Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Feb 1945, p. 4

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PAGE roan HEP iiaititlL EXAhliNER BARth 1Nili12tit CANADA 3112 31753133111 EiiiiUAltY 111155 HIGHLAN All Y1 11l51 1it 11 imlgt 711 Green he 11 11 i1 111 t111 I1 111 ili Shall luv II fiij lwlzsit II 111 12 II Llll 131 liti II II 111 1111 DID YOU KNOW hat II II Maxwell House lollee is If 191 11 31 l11I11 ilillllu 11111111111 p111 rotistiil 1111in tliioiili IIIII III III IIIIII IIIIIIII III IIII aiiil through by the re 111 11 as In II itiziikahleltailiaiit Roast Process You ill enjoy this delicious fragrant coffee Your grocer has it 11 1111 11 11 It 111v 11111i1i 1l1111i311111lui 13 1111 111111111 11 111111 ftltli to 211 21 Walls lllil1 1lealhcr ionllariitira 1111111111 11 111111ane1 111111 illt lncson Andrey hic Clv11 lllll1lt 11 ll 11111111111131111151111m mmn 1111111 lusting Norma Allentirace 1111151 ihc valiie ot iirl Gtwle 11111121111 totlay viilily ltUiltil llert three concrete 111111111 llltl1l11l 1m no you anew 11111 PAiiDGil ME BUT Delicous libbys DeepBrowiied Beiiiis ARE Batik II ONO hard beans on the lopltvIII No dry beans in the middle 111141112 151111111111 I0 No soft mushyheons Libbys entirely new method of cookith beans makes each DeepBrowned Bean uniformTin tender texturefappeteasing flavour and deepa bIrownedI colour mealy as Wellbaked potato real honesttogoodnesstastfthiill TryI 1111 BIEAN Dish Two 20 oz 111131 Libby3 DeepBrown Beans hftnuspoon Libbys Propurod Mustard iablipoon brown sugar 46 strips of bamn Mix rst three ingredients togethqu Tum into halting dish annapwilhbmmltrtps Bloclnnx5mobtnwnjaconi Il reach of all gilila 111 the lrovuic let how the girl who h1 1111311111111111 11 iheranirl friends at her home Sitt Notere Photographer At Canadian Club initialii 111111v 11 31lt11 5111111 titserr 12111 11 lulllltil llilii 11 II I1 to that 1111 floor aw IItm 11 11 11111is 11111 11111 11 I1 111 111 1111115 111 11 111 child 1r 11 111 he tried tH 1iiiiiinze T11111ali 4113 w1 1111111 1111111 11 lichitiilues lltl 11111111111111 to its 111311111111t11crm 111 11111 111111141111 tron 11 111 ittnmliittllt 1111 511 121 1111 lli1bcth 151 V11l1lttillli 11111 l1111c1111111li 11 111111e1l in 111nt and re 11 1111 111 11111111 311 loli 111111 lorps sul laes r111 111112111 111 1111131111111 111e111111e it to II 11111I1 1111 lop 1111 111 H1 IM 111 11 1111 1lltllt211 Wilhtllli 1111113 11 t11 lhll i1i 111111 iillilv Hindi11111 11111 111111 may 111 1111 11 1111 l1lil1l 11P 111111 11111 1111 11111 1311 1111ii illl Guide 1111 with 7111 111111 1111111 ll am 11ltl 11 11 1111 11111 and 2111 11111 111 Hi 11lix 11 11 thV II II 11 llllllt1llll surprise party and 111111t1gt 1111111te xlll 11111 1131111115411 31111 1111 11 1111I II III IIII 11 1111 11 the home 111 li111111 11 111 111111111111 li1ililltl 111 111 11111t 11111 11I ll 11111111 11 11 WW 111111111s1111gt11 11 11 1111111113111 111 111I II I11111I Itll lI 11 111 illitli1 111111111 111 honor of Mrs vIi 11 11 III II1 1111 In 1113 1111t brute in tollouiiir 111 with their 1111 the many not 1111111 Itiicl II III III III IIIIIII IIII 111l1 1h hostess were Nile en 111c1 r1 11111111 l1v11n and Mrs 11 lCustI ero 31111 l1ttle 1111111 Marie tiltlll presentedl nits in novel nianneij Colfce