Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1945, p. 2

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0LUlBSQJillEElilIlSllill been all PAGE TWO THE BARBIE EXAMINER MEMBER Published Thursday Morning by THE BARR XIXAMINER LIMITED E23111 7K MISTER 113 BARIHRS lilllJf illiJflES vy 1i1 1111 t1tt11l 111191111111oz11 ADii 1111 carnan litH 11 111 contribution 111 5461111111 towards 11111 11111 tax Iae 1111 leave v11 ixilllriillllltill 313 JEAREN SUBSCR HELCEM AN Hatch 5110 WALLS fill hanks not t1lltl11 111111111111 1111311gs11v let llti 01 113 11111112111ai report of 1511 5111111 illllliy 111ii11 113y1 1111 three Minced debt dormstir and the yiar 11111111 was only 11 11111 Z1111111i only illcause some foreign and NR deb was paid 111 not b5311 Ilkill it lllllims ill 73 11113111 111 opt1v thliliiii 31115 HMWHH Mn l1c1uset111e orelgn debt was paid 1111 All direct and N11 111111111111111111 was 1111 11 llltll extension 111 mains and 111113 13111 111111 111 connection 111 1111 distributionl 111111155111 quality may 0011 11 iiiIruU water 11 111 11 his 111 11111111velne111 11 v1 111 mi 111 11 11 It 11 Mdmlw by Ill Hulh 111 1111111Ni vlacl11111111= tttbt was 311 111111 as compared 111111 Industrial HLXIyer Mimmmmllxpgs with 1111 prewar and because part if 71 1111111111 11111111111 igt11111 Alumni 11a13gt11 1M1 133 13 of debt was incurred to acquire rev 111 111i RivWm Restitul WmE 1141111111111111 1111 711 reLie 111 suffering l111n1i1 11 only 11 11311 11 who t1 door it tilev were 111 111 111 distress As collipared 1111111351 20 years ago lliroughoul the world today in China treece Russia and the 111 her United Nations there are neighbors who urgently need help And is 11111 tanadian women through their lied Cross who will labour and toil that the cry for help may be answered For the women of Canada are the 111 this war Day 111 and day out little groups of workers eather regularly to cut sew perform such various other tasks which spell comforts and hospital supplies for soldierst and civilians alike Since the outbreak of war efforts for these little gatherings have meant 110000000 articles of comforts and surgicalt supplies for the men in the Canadian Armed Forces and military hospitals Canadian The Canadian Red 01058 has all arrange3mm b311 fm $10 11 yea ment with the postal authorities whereby any ifh WM 013 10m 10 V019 01 contraband goods that may be removed from parcels sent to prisoners of war by their next Ofkill are replaced by Red Cross items The ed motion to lend support to the weight Of 11 nextofkin parcel cannot be Kiwanisaand Lions clubs if they the names ofoverillpounds TheRedCrossmakes sure WWW 31 003 of Swamp land that none of the parcels are under this pre scribed weight quilts have become famous among the peo ple of Britain who wrapped themselves In them for warmth when they spent their nights in the airraid shelters In the days to come the peoples of the liberated nations will bless Canadian women for their kindness and gen erosity in making life little more bearable BARBIE ENDED YEAR 1944 WITH $10739 DEFICIT Barrios 1045 Council started off their business year 32443285 worsel off in the current acc011111than the previous Council In 1914 the Town began with credit balance of 513 00305 the year was ended with an expenditure of $1077120 over the estimates It was in the Board of Works that the expenditures were far hovo the estimates This depart ment budgeted for $18500 and spent 8345546931005409 more than their budget Last years Council paved part of Davis street at cost of $0300 and resurfaced several streets at cost of $5000 Neither eluded in the estimates At the 01nd of 1944 Barrie bad loans from the Bank totalling $40 000 This was partly owing to the deficit of $1073920 and partly ow ing to taxes not yet paid However to offset this there was credit balance of $5000 and VictoryBonds of $35000 Included in the bonds was special acoount of $538937 one mill set aside in 1944 for post war purposes The remaining amount in bonds had been set aside from the surplus of previous years The debentures outstanding gainst Barrie at the close of 1944 totalled $22709960 The amount retired during the year was $37 007112 rh Theievenue in 1944 was $285 25310 This was made up as fol lowstax levy $21799004Province of Ontario twomills bonus $10 778711 COunty Silucoef roads $5 705 Waterworks share of profit 1150110 tax arrears $107427 dog =tngs$731ll licenses $l87067 poll tax $16450 plumbing permits $16850 police court fines andfecs $124976 rent Town Halln$l 63599 fees$275 tax roll adjust ments $14 interestvon investments $89550 debentures paid by Hydro Electric $202319 debentures paid 133 Waterworks $327391 reserve $13 69365town lots sold $87003 ex cesspf expenditures over income $468429 surplus revenue $1073920totol $28525310 Expenditures ofIBarrie in 1944 wereflas follows Public schools $5870825 Collegiate Institute $29 351271 Collegiate Vocational $1 eparate School $688153 Simcoe taxes $2285524 Commission $11500 Parks 33000 Library Board $5 630 debentures principal $37 debentures interest charges bunk chargcs on deben 33310 bank intereston short 10 grants $4850 $12390193 alloth 3810501123 total 112 11111111 ant 1112151211 111111 2111 i11111111rett 111it1llboilir1es3 1111 of the national income same it annuity 11 woman would 1111 1111 the peoplcj as at 1111 start of the war 11111112 1111 women 111101111 1111 make 11E lllese net Interest charges were about Christie Tourist Atconunotlation Barries Red eroem NHL mg of effort knit quilt or HE CRIPPLED 111111111111 111111 our 311111111 The challenge to Service Clubs and to all interested in child wel fare on behalf of crippled children was the theme of an address at lMondays Kiwanis meeting by Hopper Executive Secretary of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children crippled child said the speaker needs the same atten 111011 normal child needs and much more The crippled child shouldreceive all the aid medical science can give and theneduca tion or vocational training that will help himttrcarlyh isown weight 110 Service Clubs in Ontario have been interested in crippled children for some years now and some 1400 who would otherwise be still crip ples at home are living useful noimal lives Mr Hopper paid high tribute to 111 work Barrie Ki wanis Club has done for crippled children in this district survey was madein the district about ten years ago but the time is now ripe for another survey of Simcoe Coun ty It is estimated that in the Pro vince there are four crippled chil dren in every thousand of popula tion Othis basis there would be about 350 crippledchlldrcn in Sim coe County infantile paralysis was respons ible for 30 ofthose crippled 40 Were cripples from childhoodiand 30 from accidents tuberculosis 01 rickets Considerable progress has been made in rcducingthe number in the latter classschool teachers are impre sing on children tobefcafefula enumber crip pled from tuberculosis ondrickets has been reduced from 13 to 86 in the last 14 years As yet there has been no sure preventativejound for Infantile Paralysis Along Pub lic Health seems to lie the road to progress doganyfhing till it is too late made this spring 11 AG CW1 Weekly Newspnpen Association class Wrckhcs 11 Canada Canada or Great Britain $200 you United States mac $250311 811311 Copies 01 each 11111111 it lltlitl iittilti 2111 111 Yer the winner 11 1111 tlt1211n Red Cross are the 111111111 1111111111 the heroes 111 Worldl lS lllflll POSITION recent 11111111111 Ur 19113111 11 the 1111 111 1111111 111211 General Ntt1ltl War finance tomE 11111111111111113 11111l111l 11l 111 111 111 talladas 11111 11 1111 lot11 111E11 position utter 11 years 111 war lilel 13 11111 chlure 111111111 11 Cilairlnan 111 11 1111111 11142l Here are Tl 1111 11111111 31114 llllti Dome 111 11111111111 111bl was 