Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1945, p. 6

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$9333 SlMCIlE WARDEN ENTERTAINS AT day Wetting 11 1915 Biron More than 103 tum the annual Wardens in the American Wu Barker 4f Siiniiidlc and of the the fact 1i Cvttli l1 West Gttiliinibtiry wilt dr Barker such the ltNi Wank11 Hilifi Wtizli the liltlit ed hearty i1 ll hitVina ruled by litt A11 added iili dance tone wi exWar1lc11 lfolli lanac tiff Toast opviiin 1111103 Warden llci litl defeated 311111 by 11 l11 lllt williii CV iti t11 Lowell il prupimic il Tic KVl1 Popular Most THE BARRIE EXARHNER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA lCOUNTY iHIRE 13811383931 JUNE SESSlONV cnflilhttm in Miller Brown 1y Elmti lltsZmJcs Fcreu ti Wtilzli iik W41fttt Roads lcrson Richni 3S1 rant 111i If Miller SlMCOE COUNTY COMMITTEES FOR 1945 Sr1e County Council standing 194 Finance Shepherd I1zttage28erisoi lBeatue Epiett Cook mac Hunter diirackeu Evans CurlChristie Benson Card Shepfa latierson Cumming Kidd Offord Desroches and W1 Beat Buff 33 Miller Ellis ll B111111t laziid Kidd llantng tliltlli 11nd Seymour BridgHOiian 111ckei McMaSler Evans 9111 Vent Widdi Jli Queen Borrow Fergus1111 Robb 11 tard Christie Horne Harvey Beanie Dione fllford lZ flaming Moon Middleton Sm 113 Sunrwi has new Tridlfl lirid tascagncttc leocy lhdliope Education17 Ewan Meltlastch oun Walter Middleton of Fi Kidd iei ufdtacken laltcr was innitl ch irnmn of the Hindi F1111 lliuvcn Widdls Christie Cook Property cutiiiizittee for 194 lllllS Benson Vtlll W1ifidrowCa1rlt memm Hicpnezli lciiiiy and Moon ounty Property liirk lCrachen Curry Hunter 013 iOrlon Eplctt Horne Caz lMoon Woodrow Shepherd in land Banting House at RefugeHarvey FEEL son and the Warden ugmwonmttcmon Putt Clark McQueen 8311134 vt Tcils Hunter Miller Ricbaniw 219 El row Public that it hnliti Pauly cotnnilttee yeariwlatiers 11 ffvzizriruun Evans Evans R1121 atdmin Ellis and Seyrimur Tali JV his Am couurv couucu ACTthTlES Continued rrom page one it GUARD ruinous 5ch W101 EDISON MAZDA hiel Itlchlisiez Harrow Ferguson Hunter Robb ftltllcr iownnlock Evans lip mmmm 1m Lewtiara ch ltt zoton Richardson Heailiednmwp fm ml VV1V pm Mlkl The Finance cummittec recoui THURSDAY JAN0A3YV 231945 Ema whim 11l 111 1lh111 aim Pattenon MrQucen C11r1ipurchase lurid don the onniy 11 we VIM 11 111 thisz 11 liniuv lloriow Harvey lloriie Dc road SVFNHI nil which to plant lltcsi Hulk my Lle rm is 11w ltz 111w i1llliw 1s11icv Ltvtili Orton Eplet Kevilti prevent n1=iv tlllllllli our the 5t Vl VVl VLVLT VMV Um 111 111 ivy l1lt Kunming lu1lhop1jroads mmjgiil Hm 111 for 1111 if lil vti 511 MicVb hymen thV luin zecziliietle and iva xgHVl WWW VH VV VV ll1i 1tlJ 1111zi1111lc1l 1hr 512111 1o 11l111m 1th V1 lli uV11c 11IIIVf v1 tiiiric11l11rs Borrow llorno illlll tact and flood can 111 ctr1 11 uvc 11 1111111oi 11 111 illnflxlilzuli VliVllllVWV iv11 iv VVVVVV3V1VV VVVVVV1VVVV 111g Brown and fund were ap mun Mr 11114 11id lu 11 111U mm ml gt Wk if xv Wiflu 1le Mil 1drflvlif Pmmld mt WIT Cwlmy HM mm 3V HIV TV ltllliiillltl 1311 11 the tmliul mu lihisritl 151111111211 11 11 WW If VVV lihxgnVlllVlllllllill Contlltttlftithls year llzirker with dish Continued from page one cllt will Iluiiullilk to 11 11111111 1ll1l v1 11 11 1tAV in Li mm Milly Ti1filmmcif 10 Warden Barker izd 11 li1ll 11 111 in VHWi Iii ml Hi JimMW if iwa ink 45 HuntZUXllUlll flull Smmo 0mm Cmmm AL 11 NEWS mum VV in VV an 211ltlti V11 llltl have 11 111i VVV if ll=lVVi UV IIVlVHWthv VVV gt3 elicit 21 recommendation of the Agricul Vlf you want all the news of Barrie mm mm VVVVdVVVV in VVVH VVV hVVVVVVVV WW VVVV V1 VV VVVVHVV ZVV mm I11i1p 111 41pr 11 11iV111V and 1o had Igboa 111111 klgttllllt 11in tin11 committee introduced ti iand its trading area read The Bar his predecessors liie 1111111 1117 litrl litifsuil liii 1135c ii liiti Ni Hm my Hui WW IVTleJVfH Kiwllw Him if lulu 13 Fhmrmnn Kline Bnnow 8600 no LXHHWWF $2M year and dump Imasm Hihmpwl 1gt lllltt Vtilgt ll octc1e1l Illlli to Vlfl tWVlhjHll VVIA 33 VJiucvjiVr 17le be appropriated for iitlllltlllllliuiliVUllll more Om Ed 117 that the hols 111I11 l1iild llti li 11111l the Vt illViVVIVhVl fifllllllli VtVlVleim 4111311 furlpllllmflts for 194 the Council fur1 warlqnumhm 11111 1111111111 the Job 1de 11111 VVTIXVVVJHV ill PU IVVVV flVglfvf Vl flier approved of the followinc lf The Warden 1f1l Si 1111 11111 Benson 1111l11 auxin1 tli1ii MM all mm Smms