Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Mar 1945, p. 6

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PAGE SIX Canadian Destroyer Algonquin Has 1Proud Record Helped Finish Tirpitz LtCmdr Ino Lloyd Chief Engineer tii txn it lit tie to titntet the ttiaf tam ii iii rltl btii gt Hr pm 5H liit it Splat jt 7d it in tliii iitgttoi iii =i ttittl Iii they ldxscx llltt lut ttl toot ziil ii it littt wit Hatttititt tt t3 gt tmt tttliottltl Iv tiet litl iltllilni do it gt luttit vi MW tllitttitiit ftiltl tl lttdet tilll41 le Lake tittihlajitnw My Tfl licutttite anadtau it qlair doz tltt ltl ti Hi If ppm HE tlgtlgt ct up up tar all gm tu ml was li yea illtkttlll lolqiii Itaii triltter ptot iii lz lt toyualled iltllil iiilli liltfl Mes tlvt 111st two tt llii off titt tc lust lIi l1 and 31x tinttire itltll tiitdi View lti iat llllri its holder at Vera idit the Itziu in iiattls tutu Mirna evening lill lll etietzty batteries out and the ship litllllii splashed by flying spray All richi said llClltClllll licrs pick out your tarizet lle did at nice big hotel on the shore between two invasion spear heads it might be strotigzpoiut ttlltapI occupied by German of eonqum escaped every time few crisp orders and Algon qutti1 tttlillt eons barked tititlltl litltl ilvosaud the hoth was no llltlilt iicutittdr Lloyd went he her greatest triumphs ctat times disaster came near autquiti but each time the ship tped unscratctied Ships around hcr were toipcdocd one warship ltcaihy disinteeratetl when bomb GRDER EARLY AEKX SEED OATS RIOBARB HARLEY ALL KINDS OF cmvun antenass snubs BONE MEAL FOR CATTLE driven ashore iii llamcs Ilie squadron got between lfhily three were left afloat ships miss said her commander co or rant11122113 1thrce1 lino SIMCOE DISTRICT eechogoia laldwiii Dial Street BARRIE 4220 that this morning last week at 230 pm ter Feb 18 Sunday at pm Wednesday in Toronto Mrs Vernon Jennett Death of ILDungey gcres tothe family Mtwing Time Barf trialmtgtw Them has been upon erab moving hem during lit RCUMENTS too frequentin ybur home Mr and Simpsm moved from Mrs Jam It Could the trouble be your spuppy its ifuse to the house occup by 17 late Mrs Henryon posmon Men lime nagging Rebert iStn MrsJ RX Jamieson cud Mrs Grose aremoving xPcLhaps youtire doing three Womenswork But maybe your cilgiriosslistliie less to strain than to bottom to found coffee Why not try Postuni instead Youll love its rich heartwarming flavor not lilar tenfnot like coffee just mellow goodness all its own And Postum is free of caffein or any other drugrtiiat might ailect notva or heart ordigcstionr Postum Emileght in the cup by adding boiling water or hot inilkrosts less than cent ti scrviiw Try it week fort Japan and China began showed THURSDAY MARCH 1945 THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA iiSlMCOE sou Market CONSERVATION Continued from page one mi ilt ancy And further the type kn titiitoistittott with as titttoduc more detailed land ur plan serve till the fi lfeib Dunn Allistun was coizt idcd as practical gitttfic than and Sufi management for inamdetnble hints of the County it was tumpr Ily zethsted that the Soils DLVIMUH lli cootwratioti with this Coiitutittec initiate at least two or three Iiiore ilt11tll tieinonstzattonfaiiu and tvll selected it tti tilititttttgcxl Saltdd hunt as haw Rl Xtlnilt and ESED ttl it wit and iILEVtI were ti tt itc Sitters lit ditce iirys tttfiili to stitand 35c it pct it Illict til it =ctliltlt Ft basket percentage titttt Lt iil listl it it whet int to itxiii nottitaiittueiitrtit plan faiths ill the County Siuunotts reported goo1 Reforestation Tritk ioii but that very little headway had yet been made in mapping sub ittargiitai areas for reforestation to unmoved pasture areas as recon Progress rito firttl ti qt County ttllitlt ttkli titlinlh iiicd tiqt Pit ilitt lieptitt ltictittrti ihis xvoik was held up pending the colitplclioit of the ottnty Soil Stir tey lie hoped that sufficient lit tuc formation would be available illtx year to make start on mappin the aicas to he rctotnmendctttor reforeuation and improved itiellands 7c to tile lttlftitiil tiitlts Ilfhotlt lastty etc 30C it 300 to illittli tlul iitlo tin tttlill tttil 3ki llics lilitt tttil trlts ltcs rztiatt illitt til ivliii EDENVALE We wrry to report the otm illlltix of ltllill MacDor iturold Gilth Mr Sitttinons also referred to the iitictiriit Water slitttauc stating that hundreds of