Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1945, p. 10

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PAGE TEN HONOR MR AND MRS Will Sit 1gtrrrnnmpg osmgro CANADA THURSDAY rsnnrxsav 15 tors PMMWL gt1 jmfl myriiir rumor in still llot if tvtg to soon BLACK BROWN BLUE VI llfdlS ma Tits incomes sures Minus to It LTD Phone 4259 11 i=1 t1 Alile was Wu Swag v4 ridfii d1vl sir 111 rut1 CHQEQLATE 11 ti wf ll VVVV VV EV VVV VVA IL lV Tqu PANAMTMNQ vVchllV EVVlEillleV ltIlli te tl 11 tlltlt ll tl ir 111 Rf 111 iii tllitiialti llitltl hm mtJ All 11 if ii triowtwy ilzxngj NtI 11 Death of in avrrly was il ltll tilirtt This 1111 mm 111 Osborn FormerlYt ti 11 11 li illtlildl leiilllll hll ilV of Dalston Will Be aunt1 the if 11 lirroi 11 vE in l11lt1 l1i atitndiiie VV tit ti l5 ti 11V v7 VA vi YLGrS wed In 111 115 lr 11 ilt 111am ittli vi Ml WW mSlll 1111t maven AT 11 213 irrrlf T1 iii wt lieamt liil dwitvl CAVALfER ll it ll 111 fir Shirt r1 xj jttjlgilltt Vxiimd 11 ysons II EVE VV VV wilt Wotrieris Institute Hrvru 111 February 11111111112 oi the Vi ll Tea run ind Shop 12 121 wivr xiii1V1 11 113 Ill5 Vullltirls ltirltlilit lwth 111 111111 100 OR THE SIGN tr 31 11 51151 ill liltl ll li 11 Vi ri earn lleziry Rinioii died leb it tittiltzi party when ltli 111cc rumour st riiimetssz 11 11 iii 11 11115 ft 1111 urn11 vii11111 ttm W11 0111111410 it it thi ll jti lie xas 111 111 112111 ral lull lvllmx Tim lw uid il 51 Wk munitions or clothing to 33 3211 XXIII mllllfi HM llt tll with the quilt The 11 lslie Dr 1111 he Ttltrtl llti lilti 11 allJill Hl Ill MM mllstm Wm Hui Eln ll in it rr1v inner Hill 111 lltltilimfv 1115 lltltl Jlrs Small and lr MM 130 11 111 ti in irved 111 lit years ttl yesterii Wright vccrs rinriririiioirdy lll Sunday with 11 l1 tiiove mu my wire to llllitilll ir president arid seczc lrtii Id ill to lltlllit frwili into min for eais and for some lilllltiitlttt for the duration velie11d lll 311s 1111111 Hf VWVVV up Vshlm Hi HIVVVVV Wim mp walk Mrs WHVKlit itportttl 02 llilllibs My rittnueir 101m wood tlliiiil 311 illtorritsi imr we 15 Wine lVIVlllillllnlflfjiiiVlsll all ll lwlm Bullders Supplies ml mm ml lld 1mm ll tiucd trinllzilt aiihtherarrictiiiii dlt ledcr 1ri of Aiiivulture mum 3553 ESSA RD 311 11 nwl lira 314 uldttl mitesinzrn by voc1tioiiziiirlrmem about ire end of March to winch 11111 at lerejv Burmas 111 Monday gt mom litil 111111211 tltltlllgtlt or 1111 Lnited tlirrreh sinviv Ctnronu will have mlt1rgt1inrtimitr HWiinrz Uri iiifire roiiiitiv ll their are his wife Annie Stewart c3 erx Ruth Siiitii Vvoueil over 1171 11 children Norman Arthur and Hylrhmiintffll Filing 31ch In ExilfflwllltilaH51 hmllm VVVVN 1V HV nth llVIylll1lllll hlllnlliyfljmulll5$1370lyrlglgpliliiflli gilt llriitted VtMVS aridVWA on Fri llieryuw1 Red Cross lttlllt 1111101111 lab 11 Mrs llerb 111 the lowirliin Hall mt litr 1111 11111 nine lioailij 111d llllltltllll one sister Wallaces The World Day nf 1gtriiyg Mrs lnm liar rind ltl Wallace Toronto one lljtlyer service for this community lliinler Russell coinolataiii Allan Will be held in the lrcsbyterraii Spence e11lt ir lrlttitll held liiinroil1er 1lli1Blliiriii Caritoil ltllllllt ottersf llr win NY two halfsisters Mrs Florence luuh Milli IOb ill 230 STOKE is now carefully washed and oil the lllt il tire 1111111V 111 ion 211 11 vi St Andrews Presbyterrorn Collier St Baptist Church Hut VV Church RICV rllTClililili Minister lullt tuiv Hxirs tritiitasoN RA semi1v illlilzl 1111 1111111 Fittitil 1111 11 1131 11 1=1 111 riariri itllil QLuxVltltR tins11 Shir MW pciock Mrs 11 noun qr Nayiuy 1611am in liivnt 111eior i11 111 years Xiiiistroiiig Vernon Mrs llltll