THURSDAY MARCH 1945 THE BARBIE AMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA PAGE SIX New Fellowship For Food Research AT THE ESTABLISHED Market WM omenomouomouocd 101 $1500 Fellowshipi NEWS OF ELMVALE onewumomomowomom v45 iiLJi Eggs uz honr xuii liuilglll 11 tvlJDit 11 rt NU ltltisl 11 1111111 lulu 1151 Varnishes at AP lt L7 f1llillj Ename vs aX 11 1t 11 flu1111 gingiw Hldi 111111 II II III 111112 111ze and 1231 ll Iftl 111 1w 1141111 11 iniuttwttit 11 Hi 11 11111 11 will 11211 III 1gt II IIIIIIII III LIIIII VIII1IIIIIIIII unit 11I1111II IrIIunmm 111ml Ifhimuwmmwm 1tll 1131 11 113 Hf 1t i11l tho 011111 fghgmy 11 3L iilr inmmnun stlc 10 11 1331 111 111 km Myoltntll hm IL In 111 Lille 1111115 111131 lltIl 111 xtirifiiivii 33m 11 ll 01 Iml ti 11111 11 Irttiud 1n 315 11 1oini nurhmun You Will ind yoursclf one of the best informed my tmr Marci 11111911111 li11ii 1111 1tiltt persons in your 10111111111111 111111011 read The Christian II III IIIIIit 1111111 I1 Ali11 511111 our tin 1111 Science Mommr rcgulnlyhiu11111111trcshncwwcwpomu II II AiIlxlItIl IiIvivl II =11 wftWH 1311 11111 1111 fuller rirhtr understanding oi world Villain truthful accurate VI 1111 11II 111 11 norm to Hi lfliitl 11 unbiased news Write for 11m 11 in todu or send for one 1111111 oi llx 5111 1111119 11 lllx 11111ii 1111111 111 111 le111v 111 momh In 3IIbSUI III IItII 11 11 114w Itl1tlll1 to LJIV ili It 11 llllHL 111 it II II Illllllil gt liprv3 honnllli lldh xd 31 IlIll IuI gt WWII in IIII I111 111I llIIII1I IIRIIlw IHII IIIIVA II III II Ill 3hehiislinn mimic Iubl 11111 Sixid II 11 in Mi 1er sum he on 11 l= iinv 21111131111 11 1111 111 1111 111 It 11 4111111 at t1 that lelme and 1m umplc wt 1H rlih 12ml suburlp II IIIII Ig IIIIIII III IIHIIIIIIIIIIII IIII TI II hm 1111 wm 1111111 Chmiun Sclenci Monitor 111 nix111 Monitor 11 II copy at 1041 Weekly Miillll III MI 11 it 111 In an 1111115 11111 111111 111111 1111111 till IiitI HME vllmt 13 1it liniriv 111111111 111111111 tieiz 11 tliiixliiia 111111 11 all back 111 11111 Animus IiI ii 11 I1a311 11111 11 trawl 111 St 11311 113 Hlmollilxm Hmvmnmn 11 311141111111 1111 111111 111111 1111 L111 to hope 11 411 li 311 11 and lNI 11 111 11 id II IIIIIIIIIIIII III qu Ii Iff 13 77 avian in 11 11 111 11 i1iigtl1llil 111511111 111111111111 111 tii1 11 11 11 111 Niht 1111312 ti ltollrer 1w in Town Harm 31111141 1iliii v1lt1tinig wrtw it 111 111 mn lil 1111 11 hi 11 ll1tti1 11 11 Am Mtge lLllil nivil 11 itlilim gt 11111 llawley Trenton IhIII1I11nI III 11 II 1131 11 51111I 11 litltl IiIHI lIi II II WW II VIIIII III CHW 157 iii111 111 Ipiiiiicil Inc 1111111 itra 1udleii 1111131113 lii ltitttlt iliiitrsdhy 191111 11111 11 ti1111 111III111 11 1h lnll ltlDhm lltlllillt 11 1tlt1it iii L1l 111 11 11t at ll 311111 oropeitx ecr rositluni 11 1211i lartiiia 11 The ltlti 1lt lilpltllv disappuar gt2 and Stunx 111 1111 tin llw crows are back which 311 iiokiit lioW Httll 1111111 111 liliiiVale 1111 My Locke 11111111115 11110 that Sllllllf is 111111511 Stew from the ealile umi settled in liiiitleiick horn 1i illitltll trllltt Sash 113 your 111111 lle iiiowd 11 1311 55 ivxtcutivc of the Uitil AndrewS is Emorulm 111 nun13mm SIKkI Via1mm 1hr I1 Chum 1151 Mummy 31 MW Andimy liniiiestLadcd and had resided iiltlk Mix Wallwins llaiis wcrti IHS 11 ltocizil tinny $11100 that 11110 111 1911 111 mar 11th ini the SB aunivcrsary 1111111 11 Hillnllllell 111 U1 Ml AdmHit Linupbtllol 11m 11 Jump mmmed 11 people If 51 Johns 1l glitlnok Hark who WWW WE 11111 tiiucral last Satiirday of Mrs Issued under the authority of the Emergency Shelter Regulations 11511 tiiiiithes After short 15 01 WW Rt hznsm at Newtoubrook hi It il 11 01 31 ml 111r mm 31 11111101 eharrc Mrs llalbcrt it orderlnCounml PC 9439 December 19 KI minus iiinixictnl 1131er liiiiiI Illnr lllltllIl 11111111111 IwIIIIIIIIIIM hImI kllliutiiilllli 138131195 31111 05 I1 11 Misses llclen and Joan Camplin ccw vv egttvtiin in 111611 110 um lnld iii the IIIIIIIIIIId mt YPU In their hum gt II