Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Feb 1945, p. 6

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TEE BARRIE EXAMINER BA Three Meson 5We Acme Army ltNKgtSTKNON 1x it its hwwmrmmwum HLxd In IVE IV 1e om lllitti Mason liarer llnoti trnrgt lilllil1 lllt lrttt Iiieastire of man is his elm Mtf at tabotwtiryyvuai and the 3Itiit test to bus atiutliuti lilv lllillJlltt tins ttmtl ll lfttlt3il Ailltt lllltto tttitl lnitl in until llZIVt tier3i Ittingt lhunlh CHEW Atin lieq applie its prtttr litI ll tuft 13mm EllIL Lu III llu It IIi mam ve MJ Hun111jn Jtr Inn POIiCiES in F0rce$35s79593463 Assets56915460608 AW ii it trl ill iot Anli to llldlliltl lui lift Vtitt liIt in mi limit and soul it littlt uorh endeared iiy li ll its of this orttiiiiioii llrlx Itplilietl great deal It iUH are IlIIItIiI we llikl held liiggl hop Si am llllllllt taut should itt itd hope we may lie iiispiztti Surplus$3i74754235 tt iIi Vulli renewed energy tiezrriIItt 33 rain III as our boys are doing nimbly for us over tlteie very 5iitttTtl want to thank IItIiiliers of the lioard of cits liie lluatd nicer rennin each tteit to conduct ttl iitti ess jltildtttiit to our work At Ilbtiflli we ate stippweti to lie six fw rrfa illlllilt many tittiestitiitiig the 11 Int year owing to drastic chance fi personnel we have liten LESSON Ituctd to unith less it has meant tliy Hey Thus White great deal of extra work foI llit HilliiiAiiI 2i New Poticies1944sss34o1 moo Cash Income 19445151333r89t le lason Interest earned in 19444 $70 1C lloartl and want to say ei teal thank you to them espec Iziliy to Mrs Jobson who came to TRHWHMANT mm gt Bond four months itltl and it Mde TM up HM iv Ioiittd untiilngiy also to all tain veners who have iiiiiintained the to iwt ttliiiitl tliw H1 mum ml ttflitittity of our coninuttets anti to n4 may Mm pp Ir Ml NiMiss lIitglitfoot who has helped to 3pm Wm vwlm Mil nuke this office such pleasant lNlliltlltN ai igtti seiil lliiil llzoeit was it hie from lm Vthh NHL May take this opportunity to ilis tiistttls out on iiiii for hc lititl express appreciation to all men vlii it In Mellie Mrs two iiIon Wondnr bers of tiie Advisory Committee Wm Shiitl Hi liwrnc in few Ila Eitnl an the officers at Camp Borden andi ll own people ospi of theE lttnutiorn is ri another Kiwi 31 01 55vll i1 llHr Iillrizr III iairic the citizens of Barrie serving on in vtliis conunittee Their advice tilitl MP mum Iia saniin tiIfftHIit phase My Milw mm counsel haVe been invaluable to NIXON General Agent litnut supwvmu lllli GOSPEL the dispel ot sal US WATTERWORTH Division Manager iiiv HW on Wednesday trump 11 Ill 1140 0i 10d through lU In for tin days We extend our grateful thanks to igitmtl write it gt tuner It Sup illtiii lCuiuale ltdiii lliiit tid OlooorlotrooortoclavlII II etititii psotaiinzz ivr the eye riittiittl Im routit din gin ii for itiinotl oi llziiti lltiil Hi iii is sobridy otttce onto Harm Tot BC EALMON lt Smoked Fillets rV Jia Hlmmgiixd at lit thRm forth il Iii thew words SUIT itiZHt that Johnny Tin mum 1011 we have definite law of LinusVim had the niistoituta to 31 wily mm iiitiilil in all who are called iilttl bone sent gtiii with the command to letiy fticer Wally Crates lllL liis titnesses Pod lit comI llaizfax is Fiflliil three weld lllll the tarllins on of llisfiuriouyh Willi his wife aiid city uitirioiis work of lilitltiiil known litll lli salvtioii into to thosei liir in Royal Victoria 110 wiioni lie lias savtd Barrie on Siiiidav Fole and this rcl Hmmbimy devulws upon all wno to Mr and Mrs Ern Es son lest wishes as faith Jesus Christ liis Son llelCl the officer commanding and of erit own SAUSAGE was Mrs Lloyd and in piwe went to Mr fieers of the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps for all they have done for us in the past year Our gratitude also to Mr Foster of the Dependants Allowance Board who has responded to our many requests most readily to The Bar mm mm Sh 5m hm rie Examiner for their tzenerosnyl mum Jami and to the Urry Bros for their cx Frank ingra trenie kindness during the year with his siste wish most heartily to thank lltltt every member of the Camp Bor CPL Eyflv3llvllli 11 i55fffl den Famiin welfare Auxiliary for hcahw mm solendid work in the past year vlthtv 11 410 111 Sjil lierclr You have staffed the office most nsmmi Cliitstlziy at wm wrllmgly and cheerfully and It Isthueii at Owingr to shortage of men the winner number of women took mens tally the consolati cards and came out olv In fact Lloyd atlditioml ary Conn Iptlniiiti of to the lake had lti iivmitti tor two weeks liltl it then itorkini all night iIn iIil of road he lhe machine had to be on again and again if there ttiitliiltii available that wili titw itl ons am all liil itll itttit 20 