Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Mar 1945, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY MARCH 1945 murv HUSH lldmuntonl Eduard Valiant nlitmn 22 $1163 ii THE AX DEL lt sun in t3 11 ltND MRS ALBERT SPRING MARKEDl 4th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY FEB 2t TUARY CUPBOARD LUNCHEONS tuf 150 Zlc lnrul Ulric limited 1l lth Ill irtltll CLAWwt FELL itJlTItSlZS OB for BANQUETS futilmsl lt POST OFFICE SQUARE 13 alums ltlznz Lll vltl1z HOLMES pnjpetor ttnlu gt 11 Znlx l5 xiiKPH Ems VJ fy grep TIJIIIINIIOIIOJIVOfitWOdno VI ltlllllfl tll llr1lllllltlltgtIllt iltzut Ill1l xtm Fl 11 annel of 31tl 11 bril All tttlltt lraly 21115 lmll 211 ll ll wn ltr1t ut the ltllltfttl llll $115 fl 15 itlrltl lE plum 11 11=ltlllett1y Foil It tlltl fly lirv ll ll Illle lll illlllt int lntt rernlmnt 271135 Wev Eilelll lltthtith til St lfllllll RUBERT Anns ttllzttlt hue 11llttt llll MistA pup luxuulh 01 1111 1111 1le 1111 1w mm MM duvuu hhlm tltt 111 111 lllllrwll lrll MW lH ttl lloglt tLJLV lttr gt it 1W Lilltl lulu 1t ttt llt tll 31 101 nil in litlilll llltztle 1l1l lllzitliy ltlltlttl AW Ml UH My WHmn hmNlL3uM 15 Arithle plumgt1 o1 lllnl illllrt 21lltlllllitf tlat tulull will 11 tlt Id mm 31151 3117 11 wlr Tully tlltll luttl Central United Church 5850 ROOCC1 PECSbYltHOD lit Yeti 21 111 1xlrtll tuteltnjlun l11l ll 111111111 211 will tfHlil2N1 if rimiv urcw fl ltlrv It sthlnnt 31 At 111 ill pm 11 1111 I3 lth lgt 11 tiiiizflf 71 Jim slnlrtw ults lirvl HHVK llllttlktl lrllr lllwv uni ll 1i mu mum is Ihllrlv Ulllltt UlWilf within WAlC ljlll tllll1 111 eprAy 31sz 1114 ll will Hill thll It 13H haw 1HH vim flf Mlx rst 4JIV lllltll ltvt TI llglnigm rm my Anqnmn mth Mum Chm mm WM Twwj sox COLLEGE QUARrmrr 11 lll ii 151 ml Mam1y at rme lt1u 1111 1111 11 111111 11 he 1q EHU lml 151 ttlndtlt llt gtlllU 11 MHMH in 1111 tilt lllt nnuhgdtwnn Mum d1 Itdgt CV ll Mild ll Pill 5Lullmr 51 IL humh 1511 IWil ll 11 llglllit unll in ltnvxn then will2 21 SL7NIAY SCHOOL ilhef v1ll llu Conduct the Nrvirr Spring is More 11 112 Lint1 1H WWW lrl nu llnnel llmclr llc lllltl her11 AND Illllll CLASSICS 5de IN Ill The f11 lll ltl1l robin lllh hwn 11t Ml Hung 1mm Wlil VTII ml it llillitm stntetlnttntleln ill the Ill Ltllliflt 1111151 bl All llmll 01 50m vtikW Juliana htntlL Ottawa for twonlyi our in Ilurrm llnlon eln llurn in llluevzlle Ilnrun County Ml lltllllilll attended schools 11 11hl fl pr lex 11111i the tornxr Vlllltl101y 11 pnllbmwlu AND THEY ClilTlquD Bl lll v1 deeply ltlttttsttl 11 uns particularly in South Allil gt MN 11 it in their mull Livlgrxzune 71111111 null llzlrry 31119 HT Sill lhiunm and tlninlels tl 111111 l3 lrlnre 15 HM Hi ern1 Since 11111111 to Ottawa het krmwwumwn Iggllgegl rm mud ml dummy Hf 1mm le uelnlllpftmetl htr hug mud IHhii5n inHo um lIlltll NU tlltllllfl it llllilht llltii VKITOR LDRNF VATTIR hand hmml 1llm LenL district and rhullklutl frlvnlghipgl Mmplm 13 mm Wtitd Ni Vliiilihml mi Rmm ml Wm formed In his vouncier days Free Methodlsf M55l0n OMRS t5 1311RII7IIIIEIIIEF mm Mr lied llrHHt 1mg Hm Inl 1111 LIlvttlllg1L1V1lAIIIllil1vtKrll Pm lnwmwd in mo 11M mWiViWI 