Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1945, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE BARR EXA 1mm gimme ONTARIO CANADA rnritterm immunity 13 mt MwMvMArwrArvMs hiwwI AI IWIII II II MWHMI 11 3W WlA Id 1143 mam lls LITTLE lHlxGs lHtll Vllllld II rm 11 l1 e1 TIIEIJC Frances mutant of WCTU afymr R005 it 19 fr his II In tl1 pzcscnt 11 liCC IIII IIII Elan to Club II no nill v1 the boily III IIIIIdI Iostuur Julia do in IIII immad Ir IIIIIE II HI Nut lNIll eun uissios 11111 11 to lie tllill of ltit1llilt 115 11 Irteirsting iri33l 41 lln Lisa 1i iHu Let 11i II 1iilr 111cn 11 rivx 3mm whim II III IIII 31 lal l1 It Ir III1liIIIIIIII1 IxI rII l1I1I IIV1llIxHl IIHIIII III III II Iaitr view rrri ztlh Llitll 11 In Hatter t1 11111 tine naihlnli If III III rII II II MIII lelii 11111 nt the 111 CCIhI vrlrnii in spawn 1l rl yin lltltI H511 unhn ll llrml lit 11 llztrl newt31 mmn IIl rt =Ir Itv II II IIIIIII III II II II III mnutlhumm hoHT Hr MEI Illt lrllIL it ill Ir1 1l at Airs III III In my mm IIIIW SUIT 1oiglt Would lrappci and 1111l ly rI 5p MM WM JIM II it IIIII II iI III II II WI MI IIIIn tiYIHiisllllx Litavtt Iill lllgtbLJl llirlIhA 111 II xlri it lit III tin inane of Mr Ill III ml IIIII IIII ILIVIrI MIMI 1m Infield 1111 litlll inr 1115111111 111m llu tlrlr ull tllrti vat Ill 1101 it aguur he slain II hriiirv 111l111 1111 11 Win il Myth ti 1117 is prescn IHI VeiIzitza ny salary 1ll not be niau HI 11 11 tnl it tl1 II II no Iiv an fig wr II II 11ugt ltlttr1f1lltl lta 11 by M1 IX ll mmI II trrv 121 11 II II Iierkrr au 121 111 Innton lIlIWlllm rr II1III I112 In 11 lr15r run by Mrs Vikki Ii l1 AntuJ l1gt Ii lilack until mlqu mfm II VI III that hirer huge III laven though she no 11111 1li 11ltl eineho tire tf tilrl To mark till Work lrel lll Il rll tile ttlllI IlHligt 11 Harrie the same pilhllluil pioyer will he justitnd 11 Her xi 111lrr 131 Hell 11 plru and plan 1111lr mt Iv 11111111 11l 111 11 lllnlt nioner than she Ami tl1rl as the Lawton11 1I units I1 re IrtluHI 11 tu not in 1iiIIIIIII IIIIIIJIIiIIIIS wail received because of her Ilitlt It 4211 lelml II MI ed knowledec and he unit 11 tilt l11li1lr Ave Ottawa II IIII IIII tiiuitl lwi1 err1111111 Follow1 Ah IlliiltI imren tllllruiI Mlmvy mwml blwmul and 11th up ii IIII II It 11 mm rr dourz lot of tinnitus 11 Im lliursday lriday and Saturday ilentlur rtnmsplzrrc 1v Itsupe11tcinie11t Mrs llill Hull II II IIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIII 11 II 1a II WM ruI L11 ii 111 rIuI Ivr 11 Hm s111111IlMII1I lint bean Imd It be him WWII III qui I1 1117 hi the llltldlt group as unlit It III 10m Hm mimnna IIIIII IIII wl lit lAW the Mel winhe NHL 1111 do Jtistice 11 the can 11113 Group l1o1 tIllIl lh te taale emniuced by the Junior ne nomcn have done 111111 llt gt 11 eitli 1z1h llniris uroI llOPCSllIll Amwmo is IumV and ltI1ill1tl nr 11 Htllll Marjorie Scott taking part mum in fwd iI 1tu II II ell Willa lrhssines of lilo as well as one or rum OZI 69C 57C III II III If IWIFI th ltIgtlxlJL xIlltlli vlAV ti 11s pleasures know 1lt1111v1 II llrnnchizla takes 11 neu 111 1911 s1 mi 1er experiencw Mm wrimmv lmmlkx Ma ruin n1111etl1atcly II III IUIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIW IIIlII IJNMHICIII who has very poor health 11111 to relieve the 100i 89C 29C 1v no will lllIIll 11 llsIllllIII