mem AmilfllVllel serve Maxwell H0 18 my and 11V mm 13 VJ VV mptiu picluc1l T11 pill1V lVlVElVkxtlllt Vt11lci thltlh 1VVVPrptmz Mi 1131f lllXV 51000 Mll VAgtieiiltiiral homely it behind this 1111 $1111 11 11 11 ca 11 Wotlll 1111si11111i 511110 WW 11 ii fffff3145VVULLV3Hf81 ailing Rum WW XVJXVWL 5100VRVjfji Coffee to your family to VVVMV de VVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV mm Vim mmwm in 11V1 his township of lchuVizitc 11 11VV VlV VVtVV VV tVVV VSV PV IE will VV 11CVVV onmLViVisV ssociation ltVil ya Th telegram from 1111 111 more v1ll 1th 1111 cd 1111 c1r1l letllll was l1ui i1ikiiiic up he 1i 11 lti 131 We ISL 11112 Kin IVllrVV thatchboo each school faiiVill 114 J1 011 Rowe Mil 1111l xici in lulllllkvlaht 111ll that 112 volvcd and would place 11111 inocli uleV Vt11 Vll1lVlil1i VVlV1V1VliVVl YOI sav MN03ailsngltwml HUn timodgfaomu1mmH 01 ll 0011198 in an congratulations to 1ch 111i1 V1Vl tei 11111 had 11111 hilt lilo to burden 11111 theI loiml iiiiiii1V1p1Vllilc ll MIN YUH man mes the V12qlulinuonj Evans Damon Purpose Grind which CXlHCmn Will ll ILlHl lvfllirHi V1 lllllllilvtf ll VVVM piicc of your subscription by road kliltliister Orton and Evans The sun of Sl7000 was placed in ff Rilwfpujwntg skull MN plaiwldTrillpitfmlAli Have vou renewed vour suliscripiW Nd Willi PU lllt HdVtlliFt AgriNllurfBOTf0h MCMIISNY the estimates for useof the County any ype co ee gift325Trig 11ltVV 616 mm Emmy WW ML 11Sftlt Killhdtlfu mini Vtion nicnts ill The flame Examiner llruwn potlage l6 Evans Mc propomy mmmmee rm 1945 maker referin to his grandfather cumin to Simcoc in ltl2tl lhc llllllllgtlillt recalled that Karl Rowe f11s1 cil tcred the township council when he was llttte of West lwillinn bury People of the 1ow11gtliip were proud of him He naturedly remarked that he would have been just as pleased o1 present had Edgar livans 111 old friend and Gwilliuiliury native been Warden Deputy llcevc Joseph loiiaszo 1t Sunnidale said he was proud that his township had the Warden 1111 year Parsons President of Btil rie Kiwanis Club emphasized that it was the high mark of good Sportsmanship for Edgar EVllllrx 11 be chairman of the coziipliiiiciizary dipper given by the man who 11 footed him Mr Parsons invited those present to stand moment in silence in honor of the boys overseas and this was done Mayor Sinclair Barrie wished Warden Barker and his Council every success for 1945 Mayor Yen Oiillia jocular ly remarked that if Edgar Evans missed the Wardcnship next year he would be eligible for the Scir ate after his long years of set vice Orville Todd on taxWarden rc rtolled that he had Worked with Warden Barker few years ago on the committee for the big plowing match at Edenvale and had learned to appreciate his good qualities Mr Todd congratulated the Coun ty Council on its work with soil conservation and health measures VCoun EllisCollingwood on behalfrof the new Council mem bers spoke briefly He added that he had changed his mind about abolishing the Senate and the County Council since he had served on the latter Coun Ernest Miller Coldwatcr referred to the Wardens big heart an enample of which was seen in taking the long drive to the hospi tal last year to be with him his good lll liinluiry siiid he had llllttllltttl the ltltii of iiiiiisioi l1111tl lo county employees ten years ago It was 111 the interest of the touiity to have such fund in order that employees who have outlived their usefulness could be taken off 1hc payroll iii sleud of ollllitl voik The resolution in favor of Stilllt form of supcraiiiiiiition llttl almost 11nziniuuuisly while doing 1i1c being 1cl1lllttl person tlli AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE IS REOllgltltlZlNG Continued from price one ciations two young people one from Womens Institutes one from Georgian Bay Fairs Association one from Cooperative organizations one from each of the following Milk and Cream Producers Swine and Sheep Producers Simcoe County llolstein Club Beef Cattle Producers Poultry Producers Fruit 1nd Vegetable Producers While tthAct passed at the last provide for as many members as are listed above Hon Ken ncdy came to Barrie last October and after discussing the matter with farm leaders here agreed tthhe larger representation When the matter was being dis cussed during the County Council session adjournment last Wednes day Orville Todd chairmanof the disbanded Agricultural War duction Committee presided When