6975 Copies hlod Year No mMmw HOUSE or HITS THURSDAY riiiniiii 31111111111111 Continuous Show Saturday 230 pm EVENING SHOWS AT 655 and PM LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9PM 1111611 Mpg222 pvlill llll PI ugth Marten it lem gluon may umn0mmw0asoiwmuw rVngiring CRAIGARNOLD ll TO SEE THIS GRAND ALI COLOR lllll 311111111 111vs 1111111 TUES 1901011611111 HAWPAtittQtigllll 13 91 got Ian 11s 11th TED WEEMS WITH IllSVBAND 1111115 sriiiiiiiiii 1111 1111111 FEB 7th 230 PM mom me 441mm nun smcs pLAy GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT THUNSW FRIDAY SATURDAY Continuous Show Saturday 230 pm EVENING SHOWS 650 and PM TOPNOTCH HITS THE YEARS SURPRISE LAUGH Pl cm 11111111111131111111111 GRAHAM 111111 1111111 QUINN 51111111111111 can AUTRY in Penning Round the Mountain MONDAYeTUESDAYWEDNESDAY Matinee Wed230 p111 Nlldvncun wiumu 111155611 11111111111111 cuesmn Autumn oiuu RADIO IAYOIIVQS BRADTAYL unujmo on 1111111 IERRY PLUSZND FEATURE THEM1N IN GREY STARRING MA mum RGARET tocitwooi BarrieAllundule Bus Improvements Planned lLine Changes Hands 11 11111118 Jonuary Final cck Hos Second Coldest Day 10f Winter 28 Below 111 MW 1t WW 11 llil below 11131 1W ilvvl to llil Thursin c11 11 iet and El l2 Abmt 111 in th wcir was 1111111 there 11le 1c111p11ivi lziid fatal IKUICD tla tuck urc meeting voted racer and MeNivcn The statement also showed the $2780 bonds which has been raised by special collections was decided to set up Building Fund in the sum of$2780 and that future special collections be added Agjoint committee of the Session and Board of Man1 agers has been appointed tween sldertand report upon the question of improvements building receipts for m1 as compared with $1351 SUIT to this fund ssiens were $1503 44 in 1943 The Session in its that this 95th year in the eongre LSlbhmun Congregatiomil secy MacLennan Repre rcport said gations history had been mosten couraging not only to the Sessron but to all the members and adher Bled SlCVCHSOn There had been very env couraging attendance at the Sacra ment of the Lords there was reception of new mem bers at every communion The Session views with gratitude the work done in the interests of the Church by all organizations dur inrg the year Statistics given cuts Supper and 11 the Session were as follows Number of firm number of communi cants on the roll 453 communi cants receivedby by profession Of faith communi cants removed from the rollby certificate by death On St AndrcwsV Honor Roll orbitalm enlisted members and adherents one week ago of theSeV Two weeks ago three have paldthe supreme sacri Ith Weeks 330 ficc and three are missing sows The Benevolent Fund showed iiiNo Grade 1balance of $8437 after making ex No Grade lpenditures of $132 ithe mlsslonaryworganlions Butcher Cattle Steers up to $1025 Butcher Cattle lIcifersciipjo $1000 up to $750 up to $700 up to $1400 ilies 260 certificate 10 there 11087 names exceededtheir allocations and had Ian active yearln all departments Association closed the year with balance of $20223 successful meet The Womens Interesting and illgs were reported by the YPS TheVWar Workers made largeiLVlmbsV mlck number of articles for the Red Cross With money raised by rummage Vsale they sent overseas 37 boxes at at costOf $17086 WVorkof the Sunday School was well maintained as was ralsdthelag puuclb work of the Wolf cubsaiirniri Under the very capable lGuicles leadership of M12 Hardy thechoir faithfully and most acceptably car Tied out their duties Upon the recommendatibn of thct Board of Managers voted an increase Of $200 in the lbs to lbs Stipgig of theVminister as at markw lbs to lbs 11 131 II VICTOR Kll1lil 11 Kl pl llltlilll now the end of his leave Fuel home and lthings are particu SOVClllmC larly depressing during long spell to the church Cpl Victor Kendalls brother llossRcevie Kendall was also wounded during the Invasionr iof France and he is still convalest ing in England sentative on Music c150 bonus