pnncd gimme Pregggieintliv hrid tsigitiiisivitu1ng 1Vll1tllL 1t MM ll tlllNlN lr and 111n 131111llmf l1lll $2111Killsfllfiieuiilnham from icathcd tin 1944 iiiocrniim the Dirt Wright tiller lllll Rev it T11 litlt terrace 111 Stiii =l laisley gave very interesting llli riiiiisrmx eiqirsiiitirivr mml mum IRENE CALLING 1111 on The Church 11 liiailand THE VANCEllllfl iin tiszislatrne 1111 iii contin 121111 ltev Lewis conducting Ml Dmlhy 100 Gilllltior and French lllllil Clilttil W0 lill tttittltlitt the llli$itillttt iit 1111ronei tor it years and iii the trio Smith Funeral Chapel their diiiitei lliibetli Norine Mirl IllSUNDAY Sllmol l3 SINS gelat wialtl llorbritirik rim 111111111 Xian 1111 service Interment was in the mu lllidltlltst died at Kirk ItllS AStldilllOn bllSthSS in 113143101111 H11 1120 m1 llllllltll Fellowship lr 121 Mrs simirwi lloil1tittlltt WW vivinrt in the ltuislatum Harrie Unitm Cemetery The Dall 13M Iake Fuesduy Fm 1945 leWllig i01VCmI imllnk yOul Cornelo Clllerh lliilllll SiIdi ltSititietmS TWUHM MN 13 it Mia itllt Iillittllltttl tht state terry bill bearers were Alex Stewart ipglwas my wryea ld BM so 11115011110121 31qu lt Wedtlpnl11yer and lliblehtridy 31 Naoiunae mum 51 idlril 11o1111 llltli lttliltttl tin bruins lhomas Phillips Edward QLll 19131 Slit uls ill dommm mlldc 110 Vic 11 Monro iu1 tiopirltiiitte tor terry HHlttSll per cent Juries ll Wing Norman llrird Fri 11111 121119 leo iles Service 111 11 the erusiveunuiMIZ Nioiri llgtti introduced the iiar there were several lovely vi isht 11o1111 Iiiil AIMEV bill ltlllllti the local time Cilt iloral tribrrtes lllLllLtlllll the es his int 1111 l1btllt FUll GOSPEI TOVbernOCle vllilt NS to ltr Wit1111c could 11 ss venison and any teem Ill which the deceased was 20 Muicaster Street liriall llainilioii lioinc oii other llltll provided that safetylreld Among the flowers were liarn Barrios Revrval Centre Mm mm hum Vim iioiilrl ll put 11 ballot box 11111rhs from Lawson and Jones Iljimghlmggr Vmd Jam tor Home in loronto two quilt CrCVQ 15 membel 0f lllt tops reporteil made Al the close Anglican Church Surviving are her of 1118 meeting 11 very successful parents her baby daughter Donna bilk 51110 litWCld imtl hlth GauV and me brothel in CAR the hostess aiidlrinch committee Her husband was some time aeo re LTd Cl353 See Coming Invents for East iiouiD yr PASTE PW VV ted missingr overseas The in homs Lam BVA Mmlster 11 ninth madi ittoriiits lad London Kresge C01 pm 13 511 HQV Grace Hi mm rlrorontm1n 33 Shawn era was heldimm the homerof her ii iiifllie ind 111cc 77 qrrxbnv FEBRUARY 111 1113 37 Mary Street Barrie illlllmlwcc Brigade Form 3A BCI parents at Mldhum mm was ducted by Rev II Howden of Trinity Anglican Church Inter ment was in Barrie Union Ceme tery The pallbearers were Albert ll l4 TtlliiiSI ill Allitl 24 PhlrSUNDAY SCHOOL 7110 PM Religion in the Home Mr Osborn is brother of An and Form 101 BCI Those attend tlici Osborn oi Dalston Mrs ltavid our the funeral from Toronto were iliions inlicet of Weybnrii Sash Mrs Wallace Mrs Frank Wal illltl Mrs has Gardner tNaoinij lace Waiter linion and Frances SUNDAYFlIBRUARY 18 an it Altlielievers Meeting PMSuriddy School MH JUST ARRIVED anaemic IRONS tl is Christian 3511 tier 11191 had 31 Hill Ill Fir ilv Aliarl lllGospel Servrce ll Nutshell 5111111111111 Sash tBinion wallmn 01 ORUIL Hmml ii raw llm Ml mm tttl Mu Ll Dorari Ralph Scharidien Ivan near this itiSlJtlilll WWW VtilvllllzlllPmPriywmemnz 3113 lillirl Cairns Eldon Monteith Solo Near to the Heart of 111th All cordially invited Robert ll Ailiner thr RST BAPTIST YPF WILLIAM THOMAS AZLETT le lflll About ltl riicmbers andvfriends