all members have been named to thcgcommittce meeting will be called and an application will then be made to the Ontario Minister of Agriculture for the Simcoe County Agricultural Com itlec to bedeclared an Agricul Pro 11 his own municipality Says Assessors Uiidcrpaid Conn Ernest Miller Collvil1 roundly condemned the plan of 111 cal municipalities paying assessors $710 or even $200 llc asserted that an assessor was not even btlllttll paid to copy the rolls at such piiCe and he added that the assess ments never would be satisfactory until the assessor was properly paid While the Councd was in com mittee of the whole there ilS some disagreement as to how the vote should be taken few of the mem brs asked for recorded vote but others referred to the rules which seemed to indicateno provision for recorded vote while in committee of the whole Finally it was stig gestcd lhatthe members vote in the motion as committee and then if it passed take 11 recorded vote when the Council was resumed This was agreed upon The vote in favor of the assessor was 2718 Warden Barker supported the mo tion The Warden then took the chair and Council resumed and the report voted on the result being 27 to 13 for recommending the appointment of an assessor in June Considering the councillors with two votes the vote was 33 to 21 The recorded vote follows in fav or of County supervising assessor DrBanting ttwu votes Borrow Card two Christie two Cum ming Elis two Eplett Evans Evans Ferguson Gowanlock Harvey Hunter Kidd McCrackcu McMuster Middleton Moon Of ford Patterson Richardson Scy mour two Shepherd Tudhopc vent two Widdis Woodrow Against county assessorfl Banting Beattie Benson Brown two Cascagnette Clark two Cook two Curry Desroches Dique Home McQueen Miller Miller Orton Pearcy Foliage Robb Coombe of the committee of the whole was At the previous day of the Ses BUSINESS SESSION on The London Life Annual Report Questions mid Answers tlmt reveal valuable information Is the Company playing an important part in providin nancial security for Canadians It certainly is Thiiiiiion Dollar mark in life insurance in force was posed during the year The total at the end of 1944 waSmgbillion and thirty 13111 million This is about oneninth of all the life insurance iri force in Canada How muchVinsuVrance did CanddiunstuVy from your Company qust year Whal arelhe resourccsVof the company The total assetsare now $204282000 Over ninetytwo percent of this sum is required to cover the obligationsjulit mentioned and the remaining 76 represents contingency and surplus funds held foradded security to policyholders How aboudlvidend rules In 1945 Loaded Life policyholderswill receive the same high rate ofkliviileiids during 1945 despite the lower interestcarncd On investments further J1den13banquet he had attended He Vstresed that Mr Barker high honor in being Warden of fSimcoc Stood out as ahead He congratulatedt Herbert Banter foam and hadrlearned this from trouble McCuaig KC MP said he never felt nervous speaking be fore county council The 01 tawa member endorsed the kindly remarks of the previous speakers about the Warden Speaking of postwar problems he made special reference to rehabilitation ol young soldiers who enlisted alter leaving school without any opp tunityTtp leariuabtiiness or tirade Thesewould needrthe sympathetic considerationofall in getting plac ed when they return County Treasurer Harry Cole man said this was the 30th War had the premier county in Ontario George JohnstonMPP said that the largesti icounty in Ontario and one leading in many lines It is most advanced Vin tforestation and this1 Would prove big asset in the years 1Wardezi George Bant of the good fellowship ty councrllors Hegsiiid he made itlhis businessto find out the connections of his council colI The1 an earlier warden John Carlton of Button Hervey Spence manager of Midhmt Forest Station statedithat 4V 0121113112 to the huge snow fall and of trees mitt would be lost it they re ndt set out this year Th nine millions of these audit rive minim te transplant occasion was comma3 folding hands in it Auld Lang Syne offlalioffthere is aser ipus mdblem in getting out mil Comnnttce withhi thermonu ing of the Act Among the objectives of the committee will be improved soil and land use an aggressive ed ucational program encourage crop and livestock products suited to Simcoe livestock improve ducts strong farm organizations tbilitation programs help for