T818 WEEK 15303 Copies 13an Yeorwwi lSARRlE OfxTARlO CANADA THURSDAY ram Section zlroge to it FOUR TORONTO MEN BLEW SAFE AT TOTTENHAM PIIOOlfrolllflviIItOIllddlIllInllllllllolllOOOMOlWN Imperial ThurPriSat BIG ENTERTAINING BILL Footlight Glamour with BLONDIE and the BUMSTEADS lenny Singleton Arthur Lake Larry 51mm Ann Savage Jonathan Ilalc SHOWING ON IIIIJ SAME PROGRAM till ELLIOTT Tex RIITER in PRAIRIE GUNSMOKE with IRJNK tllltlIIiIJ VIRGINIA also IIIILIi SIOOOILS OAIIZDY and CARTOON STARTS SUNDAY AFTERMIDNITE 1205 llllllllll Mlllll Till MEllllllll hasa DIM lFORMER Cl EBORDEN RCAF HOUSE or HITS lIS MISSING THURSDAY rmnrr SATURDAY ONIINIOIS SHOW SATURDAY 230 IM IIVE SHOWS AT 615 AND RAI illl up InnAm Mann Nldlohont PNHHFIF i1 IND mm lulicd paper in Hamilton estallshed The anniitr laminar and County ol Simcoe Advocate in lcuinaiy 18M littl IIIII siqucnzly it was published by his son Byron iitholmn ill was ltilltllilrlltlll UlliLlIWlJl bl bunmcm the lug Hum 152w il Seiticr Hiili Ignition Silnml Th lunar Imposed or hp paper ullglmml lull LI WM in cut Managing Editor in Jam 1895 Tillg liXMthlflt til III ltttt one oi the whoop amalgamated with The Saturday itorinc in Ilol1lbtl ItllxliuICIfjiIfliIiliiIVIIvIi IfIiIlIIIIII 19H ind purchascd The Barrie Advancc in iprl llittl IIIIUIjI IWI III IIIIIIIIIIII loicrunncr of The Advance was The Maurat tiri gm WI mm IIIIII IH journal published north of Toronto which W1 tunabl li rimi Vttltljv Loan inlutlt xltf id by Thomas lioxIlhwles on August lit The now II in Limilm iigzirt llI 111 innit llv was changed to Tim Northern Advance in 1832 iin icxmnNiu originally Vl ll II illlli mul ietntntd right gens ltli lh ll iId la ititillllllt at the office IICAlllOOII to tht agency o1 llit in xift formerly hum Sililli Bank of loronto Dunlop St lhc price was $1 per an iilltl bub lwvnu nuni if paid in advance wlth 50 cents added no so paid Its slogan was British lrecdom and Colonial lhc prospectus announcing the tstiibliliml pi Li Barrie Examiner Completes EightyOne Years of Service IIIL IXIltIE EXIMINIIR Mars tltlii the ccinimuzidy zitgt2 lolit of the papcr was pubtlshii on Friday lVi iiiiiI 1864 and its publication has Continued an that late coniplir MI rw Still reside in puwil onilti In part as lonqwsz Ilrnlly helmwng than Um ht hum Ullmlllhun now tthlllllz bctwccn Canada and treat Britain the pen pic of this province enjoy advantages to he found under no Otlhcr alliance or om Of gqvenlmult Tm EXAM INER Wm leakle advocate measures mimic draw closer the bonds bctWCen this country and thc parent state lhroughout its eightyone years IllE EXAAIINIJI has steadfastlyIadhcred to that bclicl rmuoooomm tmnww lemrarllOthlloillotlItvlflll RUSsELi PARKS KILLED OVERSEAS ill ll liil 5illtd llt 42nch Snotvfall Feature of the Week Illli PRINCESS AND SlARRING BOB IIOIE COMING IllllrtltlrlllllIfltIIlIIrIOllIIOIOIIOIOIIIIllltllltrlflfllo ziinqlc copies of Tim Examiner Tell it well and it Will scll For At all neursdcalcrs or this Ilarric and district the telling is best donc through The Barrie Examiner Days Only Mon Tues FUN AND KISSES ISUITS OVERCOATS llcadcr intcresl gives strength to ulvcrtisingz You get it in larzth Read and use Examiner Classieds measure in The Barrie Examiner 52 50 to $3730 $1950 $2250 $2450 to $3750 MENS HEAVY JUMBO KNIT SWEmSU53OS $495 Boys Windbrcakcrsw$395 $495 Breeches $195 to $395 lloys IIaid Shirts $125 Mcns llaid Shirts $195 3225 2600 flying hours In ziddition toiMlSCS Henry who called Jim KWILF TODD the flying instructors course Wing Ponce imd hv W35 ilpllltlldnddbyl Cmdr Caillngchlly has token the