THURSDAY FEBRUARY 23 1945 ONTARIO CANADA THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARR PAGE FIFTEBR mouomomomonowonozo Hits Hard on Defence amp or en eague lt 11 if mtlHllL III it Hit ix it it 1311 11 75 111 on rossinu 111 111 iiriToi Nil Repair llttlt II LlLlllit Ll rah1 llrf 11 1111111411 rim11 omomomomomomomon Sinrt 0111 IiiiiixriI111i 13111 mIgtMgt mw Sportsmen Have Your Trophies Mounted LL LL Eoi lLlerlll 11 1E LL LLL LL LLL 1113 11 llllll I11111 11 119112 11111 LL 1111 11 111u1l1111 1L 111 11 11 11111 21111 ll radii1 LLE L1 II MKSTEH lLXllllClt1IHLlL NilE1111 511111111 11 11E1111E gt2 LLLL 11 111111 11 11 P1 11 if 111K 11d LLtlltl 1M 1I 111 tE 11 1111tL111111ic12111tii 11 11 11 II II run 111111111 111 1111 111111 11t11 1111 101 11111121 111 tutti 11 II 11 111111tf 2111 1111 11 lhv went 31 t1 LI 1III II III IIII SIIIIIIIIIIIII UIIII1III II IIIIIIIIIIII III iI IIII II II 1I 11 11 IIIIIVIII III 1111 1f11 1111 lltl 011111 li1tl i11 ltlIl random1111 11 ILLLIILI LL1IL 1I1I ILLIL ILII III 1I 13111 181 llLlfL 12111 1211lon l1lit IL II I1 l1 11t lul No11 llliiwl 11111111111t11111y 11 LtLLILLLL1LL 1L1LLL LL LjL =L1 LLLL LLL LLL LLLLL LL LLLL LLL L1Lgt1 111 21111 Nixon l1 ltliittl to the hand and l1111 11 1LIL 11 11 111111111 11111l 911 tul1111111lt and new klllt l1 111 11 II tiltW 1111 armll zitl the 1lir you 121 lgt IL LL U1 ltwftl liEuill tltfttlit 1111 111111 llllliihl 11111I 111z E1 1l 11 IL LL IL iLL 11 duhft ltl 111 1111 rimr 11111 ml 11 1LL 1L LILLL II PHUVl 11 it th1 31Ll LLL LLL LL Ly llltltllS 1111111 Hoosier 11311111 111 iirov11u11l 111111111 11 11 Iy II I1 sum 31171 Jtllllll1l 1311111 Mutt211 11t11111111 ltlltlgt have 111111 din us Is 111111 II 11 111 11121 111 1111 ftillfi 111 111111111 1111ulln l1lsielhr1 11 11111 111 LLI Es 11 11 W7 If flmj 1211 BAltlillI nowuxn LEAGIlIS WillToronto Soldiers Place 11 I111I1I 111 I1 11111 111111111 11111 111 111111 1I1IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I IIII III 11 II II IIII III II II lltt hitilnlay LlLlit 1lllt ill lilli 15 it 011 11tliltl1 iilllllltttll 11 11L i1l11111 111 1L LL LL LL 1L LLl LL In SkluOtLALnS 1I 11 gt II 11 IL LIL LL LL LLLL LLL II LL lLL LZLLLLL LL LLLLtLLLL LLLLLLg LL LLLLLL LLLLLLLLLL LLLLLlLLLL LLLLTLLL LLL LL LLLLLLLL LL LLL LLL LLLL LLLL LLL LLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLu LLLL 11 LL LicontCSt at Camp Bordcn 11111 1111 1111111 1111411 11111011111 111 1111 round and 1111 11111111 I111I 11 lt1lll 111I 111x1 11111t tlilltl ltlt Hound or Toronto tliih lluiiI111i151 1111 1111 HLLLLL i111L1L11 1111l11w 111 lll 117111112 the Llll 311111101 series 11 Bout11 11131111111 IIIII 1II1 III 1111111 III1I1 lILIlILIIIIIHI gtII II III the lor1l111d sinl1 11l11 t1lt11l1I1 s111I111oitvrsas1101 Ayn5 W1 111 13 11 111111 worn 11 11 VIII 1LL1 11 lit1 111lxt111 11111 211111 111 me looking after the boys lltlLl are 1111 11 111 1111 11 11111411 111 11111 111111 11 LLL l3 Tl 11111 lioh 1111111 ltlL ll ll L1 LLL 11 it 