Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Mar 1945, p. 8

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111 BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CA CRAIGHURST STATION PARADE its PILOTS GET r7II Gets RCAF Promotion PAGE Altilll 111593 i1 11111117212113 11112111 1943 for Freedom Activities of Men and Munich tn the NauwArm tir force 2111 11 111 11 JLiblil thli 11 111 UH tlllil on 11 gt LI Ration UniA int Reininnii ltll SI1Ir 11 11 11 Jrecri 111 llizIr 11111 lrcr 121t11 Ill ll 1111111 1111 farmeir lr1 1111 for 11 11 twin1 1111e 131 11 111 11 111 11 vrvi tu1il were spew 111111l1 1t1O11 11111 natio 13 llrllIl 11 Health 1111311 EtiitillI jI1II1 II1I1 911m 111 112 exit tmt 11191 ul 11111 1111 11 11121 ll11 1111 IIII IIII IIIIIII III III IIIIIII lhilii 1u1 1lit If 111 111121 ll 1111 1111 111111113 141 my 1lf Hit The 11 111 111111 111 1111 l1 lit1 111 tot1 in l11l 11 11 l11 lililan liil11 111 111111 111 31 jI Ulr 11 1r HLV 11 lll 311411 liv l1111 1311 11 111 11T11n int 711 111111111 of cor 111 111 Iustruw 101111 11y 11111111y 111111 1011 11 111 inlay41f OAKLAND HILL T1111i1 11111 11 illllllltI 11 ho to xepuil 11 11111111 111111111 11111I 11Itilliltii to 11nd rump lillt 111121 11H H1 511 111 111 il1ttln lllllllllltltl liiln 111111 Ig ltlll1 11 11 11 11711111111 1711 not so II II Ilu 1111 111 111 1111portut 1111 1111111 1111111 lt111111 111111 Hi Ii 11LI my With trtlltttlltlll in 111111 l1111 11 up MI pirt 11111 11 11n11111ltthr 31111111 1m 11 1111111 WI illl 11111111 Ilil 1111 31 11 41111 1111 out zt III IIII 11111111 111 on II II SIHIIIIH 11i11 W111 111111 11111111 for 11111 gt Mr 111 511111110 liw 111 and 1111111 11 111i 11 1111 11 11 11h loroiu 1t 1111 11111 11o 1111111 where you 11 $11 211 111 11111 ll in if JIT 11111 fi11111 11111 li 111 lII 1111111 11111 111 111 1111 111111 11 who MIMI mm MW I1 ll 11 I111o1 11111 11111111 1111 11211 11101111 1111 hie 1513 31111 14 1IIIlIl I11I1II11I11 lltrin1I111111IH 1111131 aw y1I111Il5 1n tIIv1II11piuI11III gilaIiIIIIJINIl 11111 1111 5111111 11 1111 may 111 111 11 11i 1111 1111 Will it 11 11111 rulh Nu dosllm and 11 W11 lllilkv 11111111 kw 11 ll 11415 of this litl no 111 121 1111111 ll l1tl lrituftlu ltllulllm 1111 1111 11111 111 ail 1111511111111 Hm 1kI Lieut Jack Wallace IMC Back to School I111 11 ItI At 1liI 1711111141115 1111 11111Il1111111 Hated Yn 111 111 111111 11111 all 3411111 111111 111111 honor 1111 1111111111Il Whirti 11121 1111 inc 1111 11 1113 Ulli 111111 1111111 21411111 11 111 1111 11v 11111 I11 111 111 111 111111 lint 11111111112 1H Wm LAMUIJS Tux your mm Serve Maxwell House This choice blend 01 urc urges rouled by the famous Radiant Roast process so you get extra flavor fragrance and vigorous body JACK WALLACE son of Major Wallace now back at scnool at the age of 23 The above pic overseas and Mrs Wallace 48 Mary St Barrie left turcs Show him at St Michaels College Toronto BCI in 1939 when he was 18 years old He joined In the photo on the right he is chatting with his the Armyrwon his commission went overseas lost teacher his left leg in ItalyvOn the Military Cross and is llIEEUROPEAN WAR is nearing its end That is obvious Many people including members of the Canadian Red Cross have asked us what our job will be if the war should suddenlycnd 111 11 11 11 lif 11111 111 1111111 11v111111r11111 111111o111111 Fgilih 1111 111113 1111i11a11i 11 vtl London 11 l1t1111 111115 11111 11 111 1li11 111115 11 up 11111111 lillll 1111 1111111 111111 II II ltr llIInir llnpisi Iritcs lirom itrmimy 311 Willn 31111 11113 11111111411 111 111 111111 1111 lililivtillll 111 8191 11021 11 11 11111 ho v11 umv iu Germany The 111111111 received March was mailed 1111 Feb f111 11111kn1 his 1111111n fora lovelv 111m of iris which arrivi ed 111 good Ulllllillltl the lllLI went on to say We are livint 111115 high 111111 111 Germany We killed him 1111 1111 pi 1151111 1111111 Your corrtpondcnt 1115 tlmit that Mrs Cavnnaeu 11 hteu teriounly 111 All hope she may lull 111 lJLflll Mr and Mrs Grant Dunn and sun Sandy were guest of 11111 121 trrs parents Mr 11111 1112 Reynolds Wav11lcy during 111 neckcnd Weekend visitors wont Mimi Orma Faraghcr Illmvalc rtlh 11mm parents Wilfred Warriuer 11111115 ill with his wife Ev ll1l Barrie with his 1111111101 W111 Davenport Toronto with his ilI1 lh crukinole party on Friday night sponsored by the Yntltlfl Peoples Society was very niuchI $115 per 1110 lbsI 15111111111 nova sumsL HILLSDALE Mr Gwen Barrn was the 1111s of Jean Dawes iiiiutlav Mr 1an Mrs lid Adamson are sp 111111 1w days in Toronto 1111 Well Mr 1111 Mrs Mela11d Barrie 11 Mr and Mrs Wm Stark trim the ililll 311w Sandra Robinson Vascy 11 tv days with llcv and Lawton lastwvcck 1nd Mrs Lorne lirmcy visucd Mr and Mrs Chas 111 111115111 during the weekend Mrs llarold Dunn and son fiIHlf have returned home after sycadiug 1W11 weeks in Toronto HM 311 11111 lilotiin 1211111 111111 