CATTLE Butcher Cowsw Bologna Bulls Veal Calves Good EWe Sheep up to 140 lbs EGGS Arlarge medium Chickens ll Grade the maetingd lbs and Over 31 11 Her ORO RED CROSS RECEIPTS IN 1944 BARRllEOt1TA1J CANADA 10111 11111 101 HOME ON LEAVE WERE $365844 anxz CLIEUII 11113111118 111111 3111119111 gyggYElRlNlh aa oququi 111 17 1111111 11111111 am 1101114115 tiiiiri 111031 031 11135111 cut 11110110 HtCY 11113 113121131111131311 111 11111111 Vina l111l 11c 1i litl ll 11111 tauf 11a 111m llllfgtl tilll ll 11 lul 5311111 i1 1t ill11111 1111111w21 Barrie liOriltid 01 5111 L1 l111111 1111lli 111 will laiiii llall llfl 11 hirtarioll and 113 11311 11 tieiinam 111 ttntaly111111111111 l1e1 11111 11111 tlltlllVY 111111i1111 exploding llll their vc111=y one member of 111 GOGDYEii REPORTED BY 311NDR 111111l 1ttl 1111 1I1111111s tt pirs I1lt111fl V111 111111 111 1111 church 11111 raned 111i 11 111 Wt 111 llt Will iiiiitlr 1111ll Vim1 llli and all 12111 badly 11lllllttl lhc Shanty lgta soldie suffered ittt wotllititlo 1111111 lll left Vurnt broken and thcic wa 311111 trazunent 111 hrs lliltn toil united pledge tin lt purposes protects 1111t 31 111 itish lar 11 111111 11331 article erei flut of the money 2111 111111t1r pledges and 11 fans limped 1111 1111111 The 111s irtii $311 i1v 1111111 111111 191 112111 lhiiite OM Ztlll inen 1111111 11211111111 the scene and morphine was administered to lincoiiragiiig reprint were preithe 11111111111111 11111 the 111111 was cut 5lilCd at the annual congregation off by the itlltttllm for few 11111111 AiidrewIi and it eri 11111111 before Church held on Wednrsday Janicould be obtain11 11 get the in 21 Despite the bitterly Cold Irighldjureil bacl to base hospital pli illClc was very fair attendancelkenttatt said 111 war The minister HOV James ICIUconscious and lllittitllllls tlnoiiuln son conducted the 1111011111 lfYtIlout the day 1111111 he was operated period after which llllllliup1n that cvmnttgg whom was this tI 11 11i 11111 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOTES IlFIllliY MANAtilJl inltllj 111111 tllltlt with 111 report was pre hlirNivcn press 11111 11 1111111 of women had rc ltlerl 11y eater llicy 11 11 111 11 Various Committees Show Much Activity lirefollounitt 111 111111 held by the lilttfl1i 1111 r1 port 1111 lllllrlll sailc 111111111111 alternately 1011 1111 111 ti 11111111111 11 ltltt 1111111 l11ltr1 for llritisb babic 1111 1111 1111 was done at their 1111111 111111114 1llll lli11t 111111 of the lied Cit volume 11f =11ieted 1it 1111 1111111111 branch of church activ pwa ipttial mention at the annual meeting was the War Scr rlr llowden is 111 was three llltldays at the advance hospital base in France and was their flown back leporls of the Board of Man110 England the Treasurer increased receipts in the various items Contributions by envelope for congregational purposes were $157 above 1043 Plate collections were up as were also the special collections Total receipts for cur1 rent needs were $0564 closed with band 1111656 vas also legacyI Asked what the boys overseas $500 from the estate of Miss Jessmlwere tllillkin about in Naturally they would 111 like to ice 11 was ct 1141 to be illllClll 2111 and around and be null report for further medical cheeknp all 1blt 31 loltl tllll I1111 11l Tc linproveinunt A111 Postwar Sports llCillll COwan 1111111 Industrial Agriculturaer Stewart Page 0111C llll llNlllll Mr and Mrs 11 both St llarrie 1ecc1v1tl woril 1111111111 antl Welland 1113 morning 111111 their 11111 August ltllit fiifltl Cecil 11 Vtliinvman and the treasurer is wounded in action January 211 hlrtairoll During the year this was believed to have been in llol tion ciunniittic arranged for the sending of letters to men overseas and 73 large packs of cigarettes 111111 10 Christmas parcels over Conlributhms from the con totalled 1111111111111 11111111 Airp 111 S1lt Maclliiiolui 1131 lle joined the active army 1111 July 1911 and prior to going over Thc your seas