Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Feb 1945, p. 10

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PAGE TEN TEIF BARR EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA GARRETT lltURSDAY FEBRUARY 22 ms Jlto4ovwaooiu larvoo Mmm mc wnmww nerruped worship ENGAGEMENTS mm Ch idn Ill rgllrztlill POD 53 mf fir W223 we 65 Fmed $25 With Costs is of the lixlt Bull and KURGE HENRY MILLLK inattcli BMth Vllt 14 in in ll vltlle itil its zc tram rLilttt mtll 32 but it IlillSIll on 34 21Ltltwm 11mm To iv you utter lwll ht ttclt tliuilltd Adeline liar923313 lie of tin his rum Uta is that lit tie lltliljitnl Hui luv jdmm Miller not shawl Ll ins llr Liltl on Ilt Ilitlv lwl 3L My LVIJIKILMI lowlalllli Hm JUHMHI AM Mdlllndod tilll lea tlrelrriilv ui or Fresh In my when he linin yin urCnurrh and wa lumber of ttietshhp than in lt timin nulle til Innafll at WWICHI mild hf HM Vtm 05 rtt ltd IIIl nit Inuitd en the Lam where he died Ea Rilxll liitltlft hr undo it im 331 71 Rum Hg xvii Local Whltehsh 12 in 24 lJl he married darjillvhb grille ginwt part if Stanton ho sutures unlit SHWHXHL He llr Klft ill 35 tzn in it it 0C salmon ti ull and four liltltlllitlri riditll illltfitl Ml Gill 51 kultl home John with the IltlttItitftt Detroit zVIiLit two mini iirl inert alumni uni tn eh litli Army in Italy Eloy gjyd 2tl It itillrll Harrie lIlll mm mHU iv in 32qu l7 lulillttl iratiryl Mrs ltcli tile lion1 Vaiiclilvw irtw my pan mill tllerry tzippawa Int ltila litlt 340 MD AWN MVWl ullziw tItl with Lettuce and In Toronto Evelyn oral hath mini Midland 311 IIJllIla it my llztyonnaisc tanni onc snaildtlnld David lieziUl Li and Eli ityilnl of Cl H3 Hi trinket lV aw Shin llyl 1va Intl IVIlS ital Il lttl lg AHIHdlle TL UHHHI VI hem FA ll inlet ml ltlil llltlll The funeral service was eunduet Item Munitions Illllllil tltiitnl thump ltll it the faintly residence on Jan llil IIMC It llnlll Mlllkrl it mm Viiiillel llilltlt awrw by ltev Dr It Sincanr conducting the tltt Interment minim Li ivtiwi LUNCH AT ll interment was flilltlt in St lll 41 rmh Cw lire lamas hi it do iluilh Ns lmmy Sllmd Ml fel Iilibtlr15 WW IIHW lie had heir lfltl lit 71 Eta vv illtlnlt lLIllllthFPPH pk VHJ nI lll anal before llliltdlllll tlia in um gt lnwtuld ll Little ll lczlr ClillllitWVlvml Allin illlVIH would he lldl lliltl ll turriqnow Hump 11mm 32 Tea and Candy Shop gt Wiil Johnston Stilzliy Iltlllttlll and Cttll Franki illl HKV lVm1 LOOK FOR THE SIGN mm mm Mimi HP will will ihHREIIYIHH Intlrxll zil lllt elm lllt tll ill leit FL alii tt iltllt IIl 0th Ulla Lmmm PM WILLIAM evrtltzrr AVEIILY WM ALEXANDER narrow or snail with amnion iii kiln 313in yl WUWL tillizun Alexander llllo in My Ellm It hwy ii WWW SHAWL my IVLttl Illllitll oflallnul Maud llail lll mt pay ltlt tlttilrl Haw in iH My llllt Rafi in itiu 30 Hit iii the litrut lwell lltll Iuedly February 13 lam 7i It but iii 2Itii drums Mmdlv Ulhdanm htdu llHr in the Royal Victoria Ilos Mm wt xxnjghmyl FLU l3 tlt lie llt in his 7m year Esll ml he Lei MW list HMll mi an mummy mm 15 M74 had suffered lltiill attack willie Lil lithium and implant in iiii HRH Lijiiile Entire Im of SMHixWI Jud ltH Work in the Clarke and lalke sure but Htllt inllt1ll HIV llel Ni ll iliz LIAM 5mm Fm vmw he tonner month previously He my iiii lit lllr hwy mm Smmd Wm WAS was it his home iri Muleme Ht llt lltilllli immh lemma mm for week and III the hospital for 11MMAGQERljl1lVIsAltlli tlitl of the Unted llulcll and of mm WWI Mime mm WWI l0 IHHSIHZN Humid ilauri Bevilley lltilllii Hm mum wave Frmmm ma Born April 1877 in imkstuxviL itllllwltllvtl Itnl Annual in bddrvnum 0de whmk la was the son til the late Mr and ANN 1H CEHIICtl United CIIUICII FHSI Baptist