mun1111unilmstwiuouomctwow111 11 11111 gti 4111111 1111 mPll IIIIIEXU1 Hamil 1315 i1ll 111 Wednesday LvtlllnLI and vcr II II IT 1mm hen II had IT 11 111 41 111L 1111L 111 IIIIIIINIIIIII IImII IIIS SIIQII The hml 111111115 lllliulnngf people had hoped to 111191111 1111120 111 l1Il11t 11111 111111 III DOMIde III IIIHa xkalmgI 111 1111111111 natI ESTABlISHED II II IIII IIC IIIIII1cv111ng lli tVlllltf to ransporizi 1m tion problems they were unable to 899 tor Joseph of Wartime 13 Neil 1LCLDl tlicii iiiVitation 111 people 1il iiilitiithitgthllsigl illitiiliill SSS11311311 WI MI MISIGICIO VOIIlIille VI VI WHIIII aniiy at cuter 1i 111r 211 Chliigeh7l 11 11551 IAIIIIII IIIlIIitIIIII III II xvick of Ti Norman Westlakc Annic nr 111m 10 1l11 liihii 11111 MW Audity Sandal Whit fIce cIm 11X IIi IMHO hrIInImvnh liltik Illillii ill lllt Anglican Cllllltll 01 11 Colliiiuuoiiti WI CI BL mmnded the an VIClona Vancouver New WBStmmSler Services worti held on Fob 111 the Wartime Ulllltti Church Hill Rev lluuhm trimrating Ihc 1111a convention of the Retail Skilleilin all 11111111 of life murancc Service every llardwareincns Association licld Tontincnial Lite Ruprcuutaiivc is Competent con buhum able muduw Wu Buy pallbcarcrs wch Rohcrt lliomp 111lt1tllllll son Norman Fawrett letc leddic ll Ulllletl WMS met 11 Mrs Goo Gilc It Erickson and mmmsons 11151 Thursmlyi Adam Kelsey llllLll1tlll was With 11 Qtltid Htlelldtlllie Ltnlell made in the family plot in Illitm Hlemllll VnlS Cllldlluled by MYS cenieldiw II llalbcrt asSisted by Mrs Brawlcy and Mrs Wiggins The NEW LOWELL THE Cllllllllililill LIFE INSURANCE BBMPANY urnb OrriCE 101101110 cram11 1lt MAYO 130 Dunlap Suezgt1 Barrio Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Hull and Mrs ll Camplin with the use 111 large map and several snapshot of Burma sent by Sgt EarlCa 1plin to his mother which made the study more interesting illlllll chapter in the study book Iwas reviewed by Mrs Dobbx As part of plan to meet congested conditions all persons who propose to rent or occupy family quarters in any of Purely Canadian Company The Township Council met in the Town Hall here Monday SIewIIH SIIIIIIIIIIII NOWIIIIIWCLIRclresliments were served by the war home fl the vmkcud 510551 Horale Gilpiti spent tow Reported Missing these Emergency Shelter Areas are requ1red by Board order days with friends in Toronto PO Laurie Melbourne son of Are Past Mr and MiIIs iifn SpIetk haw MlBllngf MIrs CharlesIlVIljelbriume first to obtain perrmt from the Admrmstrator of Emma moved into 011 1111159 19121 111 ra ort 1s repore missing genCy Shelter for the dIStTICt We are glad to report that Eliza lifter an operations overseas His bcth Mathews is able to be ar iuutl Wife is the former Olma Wilcox again RR Beeton Erma Thomas Craiglcilli 1111 When men and women get past middle age their energy and activity 111 many instances begin to de Wellne and their general vitality is onie wane Little ailments and sirkncssc sccm harder to mime an 1W WT W11 7101 11111 hanforicrl 211d lldlllel T9 80 MLJ Memes AC Bill Tivendale Trenton of breakdown begin to appear III II Now is the time those wishing to help maintain their health and vigour 5pc 00 em Elie purposgiof the order is tothelp itliose who must in these areas to obtain necessarylaccommodation 11nd family hll1ki1513353111111131lefllmillgflP111111 Louieaction on Lieutr Helen Cami Lougheed is visiting Before completing arrangements move any of me stgm la den spent Itch days With Mr friends in Toronto 12 rice mcalm 05 pIIkIIIIIIIIdrug counters ziiighglgvaoggxisd AIDSEIEEIIIIOII Ile lCIVnA ticfat 15141110 church these dlStnctS Wllte t0 the Administrator for full path JII ea 05 an 11001101 outwitin 111d Utert on the package ginning bee at Mrs WA Mum We are sorry to report that Ruby culars of the Emergency Shelter Regulations as they apply Thin Mum CIm9dT0 bigif iiIOlellceeSdilgItilngggm MI Maiiris I15 $11 the 530er listi that distgldt rs unn an oug as areI week in Toronto With her Sister visiting mends in Tomma