had spent 22 months in New alance of 520952 onifoundland on patrol duty 1111s TV 1111j tl Committee lrice 1135 1117 Many phases in the irIJITFint llllltxllltli 1111 ieplitl industry and civic were brought up and many res lions made and rugeested in 1111 Town of llarrie One of the 15111 wi They at iiiteresls 1f til and Community standing seas lireeat ion 1712191 tof cold wet and miserable weath On motion it Cl this fund recuninendations nude by the agricultural coinnn tee wherein it was suggested that the County CIlllltll become men bers of the 1nlllllC and appoint 111tgzitc1 the iltLclorafe tntivclof agriculture The Civic lrnprovenient Commit1 llr hliiiearet eeipts of $131113 most of which was raised at fashion show last June The Mens Club 1111111 Lak in as t11csiilc1ltVVtiiid membership of 17 held monthly supper meetings throughout 1944 The rector reported 47 baptisms 19 marriages There were 395 families on the church roll at the end of 1044 increase over the Morrow ex pressed the appreciation of the con gicgation to Rev Mr Ilowden and It l5 lggm zthe motion was enthusiastically e11 cd by this connnittee that skat ini carnival be sponsored in 1943 4113 The possibilities of ski trail 1vwas also siiiggcstcd for iiextfscii The Sports Committee have illxdlCtllCd their interest basketball Timber arrangements fy tl pending heartily in favor Memorial When Cpl Kendall arrived inl Ioionto last week he was met byl his parentsnand Mr and Mrs VIiarking andMrsl Milesof Shanty3 Bay and Mrs Ross Kendall Brother Wounded organizations in the church showed substantial ptOKFCSS Iive Scouts won their King Scout honors during the year There were 13 flirt Guides under Miss liucre tia Rowe The Junior Guild Elliott vllllll Ilaliie liiimbe arr1e1 Us lLlllCrCll younger converted by tee requesth that fiiithsr 1111111135 showed be made to the Police 11111111155111111 that delegation from the lr11n bi of Commerce under 111 e11111 manship of Ald ed to attend the next meeting at Committeatthe Police Commission It is l111p may tak 41 Dunlop llart lr111it ed that meeting place in the very mar future The Sports mcndcd that efforts erection this $295033400 $3600 $2250 $2450 ITE YOU TO COME IN AND LOOK THESE OVER BOys lleavy Breeches $195 $300 $395 Boys Windbreakers $305 $495 Mens Leather Windbreakers $1095 $1495 $1595 WILF arena Following the business refreshi confirmed merits were served by the ladies Iwhiiiiitteiz recom be made to of suitable skating rinksfiir the school cliili placed deaths WE iNv considerable previous year secure TODAYS PRICES HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY As quoted by First Ciroperative Packers of Ontario Ltd Barrie boards around the suggestr rinks for the 104546 season drcn with base dorsed Simpson on behalf of the congregation tliankedtheorgani 11 Wright at Davis id the sexton II tlli BACON HOGS Dressgdhot weight on rail Grade pluslfederal and brown busi and iis area committee 1e crec lll 55 13 lrEELECT iiMiiiuiiir OFF the annual iietig of the Barrie Union Cemetery Compairy held in the Orange Hall last Mott day the 1944 officers werercclectm ted as follows Pres Thomas Nash William Rusk trcas William Ness directors ll GilTOy George Smith Partridge Partridge Norman Liscuifib Alex StundcniArisatis factory financial statement was pre scntcd and passed Minor iiLIOIT zzoiiiu on FURLOUGII Major Muiray M5 Philpott 141 Mary St Barrie ishome on fur 1011th after servingiwith the active This was bissecV 11nd tripback to Canada after seri rvice in the present war VV VENTS ICERS JV This lion of Co initially Sports Centre as part of postwar pro gram The Airport Committee showed encouragiigand confinqu activity towards the formation of either flyingrhrlrpr Class One airport The Regatta Committee shown considerable activity and initiative in their pro gram for the summer The Industrial Committee report was also encouraging If is felt that fwith COltllllUid effort this ccmmittccvill show excellent