Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1945, p. 1

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rill Pte had been mostly 118 WEEKS ISSUE 6950 Copies 82nd HE Yea No Waterworks Shows Top Profit $16689 $5000 To Council Fight for Freedom Activities of Men and Women In the NuvyArmyAlr Force Woundrd Second Time lloiis McDonald lllllirldltlt iccoivrd wind that lltl husband Major ll McDonald has wounded it the second time in Holland Last luly Major McDonl ald was deafcncd by mortar shell and was in hospital fvi ill lays be fore returninzz to his rcuiiiicnt On Feb 271 word was cccivcd that IH had suffered shrapncl in the back dislocated shoulder and bullet iii 1ch leg mm Vuwu Naval Airman Home on lurlough First Class Naval Airman lctcr lohn Worthington llCN Fleet Air Arm is home on furlough visiting his parents lllajoricncral Worthington and Mrs Worthing ton 57 Hercy St llarric lle on listed in the Navy Ill October liltf and took Fleet Air Arm training at Yarmouth NS vw Promoted to Captain Announcement was made this week of the promotion of Lt Vernon llook to the rank of cap tain in Headquarter CeiiipaiiyGicy and Simcoe Foresters Reserve He joined the unit in 1910 and be came sergeant in 1941 lle was commissioned in Jilly l912 and qualified the same year as lieu tenant 110 received captains qual ifications at Niagara Camp in 1043 Ite Donald lqu Wounded lle Donald Duff Timmins younger son ofMi and Mrs Walter Duff North Bay formerly of Bar rie has beewslightlywoundod in int in England according to word received by relatives in Barrie It was jus sTii monthsfrblhctie of his enlistment lie completed his advanced infantry lrziiningah Camp Borden before proceeding overseas In Hospital Overseas Cpl Phil Wright one of the sol dier sons of Mr and Mrs Wright Gilford is gradually gel ling back the use of his left arm after having had his left shoulder broken last fall when the truck in which he was riding skidded at bad turn in the road overturned and rolled down an embankmcht He was in British hospital in Romebut has since returned to England ltn Gapp Wounded by Shell Fragments Mrs GappHolly has re ceivedefurther word from Ottawa regarding the woundinfof her son gtgggprdon Gapp overseas Both legs and one arm were wounded by bomb fragments vwiyundrNOrSertmxs been action in Holland and is convtlescxlgcclrc Department is in very llic Iliilllt vatcrxnoiks lcpt in lllltl made lcttllfl far cxcccdini lthat of any pievfous year with the profit of 51008934 Sialcs wcic guinea about of 1943 loial gal llonagc of water pumped Was illii 1115000 almost double of what it lwas 111 1939 hit of the profits lhc iluhlic lliiliics Connoission handing over to the lown the gttllll iof $500000 aboul one llilll to be lapplicd on the general tax levy In covciiiig letter sent llll the statement to the Town Council Vin Salter Manager of the Barrie lrlblic Utilities Commission wrote as follows As directed by the Commission at their meeting on March am enclosing financial statements for ilhc Watcrwurks Department for the lyear ending December 31 l9 and ll am also instructed to advise you that thc Commission have author lired payment to you of Five llhousand Dollars $5000 out of profits for the year to be used for the general purposes ofdhc Town and to assist in maintaining your tax rate As new work has been authorilcd on llolgatc Granville and Charles streets that will use up ull available cash payment of this amount is deferred until our liily accounts are paid It will be noted that the profit on the yeaisoperations $1668931 is the highest in the history of the Department Revenue from Water sales has also reached new high During the year new services piiring minor extensions at cap ital cost of $100960 Also 4inch main was laid on Shirley Avenue at cost of $158273 Other work would have been undertaken had labour been available To show the progress of this De partment the following comparative figures are of interest Water sales 1939 5120878112 1943 $2086928 1944 52990036 