Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Mar 1945, p. 9

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THIS WEEKS 71000 Copies memmw BARRtE ONTARlO CANADA mouse 52411131 12 to 11 mw REHABILITATION MICHAEL ANGELO COMMITTEE 18 DIES IN TORONTO ORGANIZED HERE clitoris 41101183 OPENS iASPHYXlATlllli THURSDAY leDAY SATURDAY ttvIIoINoIlro roIowlvclrtilvrtimarua rtoltv31440lw Imperial ThurFriSat BRAND NEW FEATURES Wounded Overseas MMW initiations Show 811 2111 p111 11 ismpacked 5cm llic Nixon 11 boreeeimnrhnie1cdy 111 111111 11 p111 lilg LOW STORY 85111110 15 311th551 STORY CfOUiill1El MGM Ill all iiiziuucur 1111 iI1o11 1I ll 111 117111112111 MERVYN LEROY PRODUCTION wmr 11a lilllliSlllilicltl WALKER PHYLLIS THAXTER helmet littlt 111111 ASlIEUlEtMNlCOLONEl 11 1111211119 1111 11 JAMES III II IIIIICHEESE FACTORY 1111111111 none 1111 1121 1111 11 IIIII IIII IIIII IIIII iI II II 31 11121 11111 war 11 11111 111 mi burnt1 111111ci 111 111 11111i1 11111111 1111 111ltl 1o hotiu MI IMIII Imh EM ANN II 11111111 ft 1911 1113 51111111 to 0nd menimenl tho will make yau tulip mamooomwoov1oo with toy Womaoumoo 4m yap 1II IE pm IlI1IIIIi111iiIiiIIslllalihaio III111I1IIII11IItzuilrlIny LIIRIIII KHHIEN III 11111 11 W110 mm 1HlllNl MAY rusrnsi II ICANINEJI0mm 11I 1111111 1111111 1111 1111 Snug 1111111111 111ti 15111111111 11 BARRTRNLLNNDALE DAIRY BUILDING 1111 li111111111 115 iiiiltllil fall IIIIIIIIII II 000qu 00 mNIINtJMNO MONO NOOOIOW 11I 1111 113111 IIIII 3111 11111 i111o 11111 lyiilihut IIII VOIIONMONI toWW ti11 111 1211 llt1 chem1 turorj to 11111 1111 to 1111 t1t1d 11 1111 111 11 1= 1r 14 11 11 2111L1ritl51111111 v111111111 11111111 111 111111 our II II humor from 1111 1111 1111111 111 111111 11111 in 51 11 1I 11 crunch and 11111111111111 1211 lHlIlilmL permit arm 1111 tot 1it l11l1lltl tlll the Sixth 111111 1111111y 1111 blunt lilczz111 for 5415111 1111 mi 111v1 my mt 1in tiallbc11ci were 11c111be1nf theihlllvl ru 1111111111111111 iicd 1111 Van1h 11w11111111 11l 1111111 Esomm Help lt1pj 1111 Arpmpic 111v1r 51 between Blake 111211 1111 1i 1I 7H no itloc Jarvis Bill Chappcl lauifrinuton 1111 licrtram 1111 Itlltimpi 311111 11111 v111 llroruoley Alfred Moore and lzuitltrartor III 1M 11 11 IIth HUN 1I1g1=lll ill11w 541111111151111111131151111111111111 p11 11111 11111111 1111 111121 111 1111 H1 II IIII II 111111 tI II IinhsI 1111lI1VI ElliImunit tot billlltl to 11111111 garage t1 1111 11 2111 l11171 Anvitlorium IlI11 10 llIhlu 51111111 11 11111 1111 11i 11 1111111 1111111 lyll 1111111111 ltm 11 lWmMl L111V11111111 liohurion pany hello oknui 511111111517th THE SAME PROGRAM Farmers o1 The Trail 1011NN1 MACK BROWN ltAYZilONDlittlTON PLUS CARTOON News HERE IT IS The Years Big Smash Attraction ENTlRll WEEK STARTlNG MONDAY 61FWARNERQ 111111 others 11101111 111111 11l111clt1 smu 111111115 totalled $1110 ptcscnt to attend 1111 11111111111 111111 if 919 clAQK BENNyIn 11th and Mrs lupp 11111 i11 lo Klfry 11111 111 Roxy 11 II 011lt17Vl1 11111 Vili iliir nihilimlwi Ng Uiml yidlbl GPAWFOPDIHELMW DANTWE IMYS C1110 Hitches 11 hit and DAVlQffFAYE ENE290A 11101 VieroR FPAlVGENd01NGAPFIELD 1iiiitiidiiiiii1151113115171171311111i ii lMiiiixpiliihiiNilLidiai1TWIN very much the kind1ici itpllittizitidth HUTTONINOANLEL1E1PETER LORRE DA LUPiNOIglREVE MANNINGJQJOAN MltGRAGKFN DoLoREQ 1401211113 DENMS MORGAN Stirwoe PARKEe IdolCE RENiOLDSJRoY RoGERSgreieGEo c11111l1 1lu1 IIH IIIII be 1111111111 to replace mm STARTS SUNDle AFTER MipNiTE 1205 BRAND NEW FEATURES 113111 111 Trigv 111111 by 111111 ll 111 11111111111 Six other p11 A1 111 11 11 1111 111 L1v ln11t issued by