re sults $1773 $1775 $1760 $1775 vicepres sorry 1112501 $12110 have amount of BAllllllj BRANCH89 DUNLOP ST notlwantd tip to $1300 Bucks $l less tVian market value Throudh in AlijddlfV forces Overseas Truck ent Window Last Wednesday niglit Ia large military truclg 111111 To loadch with supplies for Camp Borden failed to round the Grade turn at the iiiiermctinnwr 111211 iways 11 and 90 sidewalk in front OfStccles 11111114 room andtcrasbed into the plate the west front The glass wifpttungatelywas not THvrsarvrmres Oddiellofum Hall GAMES 2515 GOOD D0011 PRIZE Airsp of 1r 1+ OM 221 31111111 745 ING rontoj VNewttnr ItObiiisoti Red Cross So ciety are holding series of eucliresV and dances commencing Feb end ing March 16 Good prizs Ad mission 25c igasternfStar annuahbridgeatid and VMllkfed Milkfed went over the vALENTmEJO 28 glassWindow opb of appreciationWOf his scrvmes Under 41bs Mr Ferguson in voicing his cordial thanks expressed his ap predation of the cooperation hcOVgi ms had received from thecongrega4 tbs to 5V 113$ VV tion throughout the year Under 155V Airesolution of thankswaspass Old roosters ed to the choir Sunday School flower committee and the several officers Officers elected were staff Empke Goodwin FOWL 28 ofthe unbreakable type andhad euchre Eastern Star Hall Owent nochanee The truck happened to Street Monday February at left of the pm Those making bridge tables window which is about seven feet please phone 4028 Charge 50c 5b by eight feet and was held by the to appear ridiculous before hi friends he hired caddyvand went off to practise with him in re mote corner of the country club badly slicing he turned grimly to the little lad at his side Son can you tell me whats wrona with my pleaded famous straight The kid non moment ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE Auspices of the 10013 KEEP THIS DATE OPEN GOOD MUSIC NOVELTYDANCEVS DANCING FROM TO PRIZES Admission $150 Couple includingBuffet Lunch DRESS OPTIONAL Tickets can be obtained atWhittyfs Drug Store Reids Bdrber 811011 Weaymouths Book Store United Cigar Store and Dixics Smoke Shop Grade Aturn slightly to the brick wall otherwise it would have no into the building The above are dressed poultry prices and are subject to killing charge Of five cents per bird on TmSteeschickens and fowl and 15c on tur oarmlhersuJv Mcoawv ROPI keys for birds delivered alive to the Ben Calm10 and plant Ducks and geese are only Patterson Managers for 194547 purchased dressed head on Un nished poultry not help Treasurer at piSFiiltInfG gone on throng It isundcrstood that the driver ha made twu trips to the city that day and the cold stormy weather 51mm of in his favor t7 SWING IT George Gershwin mposer spent weeks trying to rn the game of golf but With iiify little success In an effort After several easy was 11 form it to tame Give dered the matter Mister he nroclaimed you just aint got rhythm suited UDlT 11 on aoltu wiammJ Thur FriSat SEE WHAT THEY PLAN NEXT See the new trials and temptations our Amer ican ti hting men are facing I61 NOW ALSO ON 11 813112 IIOGILIM WIwmw Buckskin Frontier liltllAlll lll lli WIAH llilSlllll lHIKKlill VICTOR lfllll ltll ll LEI Olill BROSltmuaea 1111 or 1i Winner at 1111 11 Critics Award as 10513 8221 Playi 111 l11l l111ii111111111111 VALLH 1111s blllilitT slioirrs rviv1 11111se1ilvus 1111 111nv1u an in up gtn4 1111111 lle enlisted December Him1043 and went overseas with lclzinrent llaxe you renewed your stiliicilp VACANT PROPERTY RECENT JUDGMENT IN THE ONTARIO COURT OF APPEAL MAY HAVE YOU WONDERING ABOUT INSUR ANCE ON VACANT PROPERTYIWHY WORRY BRING YOUR PROBLEMS TO US MALCOMSONS INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 3735 NW ONw rw M2h 11s OVERCOATS STYLES FOR YOING MEN AND MEN $2750 to $3759 RAWFORD Vco INVESTMENTS TORONTO EMBERS OI lllETORONlO STOCK EXCIIANCTLV FLYNN BRANCH MANAGER in TELEPiiONE 211113 patM to gt 18151 MENS and BOYS WEAR 55 Dunlop SL Barrie Dean stairs tore Robertsons Drug75