water pumped 1939 170205000 gals 1943 260340000 gals 1944 314115000 gals As will be seen from the state ment this Utility like our Tfydm good liquid position to take care of lls immediate postwar needs Pres Douglas Brandon Dangerously Wounded Mr and Mrs Howard Brandon of the village of Hillsdalc on March received notification from the Dept of NationalEDefence that their older son Ite Douglas Brandon was seriously wounded on March and became dangerous ly wounded on March No fur ther particulars were given Pte Brandon who went overseas on April 1043 was Wounded on Augustr27 1944 with rifle bullet below his right ear0n Nov af ter two months in hospital in Hol land lie returned to the lines In one letter when he was recovering he said that he could hardly swallow and in later one he stated that he was feeling ok except that there was no feeling in the lobe of his ear BARBIE BRANCH 0F LEGION ELECTS OFFICERS FOR 1945 were installed some of them rewhole milk BARRIE EXAMINER Wm BARRIITONTARIOEANADATHURSDAY inrxlZCil ii MILK PRODUCERS TO BE ON QUOTA ml Lcnilil Itil pm llm ilii ltTgtil tario Mil to iio illaiiii lad lian lcxplua to kltlcci iil tlmll Lint of tmiil lm trim or rii iw tlii fix iiiiitu lizm lit iiorgan Ila aim Idez ii Chianti 213i now piodticcis inei llLlittlUlill be on ilzcic aiil be CgtLllillfil lhc ioi siirc lhc laillw 11 supply nf null illtl lIn iioinmzw unll lli be oil llic 3iziic Inna ll lilI utir Illitli lzc ii inhicc liin ipioa lic nnnt ii tillili lllllt ml each supplier lilllltl than cut off il few dlsliibutoir ailiniclhci llzc incinliris of the Ontario filiik Control Board who ahiiinistcr flit Act ait II Mccli cliaiiiiiaii llaiiiiltiii liflltllllllt lln til tiitnitors iizd Vilmot icpic sciitini the producer lhcis pres out who addressed lhc lllllllli were Roy Lick Manager Ontario Whole Milk Producers Association Bruce Scott Manager Ontario Milk Distributors lissoclaluin 11 llziilt loioiito Milli Foundation Iroducirs and present from ihc following icorgi an flay cciilrcs liarric iillia lol wide1 ii liiili iiilll instiiiaioi jJiiti lotls llKlitI Manager distributors were IIlgin Southampton llunisvilh Owen Sound olliiiood Mid land Penman lliiccliilc Wallo crton Gravciihnrst Parry Sound Among lhc pioblcms discussed for the milk priduccis in this area was what may happen at the close of the war and Camp llordcn cuts off its market for present huge Ms TPll BILL Burl COMES HOME 011 Hosriiiil SHIP Tpr Bill Bird is now home on furlough recuperating from severe wounds suffered in Italy last September lie is the son of Mrs 11 11 LongAltriiidaleiiiid his wife is the former Joan Marie Partridge of Barrie former Colt ested kindly donate TPR BIRD hockey star Bill will be out of ac Mrs RoyrGreen 14 Owen St Barrie has received word that her son Pte Cecil Green suffered esh wounds in his right buttock causedby shell fragments The message stated that further inform ation would not be forwarded un less the condititm became serious Green was first reported Turn to page eight please Tovim Council Declines To Buy New FireTruck Hon Pres Dr Little Pres Burton lst VicePres Ricketts 2nd VicePres Need ham Secy Knight Trees Needham Chairman Executive lRI Ricketts Chairman Poppy Fund Smith ChairmanHall Board Lines Pensions and Claims Of ficeiE Smith Veterans are urged to join the Legion The TUWIlICULIflCIIlll special session last Thursday nigtit turned down request from the firebri lgade to porchase anew purriper rtruck thisyear at cost of $10750 Ifciwever the Council voted uni tanimously injfavorjofv having the rpresent pumper truck rebuilt Mayor Sinclair and Aid Hart speaking lathe report of the fire brigade declared that the trouble with the present puinpfer truck cause the en gine was too small for the Work required of it While pumping Water for fires on top of the hill the molar had occasionally stalled because it was not powerful enough The present pumper truck has been in use over 10 years and wasfirst used at the Trinity Church fire Ald Craig submitted