MII IIllenvmccd that large part of her littllllitb Ill chest new LI1i AW 1111111 rea to 11c 111 10 10111 illl Sllllltnllul time lliit Inc nHwy hm Imd am IIIIUNE I5 IIIIII 5h III IIIIIII II HMH it Jr 11 11 I1=116l11 11n sturv 1s cwlwinlyIrch IIIIi ibIIe I51ItUIiiIIIIQIICSIIIII III IIIIIII MI II II II rups pastryllnur mm Mimic IlnLIng II II llt toes no in ier eatnuz in tut rm rum immltluurl lmulr 1111mm 1111 11 Il 12w lus ll um th hearing Ihe speaker was 111 is indium buns III II 11101 llllHlll 25C 18C rangoxwilom tsklnlvsqi I1111 31 Ii1ll Vehlr lr triiducerl by Janice Mctuaig with Hue we can It hm hm NI 8417 battle 500 Sift dry ingredients out In shortening till vrn Slltllrrit NH Liliu Ill lilll Irris 11111l1631l Ilttlll tllL thtC til II linruldd milk to make soft dough Iurn dough II II lltll appetite l5 lllllI 11m mm Hum Mud and mm IIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII unth litlI11I ll lrvtlrllllil thanks l1I bf lllt liitcilncdiatr IIICCSSmI moaning mt MI ms II Of 33C 26C uimIm IIstolrLllL3022llhtlygrenscrlIayercnki Mrs In Szilrnit MW lillllwrli eronn ritflltl hearty uames Ht whether me mtg WWWmm In at or nitnuies Split and butler lt wt MIMIHIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIWIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIWI 31 raIu III 11 11I1l IlI1iItIIuIIt injoytrl and tilt tuning elostt Anyone who You was mm 25CI 19C 11111 1r11 11 11 rrth light refreshuunts served by the Senior iroup with Marie Sal ter as convener assisted by Mar can eat an extra slice of bread uhtlI butter at each meal whether tvlllI wants it or not Milk is prime homern layers and up with oumu swci Lomhlne 53 cups Ol untrch nectiona halted with the social arul tiraiiul 211111111it1es under the slurrencisinn of Mrs IIPENETRATINGI LINIMENT Reg 45cI34c ahout cup honey Lelsmnd lnrolrigorurirfnr rCUlfJ Wk 17 Ill itll IA ll arel lalkc Dolls lrillllbell Ellltl necessity md even if yUu HA Aw AM to 11 ll rlgllvrdlll slmruakr II ols 1tsptl l1 tlltl 11 Ill ilrrr il MI XI V1IIIlt Mrs has hkc III II yIIII IIIIC SIIIIIIIIIS IIhIIIII Hgfhs were served by recruiters of 111050 31111111 111 behalf of the Visitors building up your health you 54 V4 www MAIHJNCANADA vm5 groups the 11111thly meetingHmpd Ilp Cumm SIIth virls for lst llllll VI III lllt Illlllill It lllllllitll 9tl1ei1 hospitality and expressed the If It II IL 53 25C 19C Georee adozan of The Barrie PIN1me imi mie wle but bcltvirrriirrrr rw W7 urd is lm oirant II rm of many such occasions Ul ltllillll Onc 111 vmmu 1de ripMp 11 Reg MW fellowship among all the CGIT nl nI as lCllllll ll shc malt blltti IME the town The evening Clltled biscuits than her mother Tin1 aggI 25C 19C II gt AIII Sillglll ill IIlilpa the OWEN CG first time she made them she 11d Ir ght C1051 it as her mother did and they were IIICIQ not ver Wood The next time she II Valentine Dance was held Ill CHLORINM followed exactly the recipe on the SsellblI ha Bime CUI baking powder can and they were legiate last Tuesday evening with very good Hm mUmmusI bi 60 Udell attending The ha were much drier as she did not 11 VitaDici 15c and 35c II IDAFER uni anTIIVlluinin 1U IALMOI IVE Multi le Vitl in Ide Simply WHiled mi thch nearly as much liquid as the recipe Bvbolnplcx SOAI were no Valenti118costunies Angus caued OYIThe woman wcm Capsules Ross