Mun South Atl saymi trim11 MM tourism REQQGWS tI enjoyed by all present The sum of $951 was realized lop prize winners were Misses Evelyn Shackleton and Eva Rumbla Bev erley McGrath and Cliff lortcr thinking sometimes of lhe goivl times we had when we were train ing in Sussex or the fun we had on shipboard going down to the Med 011 Royal Navy shipwor of talking to Canadian airmen stilliolh ed at Gibraltar ABSENTTROM CLASS TOR FAIVEVYEARSM BARBIE WAR HERO RESUMES STUDIES Toronto Daily Star When boy of la quits high school spends five years in the think it will prove good thing in the end Wounded at Termoli FOR SEASONAL PURPOSES studies tanks lives through the Sicilian and part of the Italian campaign comes back withcrutchcs in lieu of good left lcgand resumes with Military Cross where his school pin used to be well hes apt to have pretty serious slant on things Thats the way it is with cleancut good looking sixfooter by name of Jack Wallace whom you will find up at St Michaels College school Back in September 1939 this son Wallace was wounded in October 1943 at Termoli Italy and ac cording tothe citation that cant later with his Military 1CIOS award though Wounded so badl he could not get out of his tank continued to throw smoke bombs concealing movements of his mate as they left the stricken vehicle Heroine home minusiu legfir May 1044 and though hevvas not able to leave Christie SlHospita overnight until last month bcgai of soldierfather broke Off studies to enlist in the Canadian Armour cd Corps at Camp Borden By year later hed earned his lieuten ants commission at Brockville with it westeast ticket aCross the Atlantic in the fall of 1941 his classes at St Mikes in Octo ber Going intoclassrooms with boy three to five years Iyoungeloonr ed as something almost as tougl as going into battle Wasrshy didntknow hon Today his mothep isut their the boys would react or how Eli home in Barrie His father Major teachers would feel abolitiniehr Wallace is with the Algmecalls in fact was what you lied military government organi might call very lceryfI But the zation in France His yuunger all treated me as an equal n1 brother George is overseas with mum 110 1055de 11101111111 an Armoured Corps reinforcement Iealll ilDDIGCiHlCdWS 1116 WE unit havingdropped commis Jeri H1 totingMOvelSeexpel I1 TII 11811 IIiI1L11Cf11llle iczidy cash for the purcliuseuif sccdv fertiliicr livestock farm cquipinciitIztiul other legitimate prupOscs call at Iyour local branclro The Royal Bank of Canada zllic Manager will be glad to dis cuss ziloah leitli yOu 111111 explain the simple termsundcr which it can be made and the com viznicnt arrangements available iOriepaynicnt lcntling money is one of the principal func tionIs oftliis bank are always pleased to zulvzinCc caslron loaifto anchsponsible indi vidualablc to repay out of income pget therer ycum brother Douglas is Jacks class mate at St Mikes Canadians Abuse Opportunities And because Doug is 11 withhis sightsset on the army too Jack hashim in mindwalongI witha loIt of other Canadian youngsters when he tells you iences My difficulties lay Iwithinmy Iself Forone thing tound 11 air ficultj to Concentrate Evennow it is hard to keep my mind froth wandering during classes times fcome to andfind thatir fBoys and girls of Canada dont realize the blessing Of being able to complete their educations in free lapd didnt either But in 111an1 Dragginz Italy saw boys and girlTeom pletely hr virtually illiterate It made me see that we in our free country do not appreciate our free Many women have to do their own dent and our Opportunitieswe housework and the constant bend wasnt so hard on me because they refrained trom bOthering me spite OfImyIself Ive been away off abuse them by not taking advan tage of them Ihope all boys will finish their high school work before joining the armed forces sothey wont be at disadvantage when the war is over Jack plans Ia universityicourse in mechanical engineering But heres another point he makes Before boy enters university he should have year of class rooms to give him chance to real ly find out What he wants lobe and do The war is providing that realization periodin harshWay for many of our boys now but ing over lifting making beds sweeping ironing sewing soncces sary to perform their household duties puts heavy strain 011 the back and kidneys and if there Tiers no kidney weakness the back would be strong and well Deans Kidney Pills help togive relief to weak backache kidney sui feriug women Deans Kidney Pills are put up in an oblong grey box with our trade mark Maple Leaf on the wrapper Dont accept substitute sure and get Deans The Milburn 00 Ltd Toronto Only 13 Sometimes think of the swell dinner those RN boys threw for us at sea on Dominion Day 111151 Other tithes lll catch myself thinking of patrols went onor of the day was wounded dont know what the teachers tliinhot