that the present equipment could not be so very bad or the towns insurance rate would not be so low Fire Chief Patterson in 1115 an nual report stated that Barrie had the lowest fire insurance rate of all towns but one in the province Mayor Sinclair suggested fixing up the present equipment and budgeting for the purchase of new truckin the future He then asked for an expression of Opinion on buying newpumper truck this year only five councillors were in favor so the motion was lost Fire andeighLCommittee read letter from the Company of Woodstock in which they recommended special heavy built chassis Wltll an 8cy1inder 160 hp motor Thistvou1d pump 700 gallons of waterla minute and the cast rwuuld be$10750 During discussion efrthe fiiedc partmeut Ald Byrn oskedhow manyhoursthedriver It Irwin was on duty ChairmanrAllsopp replied that Ald Allsepp Chairman of the Mr Irwin was on duty 24hours dalI and had oneday weekend MiAlI= every other Sunday eff sopp added that Mrs Irwin did the laundry of the bedding at the fire hall free ofvcharge while someone else was paid $3 week if Mrs Irwin was away The chairnianof the fire committee stated that Mr Irwin was the only paid employee of therfire department Several councillors suggested that 24 hours was too longto expect any man to be on duty and the recammendation was made that the fire committee ask the volunteer brigade what they would suggest to alleviate the condition Chairman Allsopp reported that theifiremen carried their Own ae cident insurance policies and the town contributed towards the premiums All but two of the fire Turn to page two please ii Bcmeseagmvehmd to his hospitalbed in Italy Mon ohathesporlsefrontfoLaotline yet While moving into Rimini during the push in Italy lastFall Tpr Bird was travelling up the read with his reconnaissance unit early one morning The Germans were sending over mortar fire and one shell exploded near lhis Canadian unit Tpr Bird washit by shrapnel in one leg and the left arm few seconds later another shell came over and piece of shrapnel struck the back of hiThead Five others were also wounded but none was killed in tWo hours the young Barrie soldier was receiving medical at tention and shortly afterwards he BROSSMHE NETS 3340 III TWIIII IGEOBGIAN BAY your dollars generously in response Red Cross Appeal We arc very gratified at the response of 1111 citizens of Barrie during the first two days of the led ioss can vass However Barrie is st its objective able far battle front or in some dies for need of our help even if it should mean some little financial sacrifice to over the top Lets do it oiniisiouii ounnnu Three Fined $43 Each For Damaging Fish Huts Ihrcc local Ellis about 17 years of age pleaded guilty in magis ales court on March to six Message From RedCross Campaign Chairman Our fighting 1111 all stand in nccd ol cvcry comfortwe can give them to make their job bcaiv We are simply asking lhc citizens to give to the Canadian Red Cross to make certain surc that on some VIACK ROBINSON BRENTWOOD BOY HAS AMPUTATION AIS lCapt Jas Gardiner lWas War Prisoner Supports Red Cross viii tlii IiTl tiims iaaiiu xi taimdian llullir oi itar aptly tltwglillfl llj coir DINNER MEETING tlll iitlic Lin Ililllildyn Killtzldn lllttllliLI llllllwlllll lili Jisictii iiiit1i lic vis Mignon the 111s tapauiazix t1x ff Uni tttli ll lfiliil Aliti amine ir mull iiontiiw in land tupl tiardnwr was with the liliticllal Army Africa caiiy in 1010 and oi active wivicc in Liicccc icc Sicily Italy as vs it as lll Alrica in Ntnillr ybcl lllil wlu It the Allltfsi wcic llorccd to ltLttc Yiobruk ln 11 land others Wtlf captiiicd by ll fine icrniaiis and were pris oncrs oi war for orcr two years They were sent to var unis iiitciiiiiiciit camps first ia Alllilt then in icecc iwticrc tiny were completely my litttlctflttl At lhc end of fouri iiionllis some had dicd and it Ill illgtlllll ri lhc otlicrs were incic skclci 91 the lllltltiltl ions weighing undcr 100 lbs Ii Ihcii lhc were sent to Italy iii the Hot