the III11 poincil by Mrs John tray Misx Kay McLean 11111 loin131 illli 1131111 111 commence trainingr as 11 nurse at Hamilton General Iios itvtl 119 111111111 by group 1111 llliliiy eveliiiiunGniiies and soeliil evening were enjoyed Mrs Win licss and Mrs W111ciRcil arrang Ie1l dainty lunch lhosc prewnt were Loischm 11111111 Reid leaii Livingston Itch11 11VillQgt11111 Cdeiyn Henderson Marion chiilkin Pet Goodwin liltltzll lalluxin and Helen Whiting Leading olliecrs 111 No SETS zonp Borden headed by the Corti inandine Otticcr Group Captain Harvey were guests on Monday Maine Kiwanis Clubs limits Night Altc11ai1ls the RCAF officers gtilil lo the Kiwanis Squadron No 1112 Air Cadet Ibuilding and Barrie 7r111oury where they spent some time watching the cadets at their Iclasscs and drill There was no liormal impeetion but the visitors were impressed with the efficient Inianner in which the2 classes were ICIllilCtltll by the local instructors The visitors were later entertain led at the home of FL Leighton Clarke and Mrs Clarke Bayfield 81 where Mrs Patti Fisher and Mrs Fred Stevenson tissisted Mrs Clarke with the lunch and collee Ilhe RCAF Ioftticers from Borden included SLWm Hascnpllug chief flying instructor SL McKay senior medical officer SL 1111g11Re111y senior administrative officer Ff Wright FL lotler FO George Kightley FO 1N Reed 1111 Mrs Lloyd Partridge were honored at surprise party given by the Reeves Jewellers staff Saturday evening at the Corner Cupboard Miss Helen 1Spode cream soups and stands Mrs Partridge was member of the Istaff for the past three years while Llciyd was overseas 11 1111106 on St Valentines night Febll will be heldin the Odd fellows Temple under auspices of selling ticketsMusic will be by Gordon Kings BarrieMusic Mak cliidcs buffet 111119117 II II 1111 Womens Auxiliary of the Canadian Armoured Corps are sponsoringvthe lag Day tor the IODE Book Campaign taking place on Saturday Feb 10 The Imoney raised in thiscampaign will Tints for baiting20 minutes Temperature375 degree Senu 810 Deliveriesare being madeto your grocer as fast 0013 as productionIpeimitst if he should be tem 111 petalin out of stock please remember that your 133 grocer andLibbyIfs are doingreverything possible gay tojensure an equitable distribution Io anti hint11111 um argument iiMiisn WW gown be wisely spent to supply our men in the naVy army and air force Iwith reading material to fill in those lonely hours These books take an important part in our boys loftduty hours Remember this when you are approached and ask ed Tag sir In the absence of an IODE Chap ter in Barne the Armoured Corps Auxiliary have offered their serv1c this community Are you willingito do your share Our boys are giv ing their lives for youwhat will you give for them the 1001 whose members are llOW es and will welcome the supportof LainDQ111411le Morton Knox 011 be half of the staff presented Lloyd Iani1 Margaret with halfdozen Hi lets Noveltiydances and prizes are planned and the admission alsom r1r11i pendant Dcuuhtt Alliein cw 4M IDAFER 1111115T Vitoini Complex CAPSULES Now 11111111 ler 1111111 m1 11111 1111111 311 111111 tote 1111111 oiil 1eith 1111111 let the ever tion under 111111t mlli mououooMPLut exhaust v1111 l11fv1 excellent 1111 11111 dov11 llllh 111111111 60 capsules 