11 Ne intercs charges on this debt were 11111eproducing assets EDITORIAL NOTES Cross campaign made good 1111111 Kiwanis Club 11 Jacobi start with total of $5340 for the first two M1 011111111110 Nor days but this should not cause any slacken until 11111113151100 objective is achieved Thursday night at the Town Council the question of telephone service at the fire hall habituation Committee 11 was discussed and from the explanation giv strong ilculescntntivet the combined on it is evident that one phone is not suffi It was desired that the citizens of Iciem To install second telephone would Barrie should know that member mean bllt small expenditure lJ nuary whe th st 13 th Cbllnty tax rllte teo fin lilaillslfp Th mills Town Clerk Smith outlined Ald Halt contended that gt Mr Hopper stressed the import ance or early treatment for crippled children also that crippledshildren must be sought out Parents often feel they aregnotable toaord the cost of treatment and neglect to Mr Hopper was accompanied by Miss Gretta Ross Supervising Nurse for the Society Following themgetlng they met With the Childwelfare Committee and dis cussed the best method of organ izing for County survey to be The speaker was introduced by De Morrison4 chairman of the Child Welfare Committee and gikiffftextehded the litanksoun an BARRIE EKAEXHEVTR BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA it Head of Caratsou deprived of 1118 211211 per1 be sited 3111111 11515 1111111 heroes 111 1111 war and theyi lt1 lowcrs iov Il Debt ivacts Times lleWar YOUR RED CROSS AT HIS SIDE 11 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOTES IlllliY MANAGER only 11 1111 f1llt1111 ttI111111eclt and llIlllltl liit 111112 iltnloliltttl for 11113 Anlnnt 111 11lll Agrictllturl 11 Charles Newton Advertising Salel lithubilritltiotl Armt 1lliitifllllilltl Retail es 13 1is Sports was agreed that liaison would be established with various organ1 Nations and this will consist of the following representatives from thel chamber Hospital Board Morrison Lions 1th Leish Council Christie Legion Brennan llotcl Mens Association Gosney ivic llealth Griffin llnronia Association Clarke and MacDonald Sor optimist Club 11 Nettlelon Re Arm Ihere should be no let11p ship in the Chamber of Commerce Is not confined to business only lndIVIduals may take out sus take out an associate membership nonwotingl for $5 per amulm The Chamber of Commerce pass near the baIlIing beachto develop irlto park site The motion was made by Ross Cowan and seconded by Harry Armstrong The Chamber of Commerce is 11111111311131111111 111 7111111 it in the Public Library Bill 11e 111131111 llllllll Mrs tirace Mitchell Collingwood Miss already receiving hunmrous in quiries from tourists asking what ON accommodation is available in this district The manager would like to have information regarding all At the special Town Council scs accommodation in this area in or sion last Thursday night the mem der to pass it on to tourists bers began discussing the 1945 In connection with the tourist budget Mayor Sinclair said he pamphlet that is being published expected that each department there is still need for more good would have its estimates ready be photographs representing Barrie as fore the end of the month so that holiday centre These should be the 1945 tax rate could be struck submitted to theChamber of Com The 1944 tax rate was 41 mills mQFCG 0mm the lowest since 1933 Although the meeting of the Civic Improve 1945 Council will budget for 875mentCommitiee 1J Hart chair mms less money for school pur manl will be held in the Chamber poses this year several other ex offices th ilm Fridaya MfCh penditures will be mueh higher 16 than in 1944 The 1001 111x re The entire membership of the auction his year win actuauy be Barrie Chamber of Commerce will 775 mills because the Town will be published in The Barrie Exam not getAthe le mill education grant 