C350 and Consmllc WbPl navigatoris my me army com The accused had good record Conducting Broadcast Friday Night with RCAF the C0 of the Ihundcr bird Squadron has flown 63 typcsIlbl Willis Ul lllilli lutldQl of aircraft aggregating more than 10 mm ltd iHVilkcni 755 MENS and BOYS WEAR 55 Dunlop St Burle il Litl hrcn dim nuiftv llltll home il CTvt IliadI li liv Km Ii lll fr 1w II II IIIIIIIIIII HI illiiiiy II um ltt lil zlilltjt liiiizu mscau tANE urow mam ORION JAMES GLEASGN was missing and If llllllllt laler Sunday morning the board of Itlilk Nli ltlll11ll llll PO 010 ARIOON IAIISI NLvb this war Group Captain CarlnuzI llunlop xlitet but in the iiftcriiuou tuul ll ilpp Air tflll ittl Hmullr liclorc noun UJtlstn in Permancnt liorcc officer Wing of lkdnrhm and the MIOW remov fzintrv unit ilIInHN Null illltl llu luluHun Wit on ntcrcd the NOW in June 1933 Maximum and minimum lcmper Ilarric With the Navy IlttiNVllifmtry unit Alis Inlis icceiclcl WC CarlingKelly was amour them Low Iligh Grey and gimme suppQuin tI as fllght commnndcr He was lcb was momma CIRCLE1 FCD Throughout his 10 years service Fifi 19 mmH ll HI1 lll it Hi in and it lith lnll Iwm imdule and lime llttl IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IM IIIIIIIIIIII hon IIICII 0le ll MIS illlllllllll rtleivctl llu ifml lnilv tII lltl pita inc nin Cm ltltiililm illlllltlllltillll llwl lllllllltli min on only two high st lohn ll tllllltl it XA JOSEPHINE IULL MIR JOHN DER ON pnoallu WARNER BROS PICTURE lltd lcttcr from him In ori Works did llltt Iiol of llllllll tlilllt Itlllllllllillnll dcr to so overseas sccond time the ice off lhn lllillt ection of Stunlc ll ipp on it 32 inoulhs and it Borden for tii Kclly had to take down one riiiizisnnw lituan llllllll and lpl it up in thc lllllV luv Illlilill irii Jab lilll llc in Illltjltlllrl to the rank of Wing Tommnmler 11111 into illc nighl for total dcposil limiting if Illuintlnd with in tlirlilllltlll riilis lltlttlt littlltii to Indr arlingKclly is graduate IlIL trucks not ousy again to inath Christos Spams lrlll on ullopcnril llc fought llitnllilll trance of the Royal Military College and llttESllCCls clciu Mm Katina Spoiiis Dunlop Si itliginm Mir Holland mm Th IF eh we mm manu mum When the pionccr City of Illt alures as registered by The Exam as steward Reported at Qtltlttliillltldl wind of the death of her abes OHIO Squadron llllVCtl Ill IIlltllilIKl lliLl lllCIlllUlllClCl WPFC 15 UIIUWSI Tut Dr minim Formerly Willi Irishnnd Imigtlny norninuI II SCIVC latcr returned to Canada and if Itch tcr course at CFS Trenton he Icb Strudel of that dmnccd ying For school for instructors QIcb mom man to ndssns mu INVASION OI MOIMAIDY Pruuuud by Canadian and Bridal Army Iilm BAITLI IOI ll CHIIIOURO Flllhiull Ill YIRIIILI SIIOI OI CAl IHI RICAPTURI OF DIEPPI TIIUMHANIMAIIH INYO IIUISILS Starts atttttttnttttttllln lllllEVlllCENl 2304 ms ANQTHER BIG ADM SPECIAU GRANADA jENTERTAINMENLL riiunsmv mm SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY 230 Screenful of Swelogant Swing Stursl STARRETT MoNtTUEOVWEDO MATrIWED 230 EVE SHOWS AT 645 and pm lIIl GRAND mum YIISM MEMO us viiiring murals MINA vcownov iN THE CLOUDS VBUSTOH BLACKIES must exciting tllm courscsI tho army butgvidcnlly hadIbcm drlnking lie was remandch for sentence next week Drunken Young Soldier Caught Entering Bedroom TOMORROW sronr It was after 1th United Nations PicI mum TmdifI ypung Frmch forces had occupied Berlin and had Canadian soldier appeared in mag HISIICd sweeping up IESl Fell istralcs court on Saturday churg 211115 0f N811 Teglme P019 ed with attempted