are His Freely ye have ieecitcd freely give The grace of God flowed freely to all who be lieve on His Son and havnig re ccitcd it ire must be open Cilitii Itls through which it may lim to Iothers but the giving out of illiilil tospgl must not he with tie iteaI cum 21 of tiiitltitlt money for it iSittli Ml Mid IMF $1021 had not ben open ltf2l2ltiisl if fulll 11ffillzlifllw Plis Qtr iS whip ulna r5331 withoutprice The sad thing is Wm Mpgl giwlllow VISItd my great hope that the manyas hcoiimmulnmm 10 Im NINA mumm hymn i1 is no hm that wmte thousands yea motions Rims undnsgl Tnckio ansucimion5 and sometimes strong or and ltrph Enuns who wart visited iion El Toronto TS SHANTY BAY lit he opened be lmed nu ma have freelyreceived other mil the wvckmd friendships yUu have nde mp3 maiiicd retiitly litis ar in CliristleSs becauscl Mme5 tt an to he hops tIL 5113 fill and illlis ii wt in the back roads are Li Elm9 Wilt We fittlt recall lli parch Dunlop lhone all stitzilttl it vipttp Hulda hp dd Jvmlglss ll mo blCSSCd llfeglvmg lilSl Vdck Wm Int POWER or IlIE GOSPEL KL Bob tnson Killed l0zl The power of the Gospel licsl Th llttle uneven today when news was not in the channel through which It flows but in the sourcefmm fmmhilljstl Bob Hensonmi en killed In action on Jan 22in which it comes it is Gods Gos hei or the Gospel of Christ and Hfllm The deepest svmtmlty only as liery His Spirit empowers Veilmle in the village is ev the messenger will it accomplish Tiled in the bereaved painits Its purpose iii saving men Know lid brother ing that Satanic powers wmild op pose these messengers He gave them authority over demons or unclean spirits and also power to heal the sick etc thus human stratiiig that they ware Godsum ltttl lltttih oi Inc ate oi at lioldeis THE JEW AND THE GOSPEL opnon IIIIIy ltl allowed to areunuilaitr at 58 Th9 Various missions to the conuoinul lllltltml Jews use To the Jew first as lit Fol Ltheie will ha Valen tine party th halite of Rev Dr and Mrs ccn Ailandale lViiIiittr at ill pr igicssitc Cuchre lith under the auspices of the leder on of Agriculture all 1h seiiooltie Mrs Fred Elliot soii toiisnitioii Mrs COCO 744 So am SPECIAL DRIVE AT with us shall not be forgotten iii the future want especiilly to thank the girls who vorl at the Royal Vic toria Hospital This is most im portant wur 811d may say it Is my baby Our girls Work in shifts of oror three each day of the mom and Miss Williams sup eyintend of the hospital has asked to extend to you her up Drecia This is mt clamor ous Ik bill lS vitaliyreal and nece FY OUI SCTvice families are ig great deal of space in hospital and feel we must avor to direverything tn mu to alleviate the already ex strain placed upon the nurses Edwards visitzi and Mrs Kennii ctimmnnity mas YOUR FOOD STORE MW on Guaranteed Trust Certicates Ill eul ti 0W lsiiiil for any amount for term of live years niraiiiteil littlll as to principal and interest Interest cheques mailed to M1298 Olive Riiddiek spent the absurd at her home in Baxter FalSMGordon Baxter is An ltllZil iiittstIIiInt for individuals com piiniItjaul lilllttl by ltV for ttmettIy lmartlsi executor itlltl titlitI iIIIitI fHE STERLING mouse CORPORATION 5lerling Tower Toronto 33 years in Business Do YouNEED RedOlOver or 711Alfalfa Seed i7 Chick Starter slogan missions with all my heart soul The Gospel was the Jew first by our Lord tJohii lzlil and also again by the early for they and reached out to Judea and the uttermost 1M parts of the earth but they reject 99k attending the ed Christ and His messengers and church after Pentecost began at Jerusalem God set them aside nationally To day the Gospel isfor all men Jew and Gentile tilike and there is no difference Rom 101213 Let usv never forget all that we owe to the JEW but let us give the Gos pel equally to an men THE APPEAL OF THE GOS PEL 2527 These few versesfor ever silence the Gospel of Reason which argues that by means of education man is discovering God God does not reveal Himseifvto the intellectuals as such but to the humble regardless of the in tellectual iattainments or other Wise Cor 11831 Rom 1214 23 The wise are not barred from knowing God for in every branch of science there are leaders with outstanding knowledge who are also wise in UL mm if God While believe in Jewish and that the Jew to be saved must be come believer cannot see that the Jew just now isof any more importance than any other unsaved given to VisitinrT her so cs All who have le MLLenn doctors care here nicely Congratulations to Mr Clarence Hogarth on the titrid baby girl MIIS Nelfonubiliflhf lier inf Stti ionic root the Sick Chl Hospital Thursday in Oscar Bates was Alvins fune liIs Stef Mrs King sympathyus extended toMr 821 ii in his bereavement LntonrrJuice