvcnv Doris Kittveshaw loioiito Brnitottl 34 Sunday lloi lxtlcc slittws vci Ill land Cecil Still litiili Mts EVERYTHING Navy lllidcutootn Villt tll ttty worldly tilititin titre endow llis Father There goes his sell53113 and Mrs JUN 0th mp Mrs Vernon McQuzty and Mrs Nei bag and foottttilt ptiil beit Chas Mir ttnr Ii llCittllCi it lilIlltx tl tlt Alutltddlt Those of tin fanin who were unable to ltcm Shannon Fred idlln Cooltstltht linden Bccton Mrs and Harold llc Kit McQtltty were lltcntt Hump lppetwttslt UNITY CLUB MISSION CIRCLE ICNIIIIIIAINS lr IROIIIt On Monday evening March tin Unity lub Mission Circle of Col licr St United Church entertained the two senior groups of the Ctll The meeting was held at Mrs Dilli McCuaigs was ill and procrattt charge Ill Mary Graham Iettn Pickering and Ruth Aalson Mrs Moclcod gave very in Ctltlllltlllili Friendship especially stressing tltc Could be done itt town such as Barrie where llll are so litany soldiers wives vltt are badly ill ttccd of friend Ilclet Itceve read lovely little poem on titled The Promised Doll pi lInU solo Bachs Sheep May Safely Graze was played by Edna Theo dore and llclen Lambert and Ber nice Baldwin sang duct The Millers Song tcrcstlng talk Work which ION VA dress with little topcoat time hat Mr and Mrs I01 McDonald vis ited at Irmricl on Sunday with Mr and MIS Albert iollop Bot litllltCl Neville Iamlcsotts aItcrspcnding the winter at his bottle in Toronto Miss Vivian Galbraith Toronto Phillips Wood bridge visited recently with Mr and Mrs Galbraith Mr and Mrs Jack itt Toronto on Sunday visiting the latters brother Ralph Determan ofCaIgary who is patient inthe Western Hospital St Judes WA held their month ly meeting atMiss Aileen Greys last Tuesday good attendance cider to assist Europes returned and Miss Jean Scott were afternoon with The ladies de Kits for enterprise Mrs Reid gave an interesting ac count of the caravan work in Canada and Mrs Jamiesonrcad poem by Rich ard Maxwell Trinity WA The loter worship part of this at Mrs Boakes had as its theme Prayer part was taken by MFS quilts 72x90 for Institute bale Prayer the direct ap will be most ef fective when linked with lfaith It is the oppressed Children silver jubilee Illustrated ACTUAL SIZI modern squarebase design months meeting Thompson preach to God seeking liberty penitent asking forgiveness helplessness casting itself on pow May we learn to listen when God speaks Mrs SN Grose read scripture Mrs Mrs Torrance Black favored with an instrumental duet sonage Committee ulidertook to buy rugandx the paper for one room and were pleased to accept donatiOn of paint for some down stairs work Prices cured re work in church basement The CentaDay Treasurer report ed funds Thank jwith every purchase of familvyisize packages or reglllarpsize packages of colitt Boake and The Par will be se FIAIIES 0N miss this Offer When you see these tumblers youll want whole set Stockup on delicious Kelloggs COm 1Flakes nowvotediirst for avour by ohttof CanadianhousewiveEI YOull find real zest for breakfast whEnyou taste these crisp cOm akes with milk and sugar Get KelldggsCOmFlake coming letters slowly for fruit flowers and thoughtful letters were read Some very fine work done by the members since last meeting was on display Mrs Black as sisted her mother very