member of the teaching say that hex motherS ms was for 170 Bionic AYERST 100 ttlllIllC vitamin staff played the piano and there supplement for 3c much better than hers as hergt was also music from combination Now contain liver was inclined to be hard and bit radioeramohone Joan McBride I1 LES Idafer is an ideal day nch capsule as pieIsidentIof the Student Council Ejlghio LISIIiIfezllUflaiILh In tonic to help re COd Iilver Oil columns Vitamins AI was hostess for the event and danc mount of liquid 5ch Bile iymnm store strength and 670 $169 Ill and Niacin ing continued until 11 p111 Several to be good mu have muchi energy Excellent Ammo and Rib0 of the teachers were present 1114 liquid as possible and still be able for rundown con BRONCHIDA llavrn eluding Principal AWE Girdwood to handle the dough Pastry is the lition 11IAI SOIIIIIy IIIIIII 90 II exact opposite Only sufficient 60 caps 1602 Btlc Cough Syrup bullpy Last Sunday evening group of liquid must be used just to hold $115 $125 OZ 500 Australian New Zealand Norweg the pastry togethen ion and RAF men and women at Too much water is sure to make the pastryi tended Collier Street United tough and ham II to SICK 00M NEEDS Chm MacllhersOn assisted Rev cups Ileftover sh 11a cups Lewis with the service At the cream sauceI teaspoon filmy lie sure to keep il good stock of these important drug items in case of sicknessh YDROGEN PEBOXIDE 191 15c 335 GAUZTEX 15c 80c close of the service social hour chopped mm cups mashed p0 was spent in thcchurch parlors tatoesI McVittic led in the singing Add the fish and mm mi 0f 11 number 6f hymns arid all im cream sauce Line buttered cas prompt Program was enjoyed by serole with mashed potatoes put all Ardeclunch wasserved sh the mid3mm by the 0110l1 with mashed potatoes Roughcn the surface with fork brush over with melted butter and bake in moderately hot oven of 375 degrech until heated through audvIbrowncd on top Adhesive Gonzo The bridge and cuchre held by Bayview Chapter OES on Mon day Feb was in every Way Successful event The committee lunder the abledirection of Mrs Mae Agnew was very appreciative of the aid of all those who made up tablesand Contributed to the suc cess of the evening snot 101 Feminine Hygiene For Household Use For Cuts Burns etc Disinfectant 35c 55c $125 MEDICINE GLASSES 61 we INFANT sYRINGErtecn 19C 33C squint TUBING 232 Cheese Fondue cup scalded milk cup soft bread crumbs 11 lb mild cheeseI cut in small pieces tablespoon butter 12 teaspoon salt eggs Mix the first five ingredients add the beaten egg yolks and fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites Pour into buttered baking dish supportJill BCI Centennial set in pan of water andbake in Libbys DeepBrovrined BeunsgureBackI Serveilieni to Your Family Soonl HereSTOne meal you never have to worry about or loss over banish that The girls of in not will hold tea this afternoon from four to six 1111 and theIproceeds will be used to XI tired feeling Scholarship Fund All parents are moderate ovIen af350 degrees for III II Nothing to do but heat serveand enjoy Libbyschefs usrng being invited W40 minutes 8C to 256 TaylorBoInId rJohnsonISLIJohnson rriiuiuo BandMd CABBOLIC CINTMENTReg gic tIIItheiT exclusive process havecooked evgery bean at uniform ttmperature to deeprrownedItoothsome perfection The following