11111 111 um 11 11111t1ltoI11t111 11111 11111111 11111 11 111 11 111 111 II II 11111 I111 111111 I111111111 131111 HHHHI 1111 MCI111111 1111 11I11 11111111111 IIIIII II1 I1III IIIIII1 IIII I1 III IIIIIII 11111 11I11 111111 I11 11 lII I1IIIIIIIIItItIIIIIII 1111Ii11y l111111Llltttl 11111111111 lark Paul Arnott and Horn lLllClll 11l1v1I 11111111111 it fl L1II 111111 111 11 1I IE STA LlLlIlt 111 1111 tuxt 111 111111 new from 1111 local 111111111 ltutuu and mu 1511y lEl11 1111 Tin1111 7111lt LL 111 11111 LL ND 11 Ll lt LL 1111 111 tllllttt how lllt 111 111111 1I11II11I11I 1II1I 1I11I1II1111 11I11111 I1ltl 11111I 1111111111 11 11 11 11111E 11t1I 1111 111I11I1 11111111 111111 11 I1I YIOglIEET vv lllL LlLMW 1111l1=11l LlL 1L LLihv 111 ZJll lLl 1L sl11 who 1l ltr lt lllll lllt ll1t1lll HAN1151 Will he rel11 lltlt next 1111d1I II LLLLLl LthL LLmll Md ILLIHLILLL mum Trenton IllLIE IL mumth L1L1LliilL1L1LLLllltLLLLLL 1LL LL llLLLLtlLYLlLLl LKLLLLLLE LLLLLlLlL LL LLL 11LL1L LilLL LLLL LLLlLLLLlLLLLL LLLLLLLL lLL LLLLL LLLLLLLLL LLLL LLL LLL LL LLLL xijlzl VHLLLL Wimp Ii LmLmeml SQLlLiLlLilLlg Mtlk mm hadoivtd iv LLL11111111LlrL11LLai1d 11 111 ll LLLL LL LLLLLL LLL LL LLLTLLL LLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLL LL LL LLLL 1111 mm too 11 5111111 at til next 1uesday Camp Bordon defeatedE11131 1111WII1I111II11111I11I11 ll llltHl llTllltlli Hmml LLLLLLLLLLL 1L 1111111 11 TUHIHM 1mI1 131111 Im 111011111011 TIPMUH 11m 11 11111 IIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIUIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIILIII H115 lMhlil 11I1 I11III1111 1111111I1I1 111117 11111111111111111 Iantl 1111 it VI mini ltll on Mountain View with the return earni billed for last 11111111 I111I1L1II1 L11I III MINI III 111 111111 111 111 ljIl 11111 IltuI1111 ll1tl11 131 1111121 lIIII litl 111 tie a1111 and we llavtllLl not 1111 result wt Cain liordtn lavs lllt first 111 UH llllllL L1L ImLL IM 5lL1 lL 1111k not 11o 1111 1111111 11 llw 1111 11 111 either lithe1 teams at liclleville tomorrow lrcnton features in 11111 to 11m II III 1lt 1M llllltl VtIHlIHHlIII lulu lLlll Robertson funneliv 111 gt 11 LL LL 1111 11111 I1111111111I 11311 tm 1oo11i11111t111gt1ndnploi11d 1111 I11 111111 It 111vl11 1111 II Raymond of Montreal Canadian Mountain View have l111 owltV 11LL1ELL LL111LL1IL 1LLL LLLTLIL fl1 L1I111K21Ilfx1ti11t HI11 11 l1111L Giulia11 Ll11 V51 IiE 121 lLLIL11LLLL1L1L1LL1L1L1ILL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLU LLL LLL LLLHLL LLLLLL II 111 11 31leIIfIIllImIIElmIml 1m WIm um New IV lin standouts 1111 Infantry lhown was 111111 Rune lanmrv ll loll UN Ellll1l 1111111 1111111 LWICQPLIILILLLILI1I LILILL1 L1LIL1LILILL11L 1LL 91 Um Hmdli 113L1LLlnc in 1111 tour coals and Moat1101 Av rages 11110 and gtt1 11 1LLLLLLLL 11 11111 111111 11311 111113 EL L1 LL 11 tll so you can sure quite game 1011 next H1 liii o11s Moxon 1231 11 In luLtLIlL1 LLLL1L1LL1LL L11L 11 11 11 Jill IHLLL LL Md 11 n1 11 LL LLL LL