appetizing lunch Aliiii Crawford Montreal spent Sundayat his home here Irwinjlrawford spent last week at his home owing to illness GIreton Spent Thursday and Friday in Guelph 011 business The Ellis family with the switzer family at Egbert Bert Huddleston has been home for couple Of weeks jailndice Miss Elsie Osbournevisited last week With her sister Mrs Finlay Midhurst Mr and Mrs Mooney Sunday at Chas you in serving KI for yOuriamilyalid re member three packages orjonlytwoif you bUy the large famTysize entitle you to free gift of one of these beautiful sparkling tumblers Kelloggs Corn Flakes are made in London Spent Sunday ill with Eg bert spent Mooneys The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs Win Wench illher recent bereavement Mrs Scott Sharpe spent March in Toronto and had the cast re moved from her fracturedlimb Geo Keast has recently been in Toronto consulting an eye special ist who advised him that unless the inflammation in his eye sides greatly within the next cou ple of weeks it will to remove the eye be Ilenessary mtll um tlttluwl maxWt Humuswamhmm may TILE BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE NTARIO CANADA intcit Help LJ nutxi luvC and his in it Al bxtt tII lluttih rung tlr it it lli lltll tl WW all of lltillt tanLend ptit iii lltl lhv nonl is HT tili tlrs hay3 Zlitll Mis Svl luv trtcnli II plvtll gt it it III General limpital tllll lilttjlil lipg ago Site 14 lit Vti Villcoc alfiolll llic nth cv all Vtld Elizabeth It tttt Ivl lt ttd 31v lltlllllill Snailtcld ttvl plat illt lltlllt of illt liti Vttlttkrtlti itc ltslcy Vaicol cldwl sun of and MN Worlsy Vtrr of lie tol with lliv ll vl ftcuttittg After the term young couple left on zt wedding trip to Niagara Falls the bride ttuwlling 1n brown rtlil with matching accessories liily willI Ill on lll grown Itrtn lit Breton ptttt out iaztnl ill lil MattllewsVarcoc Nllllllllls it Wednesday March at It pin it prttiy wedding to ti at the home of ill brides Iill Mr and Mrs Wesley VattoJ vllrn lillil lulllilitt iltlttt iil vtls tltliltd in littttriztgc tt litttcd James Mtittlitws Still of Mr and Mrs Victor Matthews lltzhttt liva ll llalhctt performed the rero mony This was also lllt Lilth wedding anniversary of the brides ttrcnts who were tttttrtcd in Al ljiSltllt by llcv ircy on Lilo ltlt7 The bride LLIVill itt ltlilttittlt lV her father wore wedding gown of Queens blue with otsztuc ltt dark red roses She was tttcltl Id llv Miss Marjorie llalvie at Cookstown who wore be ac dress with cotsttlze oi tl ltil Iaqlt Ilttllitttl of llLlHtl wt lroontstnatt Ihc woddine most was played by Mrs ll lltlllli reception followed the brides mother ttllllt black cttsctttote with Corsage of pill roses and th grooms mother in it blue eosunno with corsztge ol pink roses About 43 criests sttt down to Wedding dinner with tour of the brides friends Misses Marjorie Williams Grace Bartlett Eileen Attnstrtng and Phyllis Lcslic scrvinc The happy younz Couple It later oti motor trip to Southern Ontario the bride Wearing brown and brown accessories On their return they wdl ltve at NICtlittttil rm CLowEs Mr and Mrs Keith Bertram spent Wednesday itt Eltttvuie Mr and Mrs Neeley Billll spent Sunday at Jesse Bidwetls Ross and Mrs Bidwell Bilillfi spent Sunday at Jesse Bidwells Mrs Geo Henley and Ross