Cross cm and parcels from the Red 31 will If in oi Cross started to arrive This NT FILIiIJirtmtl1fll ivll iirl iii 35 VIM Ml MW9 ll made all the difference in the lllilItl Sincc ll lu1iii ciliniti tin not iiii over 1000 tons of food alone nld IIIQY 33mm 119141111 l0ccd it quota of Slaliflfl lit lllfliw have lttll cn hi Allictl lrlls illtlsluL 011 Wllglll tilltl lllt had ij duvcd vsii wiirnci of tin lied IDES Il ill xttdy inna tilttls ziriiew incaiiing Clothing hookyWWW om Itac head tablc Mrs Marlai rest bidll and games also were supplied llllilI mucimui mum le by the Red ioss and they when 13 or the tainpaigu ltltlllstl in The Barrie llxaixn Ht weie able to lend moic oi lessii sandy minis mummies mt gt comp ouiaia Hf rmcymj dismbut licople they desire to reach 1331 int AJ 21 normal lll b0111C haw til at the meeting liach canvasscr Illt town alone pltis 2330 viuiin 155 been prisoners of war for ovlv we WMCM pledge mp lllllfS all paid in advance lolalL 10m You now and only Vat i2CHM Ckcm ldisliibulion 7000 copies JL hidtniials aid to the 1945 iilzli Soldier ici rcreiic litl Cii icri szigtztcst vxar ii liiiivipc night titivt ii ic ctiiplio ill long way from realizing $1170001th IN 0011 lll 115 lltll iv ti lllllllyl 1131011 tlllll llO lllllll yllit itlll ll lllllllllji lii us Last year Balllc wciit again iiii Campaign Chairman shantics on bay ice on Februaryltoss some time ago llorscwhips back workers llc pointed out that vine ChmS laid by pm Cmmmblci Tjlor the Red Cress parcels billilhh miiiiiiiiiiiicd tiic incthod Robinson of wilful damage to fish minded of remark inzule by Judge ch hf tlltlll would ever 301110th Cllllllillllll l0 mm 27 must be getting scarce lidcrof the dinner was to let the Damage done was to locks glass lhc sail ll ltttltl fine of $20 was imposed III that lliuisday iiiiiiiiiiilt by Ill Wilt and Cal Grdmcr nallydnadcleanvasscrs realize that they were break for liberty and it WZISlnot ilillitl in their work lines etc and amounted to $2650 cacli case with costs and lainziLcs This is ridiculous offence do or total of $43 each with an al clared Magistrate Jeffs am lC tornative of two months patents in Barrie that la Hooper had been Itlllffl in Ililll llll ltl Lii ia tank ofhlccr with fznnoas COMING EVENTS cents wordMinimum charge Site WIN Bingo every Friday night in lie St Patricks llay ica Coininunily glen Hall Owen St 830 sharp 15 Hall Stroud March 17 auspices games 350 llfb Strourl Presbyterian Church Sale Old time and mbdern dancing of homemade baking lea 25C 111 landale Orange Hall Friday Mar Friday March 16 Commence 16 LOBA 11b ment Exercises Thornton Contin Rummage sale at Collier Stuation School 815 pm program United Church WA Group SaiZand dancing Admission 350 and urday April 14 lllbx15c 9111 WCTU rummage sale Trinity AttentionFaiiiicis Public nicel Parish Hall April 28 All hiter ingl being field Monday March it lll7b8 pm Lions Club Rooms to con Dance Brentwood Hall Fridaylslder establishing seed cleaning March 16 Willoughbys orchestralplant Come 11b Comforts for boys overseas 11p Concert in BClFrlday March 16 Dance Ivy Ha auspices of LOL at pm Oratorical contest music 450 Friday March 23 LCD Wills by the winners at Kiwanis Festival dance band Admission 35c 1112 and Otlwlsr gymlusucs Choruse You are invith SL patricks Admission 20c all seats reserved at BCI 10111 tea in Collier St United Church Mar 16 from 36 Tickets 25c811b Womens Cdmdlm Club Tth iltlllxll lie wa flllfi llillittt months before he wast Mr Currie on behalf of the Red ILL lion thanked the Ki iablc to contact an Alind 11le mm 11 waiis oi ri Agum the Rad 1105s Walla expense of the dinner President llllll H0 W215 glVCll hospital liaisons of the Kiwanis said treatment and assisted backlhis club was very happy It liltixblo ISiJlly to hngland The Red Cross of sriiiloiinfall131NM ncngita as said Capt Cardinci is domg nw RI MCVMO mm Wu iinarvellous job for the fight 11 mm 91mm was 50 in mg forces and particularly foljlllc ladies of Trinity Cgurlil and iiv lthC