the relatively small farmer COUNTY MAIEES APPOINTMENTS Coun Evans of West Gwil limbury was appointed chairman last week year Barrie Collegiate Andrew cumming Barrie Collingwood Col legiate John Taylor Midland High SehoolDr Norman James Al liston High School Mrs Ross Willi ams Bradford High School Fred Doane Orlllizi Collegiate Allen Hill for two years Burnet for one year ed for the holding of Entrance ex Coldwater Odokstown Cremore sing Port McNicoll Severn Bridge Singhampton Stayncr StroudTot Waubaushene Ratepayers County session of the Legislature did ment marketing of farm pro ago at municipal convention when EDUCATION BOARD of the Education Committee of the Simcoe County Council in session The committee recommended that the following Countyappointments be made to secondary schools this Ralph for three years Dr The following centres were hamL aminations in 1945 Angus Beetonf Edgar Elmvale Everett Hawker1 stone Hillsdale Lafantaine Mine tenham1hornton Victoria Harbor The committee mommmded igrancbf to the Trustees and Associatly of the Mrs JM Mitchell rota Collingi woodwas reappointed umembEr 011 are EPWWMMSOCiamm1lacechrduot Ojllia saidtie didnt mjcl YI Skin Thursday afternooni Coombe of the Department of Mun icipal Affairs was present and was introduced to the Council by Evans Mr Coombe stated that his De partnient for the past six years had recommended that the old method of equalization was not satisfactory introduction of county assessors He recalled thit he had taken the greatest ride of his life four years he spoke in favor of the county as sessor plan The Department official explain ed that the county Tssessor was to assist the local assessors Four counties have made such appoint ments It was pointed out that there are now 30 local assessors in Sim coe With 30 different yardstieksf Mr Coombe charged that too often copied from year to year Couiity did not appoint county assessor it Wouldbe compulsory to equalize the asessmehts every year Regarding Waterloo County where they have been having some Controversy Mr Cobmbe said there was simply one minor difference which has now been settied System Reveals Untaxed Land ing aSSVSSOI had been appointed great deal of property wasvput on the tax rolls that had never been taxed He asserted that he could go into any part of Simcae and find land that was not being taxed Emphasizing the advantages of more equitable assessment Mr Coombe told of one municipality in5 Carleton that had increased its as sessment 200 per cent and thus multiplied its receipts on Govern ment subsidies three times During the discussion Coun Wal He personally had worked for the the assessment rollsfwereV simply The speaker Stated that if the Mr Coombe saiddhat in each or the four counties where supervisi If Life One hundred and sixteen millionmore than two million dollars week Are wdr claims heavy within the amount for which provision had been made The Company has made preparation for unusual strain by building strong contingency reserves as well as providing for claims which may have occurred butvof which it has not reccivedword What are theCompanys principal nancial obligations Policy reserves are the chief item They amOuntVto over $151000000 and represent 74 of thecoral Wag claims were tyvice as large 1153 year ago but well asseis Other liabilitiesto policylioklersand their families suchVVas motley left on deposit with the Company andpofjcydividends totallxalmgst $27oooooowhichis further 1327 Othcritems including staff pensioh fundcapital provision for VtaicesVandmiSCellaneous liabilities total $10700000 0352 bf theassets Headice Londouyuiladu idecmgiiimerxseie has helped to make How do you 1ch for the progress of The London tile A11 essential fnaorbhas been its long established record for insurance at low come policyholders while maintaining at strong financial position The public realize the advantage they gain from the fCompanyswmnclel stability and they appreciate the high reputation ihiiieiiibers of itssales organ ization havcearncd focvithfmsclvesVuchounsellors The is representatives only thosewhgshowirite mcss forthelife insur eeciitlitenfsfplres noeorts in training shdfcqiypingrthem give soundidvice It is of thesefaCtorslovv public condence Iuiciitghiy Skilledsales service which iiiice basisuf the London Lifes rapid and heihhygrom 751 cnpyV of 11151944 Annual Report will he smiled 151nm it

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