11111 1r zu zl llllt1111l Clappcrton Street rum llllllbvlllj l11l 11111 111111 to lllLl WHOM W1 my Wt HutH lellt Ill11111113 gtl of fnnnlx of five sons and four Pastor Maimlwr 1111 11 their leusnre tit fitrillfl 11 Mllmtl AN 111 lillltll we 1m IN SUNDAY MARCH 104 mm HF wk mm hm lflltt lll Qua Ho wug flWm 81 mm NM lllllmn HK Elml mm 50 1m lnenlnlr 1t lhti ll pr 14 smunlw Id lillitll 114 1111 MTIENTEN SERIES hwm attended as he llzld many friends INDAY MARCH HHS 20111QIWDAY gCHOoL 1121 The lrodiglnl Sun Who Stnyetl The bird stayed tronrltl lfllr some iikwgiiaFLthinkidfgflifd 3mm mull norm in lttnvxn Rev ll lugstun who in umen mm appume wry pmwd 1mm mummy plume conducted the service lftltl hinh 24 Purging PAETOR THE CHURCH SCHOOL l3 slmud bitch his mlmn liltlln mrmm hm Mlnlkhum Rm Um Smqy tribute to Mr Addisons lliuh lthTIA Satanm and strangers will nd nimfgeginnm and primary abode lwy WH Wm Surviving besides her husband lnd hrimm hctl Imprmnf ordinl welcome at this mission De la Two of lnnidils Older Residents mg mm 815Ill litlltilltms Mrs It pr Meeting how will he was flllll tD 1M 11 WUWWd mmmb IlltnSq 11m 33 DlnBmm C1399 OFYOHDEMQH VlrtnrInme VlllAlll wvls bl 11 mut Umm lawn AmongI relatives attending Tllls welt saw lllt 111mm III both of Toronto and son 110111 the moral Howard BMHL 230 mYonng Womans Class IOblgl 1884 50 or illltl Lloyd llermnn with the Signal Mr John Jnclts and George Alpln Tmmm and Murray Balm MP Officers in Charge The Dilemma 0f GONG955 Lasmey Addrmes Federation made their home at Georgetown MAJOR LAURA COLLINS bgz The Strand 1311111111 of the rodl to 355 Aurora for six years At Aurora oration of Agriculture held its 1945 in St Andrews llospitnl mJumor and Senior lepts tanAdult Bible Class ltllll lifehint Iltizens of the town in 13111351115 Viilhgtltoi lGeorlzu orps 11nd all present with the lll 1111l mmqu ship Th respect of the district twl 0mm SC 008 111W fieers headquarters stuff it Hol jTherSOlVOllOft PAT was shown by 1helargemtmdunm and 111 1907 mnrned June Sliltflttly lnnd vho has been overseas since COLLIER STREET PMLENTEN SERIES at the funernls ho lived at nearby Erin hrN Wilt Interment took place ll Cllll FRANCIS EDWARD WARD r1110 lCtll Fub comm uosmyl MR5 HERBERT FRASER Midland of Frnncis Edward Word Fellowship of Independent Baptist lives and friends who attended fill ing the church to capacity The service was taken by Rev Dr Paul Macllam Presbyterian minister Bradford assisted by Rev lVIlIlen of the GulhllE United charge The friends who bore Mrs Frasers body to its last resting lace in the adjacent cemetery were McCuaig KC MP Wm Campbell JOltll Campbell Manford Home Wes Storey and Thos Tenth line made surprise pre ferment was in Barrie Union Cem scntatlon to Fred Green at Mr Lit etery The pallbearers were Lewis lers Monday evening Mr Green Caldwell Jack Garner Hatch had been bringing in bread and Geo Coles Alex Cleland and Cecil other supplies folthese people dur McMulkin There were numerous mg the Iimetheroadeeletot flolribtesWofiympdthy and open for motor traffic As he would respect from friends and relatives not accept any payment for this