ChUICh IVmm SUHWmH is hi5 wm EH Mrs Alexander tiallowa He at side Hi UR mum mum Hf if REV 11 BEWELL Clnpmun at wonky do lulu mud $0 wmihm tended schools in Cooltstmvn and UhndsWm Amuumhvn Ul Minkmr mm 59 REV An mm txtla an in HM WM Md later cattle to llarrle As yuunli Canada held lebrnaly ll lll luv Mist 1mm Hrvson is will Worm it imhlmcimwd man he went to Western anada on Mdgwm mi iy Hm H5 UMgllhd mm Ii 37IV1VFll and it was in Saskatoon that he met his aniynimn mitt vn OIKQIIINI nil hinr Leader 0mmm md Hum LNG man hold WNW Mb gt Plltltlll of Im JIfoix Jm mm hi DIAMOND MERCHANTS lii from the Jennelt Funerrbllonte mm inunwd hum Mmd Hl WhS lllt1t1 Will fllllilltl lt gt lt WW in Ilrlllt tlll irleiine 91 Tm mm ml armed whilst in lviusnilien Hf lwt Sill HM SUNDAY lilillltlfARY 1i ltlti on iedlllic than Marmot Iltld BARRII Pul WLNOV 11 km if since that tinle had nlade their Mame HM Augumuinn MMORNNI WORSHIP Laiyuwimwllm Iimi aha mil mm in Bum ml mhlm ilneli lleeton was elected We 215 mu llllll1 scuoor Tl MV glmy We them director or Will Wellliked by rm CAVALIER DOMESTIC 310 llllili SL 5x up tilenlaer tle lCSlellll AVD lm ii young FVIAIND VORDIHP nan Mr it llts Cllitturd illl elnl and CulllCnlt lhe Church surviving in addition in Rum Ulqlh lllmslow Ill lbl It ll Oh ij hill IM llll0Sllll llOllR my twin 31 v1 norm pm pallbearers were Edwin lloadway MN Gunny uvwwn hildwu 11 l1 is nowvearefully nutshell and oil Vl 11 IMD Mondal ll Iivrllll7 not My indie ue lalvllle illh Fertiliser Fleur Harrison Wmmw vhm SUPP 13di7l Flttl II Olllll pl Milton ill Al FOR MISSIONS igtn DI lllliil itzli to ii Iliillt lll IIZT Dlwll mm pnnml IMHO pmym llll and Nlirs Mabel llll ye till Silllte Ill Ilaptrf Llllilllt Seztier men and women nys Scottish Minister Whom At St Andrews for 96th Anniversary lll ll eerelat at ltesldent till School Full Gospel Tabernacle 20 Mulcaster Street the nliran hureh last Stu ill Canada lll it if E31231312325i 53 Cmrerr gt VA nyn Qv uBarncs Rmiwnl Centre For the 9hll llllllttlmll dr inninlmy Di Alileluood ul Rev Thomas Lanai BAl Mlmstericgylrlrlrerqslf Andres hurrll net Sunday lminister 2t residential schools lo Feb 23 the ennureltalinn Iris been eated lltltlsrl anaila and up into the Minister MRS GRIFFITHS Organist and Choir Leader very fortunate ll ceeurnsx iil preacher the Rev Davzd Wil litl IIll MA ltllIVNHl HI SW ltt Arctic fl sexmv rmmmnv 23 m3 Arehdeacm illttl painth ll All AND Tilt lfxl lltlitli Italian and Ill speaker graphic lltlllt of the great work shlcy Moore lL Wllliani New Black and There were many lovily floral tributes from business lnins friends and relatives Cotn mission the Church of England JAMES McBRllI James Sutherland McBride CNR engineer passed away at his home 33 llssa Road Saturday morning Feb 10 1945 after an illness of evcral months brought on by all injury received while on his en gine The late Mr McBride was lt eleigiymen tool part the servee DR Paisley Ilev Dr 11 born berta Norman of Sllolld Mrs thllltllIlfdl Brinvning ill Ilritish Columbia Phyllis at home and twins Jean and Joan at home There are ulsto sister Mrs Ross llalnilton and brother Galloway Toronto The funeral service Wisheld at the Strand Presbyterian2 Church Feb 17 and was conducted by Rev James Ferguson his minister In terment was in the Stroud Ceme tery The pallbearers wore Thomas intendeiil at Mr hletfalzulfs ileu atton Itlll received teltilieali otSnnerior Production reeiuznirinl the World lleeord of 11th lbs tat front Elitltiti lhs milk made by Montvir llielnke Rait Apple Patsy in the yearly section of the senior fourycarold class on tllletMililew aday milkintz 30 DAYS FOR THEFT 0F RADIO ch1 It lrotticr was tried yes terday in nlaeistrates