prisoners of War Itlc tables Ltie decoi do Add iciosses on ulnte tableclotls Cdpt Gdldmm lb now dtline further emphasis to the Red 0de Borden domg SIwCIalCross Campaign there was huge lwork red cross on the white flag hunt at the front of the hall behind the bead table iid lRED CROSS SENT OVERSEAS l28715282 ARTICLES In the firSt four years of theEPTE rpresent war the Canadian Red OF WYEBRIDGE Cross shipped total of 2557131182 Earticles overseas packed into 792 165 cases In the year 1943 aloneKHILED more cases of supplies and coml lforts were despatched abroad than the entire four years of World War when the accumulated total was 341325 cases Wycbridge Correspondence Mr and Mrs Munroe Adams Wyebridgc have been notified by the Director of Records at Ottawa that their son Pte John Adams 11131413472 was killed in action 18 Tons ofSo1voge Easter tea Wednesday March 21 auspicesEssa Rd Presbyterian Ev eninLAu arnorimissiqn9419 The annual meeting of share holders of the Barrie Country Club Limited will be held at the Police Court Chambers Friday March 23 at pm All golfers especially in day Mareh 22 at 830 pm in the Library Hall Speaker Mr RI Watson BA LLB Subject Who jwhilc serving overseas Jack who was 21 years of age western Canada armoured unit and Went to school atiwyebridge and VlswllandicappedSoldierorCivi1it tilllLC 1991119 gisitggkinsvinylW Wycdpesda LMurch boxcar attended the Presbyterian Church fan 11121 in the big offensive opened last of 50m 13 011561 isalvagewugPHejieIEaihisefaimrimithewffbm The Womens Institute Crown ImOhlll by the 15l Cdllildldll Anny shipped from Barrie then enlisted at Midland Maren Hill community social evening Wthll HIIIISthlwOm Hullillld llllO The Salvage Committee of the 1943 After being in Toronto for Thursday March 15 at Mrs Cecil Germany No further detailshave Red cross Auxiliary had very muchbout month he was sent to slim appreciated assistance from the fol coe London and Depart arrivmg LT IIOOIER Shipped During March vited Gladstone Currie rotary 500 work Lunch served Admission 11le 25c and 10c MAJORoEN WORTHINGTON GOES To PACIFICVCOMMAND FROM CAMPRORDEN MAJOREN SPENCER RETURNS HERE was placed ina large Canadian hospital For 10 weeks he Evas con Although in lllQllth the building was so large he never met Barrie nursing sis the hospital three tor Kay Couch who he later leaincd was serving therewhile he was patient gt Tpr Bird has great praise for the CaiiadiunsArmy medical staff and he said no effort was spared toas sure the best of attention for the Turn to page eight please irBARRIE FIRE BRIGADE Chief Patterson Asst Chief Sherlock lst Lt Me Mulkin 2nd Lt FC LowerSecy HOConnor Trees Wil 1iams Hook and LadderCaptTH Hook lst Bianchman Wil lfains Asst Branchman Bald win 2nd Branchman OCon nor Asst Caldwell 3rd BranchA man Cotes Asst Green Axemen Miller WLStewart Hydrant Men Miller Keast men Carley Money Monk man Stewart Caldwell Truck Driver Irwin Asst Lee Executive CommitteeLCald well Stewart Monkman WORTHINGTON MAJGEN SPENCER Announcement was made last weekend by National Defence Head quartersof two important mavesMaiorGeneral Worthington CB MC MM of BarrieLCommandcr of Crimp Borden for the past yearnbe comes General Officer Commanding Pacific Command succeeding Maj MALG orGeneral Pearkes VC His headquarters will be at Vancouver Brigadier Spencer 08E ED of London will return as Gom mander of Camp Borden with acting rank of MistGeneral General Spencer thus returns 10 months afterbeing transferred from there to 0t Traffic ofcer Rjn11nons Line laws as ViceAdjutantGeneral at Defence Headquarters He was Com mander of Camp Borden in 1942 and 1943 When MajorGeneral Worth ington returned from overseas neatly Gen8pencer was appointed Chancellor of Victoria University lDunsmores Proceeds for overseas beenIQCClVCd 11151940 in the ranks of they lstBatia where he commandedthe 4th Armoured chggier Division to take the Borden Commandggen Spencer remained for two monthsosehtef administrative officerbefore proceedingr to Ottawa