Among the organizations who gave serv1ce the group took up collec flowers were IOOF 63 Barrie Re tlon and purchased pailml heavy bekah Lodge Barrie Inspection horse blankets and pairof mils Board Leather Products Under so that if in future they needed hills Ltd Underhills Employees Minister Edmund Hardy Mus Bac FTCM Organist and Choirmdster Churches of Canada fellowship of Churclgs separated soulwin ur Dining Room in ThewNew Smart Annex WILL BE hing prehillenialjoyfully hold ing the Faith of our fathers SUNDAY MBCw ll AMgtGOD IN ACTION PMSUNDAY SCHOOL PMCHRISTIANS AWAKE Communion Service Sun Mar ll Come to Church LIEUT RUTH METZGER qt VIJMY ARC W4 IIMIIlrllll Ill$01111 in the ComiEmL gIZEiOrimggmix Tmlzdfly After 111 illness of but four weeks llllrbilmtlof the lateglimbcth Elan 13 may WWW Mrs llelbcrt Fraser of Bradford Vm Will lm 11 AIM AND PM RFV HongEN BA Rem my immdnnca Lusmoy rlylfllllAbmtn 28 lursfngo 16 cmm llttl 0n Ihursdly night Feb 22 it BObcayucon he was the youngest It 230 PMlSUNDAY SCHOOL WRIGHT organm my 211111lelRIMiWS mm gamiimegxgii Toronto General 05pm 01in IlltRChtufltlvllii mtl my cyst 19 gt Vlrs Fraser whose maiden nnme Will 131 5110 v1 mall Wills For thrCevws mesa pm RS womens Aux Third surlde Lem iilistetloiiituliusmliffif had DVWOd Elm repair was MHml IWC 35 daughter wisely heldln 30 plfil um Gm meeting nlh km 0w of the 1th Mr and MR Gllben 10 Mldlund ICbllldly nus at pm pl AWLHOLY COMMUNION We suggestions which he felt 055 0w SHC early in ch i1 le CUnducted by the Rev Mr Coleman limp 8Thursdaging Meetm 10 AIVIYOllllgUP0ple5 Bible could be got undm way in the er Mr VlmAtler hnd born 53210 oollr 111 inrm to and temporary interment made in ts pm redns Classes farming locality and would mlmoyed the InSpemm Bhiwd 11cc llllkcvicw Cemetery Midland we Public Meetlng Satur all pm 11 ALLHOLY COMMUNION very beneficiul Lentth Plrlducts for the Unned 1501 111 111 Left to 1110 r1 the 10s preacher Seek Aid warble rowan Kingdom llld Canada He had 1918 Rev Null Cmlpben perform ine fttlltl 1reutliree dluhlltcrsdtvoel Rm Cumn JUdd MIA DD Stewart MCKCOWH ROm camp saved this board in Bmmpmn lng 10 Cmfmmy my 1qu for mu Mrs Alex llOlllllP Dcrthill FV and El ftt trgm 11 le 5010 ll 11C nare Vllcl comer St BaptlSt ChurCh for SOCMI senIce gmmeq dmnmmh the Towimup ifxlllglillllcfillzlynlllhizef they curried on untilq they moved MW Ted 5mm 11 0f Tomm OI REV MITCHELL MmlSter FEWSUNDAY SCHOOLV Ii mac retlfltqtngntgmi25 hes when he died 10 Bradford 14 years 3E0 The uc two 510s de one bm SUVI AY WC NW bmion of Wang Flymwmrl 11 031 Bad been rmembep of the lnzjmeiliatel riflatciives surviving MW 1150 was mOm 305i er ms an are one son AIVORSLIP We it MW fglimismiliifl ImWere Chech Ad CNVR tf1lz1vil Bl 1ng 151 essage and when Burli0 COlllVUlliS Nova Scotizl one 4m OSHI so wo run thogqlgZ$HOOL Trinitv Fireside Club will meet at FOHOWIHL the Federation meet lave lawn lbmvler IS daughter Doris at home one sis Childm His Wife PFCdeCesetl him mg the Credit Union met and 119 five years Four sisters and two RMThe Glorious Gospel of the fonclIuSlOl 10 Slanted Rev thcan leay Wgtlmgllgihlnledgdigto