court on charge of theft of Viking mantel SUNDAY FEBRUARY 23 1943 ll AMIENTEN SERIES The Prodigal in the Far Country will speak on Conditions in that REV lillltalOthlSOfl wartorn Country at both itlVICOSJ ivllSSlUNARY FROM IIINA tentatie Tllrllltlty it Kilo llktt recently from Dualitmline Scit land Ml Ilay will preach at both ser among these least of our bretllre zltleast from llle point of view of 0lltatlon culture and lzcneral de li1llllll in Dunwick ral store Mr McBride was County of BL in lll his parents tlle late MI and MrsNeiIhIcBride had gen He stressed tint it MW at sleekll servrce lul descendant of vi mpdwp at my THF CHURCH SCHOOL WW ll MIMI II Lhrlstlan responsibility to care hwy md vqglhxtlgllgzlulslgx1 bi wl it all the 11 anlBealnners and Primary lltnol llllll UN ifor these people to help them lm The pub It Hm lwhghi his wimpy in em mama mw mph v11 ml 110 lltel llnn All his relatives on his services tunie andnetu this welll CPL mothers side are in the United States except two cousins Mitchell llepburn of St Thomas and Mr McPherson Of Toronto Ills moth ers sister Mrs Knoles until her death short while ago vaslthe IlYlBlltt Class for Younghlenigilluhe With Whom llaie lc ti tl Born at Capetown South Africa Mr Hay was educated in Edin burgh Scotland and won high hon flt themselves for life While he offered congratulations on the success in tllelisaSt he also stressed immediate need for work ers of all kinds not only clergylmt wt known missionary 230 pairYoung Womans Class panJunior and Senior Depts pitaAdult Bible Class PM orsftakinz several scholarships lniqiq Free MWISSIOH Sthlllg Three Ways ltrCllltlit WM hp bortmm minm or qt Mun helpin tllttors nurses Uan of chico Hm Springs in Clapperton Street An Illustrated Sermon and itlltlltls laklnit the concre tzarets Church Dunfermline For mum mm down Hm mm Ollana REV BALL Pastor 221 Mr McBride was Presbyterian and member of Corinthian Lodge AF AM Barrie Mr McBride is survived by his widow formerly DorothytLittlejolln youngest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs David Liltlejohn of Mill csing They have one daughter four and half years he served in the army astl1aploili of Scottish Regiments Last November he was inducted into the Chair of System atic Theology in Knox College ln mmn challenge to Christian W091 193111 10 Ilnlmf respond to this call and thus ensure WI b9 9131 seledmm 01 continuance of the progress of Howard Corcll baritone Tsolmtst Hm Chrmim Chumh Arch AL Lleut Cillrells home Slll 0min oi derwmd was introduced to armh bm ho lg at pmsenl Stmonm igregation by Rev II llowden llaelenzie River he pointed to community atter community where there were no spiritualministra tions whatever In closing he issued Trinity AngliconChurch REV 11 RllOWDEN BA Rector WRIGHT organist SUNDAY FEBRUARY 23 ism 200 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL 245 PMTHE PASTOR isoldlers and strangers will find aI cordial welcome at this mission i3 Thurs pmPrayer Meeting ringing people to Seconil Sunday in Lent AMHOLY COMMUNION 10 AMYoung Peoples Bible died in infancy The funeral was held from Essa LIZMrGospgl Service Wed Feb 28 pln Prayer Mcet mg All cordially invited The Salvation Army COLLIER STREET Officers inWChargezr MAJOR LAURA COLLINS LIEUT RUTH METZGER quin property ill recent years knmvnusBarrrmdnieHalhandw reside there Thishouse was built 77 years ago by Mrs Loring mother of Mrs Wm OBrien and grandmother of Mls VWilson The Woods Shanty Bay It was at that time one of the finest homes in Barrie Tllrollghgtheyealsit hashad number of OccupantsMr Darling Toronto wholesaler Col Campbell James Carnegie mating er of the Bank of Commerce Wm ceased lhesflowerss