William Thomas Hazlett Con 13 cuts here No doubt many who had cisterns lot the VBYIU met at Mr and Mrs Oro husband of Rebecca Marshall ii iii south side 1111 their lions 12311117111115 ttt lltsly SCI for jolly Hazlett diedL5 at Ililllcresti Private i1ldlltcll by tlf til aeriiine socia on itllltllly Feb Hospital Ori in on irirs 1yan Flrsr Bopllst wChlIJrCh Monday afternoon 12 Quite number of men frrim 25 aged 71 years He had been ill Clappemm Orse As the Inllwel 31 Borden attended about three monthsfi Trlnlly Angllcan urc REV HAIREi MmlSter llllllV 103l1fil LV Misshiary Brock led in short Mr Hazlett was born in Cm on REV 11 HOWDIIN BA Rector Miss Elsie Cloughley ATOM 13 fwllld Ape VLi devotional period assisted by Mrs the homestead from which he was II WRIGHT Organist Organist and Choir Leader 51561 ThursdutI Clarke Miss Margaret Sinclair buried on Saturday afternoon His file sign of spring appeared and Mrs llaire variety of lifetime was spent in the township First Sunday in Lent SUNIzprBRUARY 13V 194 Saturday afternoon when 11111 mumps um rimtggtg prepared and He was the son of the late Mr and AMHLY COMMUNION 11 AVMVMORNINGWORSHIP llClhlll all 511mm mmlg 0m led by Mrs Harry Long and Mrs Mrs John Hazlett He was married it 111th Thora are few UPCHV gt AIMYoung 19mg Bible mphMlmBIBLE SCHOOL 03311311in CW1 ml mum cm ll lomhnson entertained 1111 in 1901 to Rebeccr Mirsliilldaugh bv Mrs lathe Shakcll Everybody welcoaie IL MCCLURKIN John Ilerbert McClurkin passed away suddenly on Monday Feb 1945 at his home 28 Wellington St Barrie He had been in poor health for theVpastathrcc years Born at Shelburne on June 27 1908 he was son of the late Janes Mc Clurkin and Sarah Still who both died when he was small boy He lived around Shelburrie andHoney wood all his life until five years ago when he came to Barrie In We also Repair Irons Toasters and small electrical applianccs URRYS 36 Barrera Si Cl Delicious and tirnety re er of Mr and Mrs Thomas Mar masses lumber The height trains nave htorn religion he was Presbyterian He 11 XMLMORNING RRAYER algopgkiEglgggggllggii been riiniiiiig day and night since llCblitlllllVlC servedwby thiVe so shall odego Besrdes hTiV Witch V1 had played hockey and lacmSSC in Preacher Saturday cral Committee With 15 urvrve one son 1011113 35 Dufferin CQumylmgues In Barrie MDllqu lmBYPU The YlU Wt ll THCdill FOE Boyd at the head hearty sine Iett of Oro five daughters one bro ther and ten grandchildren The daughters are Mrs Lorne Scott Robina Mrs Norman Ratcliffe Cora Mrs Lloyd Scott tlzie Mrs Harry Wrigley iVinie all of Oro and Miss Elsie Hazlett at home John Hazlett Forest Home is brother Mr Hazlett had many friends and enjoyed the high es 3th 11 11 ASll llllldtllllAlfltil Wed Feb 21 United Lenten Pivny with lnLllll1S and four isi song concluded mi my ID ytl Driiiinr the letollilll gt11xntirl School ColllllllSlilll er Servrce Collier United Church thanks of the members were es at period biieflisCiisVsioiVi Wild palSUNDAY SCHOOL ervice men and women always ion by Rev Rent This was lUllCl lo ml Ms Mlmcn ml in kinle oifeririedhe use of their welcome mowed by 50111 games Fxl was set as the date for theVVnext borne he Rectois Ul it meeting11 sleighride and Valeri sQ Iii the Step1 Elle el 1111 party Among the community weeklies His zip ism Iownr le Cllull ll All lull tleeting Ill lCel Tl Clllludtly 10 10 IS no belle llV lth 11135 CROSS In l7lllV Lilltl 01 DCLlLL hewas employed for time at the Royal Victoria Hospital and later at the Wellington Hotel He was married to Mac Anderson of Shan ty Bay who survives with one son John Wayne The late Mrf McClurkin was of friendly nature and highly