me when have these lapses Butthey have been very considerate and havent forced any thing on me havent felt any 111 clination to get moodyunless il when think of the way some people on the street cats push you around remember when was coming down to classes from the hospital it was often pretty tough Once going back had 11 stand on my crutches all the way it have alwaysbeen used to standing but some Of the other fellows really suffered One day one Wo man even got sarcastic aboutmy not offringher my seat Iliad my coat over my stub leg and iI guess she couldnt see why But after all people arenft all alike and its pretty nice World ImxOutselfs=bttclc in gt5 IMIW Would ReviseHistory 13113115 Jackhas one or two other Ull servations pertaining to his studies In modern historyitseems thyme there is lot of balderdash that could very wrl be omitted onward and menu young people coming on would be able to real iize more fullvwhat led us intothc last war and why we air into seeond one In addition think there should be uniform history written for all ofCanadaenota different one for each section know because went to school at the West coast in Winnipeg and in Ontario It would also be goodidea it they got two or three topnotch pro fessors from south of the border to work with some of our own on the preparation of history of this con tinent sothIat students would learn about the development of both eountriesas whole instead Of having the boys and girls down thereleam about their own coun tries and little about oursand vice versa Single copies of The Examiner cents At all newsdealers or this ofce II They ought to stress history as 1101111870 We reply that we can only see ahead greater responsibilities than ever Both in Europe and at home the work of the Red Cross must go onlheiwar will not bring artend to suffering and want to the care of our Prisoners of War to our Wounded and to the millions whose homes and way of life have been dislocated by strife We therefore feel that every Canadian has right to some knowledge of What our responsibilities will be in the event of peace and just how we propose to discharge these responsibilities We treat each of our main activities under its respective heading msoamor WARWith the end at bos 1ilitics our Prisoners of War will auto matically cease to be Prisoners Chaos and breakdown in Germany will probably ensue The German state will cease to care for them They will become wards of the Allied General in command of the Occupa tion Forces Transportation will be diiculi and it will probably take minimum of six months to repatriate the 2400000 Cana dian British and Allied Prisoners in Ger man lamps The need of Prisoners Parcels and Medical Supplies will be doubled They will be distributed by the Allied Com niarid and will play vitalpart in feeding our men pending repatriation After the magnicentiohpediavedoneduringtha last ve years We cannot lr ouruboys in German prison camps down Our Prisoners in the Far East will alsobe continuing responsibility We must carry on until everymaIn is Hack home IUKOPIS HARVING MlLthNSaIhe i013 of feeding Europes hungry millions isstag gering in its immensity Over 17000009 humanshave been torn from their homes Many haye nowhere to rest their weary heads They are starving Malnutrition is the rule rather than the exception There will bean urgent need for food clothing and medical supplies The Red Cross in Iiurope and has pital there will and that is tha wounded both Scru 1h Service war has ended thesestricken Countries are utterly depen senim oh the ghting floats except tram linst will cease But the Red Cross Blood been discharged from hos be important work for the Red Cross to do How long this will be we do not know but one thing we are sure of every Canadian at home will want to make certain that Olir boys will be as well looked after with the coming of peace as they were in war1he care of the in Europe and Canada is perinahent responsibility which we cannot evade No Canadian wants to evade it Here again the Red Cross must go on ILOOD SERUM SERVICI Red Cross Blood ereruni has saved ecuntlesslives in battle FlicIend of the Wargvill see the end of ipaitjll wariwounids The demand 91 slybuld be continued for civilian use IfIthe Rcd Crdissmakes it freely available it canIsave thpiisandsIof Ithelivcs of our own civilian citizens when PEIACEIIME SERVICES IN CANADAtitpt3t Hospitals Childrentlinics District Nurs ing Firsr Aid Home NursingPreparation foejipidcmic or Disaster Nutrition and Juniochd Cross are all importantRcd Cross peacetime services which must go on dent on their sister seeicties for supplies to meet these dire needs Can we let themI down The Canadian Red Gross must go out un chess worm wmr our immune Until the last CIIatImdiIanIsoldier has left baimmn National Executive wCommittee CANADIAN RED CROSS 2w WWWM

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