LLL LL Illl lw ltl11 lniLiLlltLlLtLKL LIlLtLLL lLll LLl 111 LlL aI unny our lit to on lllllt trey ttlllt 11111 11 11 11oi 1ri 1111114 fII I10 Barrie Arena LIL1 1L1LIL1L1L 1131 I1LILWIITILIT1II1La 111111 Slit Blythe 217 Walt111 2H 11 IlIlIIIIIEIglfin RItIIIII 111 IlIfIIIlI1Il Small Arms 111d hath1111 1111iz12 lllvctt 312 HaitiIi 211 llllllilty 1111111111 14181111111 and third in 1111 111111111t1 orII II II lllllllll 11151111 111 the lions111111113 1111I 1310 1111I 1111510 DUI hm II ltIEIilithlIIII IIII111I1IIIII1I 15 IIIIII IIIIIIIII III AIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII dI69 ioImg lly VS andale IIIIIlIlIllIlIIlIt1 IlI1I1I11 liI1I11II1I1IIII1It 111 11111 11111111 3111 IIIIIIIIIIEIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIII1II IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIII WI II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIII III II L4 P1 14 winner to lt All lll 11111 L112 11 lL or tat ChurCh Bantam Fnals two analE only 111 the siCond hut 3111511111111 31111 31111 111 11 Low 41LLLLW fLLLITl LIIIIIIIIILLIIIIIL IlLlI11LEI1 LLLI LIL ILI1 1I IIII II II III II II NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 III HIIIIII 1mm IIIIIIkI IIIII 11sz lIII1II WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII II 1I III 1I 1I 1111 1II 1t OllllIJ loun ouncll went trunty meets Allandale 111 1110 11111 111 11111 11 01 IIE 1gt llll 1150 mm1111 Ni1111111t t1111l 11111 ti111111 it 11 on rord pas$1111 resolution first game of the church league 111 11 1h 111111 INIHIM IIId IIIIII 1111111 131111 V11 111 111 1111111111 SIhuld 111 the individual l1l11 111E1 for tie immediate eslatilisliuunt otlhautam hockey finals at Barrio ml 15 Lllllt HmL IELL El radio station in Orillia This AILIHL Sillulllily 111111111113 111 11 i1LLEL1LLLLLL1L1L111 LL1L1iL1L11L11L1LL1LL liiLLitLlLLLlLiLilii Lump LmLkL ILWHL LLL SL LLLLLLLLLL LLLLLL LLLLLL LLL LLLL LLLLLLLL LLL action was taken following the 11 Between 12 and one oLtlHCli there 11L1LLL111111 LL 11 11111111 of All 111adi11 Mattllll 11 $11 11 11 111 pfLILfmI or RU Home one 01 1x Uhlblm Hm lillll 1eo1ui llLAlllllIli played the will 111 111 71 LlwInInfn ImiI mm skam IMHO Smmn mL the two unlth Lmls HIM first two tll11l in the net for 111 IILiitttLis Ltl Lit it LlLL 2L NHL hLLl lmilr LNILLLLLL LLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLva LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LL motion made by Aid Alex VL Cellml 11111111 111111 111111 1111 11111 3111 53 211 511 in the HM 11111 on real name loiL Former Maple Leaf lmLL ll IIl W1 11111 111111 SlllCl by AM Dr Last Saturday Trinity eliminated m1 111111 all 10171111 drives 1311 11 1111 31 1300 fans large1 1111ltl ol the sca Mm Hmlm 15 HlliffL I1 AI Baum II mm III me IIIISOIIIUOII St Marys in Ihc semiml IIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII MIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII 11 31 III1IIIIIII 1n BIIITIC AIIIHIII 1lt1 1111111III