the town llillllfCl 11111 1111 11111111 Angelo 11111511111111 1L11111 1111 three year ugh 1w Mil IIIIIII HI ibniglc 7011023 of lhc luxainmci ucr 11 gt 11 cents At 111 111111ealc11 111 llllillilw to 111111211l 11211111 II Im IBIIII II TPR 1v WALTON JUST it OVLRShAS YEARS New ARRIVED drama of daughter of REPGHTED MISSING CORDUROYDark or Light Brown 3111115 dctgemWh 1m III III III olusscanbeusdeadly OnnlROY IWPLD JM puccdi 3de 111 13121111Lw Walton Whitbt I05 bulletl SlillS for Men and Youngr Men in stock $23950 to $3750 III iIlIlIlIIl thIrrproanIron ll0 at Guyde Moupcssants yc 111 lllllt 111$ CCll 11 LLT ALL Llvwlhnxp RUbs poitcrl 11isi11 in action He had MENS and ours victiu L1111 1n Irance 1111 July 11111 was 55 Dunlop 51 Barrie ilniiexizl 1111111111 in Belgium or Iliull 1111 at the time he was reported GOVT APkROVES BARRIE ARENA PLAN 11 mhnn was 0111loyed by the Tom at Barrie before he enlisted for active service when the Grey 11111 Him0c Foresters wcrc mobil 11111 111 the Spring of 1940 Much 71 l1gt Utilizing was at Camp Bord en While at Borden he suffered liruirnt with tank in which 111 1111 nitrouson two fingers of his right hand His hand was still in cast when he went overseas 21 BE SURE YOU ARE PROTECTED CONSULT ytar ago lastIJune Soon after Iarriiuiu over 15 he had an ap INSURANCELI AGENCY inruilicitis onmation and he was on phone 3735 light duty until he went into France vit11 the invasion forces last sumI WWV How Would You Lit To Lose Your Drivers License Your Savings Your Automobile Your Home A11 Uninsured Automobile Accident Could CostlYou All This and More JOHN EMERY KURT KREUGER ALAN NAPIER bill hasJiecn approved by the Private BillsCommittce of the Ontario Legislature auth orizing the Town of Barrie to purchase an arena to be in stalled with an ice plant not exceeding cost of 530000 Johnston member for Simeoe Centre explained that the town has an assessment of 35839339 With debenture debt of $227699 in making ap plication for the passage of the bill erH1121GOTT ALEXIQQMTH 13133 1111111111 1111 111 311111 nous SWfllellll vandmarcl ALSO AOTllER ADDED TREATS 2ND FEATURE ITRLCON lN HOLLYWOOD TOM CONWAY EARBARA HALE 41 Dunlop St Fred Norris Obtains Lakeview Dairy From mmmWMIONPNOPNtNWQMENIWWIW Mrs Walton 111 Maple Ave and poncd Tpr Matthew Walton is son of the laleEr ard Walton 11101 111 recent letters to his Wife lpr Walton had been expecting short Tourism Tram SATllRBA Continuous ShOw Saturday 230 2AM STAR FEATURES 11211251 1545 and MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY murmur WEDNESDAY 230pm The Story 01 the Worldis Favorite Playr ground in the Years Biggest Musical Hit siuamc 111111111111 11111 run 1111111 and PAUL WHITMAN31 ORCHESIEA your AIMIIRONGAHID Nuorcnmn EXTBAWINNERS CllitCLE ZItecl Technicolor Horse Story and Unusual Occlipatiom teams falo NY formerly of Barrie was fore medical aid could reach him Harvverrtre wasrbaelrrthefront lines soon after he was out of hos1 April 21 lice lneson Sons chorrishas ptitcliasedrlsulrcr View Dairy from Norman Inc1 son and Sons and took over the business On March He will move with his wife and two ehili dren to the building by May and will also operate the Milk Bar in connection with the dairy For the past 10 years Fred Norris has been associated with his father in the Barrie Creamery Co He has lived in Barrie for 15 years com ing here from Aurora He is graduate of Barrie Collegiate and has been very active in local sports halfback or the BCI football played school basketball town league hockey and county lea gue softball with champion teams like Barrie