farmers wore hav long distances muWI ttatti water daily motion by If Barker ree onded by Evans rccmnnientled that the Sitiicoe County Soils Coin mittce urgently request the Depart Sti WWI Sillldilt Willi 3113 merit of Lands and Forest to con duct survey and study of the Not asaua watershed with the object restoringr vanishing water supply sand maintaining soil resources WICK min to cross ASKS Will It to HEAL WittToni ironin VE and comfort our own sick and wounded It must send food clothing medical supplies to wartorn lands And the Canadian Red Cross will answer this urgent call For the Canadian Red Cross is you and your friends and your neighbors and all the good folks up and down this fair Dominion of ours You will send helpyes life itself to the stricken people of other lands You will stand staunchly behind your Red Cross andGIVE fit an not at tl and Mrs 51an Mr and Mrs MrNabb iili killers mother alltaiir Barrie lctiplo law Wherever the great dcsrroyer Wtir has pasted pain suffering and sorrow follow in its wake Young men on the battlefield or in hospitals are tormented by sickness or wounds Little children mothers aged people are homeless hungry cold In every theatre of war whole cities lie in ruins Millions are suffering the pangs of disease starvation and dire want Szttitiav iill neze ttittt llilt titlt hits and iavt fhme if llll all lr Iil Hum till cpl la ll la tiiryy tum ltttl Iltlltt lit 12 ptcsezlz play Simple Simon Sunpis Church were the Yum hiYllS ltti il him huge all in flusatay ltlll meet be the honm Um etittul ltcsday errmite and tvcd by large ttttiifllt Farewell Presentation evsmnq friends and Mrs Wm luaeocl aiid faintly gathered until their Mincsinz bends in NIIHCSlttt hall to spend with rthem before their departure for their new home They were prev cd with handsome studio cm PAINS ti large arid last littduy Lumber of llflttnttlt iczliltbors Cecil Browning lebrt is spending short leave at 115 home Mrs Keri Dawson spending at few days with his is tcr Mrs Pic gtttuidrt llovtl he recalled Hopped squarely down ltcr tunnel tliltl ocnictt on why um um NU itiltlitit tell close to Ateetuititti it tti ttrii that the ofttctrs on the llltlt were ltc of hlt Barrie and Anton ddly Soiiietitncs it was almost unreal So the Red Cross will continue to reach out helping hand It must heal Green Bowman orps Camp Borden spent Sutt lay with his mother Geo Arnold held very success ful Stile of farm stock and imple ments on Friday 23rd Mr and Mrs Alfred Webb Iot visitors with Eco Alex social time Provlst lhoriitoit RED CROSS ROOMS 115 Diinlop St RED CROSS 36 WW Local Campaign Headquarters CANADIAN lwz WIDE HEADS The old idea Phone 4134 it otcttor etme ill to Slltlrt like when the utchotaee Was be of tilt ctttttiic room it the tits lttllllitttltlttl by Itlllltill heuvv nudge staioptd lieut Lllltll John mobile l2tiitiltgt operatiue out ltvocttctt llod the clnct etitzmect ll Li lit tvtti tits llStliiSl autt end table would take then eyes oil the movies bettte shown in the tardt room aiid peep out the port hole When the shells came too close the Algonquin shifted anchorages Ships all around were hit btit Al LY were recent Mr and Mrs Geo Arnold the weekend were Wk Keith and Morley Browning and Jack Fratick Toronto with their ghan IIMCS leave Iollendal lfliiO HOL number from here have been Visitors excellent attending Barrie After the haiinel had been lllillhff cleared of the eitciity Algonquin ltglll lltlb Hillnlllt llpnn lfltttilll tortulllCd number of their intelt unmmvmc hors at progressive cuchrc Satur with his Bills port is Newfmtndltmd Congratulations to LAC and Mrs arrival Feb 24 at best gains in games pa cuts SubLicut Bill Vau spending torittoti Mr and Mrs Bob awedW Red fern parents evening lh Iiederation of Agricultures arch community meeting will Ferguson Franck mil in the Sthtlft of son on Saturday and the Royal Victoria Hospital Ba Will be Rev Ger Morri sou whose topic will be Citizen day founded on fact Some videhcad say is to observe which animals cattle with ed cattle to and some do not say make the best gains then follow idc heads and muzzles make the veterinary authorities The surest through to keep others of the some he feed lot is not way of making gains in cattle they biccd WWWu MW On patrol with three other dc strtryers and two cruisers teouqttiit sailed right up to thcNoiweuian coast where no Allied warship hat sailed for four years Ten ships