Ihelpcd then 111111 Alt 11111111111 I11II 1115 11131111110115115 carried by In 211l1I llaIndIinle leLlltCtl fontral 111111 1110 pm f111 the final 11iI1l night when lhpICults md StI Mil0 233III3I1ZL1HIIIlgfII2311I1I members 141111105 by 1111111 1N0wm1111w1 1111111911 1111 DQN 111m II1 III FI 13117310114 tied 33 IE II Is II 1111 11 11 11 The 1115011111011 15 us 1111101 11131 Higgins II II 111111 11111111111111 mI1111III111I1I11IVI11m SIIlIIIlItIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIL I111IIIIIIIIIIIII II 11111 11111 11IIIIII1III1I1IIII1I1II1I I1I111I1I I111IIII1I1IIIIIIII11 iIItIIIIIIII1II1I this councd do on record as beingT III IIIIIL 13130 15 schedulgd 1hr 11113111 11111111 1111111 11111 11 11 pm 263 I1IIIIIIII IIIIIIII II SHIIIIIIIIII mm 111115111 11 IitII1I1IIIII1IIII1II II I11111111mm 1111111 in favor and anxious to obtain the H0 501105 01111 1111 11057510 ladies Cun 111011 ttlEl LiLLL 11 11 th lv 11 0m Vii115 ii immedmte whim lnd eStlbLSL LL LSL MLLL hVLLLdLLy LL LLLLLLLL LLLLLLS Mg VS 3013 E1LLLleLL fullL LLJLLLLJ ELLLLLL 1L1L lcam match A513 MT Ito1 ltll ment of radio station in Orilhu1 Newmarkef 7nfanfry 1110 Squires tilt l11lies1IT II Im1111 MM TII 51110111 U1 1mm1c111m 11LLL1 go lt no ior 111 ie 1111t can 11 or ciLxLLeLdLiiLrLiLlnILdleglig uLLLrLLLLL Arcm Peb ILL ltliLLL Llr1liclLtLLLlLliLtLiS lLlLLLLMY were mmpletelv blankud hv CILIC Jumor ofcers ttlllltll IA III III II II II II II IIII II 111 EGEEEMENE vantages for radio purposes the 1111 1111113 11jdolin LALVimn alth 91 11 Filth LILLI Imeiim bLLlLLm LL lg1 LqILLLL LLLLL LLLL large settled area such station lzJiiiesoriLLL CallananL Neshitt OL LLLL11LL11LLLS 101111 lllllykl 10 Ltllllltw 51 301L112 1II1I1 31 lwi 111 would serve and the need and use Britn LMtLComb Im Michaels club roster inclmliu II III mines5 01 station in Oriliia and Camp Borden InfantryGoal BllfE ml mpl ilmree boys who were not hereMu Bl AllIml lI II EIlI LL tllll C0 of this resolution be nnmmcmg llmnnemenl 11h Annvssinz Hence ChinCh Bow Llowlh ll AILLLLM If Years lllYWllilllllll lhil ILLCOI LnklllL Lll 1I II yD II OI referencode rural youth Oigilnllr mun 1131111 1391111151111 11111111 Com I1zI1I1sI1deIIIlt11I MIurshnllIIIlm SIIIIII IIIIIIIIILI EII BIIIIV IIITII IIIIIIIIIIILII III FI 51011 MOI 1111111 sen to to opt ransom anon 11110111ms been under 11$ Chen 810w 1111 1mm lln1 111 11 Dunwoith 121 oI It II II machine IIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIII WW cussion for some time smmment Cumka Bunvc EBayko Crusva mm Pam DHPI he 1am thLuFd lLn V1111 LL LL has been issued by CL Gym1m Filler llowsou Gillson 13X Delmt RCAF me Speedy dusth down the ICU 1012 LLLLL11L1LLLLKL EILLLLL LTLL L1L 111 LI The 11151 G111 Gmde Company 1311131110r of the Agricumlml Ren Refereesl70 Lou Blatt and WOl lyolioons iti Kiltyhnikks but 111115 tmhu Red KLlly Vllll CIR gIICII If wogI Eddie Burke Beautlghters 40 Liberators 11 his study rushes whotaught the whit1N1 rE Canada was