lie lIfllirfgllltMAlllOlddFdlbtlsytll brothers also predeceased him Blessed Gad Ar younb peop mm WM small gm of 9351 and Mrs Steghenlhnlilrllllll 11811 Billiestkhf Glilllrignandljred l00f mama Mls Gemge Thompson The Coat Store the Bear 820 PMIellnwshlp Hour applecmtmnof the wolk he had and neon Gordon Bat110 onto Esther Mrs Flank Slllle Lime Wed PillPrayer and Praise rm one cattulwthc Unlon Olgaanl The body was bmuuht from The funeral was held on Feb 26 Mrs Joe Morrow Margaret Mrs ed Some new members were sxgn MM lll pm Younu Peoples Servlce Three RchlS to Barlle The fun to Guthllc Chulch and cemetery Vlmmq welcome St Andrew res ytenon Ed and deposns were recewed cral service Friday Feb 23 1qu Evidence of the high regard in This local Church belongs to The Church TPrescntctlon to Fred Green conducted by Rev James Ferguson which Mrs Fraser was held was REV JAMES FERGUSON BA he lesmcnts on the foot of the at his late home on Dunlop St 111 seen in the large number of lelu Full GOSpel Tabernacle 20 Mulczlster Street Barrles Revival Centre Rev Thomas Latte BA Minister the Services of Mr Green both 1163 Chrysler Agency Tordnto degree Fletcher SUNDAY MARCH 1945 and the horses would be well staff of Rebekahs Active Service AMllIhe RiglrteousHShnll Grace Gospel iglalzlcintgg Tillie offatlr Canteen shlft Nms PATRICK WHALLARN Flourish and Gm 37 Mary StreetBarIle hm lit 13 95 lprfe The funeral was largely attend Mary Matilda McNally beloved errrmvalpn was 01 6d Thosefrom distance were wife of Patrick OHallarn died 245 SUNDAY SCHOOL 730 PMMaking Salvation Sure The greatest thing for time and game of caldsiP Hatch Inspection Board of the United Klngdom and Canada Harmony Grill Opens Mr and Mrs Mino Josephrlnley Sunday February 181945 at the home of herdaughter Mrs Tim OConnell Thornton She was in SUNDAY MARCH41945 11 AMBelievers Meeting Inlay 1111112 eternity is to be sure of Eternal Life ThousandsinBatrie have no 113ggggglysffm Fme New Addlhon lrillhtoanfndMiedJolglllgnhtalgvacil 21131 Endlmyiar thnd hidf been lvt WIT Poor 01 epas 9W Years Illegallyahlgi Oyoquaillosc 352 WedManlvBPmu Pm Meelmg To Resuumntl Fday Helen Smdalrand Mrs Graham suffering with pneumonia Born gt know it Evervbodyk WElCOh All cordially immea Georgemwn Debember 29 1878 she was the omormw Barriehas many uptodate res soo daughter of pamck McNally and ZJd aurants butfnoyrhthfe wehstdsictig scour SAVES TWO LIVES Rose Campbell of Mount St Louis Fun Course Meals served We gt infiegg 13 girlie ih the Prompt Paton On the part of QntaShe 11V9d Years Me from untll Bruce Wellao 14yearold Toronto donte Township and the rest of her life illFlos Township She married Patrick OHallarn June 12 1901 member +of the 5Roman Catholic faith She belonged to the Christian fREV GREEN MA mu 91 Minister 111AM5M0DERN ATTITUDEvaTOESUSL TlleAlutude ofAdmiratiOn Young Wmshippers League Story Th Third Gate 230l4MrSUNDAY SCHOOL PMTHE SEVEN WORDS FROM THE caoss SERIES Welling tomortowylof themew din Boy Scout saved the live mg room otpropnetor 330k Stan Toronto children Erecently 033 wycks Harmony Grill at 13 Eliza foughtuthrough dense smoke and