of an llship German convoy intern Ship and Government iccpted were sunk and the llth held on that hare will movies HT gtpttt itcr Lsie satisfied to let any oppressed 11w touiitrv fight its own battles llockey Club arnitml Illlt hockey club carnival hold in the Arena Friday night was great success and the public was constantly aware who kept things mov arious manner evening lbioom ball first game against Ivy winning goal scored by Cpl Maur ice Londry The second game he tvecn Cookstowu with no score for costume and tconvoy and the shore and with broadsides litaiimz passed down the line of ships twice in it minutes clown ing iron iii The first part of pinyinl won 10 The destroyers then returned under the fire of awakened Ger man shore batteries to finish off the other three ships Alponquius crew members saw their shells strike into seven of the enemy was spent Thornton 51 and Thornton ended The prizes races were as follows Boys and under fancy dress Ronnie Spencer Gethons Uncle Sam girls 14 and dressBetty Ireion Miss Night Olive McQuay Indian Adult fancy dressM Vivian Gul We were so close we could not Three German miiiesweepers es corting the convoy sailed into the teeth of the BritisliCztnadiau fire They came right at as although their positiotigvas hopeless and we sent them to the bottom one two mwhw Liquor Control Board Of Ontario cowboy Don 156 under fancy Princess cs Beth Henry braith Bellhopsp rMisstmLouise Sheers the Snow Queen dressFred Brown clown Maurice Londry clowns assistant RacesBovswl4 and under Elmer Smith Chime Reid girls14 Jean McQuay Helen Fry mens open Charlie Fry ElnterrrSmithz ladies Lillian Button Beth Henry obstacle Grant sen Jack Smith At the close of the carnival the spectators unlimbered by donningtheir skates and fol lowing in the footsteps of Clown Brown for the remainder of the evening and Comic Col 2x SOAP Mrs MaryPattersorr died early Mrs Maiel Toronto was 0p Miss $687 renewing oldacquaiutancc he re St Judes WA will meet at Miss themstves Aileen Greys on Tuesday Mar ti Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Kell on the arrival of daugh DO NOT DESTROY gt Your Present indiiidual Liquor Service of Holy Communion will be held in St Judes Churchqu Mr and Mrs Jack Scott and Mrs Neville Jamieson spent itlSi visitedfor few days last weekin Bradford with her aunt Mrs John McCicar The people of this community were shocked to hear of thedeath of Wesley Duntgey in Coiling wood on Monday Mr Dungey was highly respected citizen of Thornton until few yenrs ago The sympathy of the community Permit Liquor Permits will be extended norreissued to March 315i 1946 longpplicationipayment artymudcountoutdone at avndziftcrMarchil9thtfl9fiSif lei elf me hast ammo Ric ant Bilioui Attacks Liver Complaint Bliiousnessis just another nami for clogged or sluggish liver It 18 very common complaint but can be quickly remedied by stimulhting the ow of bile accumulated mass the poisons are Carried out of the system and the els are relieved lend into Mrs lvamiesons house Mr intrinumutiit tCEiipmurtim elmiehem and Mrs Halbert who bought Mrs Groses house last fall are takingpossession this week arid Mr and Mrs Peacock Mjuesingr who bought Mr Haiberts tarm last summer areamoving in this The decision toeirtendlth use oftherprcscnt permits Will effect Substantial stung in paper and printiii costs is in keeping with present Says Canuclts Doing Their Part Mrs Canning received very interesting letter last week from Texas sallorwho had received ditty bag with Mrs Cannings name in it through the Thornton war charity talesays in part have received small ditty bags through the Red Cr055 in the USA but have never had one that was so useful as thisone In my opinion the Canadian people tire doing their part and lot to spare inregards to this wars ef day conservation policies This softens the and bow WILLIAM WEBSTER toneduP Mtlbuma Lsxoliivor Pillsqultilwt CnmmISsloner and enliven the iiiuggiah liver openi mg up every channel by causing free ow of bike thus cleansing the liver of the clogging impuritiesL They are small and easytodtiko Do not gripe weaken or lichen Wlm Mammals The first set of the series of motion pictures on Why We Fight were so much appreciated fhvesecond set of the series will be shown March These pic tttrs are the real history of the war from 4931 when war between They plainly why we must not

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