milHIM by MIS CH lesentative Branch of the OntZlYlO and p19 1111111 Elem130111 St camarmeg EEOmE 1mm ATTnIFWWngv IFIRSTIIPEMOD iiI Illi1111c1111esIIIi8I Bally 311111115 HQLIIgggLrgIQIIClitil9igtlltWt goals gt11 Ethyl lt gricu are an II 13 Mosqmtos 235 shout Na gt gown 11mm 111mm November 1909 Milbur rm 11h Ih1Ncwmme1I Guniohn IIIIII127 II EI and Kelly the other FLedemogLZf Agzuuree SL13L1LU PenaltyChurch WAVclLl1LbEgliigll21S 8311311111 in the first period 111010 1V1 X311 d14 Lm 53 KL it 311111 311 500110 13111 1111111 11mm Emerit washrought about at asccmw WRERGB UllIlES Exam Hi7 Sitt donut Ilbuu 81 LYLLL LTLfITLI IISNCmI DELIIIlel LLL lCam Borden Conacher Rovmsky 33 three Powlsv 714 lVUSW 01th lklpLLF ferencem the Parliament Blllldsb Dehnison 211 Group BL oringtOnL 176 JLordri four games avainst Orillia the 10 Brenner and Cpl JE ll TllOltllSml I1 I1L II 1I fIepresentatlyes Of the Ju 31 34Camp Borden Brown 17 an 15 ell 170 Mclocne 101 cals plamly showed the CffCClSOll SMOKFRSE gUPPLIES Farmers of Ontar1o the Ontario 11381111150111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 52111 John 1I168I 131615 157I SinIghI in passing and Shouting They ShIIW 03111qu WASTE PAPER nmvm Fwemton Ogilgnculture and lts lNewmarkel Mccomb 2443 991 womers 565 ed some improvement in the middle RObeL Sersmd Amelile BUN PAPERS MAGAZINES LL Yputh Commnee and 16 Gina15 5Navmarletl Powers 11m period and held Buzzers to lone SCOUL dCClClCd luvlo something1 Most people 111th recognize the of the Departmentoggriculture 1n IllldOIm Teacliers Bowling Leach my bm S1111 111C game 100111311 111 about the paper shortage 31 1101 BILLIARDS seriousness of bad back chargeof youth organizntion The PendlllesJmmemn IVi Ludies 1119111 5111111 Miss Rem II IIISI CIIIIII bu111h1mselfuhundum and StIIIIICIIi EEEE iEThestitchestwitcliesendEEtWinges metingrsultedin agreement be wnTilgDGllgD Parker 164 men lVlaCLen C0113 Calne 0111 1116 1331 11811011 daily collecuon of wasta1uumr 1111 Ema SagueItIiIIrIInd 11111110 111515qu 1111 reaIci1ed regard to in over ngyfgh IIIII 11 1181311 10111111 1EE111 They negboomed sin New run 10 WWY ru you prOGram or 1y is aver16 dil QCOItIS Newmaiket Gurdoln Ba I9 heuned 111 have renamed then tun II DO L0 lCLlltH 3i1l$LiiekiL1iLi13eisoirLLinLLLL3133 LLmOL Doyle 3527 Re LLgchL fr ing and they never lost their fightl BILLY TAYLOR 15 now between 1000 and 12001 ing through the bgckg am It was decidedIthat the Junior 8NIEgWETIEf Commerce tBordeu But St Mikes were intent on help A11 eyes were On Billy Taylor gounds of P013012 The American pain 111 the back ig the kidne Farmer Assocration of Ontario 9prunn141 Royal 24 ll 111g themat least uEcouple of the Monday 1113111 as 1116 former Maple GWSDleGrE PublIlSheIS 1ssritizitio11 cry for help Go to leir assistanyce should accept full responsibility for Doyi IIIIIIIIIII Nova soon1 NoIl 13 mayem did 11117131111111 penalties Leatcemr 5151 aidIms Stuff 161 has given speial 1ecog11111011 Duh Corbett