rhwaeeioiso4amommuqlm celebratedjtsIDLQQILQDIEYEEEDL In the Steps of the Master on Feb 13 1945 in the form of His TemptatiOn social evening at the home of Prayers for lovedones overseas for and Mrs Harold Smith The time victory and for peace will be offer was spent in cards and program ed at all services The program of the evening con smed 0f songs readings ms and an address by two former members Mrs Clarence Sage Collier St Baptist Church REVLA MITCHELLLMinistex tiful Among those attending the funeral from out of townvwasMr Davis an Official on theCNH Tori onto ALBERT MORRIS Funeral services were held in Toe mum on Feb 1945 for the late secretary of the branchiln 19107and 1911 and Mrs 105 Lock Past Dis trict President and member in 1909 There are two members who joined when the branch was organized and have continued They are Mrs John Bluin and Mrs Andrew Potts Several letters were rer from pastnrembersrunr able to attend The first minutes Township Rev Christie his pastor officiated assisted by hill at and wm Bqlmev This cousinRevJohn Morris of Ems In 1900 it was bought by Judde dale GrEHlevsonvwholived4neitwunziliMLM3was bom 1qu 14 he lvent to Manitoulin Island in 1870 ms he farm the 1909 It was rented to Capt Lawson townShip 0f E55 north if Egbert SUNDAY FEBRUARY 25 1945 ll AMThe Holy Servant of Christ PMBIBLE SCHOOL lamJoin 117 820 PMFellowship Hour SUNDAY FEBRUARY 25 1945 11 AM AND PM 230 PMSUNDAY sermon Tuesday pm RS Womens Aux Wed pm Youth Group meeting REL1 571i 1751331 31MEJSATZII it lull and roll call of 40 years ago were it Thursday pm Wtd8pPrayemndBWW read sumptuous lunch W5 for rear andthes 50 tilHug Fermigriliiglsiiiifiiuigi cl hld 81111 Frln Dmi Young Peoples servlce erved in the dining room tastlly Calderwood who lived there until Fm ay Count who was the first white fit Public MeetingSaturday pm Visitors Welcome decorated in pink and white The Afler bemg vacant elght yb table hadipinlecandles and birth years itrwas leased in 1940 to Mr 23 fimlzle Hm 9w35p day cake with pink candles The Ward Price of Toronto and Was oc ssad Teh acciure blfs president Mrs Harold Smith cupiedHJy officers families until gaggle15lgggmgoggsgeglcoac tt mv St Andrews Presbyterian Church Light 329 anymghj igiimsmce mttme been leg in Toronto HIS ratherdied REV JAMESrnRGUSOMBA MINISTER Blofu the cake Over 40 mem Wwe he was quite young iemng EDMUND IIARDYMus Baa F1CM Organist and Choirmaster hers and visitors joined in Sing his mother and an older brother ing GodSave the King All were well plecSed with very leasant evoning Sincere Fririse For Silnclay Editum 25 1945 96TH iArxiixlljliEnsinvisekvlCtisi iGuest Spakrr PROFESSORfTHE REVERE DAVID HAY of Dunfermline Scotland cgnadmn cross 11 AMTHE HOUSEHOLDPOF FAITH Froin Miss Anne iteive Churchill CIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR4 The following was received by Guest SMFLT HOWARD CORRELLICWPBOTMH the Rev WalkerJacksm can DONATIONS To LIONS rwmgllat one LBtheep by SCO chill Ontario from his nlece Mrs Gentle 1113 SalTour by Gounod Nelson Rooke dated Badminton FOR BRITISH PMLWITH WHOMAV Wu TO DO Gloucestershire England Dec 21 cD WAR VICTIMS SPECIAL MUSIOBY THE CHOIR 1944 Guest Soloist LT7HOWARDICORRELL Camp Borden Was verylhleresti Ihe Previous acknowledged $23113 Will Pilot Thee by Wilson Steckley 1000 BoidTMEHeTsi family homesteadVinV1895 He coil ried Miss Elizabeth Rason To ronto pamphlet about The Canadian Red Red Cross to see it could get any clothes etc for her baby She was veryboor Theysent me the most beautiful layette for the baby ev erything made as itfor ones own baby and not charityalso soup powder pram rug blanket and two Mrs MacLean Mrs Wilkinson 500 yRTONiAVENUE UNITED