re garded by those of his acquaint ance The funeral was on Feb United Church Corieis for the home of Mr and Mrs Examiner Big cireulatron7Trgh Ufthrtmrrmmtywhex 21 24 with Food reader interest and effective display lived He had served as schoo Illlic treasurer 105011 trustee The ftmeral was held Sat ed fair balance after accounts of urday from his residence Lot 19 the year were paid Mrs George Con 13 Om Services were com 110 60stde the 9100110 0f Ol ducted by Rev Albert Millen Unit 11 AM ricers vale lhunks was CX ed Church Hawkestone Interment te 1321 Coiibett for his ser Church Parade of Collier Street vcgsf0he chom and to others was made in Esson Cemetery The United CGIT Scout Troop 71nd foil their cooperation during the pallbearers were six nephews Fred we CUPBOARD from the Lloyd Steckley FEWr eral Home Rev Sinclair1 DD officiated and the pallbearers were four brpthersinlaw Frank and Lewis Anderson Shanty Bay Robert McDonald Stroudg Elmer Hunter Thornton also Ray and Edt ward Taylor Barrie The remains were laid to rest at Barrie Union Murciawasth velllSing medium than The Barrie ed at all services MRS IFFITHS Free Methodist Mission Clapperton Street REV BALL Pastor SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1945 Wiles William Evans John Evans SUNDAY FEBRUARY 18 1945 Clb Pad 0L Wrlrlasuppiy The meeting clos Norman Hazlett and Cresswel gem fof later burial at Shel 200 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL THE CHURCH SOHO ed 1111 prayer and theNtilIOIttI FULL COURSES OR Halted urne eme ery and rimar 245 PMTHE PASTOR 11 SmggESILIStners Anthe Soldiers and strangerswill find pmVBmaca CqusforYoungMen cordial welcome at thismission 230 meVY0mg womanvs Class ThUTSZB PmsTPrayer Meeting pmJunior and Senior Depts pinAdult Bibieeiass PM Story ofthe Justice of God JAMES Bovnron MOORE ydrth Bay ltNugget Sturg 0n Falls Jan 30Final trib was paid highly esteemedi citizen of Sturgeon Falls James Boynton Moore when funeral ser vices were heldon Sunday after Trimv Womens Association LUNCHEONSV Thine iorererhGoId LovezGloeti 1r the beauty to or forBANQUETS MRS HONSBERGER JIrs Honsberger passed way on Menday Feb 1945 at her home Lot Con Nottawas aga She was in her 66th year and had been suffering as the result of strokesinge Jan 25 1945Mrs be upon us and establishVThou the work of our hands This was the theme for this months meeting of TiiniterA given by Mrs Jas Lennox at whose home the meet ing was held Mrs Fred Simpson noon at one oclock in the United Central ted Church b22222 read the scripture and the lteslign grosnggglffrslym ggsgarasaqr legogniggnbbng Churcmwfouowing short service 31 WW VH 3E EWELL BA lllwigfitslrjllgi 533$ T3111 ladies VH Op Sept 24 1879daughter of the late aims late remdeme th my Minister Phone 4159 Miss Jessie Bryson Organist and ghoir Leader friends attendingand thessnirgeon Falls Masonic Lodge No 447 AF AM of which the deceased had been lifetime meniber Membersl of the lodge formed guard of hOnor for the casket and family during the funeral cortegeto the church where scryiggswere con ducted by RevE Knowles The Masonic Ritual fwasgiven under the guidanceof Waisberg worV shipful master and the sermon de liveredby Rev Goodier chap lain Interment was made in the Union wererpleased to have MrsFCecilr Ferrier present and were delight ed with her solo The Vorce in the Old Village Choilr TThetstcre tar read from oron on feance WAcoricerninig the local branchesresponsibilities towards Britih twar brides and the need 0le ITfY Mr and Mrs George Davidson Glen Huron Shemarried Honsberger Feb 1912 They farmedat Stayner until26 years ago when they moved to their