Rie Prior to his enlistment in June owing Mr Weir Mu Ramford Mr Welsman Scotts truck and one 011 GIUY dlld SlmClC FUlCSlClS man Public Utilities truck and two Norman Hooper was member of men and the Town truck and three The Barrie Examiner staff in men Charge of local advertising and a1 so an reportorial assignments He was very popular among his Co vvorkers and highly esteemed ldlllollgdlls fellow lownsmen Plans Will Be Prepared overseas in October194i There are fouijbrothers Bill at Camp Borden Douglas Gerald and Beverley at home also one sister Verafat home Norman Hooper was born in A17IFOP laiiclale 30 years ago older son ofj er and Mrs Hooper 16 lGrziiiville St His father served Ithrough most ofithe last war with out6 injury Norman was educated at King Edward School and Barrie Collegiate He was member of lEssa Road Presbyterian Church Always active in sports he played hockey with his Sunday School iteam in the church league and in the season of 103233 became goalie for the Barrie Colts He also played the following yciirxund in both of In the same connection COlll these seasons the local junior OlIA mittee was named to meet with thel team made an excellent Showing lTown Council to consider whatI winning the county group and ad Turn to page eight please On motion of II Lougheed thr Board of EducationMonday night passed resolution to have the nec essary steps taken t8 prepare plans for Vocational Training School for Barrie This malter has been under consideration for some ipoiiths andthe meeting this week represents anotherstep towards the establishment of this branch of ed land in the Agricultural Park near the Cbllegiate might be transferred to the Board Of Education few weeks ago the Board of Ecliiczititiiil transferred small strip of proper ty near the Prince of Wales School to the Tawn to be sold to the Cana dian General Electric Company In consideration of this the Council had promised to give immediate at tention to providing property near the Collegiate for thebuilding ot the proposed Agricultural and Vo cational Training School Those named to meet Willi he Council were McCullOugh Stew art Blair and Woods BARRIE FIRE Loss $2200 in 1944 In his annual report presented to the Town Councillast week Fire Chief Patterson stated that Barries tireless of $2200 for 1944 was the lowest in many years He also added that Barries fire insur ance rate wasth lowest of any town in Ontario but One There were 157 calls to fires last year made up as follows Actual fires small tires 11 chiinnex motion was also passed that as fires 35 false alarms 14 grass many members ofthe Board as fires 50 car and truck fires possible visit schools in other places reel up 12 town dump elec to acquaint themselves with much trie rubbismj miscellaneous ine shop and domestic science facil total 157 itieslhissurveywillbe under the mention for students iiitliis districhl direction of Trustee Andrew Clint ming On miilionof John Woods the Board of Education recorded with pleasure the success of the BCI Concert Band inwinhipg for the second timefirst piizlli their class in the ieceiitgcoiiipotitiOn IllTOl ronto andheaitily congratulate the personnel of the band and Fisher the director Acting on rquest from the Ki wanis Clubythe Board of Education voted in favor of farming coin inittee for the management of the BCI Concert Band and Trustee Stewart was named to represent Ithe Board on this committee The resignation of Howard caretaker of Victoria SCIIQOIWHS accepted with regret MrHoward was caretaker at theCollegiate four years and at Victoria School two years and was compelled tore sign in order to get out of doors for his health His resignationwill be effective May and he is going to open tourist business in Mus kuka The Board voted to advertise for someone to take his place Public School Inspector McVittie was requested to arrangements for the spec tryaiming of one pupil who many unable to attend classes The Department

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