optic Get box of Deans Kidney Pills the development or rural youth BOLden Brown gliiLlLiLriLtgrce LBLLLLLLLCLL 33 Big curlyhemed Pete Mcpiulimd the Newmarket Armv team in Robert for his exception 5911500 II 55352133111fi11523i3p22121if 1r12111E111EE $11r11f12 memwwwwmmm 119 sI sIGumeS 10 1a ar as amp or en In an iy 15 Dyoanis am Put up in an recent Junior FarmersConference gum 1858 Ladies 111611 111115 Lam1 W1I advantage Colts broke through for Ismi the same smooth playmaker AVY new mark Maa Leaf on the cussion veIry close workin ar PenultieSDIIIleI from MurrayIRichardson at CentretIIgoIi wrapper III rangIIementasIassured bet en the iananI A33 MT League IIIinIIossed the line and get go wnIliIIaI Imegubsmutm GetaDoanw tlIiIeeDIrtngeig 3f II 23H1I13VEvIs 30233112 g0y130otdsh1gs Grieve that goalie De ouicy new st Mlke 3cs II an LL LL 91s Lsaw T1 mlme 1M Trnt eraon or Agricu reI parties huh er Lung G81 Crackinv 7I McFarland gave 3011s moinel BIariI1e menu Feb 16 II eir suppdrtto this Then More Snow No 15 0rd Depot Spare Parts break midway in me period Henmi St Mike saGoal DeCourcy le cewide organization Streets Glare Ice 1311516013648Whgtulenm 13 802 Jones heavily into the boards in relief ilmwml ElCPilildlIlId oms oun ers Gen re arrlson vmgsrm embrace all rural youth one 00w Whe 01195 Sindlord E111 Grivelh The World most II opp 21110115 and all affiliated During the past week we have MW5 League stickIaway McFarland lostIlns hcaId 112111611 Sch01eSImehWI BuryI NIIIW or Used Tires and IIII Will have full voting power had Ian sorts of weather Thurs quieq sin 19 MI No11 zmdplledmon the prone Bari1e play p610wI samiSI II ndLDliyilegeS Within the JimiOlL day about pm there was 19f RiaL $01135 592 4111 31013 31 With flyinglistener111101110105 BarrieGoal Straclian defence TRY OUR FarmerAssociationri thunder lightning andhail Sun Neiiiy 2113 Dbuo pickermg 2027 Jonesremexgedwvml 91111139P2m EMavaiChmdson Ctiukz EEcentre 219 In accordance Lwith the agree day night there was Lfour inches McFarland with Welldeserved Ewan wings Murray Rihardson our We ee 1am alts Jones obinson of snow followed bv lower tem Ladies All lary Cali Legion maJQI Emlll reached It ls OPed that umture reachisn L6 below on 2W WEhi1e McFarland was off the LDUQhGCd1 Lilkln JuniorEIarmcrs will partlcrpateIm Ah 1111 Hornets 68 30 c0113 ginned in and Murray RichE FIRSTrPERIOD L1 ANi EL the county units of the Federation I31 QUI Ielg 13 Butterflies 48 50 11dson dive the Ck home W1111 1St Mikes scholes 11311131 1014 gt of AgmuuureI The Department of night liIeieI was fairly heavy Honey Bees 44 51 ID 231 MHWESI Kelly II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1612 Agriculture and the Federation 5118 rain wlnch froze as it fell main wasps IIIIII AII 311 52 iIlIJOUt 51X Wimp ltheI PenaltiesMurray Richardson ingvthe streets Glare ice and staIIt 91 51 n1 Rafferty lmuriLgiLLgtLLL yLLLLLg p1ch int many cars T1111 had grades to St Morvs 0111111111 Ey pass from