CHURCH Tow MA Tth DJ Minister MNMODERN amorous TO JESUS The AltitudefOf Opposition44 Indifference Young Worshlppers League Story second Gate 2aopMSUNDAY SCHOOL AIMEThe Fourth Sermon insthe Series as aw The Word of Loneliness BU Total to date $295255 Canadian Red Cross to tell them What pleasuretheir things gave her nighties for hvelSelf 11 marked So if youwould like to do it for Canpdian Red Crpss gt me shallbe grateful Wish you Sh was delighted and 1t halpel had seen her face When gave them 3151 10 She was devoted her to her She and the baby are com husband have often felt would ingio me chaos cook later on active service in Belgium it it Morris bothofToronto Temporary interment was mad Elizabeth Betty two cllilthelrday Jan 11 in Providence Hospl Classes Cam Bordon He warmymg um Road Presbyterian Church Mon Township where he obtained his til Grace GOSPGI 11 AMMORNING PRAYER selecItions at cachscrvice day Feb 12 to Barrie Union Cem early education later attending 37 Mary Street Barrie $33k $553531 Sparham Buys gtlery Dr sanolalsrt oflficiawnlr gellitngwgpd Collfglate Mlnstittuge pa carerswere an ey 21 aug schoo at can SUNDAY FEBRUARY 25 1945 Wlml WI Th0 Haze M9 TO DO New 05 Future Indnqum Property ter and Hampton Flzllick Lloyd Louis and afterwardsbecame prin AMBelever Meeting My mme Marks Forheth Year Johnston andFlank Wood all rel cipal ofrPenetang public school PMsSUNDAY SCHOOL mm Spmham 83111319 atives or Mrs McBride and 110 He then attended Pennsylvania IMSunday Shl 7r PMEVENING PRAYER The New F105 Womens Institute elk has perches the Will bert Melanoma cousin of the 19 college of Dental Surgery in Philadelphia andon completionrof where he resideduhtil his death Albert Morris formerly ofEssa Tom to manage the farm Some years later the family moved to Toronto where VerMorrls was an employMLthTmonofor eight lyearSuHe was an active mem ber of Rhodes AvejUnited church iwherleor years he Was citthe In 1894 he mrriedAliCerWoodof Bradford and returned to Work the united farming until 1924 when he moved to Toronto and was engaged in the real estate business His first wife did in 1925 In 1938 he mar IIe is survived by his wlrivho Were YouTherg Burleignr Cross particularly so as Val Miss Eva Partridge 500 resides at 387 Rhodes Ave 0mm You are cordiallyinylted to attend theseVservices interested in ailDwomhn 1Fkned on Donation Boxes 794 to andseven sons Cecil and Em CONGREGATIONAL SUPPER MONDAY mamas 630 PM lageyhmh was Ms ioo arson cartage and express1oronc DDaln and she was exp9cllg 91 Frank Craig 500 to William Bank of Montreal gt first baby got ln touch with our Centre Vespra 550 Simcoe JamesW Defence Indust riesLtd Nobel Thomas Theodore 200 denying Didsbuty Alta Raymond Canadian National RailWays Huntsvtlle and Fennel Wilfred on one daughter Alberta assoctted with ad CroissirButtalo NY slster rsi son Parker and brother lnMottnt Pleasant Mousoleum To Fortl Edgar Reillllck lienniek James Hunter Harold Wallace lid Boudtvay Among the lovely floral tributes lndlcatinl the esteem in which the deceased was held were flowers from Clarke and Clarke Victoria School Stroud Presbyter ian Church and the Choir and YlU of St Andrews Church Bar rte There was large number at the funeral and among those from distancewere Mrs William Wat kins Saskatoon sister of Mrs Gall thly Milton from Alberta Mrs Rois from Hamilton and Gall oway from Toronto There were al so severill friends from Strand and Utopia DRi JOHN THOR NICHOLSON Dr John Nicholson widely known dentistof 823 Central Ave Sandusky Ohio died on Thurs tal Sandusky after brief illness Dr Nicholson was born in F103 BcoursefsettledlrfSundusky He became an American citizen and tooka prominent part