11191 at 811 831111 1819 received fromm the Ontario Govern mgr 1111344 dd BARBIE COUNCIL lax21lyVllllEOU$llyOUlelll equalized assessment also upped Barries share to the County by ap commued 1mm 9339 one proximately one and onehalf mills men have anamdem Doncy that The Police Commission has rais 70111de them $8750 month ed its estimates from $113500 in lemme s01 52 weeks After to year time lllEYWOUld be complete increase 1hetax rate about one and 1y Cgtjmf The pOnds makem mama mills prowsmn for paying hospItal bills The deficit of $1073920 carried man 1551 his policy 113011311 over from 1944 will necessitate two man does not carry Insurance weeks compensation was not enough On motion of Aid Hart the Council voted inlfavor of con briefly the estimates already made and these showed substantial in crease forthe Town tax rate with theexception of theschool rate During discussion of the esti mates Ald Pouchcr suggested that Barrie should adopt payasyou go policy in order to reduce the tax lien Board to find out if members ofz the Barrie fire brigade could b1 covered undertheir plan riite by eliminating interest pay ments Barrie paid $1247109 bank interest on debentures in 1944 This was more than two mills of the tax rate Mayor Sinclair agreed that the Town should do as much as possible on payasyougo basis in order to some interest payments for the property holders He recommend ed budgeting for larger expendi tures in the future Reeve Clark asserted that he did not agree with thisidea He ar gued that large items such as sewage disposal plant should he paid in the future by the people who would also be getting advant ageof the service provided It is expected that the 1945 Budg et for Barrie willrbecbroughtedow before the end of the month All councillors now have complete statement dfthe receipts and ex penditures for 1944 801 ON ITSMEMI Arhe Examinergmoc circulation has been bulltfdpnthrough service No premiums ofanykind going calis because the line might years it might some day save life he said net making claims on itand another leading the workmens Compensa While it was not included in the litsport of the fire chief member of the volunteer brigade Mc Mulkiny made an appeal to the Council for life net While 11 might notbeused once in several Several councillors favored the idea of life net although one sug gested that man might better stay up in the life than jump to not if there were not enoughmen to hold it On motion of A111 Brown the Council favored getting further information on the cost of life Chairman Allsopp also brought up the matter of the fire depart ment telephone He explained that there was now but one tele phone inthe fire hall He pointed that this telephone was used for all calls incoming and outgoing He added that if call came in the middle of the night the men on duty would jumpout of bed and start getting dressed often to find that it was onlya personal call He also stressed that there was dang er in usingfthe telephone for out The annual met111111 of the Dir ltltil of the Simeon ounty Lib Aswczatiou was held Friday 11111111111111 Leeds llarric Mrs lillrabeth Lawrence Creemore Mrs 111 Allan Lelroy Stewart Page 11111 David Smith Harrie 1111111 iplwent ltev 13 Ingram 7112111211111 was elected president for the coming year Mrs Leeds treas turer and Miss Letts the librarian ccrcttlly During 1044 an inventory of the book in thccollection was taken drawing 1111111 of 123140408 non fiction 11140 fiction and 0218 juven ile 0f childrens books 250 are in separate collection for distribu tion to the schools 1116 new books pic unnumhmu wt mark Townlcosting $120184 were purchased fl nonfiction at cost 10520711 319 fiction 11 $43940 and 1108 juveniles at $014511l1w circulation for the year was 1815 nonfiction 5032 juvenile and 11837 fictiona total of 10281 and an increase of 3700 over the 1043 figures in 1044 deposit stations were formed at llolly Oro Lisle