Collegiansand Grillers He is Imember of Collier St UnitI ed Church and the GrEyand Sim coe Foresters Reserve His wife is the formerrEileen Cook and they have son and daughter EIneson has operated LakeI view Dairy successfully since 1928 He is Iplanningvto retire His elder on Edwin isI goingrinto the reI irigeiation locker business The youngerson Ted is in theCiinvI adinr Armoured Corps WINS DS0 Lt obert Aiken son of Mr and 1s Douglas Aiken lol But2 recently wounded under fire We weeks after he arrived overseas He lay nine hours on the field be pital and he captured patrol of 14 storm troopers For this heroic action he was commissioned and recommended for the Distinguished Service Order the second highest award for gallantry ILtErAilken was born after his parents moved from Barrie and his wifelives in Toronto COMING EVENTS Rummage sale auspices Trinity WA Trinity Parish Hall Saturday Watch for further no 10b Bruce THURS EVENINGS 815 Oddfellews Halt Dw of stairs 12 OATEszsc IGOOD DOOR PRIZE CRAWFORO CO INVESTMENTS TORONTO MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE 11 FLYNN BRANCH MANAGER 51 BARIRIE BRANCH89 DUNLOP ST TELEPHONE 2343 Bat111111111i Ins114w An exdellgmert consisting of Win ners of oratOriccrl contest for this district musicbywinners at KiTvanis Festival in Toronto and by other pupils gymnastics by boys choruses etc Friday March 16 p111 ADMISSION 25c ALL SEATS RESERVED AT THE 1501 Ifnrloncu and he planned to visiti Iiliussels However the big push1 started and his furioughIwas post1 TODAYS PRICES Recs CATTLE EGGS POULTRY LAssI quoted by First Cooperative 1Packers of Ontao Ltd Barrie BACON HUGS Dressed hot weight on rail Grade plus federal and provin cial bonus Today i011c week ago $1785 Two weeks ago $17175 ilfhree weeks ago $1775 SOWS No Grade 1N1 Grade $1810 $1400 $1350 CATTLEW Butcher Cattle Steers up to $1025 lIButcher Cattle Haters up to $1000 Butcher Cows up to $750 1Bolugna Bulls upIto $700 1Veal Calves up 161311100 Good EweSheep up to 140 lbs not wanted Lambs off truck up to $1300 $1 less than market value EGGOI A11ullets 111B UCH VI CHICKENS Grade lbs and over 15 lbs 101 lbs lbs to lbs Under lbs Broilers Over lbs lbs to lbs Under lbs Old roosters The above are dressed poultry prices and are subjectta killing charge otIfive cents per bird on chickens and fowl and 15c on tur keys forbirds delivered alive to the plant Ducks andgeese areIonly purchased dressed head off Un itinished poultry not being accepted at present time IMPERIAL PRODUCT Protect Your Car Drive inwe are always glad to serve you with E553 and Star gas Marvelnbe and Mobiloil Oils Lubricccdion Tire Repairs 61 Car Washing Let us give your car Complete spring checkup now Drain it flush radiator Check hose connections oil water pump and fan and inspt fanbelt Re jAfill radiator with clean water 2011ch all tires For cutsElm bruises in itiate to correct pressure Drain and flush crank case Refill with correct grade MARVELUBEIIMMIotOr Oil Check Oil filter and air cleaner wwthnrain transmission Refill with correctgrade MARVELUBE gear lubri cant 9Drain differential Refill withIcorrect grade MARVELUBE gear lubri Icant 410Check for squeaks Lubricate chassis bumi pleter with correct grades of MARVELUBIE lubyri cents Ken Mciienzre Bayfil Ross Sts Phone 9087 I3Examine all spoilfplifgs 47Testv battery For Strength and water inspect battery cablesi Lubricategeneiator Cheekall lamp bulbs 15 Check windshieldwiper II Bill little Bradford drugIii Sts Phone 90118 Batteries New and Used Retread mg and V111 canizing

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