III IIIII II II III II III II In II II WI II mm is A3 Cs ll yp gt ah IrIiI am BOWLING HAG II III IIIII III IV mm WWI II II IIYI IZ VI P73 III III II IIIIIIII II EI IIIIIHI Pm III II III gt Tum IJIIIIDI In M913 gs It ruec Moro Im WIT TIIF Emma IIIIIIIIII II II II II If II III IKIIIIIIIViIIk WI If If lerry icitlI htvvi scurcd curator Grey ins only mie this tunic Dc IIv II IIIIIIIIII CIII III rm tam III III II uh mm 18le 55 iitdcrrrflicgnbngm Fig1 90 by Shutaut SCOTEE it sm so um um mi Allondole Bear Gorcr II II Xverage In are list up from Jutcmlc in itxmt I7 II III II the 1entire roslcr Hi the GrCys rm glkelgfg 5m OI juvenile age TIQI wldm gig II Bud Morrison 1m Tghefw Em OIII for Owen m1 IIanman II IIII II big rugged difence 4in II and made the gain in the Hermit 210 not plenty tough MacI Neath tarke league goal needs more experience in Mr Pi was the sub last wjmm Two older ShIppeIS 31 II II II II and IIemhI II II II Irv II III dIII$IITI 3033 IIIiIZZtIcIIIIn IIII BIO II yegss IIIOIICd out new pIaver Turin II 23 III II II III IIII II II Gard Duggan from MidlandI He m2 II II II time worked at right wing Pa Hi scoresMen single F0 with Robinson on the LoughecId tar glisrzhre RI Squires hmg III rec Bll Jones second line IA stodgy 3101 Lades sinegglg Peru 24 IIIcIIIILCIII II IltIIiItI II tIiIiI last but With ar SI Burns aIi mt mosim HIM L05 mij vA ra esLadres Burns 18 ii an gar Still fall Willi ilildla re MCFIIddeE Juli Slut sciiiIUl nlli am all Marshall 126 Whig draft hdule due to nut get post without kn ii iI glam 99 Dunworth 95 Mary uncertainty of ice llm8ThB league alchgf gutting Wm III Sophh ISL EII Bum pm tours licking hatuidsyt till High singl for season 1301 Sr Tl abwemedme W1 complete would like to getone more entry Kingston visned with his mother slhltlldtl Om pauni vu1iiii mon 319 sxngIeAIserIersIIof IthtIz fivobanattn in midget to round outthe group MrSIGeQI RankinI for ew daysI it nigiiItI cluiiuitIdI that lltItl Itiaul FUNERAL DIRECTORS Claimant NEED 1503mm sum ram iiinmiiemteihe iiiiltoiispwpom gm aIrii sill iepmbm iiiiiiliilihliioiiiiiiilfu Chili ian WILSON alimon ta ey ms can con LBYII Whatateam Blue DEWIS Is1 HAVE AITEN NC ined to her bed with pneumonia ellmgtml mild on m9 Slmm Slimlxml sagolmdgg Basiler5 emsMk5 XI cute of the ChnrcllimLeague for sdome time We wish her Illnlgcnm suxclgnzfsnwg Emmi33$ 23 Whlcll must be strictly adhered to spec yIrecoveIy er rl hang II II expense lIllSJlnglli hI Clapper on Bankers League 15 that 930 member must have 50 Mrs ER Wvfvisited in Toronto THENITIHE OFFICERS method of handling this difficulty gt per cent Sunday School attendance Td3I 11 16 ea 1d 14 attended in the township Cemmcicg Bottle or 75 per cent church attendaucs onWrriiursCeisysclman Iattended the dance all tlico Offichers Club her Should 598 Soldiers 53 BEYWG ed COWIEIBECBBTHC Teams who do not comply with this funeral quDr Bowman Pnetang firsttnilitary social affair Giving Transportation all 93 ruling will be penalized in the Thursday dialer she made ancnthusmstic Wlth thousands of IagbsentIees 0W 599 39 Playoffs iChzirlie Beanard Collingwood reporttamer parents Wandering mount motorists NQYRSCOQ N9 MIDGET SERIES 5pm the weekend with Mys wI ItI was wonqergui she