Leighs Corners Singhnmpton and Wall baushene new libraries were org aniIed at Elmvale Minesing and ivy bringing the number of mem ber libraries in the County to 20 Thirty schools subscribed to the Public Schoolroom loan systonranri circulated 2000 books during the =four Fall months 1944 Circulation by Libraries Alliston 1418 Barrie 1303 Beeton 074 Churchill 1101 Coldwater 762 Colliugwood 1710 Creemore 701 Hillsdalc 38OTFMidland 1088 New Lowell 550 Orillia 1178 Stayncr 1297 Stroud 1049 Thornton 5513 Tottenham 504 Wycvale 050 Bond lleadc 178 Holly 708 Oro 210 Lisle 203a Singhampton 00 Wau baushcne 313 Leighs Corners 129a an approximation circula tion returns not complete aa new library received books only part of year YOUR COOPERATION PLEASE These are difficult days for news paper people as they are also for mostpeople The newspaper office has more 10 do and no extra help sometimes less help Weekly news papers publish once in weeka daily six times In proportion to staff and duties the town newspapa or office is just asbusyia place as any daily newspaper office What we are coming to is Tuesdays and Wednesdays are The Examiners busiESt daysNews which happens or couldgbeAvaittcn aboutyourseif your family or your friends or boutyour church lodge club or society on Friday should be writ ten and sent to or telephoned to The Examiner on Saturday And so on for each day his common thing for news that could have been written week or ten days before to reach The Examiner on Wednes daythe day offpubiication if copy coming in on Wednesday does not appear the person sending it can know the reason Light committee smaller pieces of equipment waterworks QUANTlTY WIT QtIALmI llN 1112 BARR EXAM stir 1111 1111111111111 the URL l11 111 the surlutllltllng country 1111 111 $3000 111 His E1 11121 1111 111111111 11 bulnxlzer 1111 1112111 1111s fire tlzic 11111111 $3311 iovn otlncd voted $311110 with 11111111 1111 111111111 31111111 tosaldu 311 1111110 of 111111131 in llilir sponsored 11 llf1l very well be busy when someone wanted to reportafire He said thereshould be two telephones one alarm phone for fire calls only This matter will be brought up at the next meeting of the Fire and The Council voted1 in favoiadof buying 700feot of 2lzincjl hdse at rarest of $170 foot as reljuestcd bythe fire brigade It was pointed out thatthe fire departmenthad LIeen in the habit of buying feet of hosea year but no purchase was made last year What equiplnent to FR my 75 REcglvED EMIUMS AS snowNABOVE84IsE17HER PAID Io PonchOIoERs oR THEIR BENEFICI ARIES OR 15 SH AsIoE IN be bought thisyear Will be 100 feetof Hemlock hose and 11022195 wrenches hip boots and other In the report presented by Fire Chief Patterson the Barrie fire de partment now has the following equipment one Bickle equipped Reo truck not in very goodrcondi tion one ladder and hosetruck in goochndition about 2900 feet 212 inch hose with 60ilLinrsl class condition 200 feetI llzinch hose one 35foot extension ladder one 14foot roofludder one 55foot al uminum threepiece hidden one 45 foot aluminum twopiece ladder and other items of clothing masks etc The fire alarm system is com prised of eight alarm boxes 15 tap bellsinfiremens hemes one in Barriez Examiners circulation 11111111 totaledftlibution or 70110 oples weekly gives quality With quantity Its paid in advance MARCH 1910 lllrcllH Ill 11 Llfiilill 1311131 111s 111 Le PLl tended by 11 with Nomad P21 11111 11111131 declared 121 fav 1111 cotpcr11e store In 111 other 11211111 of that tlilil1j flaw his oldest buxmess mutt 511111 1111 Join minimal b11111 11 ll Rtietllliittl llls 1111111 13 1111 rie xlith ti v11e 1111 lll 11 Velcrttnn Amour returns to lllll 11111111l lull 11 repallcltmcd his 111111111 1111s1111 from lox and Tony 111tt1 iloarti of litlatcatlou offers 1112 suit 111111 from he West iiltlStllllHll Mary 12111111111 111 T111x 11111111 111121 featured 11 the Opera lloure 11 