115 Also itailgilili 111 liquid form llies 1711 11111115 511 CHASES not PILLS 135L7igtd1Eo COLD NEEDS Vitravax Caps $250 $700 Groves Cold TabLets 240 41c Pinex Compound 391 Mecca Ointment at 7ch ldarttb Chest R111 DA 219c Vacagen Cold Vaccine Tabs 5200 $7110 Vicks VapoRub or Vtitronol 430 AstringostI 1DA 45 75125 indicts1161131115 oxasiiroamsgor Ursisiomacii MACLEAN BRAND STOMAGII POWDER 59 98 212112rdz7555m Here are few popular products lines special1y reduced for this 01 REMEDY REGULAR 25 01111111111115 REGULAR 25d REGULAR 25c SYRUP 11 FIGS 81s REGULAR 25c WI Zinc fCarbolic Botado Sulphur WHITE EMBROCATIO ltn litrli lot lsnishul comforts Mrs Geolrgc LCCOIHCQ Pin Resigns From Library 11 11 11 TOE LETRIES More 111111111111 Powder liver 11 11111 1111 loAtlit 11 1111 1111 v11liliil livttlllttgtgt 1111 1111 11111 111 ttenlt price 60c 11 Three ll11vc1 111 l1gtgt11l title Yurii 111ver lahtnn lin 1151 11111 Sti lllllll Water ISL 200 liiniiy lerfutne 1151 1315 1111113x V1111 131111111 3301 1101 551 youth ll11 1111111 5111 9911 11111111111s Soap for 29C Italy Esther Lipstick Minn riain Deodorant 3th lillltiilliVt Soap for 170 I111lIIDIiinntcetant 35c 150 $125 unx 11111111 Cream 1130 Etioiiet Cream Dcogtoiant 390 loniis Creams 3lc 590 lrtishny Hand Lotion 497 Cashmere Bouquet Soap for 17 Evelyn Howard Cold Cream 11 69c SUPER JUMBO STATIONERY Really SuperJumbo Value 72 sheets of writing paper folded notc size and 411 cnvelopcsin each package 11AI Miriam OIL 16 01311301 39C SpeciollYaIii LUSTRAL radiiBlunts Nylon Bristles II Reg 251 TufteilIIaiiIilI roll edged 11111 NOse C7 Throat Drops Wltlt ephedrine 25c SPECIAL IDA 11111111191111 SHAVINGCREAM Soothing and refreshing from the highqualityIDA 18 Ni 191 Laxative 19 Removes Corns 1111111111 BOOKS STATIONERY 50 Dunlop Street DIAL cunnrs 11111111111111 Elizabeth Arden Toiletries Harold Cusdenf P1111113 Wellington Hotel Bloch DIAL 23 pkge II II45 nooatma Immune KNIGHTS 01 Reg 25c lrV v1 111 Competitive Prices and Personal Sumac Money Saving Special Values 11nd iii11iiili1s 11111 lhiirsilay llltlil and Saturday Special 111 it MUMum Prices on 111 11111131311911 iliiigs cumin cdsroii on lRlllRS 31111811111 191 11111 li 11111 1511 111 HYDRGGEN WithDE110 runrirs tiara SENNA 1131111113 FLAXSEED 111101113111 11111 SODA 81611131111111 swim at 11111111111 39711151011116519 SPIRITS 111 12AMth erM SALT rand 8111115 9W 11111 Kleenor Antiseptic 19c IDA SHAVE CREAM Lavender Reg 43c 37 Reg 27c specially priced 21c For backache tired feelingI IDAIBRAND mm 131111w I01 48 39 DRUG STORE Helena Rubinstein Toiletries Next to Roxy Theatre pIAL 3574 mus real value stack 11 Mann101 1111111 iti1111 1511 11 Inlay 1111111111 iiiziihtr 111 Ulllltti 151 ounce Regular 151 111 ounces lieuiil 231 ounce Regular 11 ounces Regular ltlc 8c 19c itccnlar 25c ddlerM may BIlE BEANS 311m may DENTAL NEEDS Icpsodeiit Tocth Powder 29 450 1111 Dental Liquid 1911 3302 Pebeco Tooth Powder ltlc 290 Forhans Tooth Paste 29c 49c fpana Tooth Paste 290 490 RIitbherset Tooth Brushes 500 IISlecnor Tooth Powder l90 held Forcolds upset stomach acid indigestion pA COllGllfREMEDY 40c and 75sV 1111111 eouou DROPS Mark Tla 106 DRUG sToiiit Opposite Post Office LAURA SECORD GnocoLATEs DIAL 2903 117176 11012111301113

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