gt Mrs Tom Sharp whoi 111 M1 and Mrs IlLean and Inin if Mr and Mrs Plax1011Aiigu and Anne Paddison Barrie spent 1158 mOVEd to farm near Ams gt Sunday with the latters parentdi Mm Fred Peacock Stmud and Mr Mr PddoC1 Iingwogcf 55mg NR Mom liei II1stIeii1nlIlav MrsiMcLaugh person went occupy Rowe and other friends on Suadav exsche 35k VlSted With MISI Ed Patton and ICIeveI bf friends in this community Gd In any ese districts Without Cmrstmn called 011 Mr and Lloyd Patton last week Jean Pat an mil to 93 9913113 P02311E15 11 Wlth are Sunnidal Corners sunlildalemggiinms Annual The care you use in selecting the breed and strain of chicks you Sanmlgll meelmgf if CBuie spent the weekend in purchase for the coming season can be wasted em if you do 5513 aeIumholdt 1331 Toronto not exercise the same leiircc of care in selecting the Chick Starte T0155 lie if yen my Mr and Mls Dalton AWMFOHE ew Due on Staynen VISItedh Mn and Mrs lied to them Forch1ckslike any omenhabies respond readily to 28 IThe work donebyrthesociety MelvillemBates Thursday mean and attention yougive lhmi and if they receive the during pieyear 194445111 my date The sacrmcnt of 111 Lords Ixrect amounts I01 all the roodImaterialsincluding minerals vlta $13331 SzIerfIlggrsfouwlg 20 Supper Twas dispensdf at 21011 aminsandprotems highly ingestlblc and palatable feed they Gloves Jim ladies IS Imeing Presbyterian Church Sunday If wai make theImost satisfactoryand thrifty growthpossible 0193 M1 andIMrs iHetib 2111311 and less sweaters 71helmts 88 Emuclogs feedingpr se eclion of feed can be the causes of disastrous palrg Socks 11115 Members rof Emily M310 51391 sirweekend mortality and consequent 1055 to you That is why we urgeyou the Womenslnstilulc helped with With M13 and Jas MQuaY4 toiinvestirale me merits or any Chick Starler before youentrust the 01111115 ThrePYPSmet 011 Tusday with IIIWith the responsibility ofbme feeding of you 19 chick cmpI following officers wero Mari Gitfin in cliargte1 CDevoa that doubt that havingintestigatedyouwillunlibsitatinslr 151533 $1211 challmvm 13mg Frgrirexeggfg glIfgegMger bY Every person who rants or occupies family quarters iri fit mnq your 1945 Cliick Starter needs from our SHUILGAIN Feed 2nd iVIe SM 108 ill15$ 3rd To icere given by fDorso gt SmlceM11mSmRGltlsiii Chick Start has an 113110 Mrs Mathr Secy Mrs Balesland Mias= JennieThompsohj IanY Of these distriots contrary thothe order Commits ovulation for highest quality results at price that saves you paw Trees Don DuffI mmey smmqrhwas raised by this unit kl offence and 1na1tlonvtotother Ipenalties will be required Ting 39 Cross drive 0f III iv Ma th 944 IS SHURGAIN CHlCK STARTER zthisrcyeais canitiiiieignczlgllll if 1015 by the Administrator to vacate tbheshelter and the district in on ou durin me wan yGreet mg with smlvlg Here IS clean sIaInIess mm at 1115 own expense laggeggkg yguiifbl contribution as axing antiseptic on that will brim gt 23 55 you speedy relief from the ltchin and distress of Eczema Itching Camembert Cheese was original Iloes and Feet Rashes andskitr ly the work of Madame Here troubles French farmerswife She left all Not only does this healiiig 111114 the cream in her milk instead of 199111 Ollpmmom rap Theath ea mg in open sores on woun fggmmgfaaals was 10031 cus but boils and simpleulcers arealso over quickly relieved In 15km afteci Mode and Sold BARBIEZFLWR 1111115 1ouvcnwrrsonu1111smc he Emelgncy Shelter Regulations provide serious penalties joulilndering muting the mm mawnol it We mlons olloflan order of ihe Bantam of ithe AdminiShators mm INgrmandy bgan 35km for Ma firmsthe itching of Eczema is gt 1151 iggxllleEEeSWas 1mm iiuickld Stolgedlfthlanergpirigs11W ly Vi With the lame3 and $023151 xivSn Tlsigasauieiistrue oiBihbeig 1711111111 to the town through nil ItchiIsmt Rheumami other skin THE wourmc PRECES AND TRADE EOE111D erup 10115 cheese mat the Ctzenswemd You can obtainmoomrgmemni lglirlgelfoofMggglttlibolifrflleegg the at any dilemma store gt gt omit11111111 mu