Checks Arthrific Pain Quickly If you suffer from arthrit rheumatic or neuritic pain try stmplc Inexpensive home reci Get package of Ruex Prescrt tion from your druggist Mix With ajquartmhater add the jui of femons Its easy and please You need only tablespoonsf two times clay Often within hourssometimes overnightspite oId results are obtained If the ai are not quickly relieved and One Gem Electric Grain Grinder For Sale Stirtear DISTRICT c090 Dial 4220 Street BARRIE YouSuffers fmlFrOM Headaches hard to struggle along witha head that aches fall the time Ylkodnche need not be an illness in itself but it swing symptom that there is intestinal Widlh welcome the ctiuso ofvheodoche it is wrelimtnato the waste matter from the system But if removoftiltqcause of headaches by reguiat neutralisingncidity regulating th up the qluggtah Weipond whenthin Eds oulddtsappear otony drug counter TIttubm0onmt MADE IN dependihg on the Spiritof God to teach them THE INVITATION OF THE GOSPEL 2830 In every class of society and in every nation on earth there are hearts crushed with sin burdened with sorrow and tritecares and responsibilities of this lifeNo amount change this the common men The GOSpel peat to allisuch to come to Jesus Christ the only One Who can give rest the OnlyOne Who can gilleVIate yea remove the crush mg burdens which you carry Friend whatever your burden may be His call is for you Chi the Saviour lot of all makes its ap ISSOLVED iers home on leave were chat erent you engaged last met asked one thi Did you break It not exactly fThen she did No shedidnt Well then You see she told rmewhat her clothes cost anhl told her gvhat was en our on age nhlzntp gagged in the middle arid gently dissolved ofwealth no pOsItion however exalted can Getl betterrvRnexfere tron wrllcostyouv nothingnt Your money refunded if it does not help you Ruex Prescription is fdr sale and recommendedby Tamblyns Robertsons Dru St and otherwleading twin Dont Be Grouch it so R89 for Wit Krd brti with cert the improying If on know of any soldierrsrwife will volunteer for this Work iy let the havchep name at tinder the feel very strongly indeed that iviiof the coming year we shall face 1w problems One is Rehabili uOurwboys coming back to shattered in mind and body attd spirit will need our devoted Help If we can smooth the path ahead for any of them it will in deed betaprivilege Already we have experienced something of this in ouroffice SO lets go forward into 1945 with new zest in our work ready to give everything that we can re solved to make this organization bigger and more expansive than ever before Officers for 1945 The converter of the nominating committee Mrs Payne present ed the following slate of officers for 1945i Hon President Mrs Hare President Mrs Lee lst VicePresident MrsB Job son2ndVicesPresident Mrs Mickleborough Treasurer Mrs Paul Fisher Secretary Recbrding and Corresponding Mrs Harvey wife ofGroupBCaptain Harvey Officer Commanding the Air Force at Camp Borden This slate was accepted by acclamation Mrs Lee the newlyappointed presi dent expreSSed gratitude forthe condence shown the newlyelectf ed Board of Officers VMTS Turnbull forthe VON grgclu unmitigated the Au i1 cryon their many activities and pressed the opinion that the COnveners for 1945 IHomefinders iss Lightfoot Visiting Mrs Jobson Inspection Miss dgefsf Young Mothers Club Rickwood Employment Mrs Payne Rooms Stipervisor svMcDottgall welfare Investi ator Mrs Moorhouse M4 VAWA mmrsmznrnn PROOF Among the community weeklies ofLCtmada there is no better ad vvertisingmeditim than The Barrie Examiner ng circulation high readen interest and effectivedisplay combine to givobest results mm you renewedynw lion Yes15 million chickSgQthcir start in Starter We believe thats atgleast twic fed on any otherbrand or Chick Starte Why this enormous preference for SHUR its pOpularltygrow year after year Lets ATTRACTIVE FEEDChicks like fresh tasty from the chQicest freshest and most palata it so freely and grow soquickly ATTRACTIVE CHICKSChtcks live and and because they get the properybvalance of vitamin life in 1944 on SHURAtNiiaro Chick nd likely three times asAmany as were in Canada IN CHiCK STARTERAand why does look at the reasons SHURGAIN Chick Starters Its made 1e ingredients Thats why chicks eat thrive on SHURGAIN Cluck Starter with lots of animatprotein Thats the way it mmirals and high qualltypmtems efficiencyandsucgess GAINsFeed Srvice NURnGAIN Chick starterLat your 15 million chicks were fed on SHuREAIN in194z swerISHURGAIN Chick Starter Can 15 Million PRICE $310 PER it SHURGAIN 18 CHICK jMade and Sold by BARBIE FLOUR MILLS IIILLinALt noun ruin Ittt hicks be wrong turn mm notinsuttiun

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