ininany city actiVities Particularly inter ested in educationy he served on the Sandusky Board of Edhcatidn for 12years He was member of SanduskyaiCouncilr Knights of Commbus and archer member of the FourthDegree Assembly there He was also atmember bf tho Sandusky Lodge of Elks for manyyears Dr Nicholson maintaineda keen interest in Canadian affairs and kept himslf informed on condi tions in his native couhtyWbe ing regular reader of The Barrie Eliaminer For many years he took holidays each summer with his brother tlie late Dr Nicholsono Sandusky and later of Cleyelond Ohio visiting his friends and relatives near Barrie and then spendian sometime on the Goorgian Bay Muskoka Lakes or in Wegtm Canada Surviving are daughter Pauth Shufin oi Sanduslty Mrs Nlclson stationed Pacific ronto foihlrly of Barrie The funeral took place from 85 Peter and Paul Chilrch Josephs Cemetery Sandusky Aonicumumncommmu iI Orville Todd was elected Prs Committee at ternoou Leslie Borrow of Matche secretary Three other membr 5th present and thecommtttee in Hvllkd idhavcwntten to the baby notweandyet burnout qu rento later to be interred at Eat Wm fourvsons Dr Nicholson of Barberton Ohio Capt Owen at Camp Chatfee Ark and former pram using physician in Norvvalk Ohio JhmsirArNicholson rnofm Toledo Ohio rind Lt Willi Nichol soh UsNavynoiv in the South formerly ofbtew York City sewn grandchildren and sister ms mamaoulnloa of To to St OBVItLE roanyrs PRESIDENT ident at the county Agricultural the organizatibn meeting held in Barrie Tuesday at dash was elected gleepresident and Stwart Pagifwils elected wlllbe named to the exacutlve by the Presidentr There were 24 pr largely made up of the members of the Agricultural War Production Commune which was disbanded in radio set on Feb at Camp Hord en The radio hail been taken from He claimed that he took it to his home ill Alliston for the weekend only but had let it fall and had held it to have repairs made Allow ing 100 on that was given arrest 30 days EDUCATION ocrr PROMOTING emrr worm Charles in Centre Simcoc this week ed from many parts of the province to promote craft work in schools Youve lltltlll crying tor ltiils all kiltlltln cook lllgtltttmintussmn bother Nothing to tight nothing to burn costsJustactlnltr so 89 aboltl tollruns lounge Jergens Han jCamphorIce Cueumber 7A Almond and Cucumber Trushay Price 50c shelfill the hut whelctmrsolzl diet had been quartered previously evidence it is still theft said the Crown lie to date from Gaitskell provincial superintendent of art and crafts for the Ontario Department of Educa tion visited township school areas and exhibited samplesilf craft work and art work which he has collect He is encouraging teachers and pu pils to enter more fully illto thisl type of activity Mr Gaitskell came to this province from British Col umbia and was engaged this year the Creme or Almonchotlon 43c Velvetta Hand Lotion The admire an Lotton 50o NoxemaCream Outex Hand Cream 43c Allandale Lumber Fuel 60 oal Coke Wood Bulltlers Supplies PHONE 3551 ItOu hhDh llAndutl Remember your loved ones with cm appropriate Easter card Large assortment to choose from Williams BOOKSTORE 30 Elizabeth St Phone 4055 Barrie Ont oz 0611001Ilm9M0 SHAMPOO wml Helps to bring out the natural beituty in your hair r5193 55c lldroOt waveet 15o Drene Shampoo 39c69c Woods Lemon Shampoo 45c VitOf Shampoo 25c CocOnut Oil Shampoo 29c Vitalis Topic 540990 Woodburys qu Castile 55c Woodburys Tar Shampoo 55c Marchand WWW Lotion 50o Witch Hazel 25o Cream 500 25a I3tlc59c is izssn till oaomma zmwou Rinses Nestles Lovaloh ii IiIzlllill ROBERT ROOERT 9W its as vacuum nappy Post Office

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