pre sent homenear Creemore in Dec ember 1919 She Was amember of St Johns UnitedChurch Surviving besidesher sorrowing husband are four dabghters Marie hMrs Harris Morrow New Low ell Grace Mrs Harry Middle brook Everett Lena of Barrie arid Vera at home one son Clar The Salvation Army COLLIER STREET Officers in Charge MAJOR LAURACOLLINS stIEUIEBBTRMETZGER VWrVe Still deinloriningVour high standV yard fine quality planning of prewar VVoVQBEIlsoNABLVEVI BATES cancrur CONSIDERATION SKILLED WORKMANSHIP sunphv weather 13119413 AMfTHE LIVING GOD 230PMSUNDAY SCHOOL FEBRUARY 18V 1945 AND BIBLE CLASSES 51mm PitArousal ssnvre 11 AZMrAND 791M xL 0L Speaker CpllW Leighfield 233 PMrSUNDAY SCHO Small orchestra in attendance Tuesday pm RS Womens Aux youth groups l0 mend bedy Wed pm Youth Group meeting Come toGods House on His Day Thursday mm demobilized men and women and of Visitation Evangelism She also stressed the factor the splen did cooperation ofthose socielres who haliteaffiliatedwith the Con ference Mrs Boake also read an appeal for funds for the new Vic tor Home in Toronto for unmarried Wed pmUnidn Prayer Service Friday pm Childrens Meeting mothers To this substantial do ence at home and one stepson Hf nation was granted The parson Creemore also fourteen Cemetery 091119 spiltmed Church Rub Meeung saturday pm agecommittee were askedto see Rare The 1315M core was ham in grandchildren The funeral service was conduct ed at the home on Feb7 by Rev Rlntoul Interment was in Cree ior UnionfCmeteryv The pall bearers were neighbors Walter Rowe HenrYMMiddlebrook John Lennox Cecil Coates Jack Steed and Fuller Wilson Friends from distance were from Goderich Stratford Toronto Stayuer Collingwood and Barrie Beautiful floral tributes were sent from Scanlon Bakery Aurora St Johns United Church Cree more Cremere Womens Institute and from relatives andVindivVidualV friends to somenecessarv work and the ladiesiwere encouraged to start their plans for the fall bazaarone member having completed some of her work already Definite plans were made for several quilts At the close ifthe meeting the ladies enjoyed very delicious lunch at terVthic1r there was meeting of theexecutive withI Rev Kent RESULTS ARE THE PROOF Among the community weeklies otCanada there is no better ad vertising medium than The Barrie Examiner Big circulation high reader interestraud effective display bombingIto ggive best results Thornton Ont 81 years ago His marriageto the formerMiss Louise Beatty took place in Flesherton in 1906 coming to take up residence in Sturgeon Falls in 1900 where he operated grocery business from whichlhe retired five years ago His death occurred suddenly in Foleyet or January 24 He had been employed there for the past two weeks He issurvived by his widow one daughter Mrs Nichol Sturgeon Falls and two sons Ronald RCE and Chester CFCOverseas Mr Moore was arformer member SATISFACTION HABIT VV NUsnnvmn Cleaners and launderers 74 Elizabeth St Phone 2471 BARBIE oiMinerYilWgefsmud it BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH REV QBEEN MA ThD 1313 Minister r11 ALM MODERN ATTITUDESTOJESUS The Attitude of Opposition43 Disobedience 1YoungiworshippersLeague Story Ihe First Gate 230 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL TERM Third Sermon in the Seriesr The on Words from the Cross The Word or FililAffction and Friendship groupiof soldierszromCamp Borden will worship with us acVp tainted by Chaplain Goldring andlater enjoy Fireside Hour seLof thejservic provided by Groupr2 tiltitre Womens ojidr ditheirVwivesofAllandalmord aitv invited rmit when urban

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