ibyeakiwlwas passing throuin the city with cntcring at the residence of Miss his family HIS 30 ObSCFVCd Henry 32 Cluppcrton St on statue of Ilitler and inquired who the night of Fb He was rc he was manded Or trial until yesterday Evideith showed that the young Soldier had attrimptcd to enter an plied upstairs window at the residence gold chain and my watch chain BINGO THURS EVENINGS 315 55 Ausp Down of stairs 12 GAMES 2259 GOOD DOOR PRIZE US from our chains the fatherIree rI CRAWFORb INVESTMENTS CO FLYNN BRANCH MANAGER BARRIE BRANCH89 DUNLOP ST TELEPHONE 2443 The Places My boy hes the lnan who food You know mothers nicc Alan Safagc Gordon Sinclair Preparations for thc Cliltll Broadcast from Barrie tomorrow tFri driy night are rapidly being conunctcd Gordon Sinclair Worldrd Inowncd traveller and morc recently Iradio artist and Alan Savage whose nam is familiar in cvcry Ontario household as veteran ofI the radio programs at CFRBaie to be here inIperson and direct purc ly local program over the air The program will feature variousi interviews which will be of special interest to citizens of the town and community as well as the unseen audience the on tho air signal will flash at nine oclock sharp Preceding the broadcast there will be 45minute program by local talent starting at eight oclock Thero isqiiccohunodutiou for approximately 500 people and tickets to that number have been pluccdon sale and are being rapidly bought up Those to swolhcir tickets at once Office Monkinans Drug Store Following the bcoadcast which will last for half an hour Gordon Sinclair will dclivcua 20minutc address describing some of his thrilling and the local sponsors arc the nod Cross Auxiliary all proceeds will golo the Auxiliary as also will achcquc for$50 which tlic Willard Company are presenting RIGHT Now TORONTO experiences in the Wild Junglcs of the Far East lickctsfor the pro3 MEMBERS OF TEE rTORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE gram are 25 cents The cfent is bcina sponsored by Willards Chocolates irvrsr IN FREEDOM riron worm Insurance against anythiuglwhat anidcty and disast rous loss it can save us in both business and prisvatclifc Stitch in Time Insurincel ARE YQiLiN ON The broadcast will take plum rrum thc Collegiate Auditorium and planning to hear the broacast at the auditorium are urged They may be had atIlthExuinincri Wcaymouths BookSlore and Whittysi Drug Store and from membersof the Red Cross Auxiliary VACANT PROPERTY RECENT JUDGMENT IN THE ONTARIO COURT OF APPEAR MAY HAVE YOU WONDERING ABOUT INSUR ANCE ON VACANT PROPERTYWHY WORRY ll Dunlop St BRING your PROBLEMS TO US MALCOMSONS INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 3735 You are invited to WGALA VALENTINE NDANCE AT THE raoc OWED FEB 14 VALUARLE DOOR AND 5901 PRIZES Also PrSeniing THE BAND 91 THE YEAR TEN PIECES SWEET AND PEPPY Besides dgood timey You might win more prize Evnirv IN BARBIE BL Tues EWd iIliurs Sat onnrnuowsl Tammi FEATURING YOUR FAVORITES llHE MUSIAg VennSS CREIGHToNVW ROOML hnwnnmwuu3 VALENTINE DANCE LFEBRUARY 14 II IQDDFELLOWS TEMPLE IAuspicesbfrheIDE KEEP THIS DATE OPEN GOOD MUSIC NOVELTY DANCESI DANCINGWFROM TO PRIZES Admission $150 Couple including Buffet burlth IIErindjlIis VarietYserchritra in Wekir was Amivalet DRESSOPTIONALi Tickets nbe obtainedat Wlitttys Drug Store Reids Barber Shop Weaymvths Book store United Cigar Storelpliertsonfs Drug Store and DIxis Smoke Shop in FR my is Singing Contest FINALS THIS WEEKCome out to vote for your favorite choice sAruiiD AI uric is ffrrize new ff and Larry Cross zsc percoupie Men 50c Ladies 25ch mourn