said should rquuest to see tho pass It TOFmlo Leon rd tAtl gust danced with second anxisenvtce man they gills 73 7wwriM KQWWK Mil 9Q IFSkl Wa it Shrimp Downcr and C13 lisumihts but later danced to in their cars IThese men can man lan Ine2 9I1here were 89 midgetteams enenoe Mcrtz had their tmsusrI thhit officers not go near railway station or Per 165 FEITCK lZPBreda 155 Campbe Men Hedger 197 Rivett 19 Squirt 193 Earth 192 Hawaii 192 long counter AllzindulcGnul Brill defence Cecil Dnnctt Jim Putters sun centre Bill llusgun airings Leonard Robson Herbert Gllllllltl alternates Waiter Loni lluivey Johnson LloydlcarsullI Don hic enileslast winter He seemed strane out there Friday but will comealong with steIady work With the Colts lllb inst in iuiiimml Vii iii Tle 2iilt nits in Orillm by who yiiiit airs 4332111 Bowling League Wittt livihil BackIOriiers Duz BoysIl HWES I7 Get Crackin IQ Hot Shots won their grunt by nnc but Frank ll lli Hanson lnny 13 Mum IImmniiccy Johnson untl Johnny Johnson wcic Wm i5 Midland lJEt moi ilit Burnt Matt Robertson Hurry Armstrong WI III Front Silliilil Stltin thlidllll lulii PIiInIHeIadsIO Donough Joe Johnston lhivid liftile hi Du cd UK it silo it Im by lngle Eula 323 three 3011 Dennis Walton twoimrynl Lv 15 ISL III Elliott Hing 301138 iineup along with the 9339 0111 itrlIld ieztlllrel 39 may in 4er HM II SolTy to report that eoI Inu II rig to trove Mon or to II uis notimproving inmealthas 133 Depot Ian lagesqitjglsingqstnfegifff iinaiipunu FflllllllWGKC cntcr Bfmd CW 10 mis ciao sis in so II rgpldb as many friends would mucous 48 IBeIautighters 31 Is In hI= III edQriilia bent outEhvulc in spew he wckjll Runny lt IBAEKEKPJHR cstI it vush Kittyhawks 33 Libellators HU Sue 339 land 0C eximend while 311leelinnnmud uld hva is Gladtoreportthat Jaseph John ecanezi Haryardsvztgllobots 23 the Colts refereed the games IL 33 tryI am stoii Iable to tie home from the Mosquiwegm EMIANCE OFV SCHEDUIE Shoud 1th nal BMW defeated li RV ospifalBar after hav GroupAHigh single Leonard home mr Unitas and 11m wmD Wyatt Sat Jan I27Il nm Collier vs Archie HudSOnI Em SpmqingI day with himrcnis ah atmk of mm DOISOImIIg BABRIETlItxil su trimii threeISmthI762I III II in one hand waroupreigh single Farms Central 12 oonv 11td119 VS ton Spiers skis iDixie Corbett hf Fm mi 115 can rm mi um Hun gm iiiism sz sum 31mm me here attended 247ihree Farber 632 Trinity rem ewhunn We lmwsecured pusmcm Mid 1m the Iligiivgli at Mrsr Andrews Sat Feb 311 am Central vs Sigp VJOIIlImg in 10 ClbtI lelllsgpsil 92 9mm Is Elmvmg on Thursday for Mr and 5de me Allandale 12 noonI IstMIIIySI vS sympathy of the Ctlmlttllnll III II IIIWWIIIIA II IIIIIII vmmnn 51 than sum we KYESICNT smrmssr mt SUKGMEg 53 Danish Stevihonc use is extended toEd English in the loss of his sister Mrs Graham splendid time was rcpottmi by those who attended thc dance of snow Gilli ltiIfitnliy illt lcit Snzllllll inc cqinpincrit Mrs Haight nee GraceI Richi artisan and report very pleasant evening Shilling I145IIIIUS ngnleIzIsIs 137 arms 17 Iarsre Allisin 132 Brehaut 131 teredtfrom Central St Marys and Trinity but us yet they had been Trinity II Sat Feb ltlll am Trinity vs Collier 12 noonlAllandale vs St I01 Rinks were lack Craig my gt