mathstreat flames to reach two smcllehil The entire equipment ln thetdren who had been trappedin their Mothers Society the Altar Society ormer section comprlslng lumen blazing name But forthe heroic andtheS Heart League Hav counter and booth has been re action of this 14yearold Scout mics Townshipfol novated to harmbmze wlth the EddjJohnston aged and his nearly half acentury Mrs OHal ecializefln slush Steali55anttCllctls 15 ANDWlCHES SUNDAES hud MILKSHARES Pedal New Mail 2trolluititzpmo11y The Word of HumanNeed gt mgs of the new annexwestorf yeagld brother Lome WO old lam was wetland favorably known Everybody welcome tortillaserscrvlces yrlgflrgllymoccupled by the Chamber have ben burned to death or sub itswag evidenced by the large num 73 includes OHOWing lunches DFilgliireirzclie of the latest pe in focatedmDiStrictlt Fire Chief Percy liters of friends and relatives who gt natural Wood of two Shades with Eglor 53$dReiognltIOIIOf gently callgdd hfr latle home and at Hamsvandwlch Western Ham and Egg gt Chicken sandwich or was mec mg ten unera FIRST BAPTlsT CHuRCH gtftgiy 11 30 zatherelr Toronto City Comm SurviVing in addition to her with oupv =0 Egg Chwken salad sandwmh CLAPPERTON 191T WOESLEY dl 00S husband area daughter Mrs Tim Gaffee with Soup Pie REV HAIREI Minister mg mom an addtmnal pa Camellia OConnell Thornton Wlth SOUP Ple ty booth at the right rear for fam and Pie and Coffee 51x sons OHallarn Cundles ee PECAN SUNDAEE Limitsh VCloughleyATCM Organist and Choir Leader ily or club groups Wilfred of Toronto Leo of South Urn Ay MARG 1945 38111ng 11111112032ng 3136300212 RN Jhnv Ignatmsv and Vine 30C 35C 4C Wainscotting is finished in pale 0f Pgilpllzto it lfare allso five lliAMFMORNINGWORSHIP green toppedubf abandof slver gm re new 59 orairiam piiheottlssrvm Movethis asuheteect has lbeen SAUCE 35 held Tuesday Feb was Hot Beef Prkryea159lwh soup Ple and coffee 456 J3 clotsz attained bra graduating of Pale dml 3an 13 at OPEN FROM AM UNTIL AM T099 and 19 1va may in PatrlckS Chumh Phelpston IMrPRESENTATlQN FANDD ICATION 03 FLAGS AND the pale ivorycei1ingjp1uorescent where Requiem Mass was celebrat gt PWEILINGDF HONOR ROLL lighting has been installed Floors led Hensix lms actedas pail After pm mz GmnEVerYthmg ALacqrte unionJADmcLE0DIPrlncipaIchaplaimCampBordenl are nished marbldbfmeship pmrersimmlmfimeiierzliasi3 UNDEEWAR CONDITIONS WE TRY TO lithlsm Evonvouc much All BRZ5N 1mm non um SIGN was linoleum EdWard Smith had the contract for interior decoration Fixtures were installed 43y theibuilders Toronto firm lvletewemnd wmml For Blame distrietthe telling is best through BarrteEXamtner will officiatefatthis service and will brihgthe message yMlen andwamen 6f armed Iorccsareespecially invited to this service large number of oral tributes from friends and relatives indicating the high esteemfn which the deceased was he1d5Amongthosefrom dis tance attending the funeral were glands front Midland Brechln Flattering Town our ar eMcnntSt Louisandlfasey 18 Elimvbteths BARBIE Phone 2218 ll10 AY Rugnxru underwritersum Chntral llnttd Church

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