letter has beIre six weeks and as dontvknow very Iceived by the local Branchiof the many peoplehere perhaps youd Navy League and is only one of care to write me letter Id be thcanany such which come to hand glad to hear from you Im not It is Very gratifying to the workers really asailor Im aIPetty Officer rknOW that the Ditty Bags are classed as anERA that is En source of comfort and cheer to Igine Room Artificer have been the men of the Senior Service and in the Iservice sinceIIAugustI 1940 itIIisIfeIlIIt that this letter will be of and have sailed the North Atlantic interest to the many in Barrie whjo forthree years but atrtheI moment No hardIbeans at the top Io Nodry beans in the Imiddlel hrIbIe soft Imus ans oIIIbe bottom The appetIeasing aroma of Libbys DeepW4 helped donate 300 bags this past IImIIbased in Londonderry come IReady mime hdIIICIagGlS IQ season The letterdated Jan 29 fromIStratford Ontario andl have Clinical for quick rst aid Browneg Beans Emmi SuPellllve Ste and receivedaby Mrs MHarnil played football in Barrie severall actumtey years ago Ireland is beautiful country Ilove it Thecountryis wonderful in summer time II have sailed between Newfoundland and Derry in 1941 until 1942 so ImseeIII ing it again after spell My leg is in cast and while it is healing II have been offered 2i days leave of absence to goto Scotland and England Id love that but dread the thought of travelling handi capped Ias am Well Marjorie must leaveyou nowhsl am running shortof space vAnyway bless you again for your foresight in making up that ditty bag Mygood wishes ton 62 High Street Barrie is as follows DeanMarjoriezwrl trust you will forgive me at taking the liberty of calling ybu byyour Christian name but it appeals toIme as being more friendly Dont you think so Be sides want to be friends with you after receiving your donation of ditty bag it contained every thing most desirdand take this Iopportunity Iof thanking you formaking it possible forIme to receive it received lttoday and at most convenient time 89 at the moment of writing am inlthe Naval Hospital in LondondIerry are with the Navy League and the NHL witha broken bone in one foot Ladles Aux Lions Club for mak needed razor blades theIuiorst ing it possible to make sailorshap way and also towel Blessvyou py remain your friend Marjorie feel rather indebted David Robertson ERA Vl7201 to you Perhaps can send you ltgt something frOm Ir land Have youIrenewed your subscrip shall be in hos tal at the least tloni 1er nessf you cans as hr Special 69c ImeaIly as wellbaked potato and so avourful IinakIyourIIpalate rejoice Tender rm dlectable Only Libbys DeepBrowned Beans IIatisfy so perfectlyso ask for them by name 11m MEMBEns NIGHTS DRUG STOREI Ncht to Roxy Theatre Helena Rubinstein Toiletries DIAL I3 BERTSONS DRUG STORE Opposite Post Offibe LAURA SECORD ICHOCOLATES IDIIALI 903 018 BOOKS STATIONERY KODAKS and FILMS nun CUSDENS PHARMACY Elizabeth Arden Toiletries HaroldIHSJusden thB Wellington Hotel Block min 3710 20I ozIItin contains to servings IDliveries are Ibeingrmade to your grocer its is asiproduction permits if hershould be Impotarily out of stock please remember that urrgrocrand LibbysIue doing everything osbibchto en uitable distribution R0 surean cc humown

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