hougheed cluse und SECOND PERIOD Work done by experts Wth 31111211 caanfzn 110 an ex 11121110 scored the equalizer 351 MikesCSclioles latesbeq1npment ac is Here are the weeks tempera ElijiveS It was the best gameof the seav PffjlclltltijIanes Rat LL LL 01395 on to date The playing was 30 tines II COCOA ELLAle EQUALLES Low ngh ILDLILlLILis 1L2 LLtLi Leg1t after some pmwous LgamCL 4BarrieEIlL31LgnIlLLil8m For fast roitl service call us my 01L Night 11$ eupl incltoning 1191 51mm Feb 15 20 351 18 gh smglg MCDOIIE WthllTEOIts had won bleniIgem11Ir Richurdwn eggs easpoon vam ex rac 16 22 37 gins ere was never Lil in ie 5Bm11e1v1m1iLLLiLiidLsLLL11 I2I eunmsitted flour 17 23 sustained speed nd aCtion ITIlie Bowen 1045 Day Phone L14 legspsalh Qupuom akes 13 three Craaig 669 LLL 94 was belle 101 the BLtSh BMWJones LUUE 4420 Our truck has its ownair comprcSSor FREE CHECKtl GUPChWDed hlltmeats 19 it Shading 13111691 high 1111010 Child War Victnns Fund sponsor IPenalItIIiIcsIMCPirland tmaJoIr st and If can be of sendef Blend shortening and Sugar Add 20 Lo 29 ed Barrie Lions Club with no tunes ms ow owen HS 11 1m me 253 tlnee McD aall Weltbeaten eggs and avoring Silt 21 28 698 ceeds or $175f01 the cause Red ltgt 0060 E13113 15111 together Crusb Standing mens high single Farrell donated his referceing ser GLADIOLUS Tnmps crrmrnxriLE means The principal textile fibres are wool cotton silk flax and rayon corn flakes intOfine crumbs Mix crumbs and nutmeats with flour Stir in egg mixture mix well Spread in greased baking pan and Wool is theoldest and goes back bake in moderate oven 350FJ to prehlstoric timesicmmn was tibout30 minutes Yield 16I2ineh produced nearly 4000 years ago Experimental evidence has shown that insect enemy No1 of the gladiolus the gladiolus tlnips is unable tohibernate out of doors in Canada Only the thrips car ried into Storage onthe corms sur vive This fact accentuates the im vices Said he dont mind the fans booing Line wherfI get paid but its rather sore touch at benefit 29 Maple Ave Barrie hone Cherntti 305 three Craig 703 ND 15011 Coy RCEME Sergeants heague Beachcombers 29 Sloppy Jocs 24 Southoaws 23 Lions 20 Alley Cats 20 Dardanellas 19 1i RevLDr Cody Chancellor of the University of Toronto is the squares 8x8 inch pan and linen from flax was wover in Egypt at still earlier date kiwiem 219131fjegneimsa President of the Boy scouts Asso portancc of treating all gladiolus fTHE SHOP WITH THE NEON CLOCK3 II EBoy IscoiitEmembershiysinECanE Silleas produced in China over hidden total Wood 476 Clatlon corms by one Of 5331 ID MURRAY THOMPSON nda rose to over94000 in 1944 an 5000 years ago while rayon the 0gt proved methods 1beforethe corms Pm rmtor ShopManagv mppmximately 7000 ov baby textile was first produced All yourjob printing needs can be A11 yourjob printing needs c1111 be are set ULlltll11 the garden in the gr 1943 commercially only 6046111115 ago efficienin ned by The ExminerI IIlletbraUheIExammeizrspnngEEEEw