Mcfuvs alivclll 1111 lllistoc intinlllolnlcs Here are 111121 1011 81111113823 ECOMMUNITIES real cstzitc 111111 11111111111 by Eco Wibon llvltrfllll brick large lot liffili S1 $1311110 7711111111 1111111 lloutl $1801 1111111111 brick Ion vellientes 11111 water heating lottA llle lot Illiunlale $111111 lir11111u brick conveniences east end 81111 1100 711111111 brick conveniences llltlltlll $1 $3111111 Sllncoe ounty Briefs Rev Ieswick leaving ooks town to lake the Anglican parish of lioaehcs lt Sharon and Holland Landing Mrs it11 Vick the first white child born in lrillia died at age of 157 liggott traimnaslcr 1111 the ETC appointed Supt of the Stratford ivision Wm Little traiumMr of the 131111 and 14111 districts has jurisdiction extended to include the 11111 and 12111 districts Market prices Butter 05011 eggs 08751 chickens per 11 Ito1151 potatoes peck 40c apples per bbl $500 hay $20$27 long hardwuod per load $13 CANADAS MEAT PRODUCTION MADE RECORD IN 1944 Livestock and meat production in Canada during 1044 exceeded any previous year Slaughlcrings of livestock at inspected establish ments included 8700000 bugs 24 per cent increase over 1043 11154 000 cattle 113 per cent higher than in 1043 050000 calves 10 per cent higher than in 1043 and 939000 sheep and lambs or per cent more than in 1943 As result the 1914 output from meat packing fBoard Education 25 Iears Agoplans To Build MVoculioncxl School 111 1111111 111 111111111 Silnail A1tl 11111lj1 Sillilll 1111 11111 ll1llii1 Unialllirllshells 1111 11114 11 11111111 Alfiioll 11 11e 111111111 111 1111il 111 1111111 11 11111 1111 Lx Unied 1111111111111 111111111l quanlilics of bacon and betf tl sinppcd 11ttlt11t 111111 at 1111 5111111 tltllittstu consnnlptmn 1111 head of population 111 11111111111eti 111 New high level time The 711111 copies iHUHSUAY MARCH 15 is L126 on lAlifH 15115 fI 11111 1111111 111111111mummy gull 1113 111 1111 11111fl11 511111ts1 111 111 olvtlttl ll 11 11111111111111 111331111111 l111 11113111 311 31 Hm 1mei MI 1111 on 111 11111 111 Vesplll 1111 111111 11111 11111 110 camp 11 Iitiiifvillt ESTABLISHED I899 Consult mtinenml Life Represclllutice Fully qualified he knows that your future nancial independence can only be accomplished by careful upprulsnl ofyuur particular Life insurance needs lHE CDNlINENTAl le INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE TORONTO GRANT MAYO 5121511111 150 Dunlop Street Barrie Purely Canadian Company The Storyof the Life insurance Donal If wt THEIR EENEEIT comes from premiums paid by policy holders for insurance and annuities comes from invest5 ment earningsfon gt 51mm tings 1241apd sundry sources 95 RESERVE The gure in this analysts of the life insurance governments dollar are mod on be latest published report of licenses medical fees etc Ibo Dominion Supermlendent of Insurance It zsigoadcitzzembp to mm LIFE RANGE AMcssagefrorbltljeLffc Insurance CornbnicrginkCumda is paid to is paidout 14 and 35 to shareholders 50 Years Ago THE NUHIHLRN AUVANLE Barrie Local Nulrs 351 1111 c1 sis 1111 soil for all ill 11111 1111 million 311 11111 ill 111111111 111111111 111111111 H111111 1113 1t l11 11111 S51 111111l1111111 1nd of 111111 qwmmp 1npumg 1111 1i1111 1111c lllll 11111 filo1 1111111111 ltlloticzlll111 11111411111111 llll Philosophy 11 1111111 imbue Accounts 111c11 ho oullcil vullle oral 12111111 11111 11 11111 A11 t11iltlllflllw lume number 111 $101111 bills 111 repoltetl to 111 111 lllflllitlltill 1111111111111 to 1111 lrcai Mr Merchant take advantage 111111y lltpurttucpt hurIicd 1111111 leullliIIcrs 111 circulation 1111 111 1111 1111111 tempt the report erroneous in our lilft goes to policyholders and bengc tics in payment of death claims maturities dividends and other policy benets 31c isfineesod to provideforath future benets guaranteed to policyholders incommis stem to agents saaries Including My

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