wrrc in Toronto for few days last week White has returned after month with his sister Mrs lIiIl Lawrence Mass Miss Attila McLean was the guest of Miss Hilda Strachan Cett tral Oro last weekend Glad to report that Miss Emma Bidwell Oakland IIill isable leave the RV Hospital Barrie Mr andMrs Cecil Dicker 1t and Mrs Hodges and Mr and Mrs Victor Dicker Red Cross work done by Ilowcs ladies for February shipment childs coat yrs large quilt cot quilt pairs socks ditty bag valued at $400 illltll nirrrrrrjrrrm mTrrllTTrlITYiYIYrIYII ltlvi 71 rvvvxx Ittii millilltiiiiiliisr 31 SIIOIIT tttlt itoisr 28 ROUND Steak or Roast 39 ronto spent last week With ht tIItiIOMATDE army Bonn ht Slt Iron luvttlrwltlzlt twitt Ration Coupons Valid ll UH llw tltlt is ill ti III ltlht re so ll of pzr tlztn tutti It pllill ttly lll Zilt3i lIItI1tItt ll litttllilv mint tttiliiti tic Sttfutfl on Lilith lt ttt tlty lllrl It ltl lttL EM COMMERCIAL QUALITY Itll Z4 wwmmupv lill Illill JUICY LEMONS 39 At Lens Our nl Tlttxe Size in All States NAVEL cannons At Least Two Sizes irtAll 5aresAttmctircly Iticul According to Sin lIlllIIiiIllIlillllIIIHllllllliillliiilllliilllllllIlilllllIlIIIlllltllilillillIllItlIIlllllllllllIllilllllliltillll at 10 ONTARIO ONIONS ARE IN ILLNTIIUI SUIFLI IIIVOIINIAOIIIGINAI BUMSIIICS Hit or nilill BUNCH cannors 15 llJXASORIGINAI llthClthS Hit or OVEI BUNCH BEE 15 lExAsSOLID GREEN llllAl CABBAGE Per tb Sci Willi SilOULDEIl 24 JUICY TENDER WING SIBLOIN STEAK or ROAST Ib 41 PORTEBHOUSE STEAK or ROAST tb 43 llolttltfini7 Illlllltlllllllllllllllllt Celery Stalls lot 29 Ileliciotm Slirrd Insty Stttokrd skinless MEAT lb 40 WIENERS 27I wt ilorvn lEITiilTi Sim ailmm ll ltt 60 Ln mm on guns to 25 HEAD LETTUCE saZI II Viluuo N0 GRADE oxtmuivo LtiiADE VAsnizn BULK wAslnLD CARROTS lb lSC PARSNIPS lb l4c 1AM IIZXAS Junta LEAF TABAGAS 3c VSPINACHL lb We ONTARIO APPLES til Ntl GRADE OMBINATION GRADE VERYHNE Plppms lb 27 SPYS shunted 59 ittlicilliis 49 59 cnos es is 74094575 60F itlliillllltlllllllllllIItlIllllllllllttlllthllIIIIII 347554670 11b MW Ontario No Grade Waxed ANOTHER LOBLAW FAVOURITE TWOCUP AWheathrm Cereal COFFEE entitling24 GOLDEN BAR LEASI IR 207 SHORTENING CHEES stats 18 19 McLARISNS iNVINCIBIIE YURI VANILLA liitit 19 BIINSONS CHOICE gt ailiii nun chagrin iitiitiiictt 25 II VEGETABLE ORANGE PEKOE BEEHIVE or CROWN Brand GARDEN HEALTH BUILDING WEN Sm 22 itovmt ruin 39c Offer complete TASTY assortmentlw TELLISMz IGtl lCl EM 29 itilltltsriiliiiiill 17 TIGERBIand 331105 packaged IIARRYIIORNIIS LIQUID 02 Tomato Cutsup VEGETABLE rising GIINIES STANDARD QUALITY an ML IIighestiuality 1PLg Ungraded 59 it Beetsteuk 526 in to PERFECIIUN Brand AUNTIJEMIMK 2m in PANCAKE Flour Pkgs 10 CoWANs COCOA qrSNAP to 11 QUAKE MAsrmr QUICK Brand MACAR0N K9 DogMealglmr Iiioz mm 21 Doc alchlTs IRRADIATED TERRIER mama7 MUFFETS MIXED 0395 38 17 Mb Pkgs 25 Diamond CleqnseLZIins 9c Chipsof LargelnQLgEe Palmolive My 18a 1c OCedar 58595 taiitl3c Soap fIOWers Cakes Supersuds 24 any TOILET soar or SM 1mm one my Hawesoor Waxkig45c YS COCOA lgtl Tin 19 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII EOBLAws STRICTLY FRESH IBlUElilllttttcllollflltiotunm wit LollluwsCIIIlIlSE MILDr 229 MEDIUM LOBLAW ancestral oo LIMITED 11111 111 POWDER

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