HUBSDAY VANUARY 25 ISIS Wm PAGE TEN Wimww lAliCTlC BISHOPl CENTRAL UNITED lMyotlon Picture Industry lNEEllS Slillllll NSIVGSECNV EEEE Fine War Record VjiV Vim Huh iti insist lt 13 HT llulii Lirli of 33 Ll wuaoorns son pLATEV VV trimiii ii iiiii on ViiVVVVrViVVV innborn li The MW WWW 321 Service Zl Hail Zif Flo SIX lit uulc lrcrlt illili tiaizlirasn inlil lm ti liil liii il Ln lliltn til ll lt lm lllldlt uiur =1 of lm iii tiziiil titf ANIIIONY HASH liziici wt the lit lii tiluliatlu 1xit ft li in it in li in oi nil MABSHMALLUW in iimile Marlind il lit in oil inf Albeit mini 5V VVVVVVjV iVVV VVVVV V1 in lildllnieti iiuil ithil 21 li iizt ll lii tiiliiii it im Itli 4111 lltlllli III himLl LVNFH Famous Players Celebrates Anniversary ln lllti liiiii llayili lucky lim urgiiiiaiiii v14 iltl ht III Itll llit lltlllltl told lllt iiiri nation that Le lIslriinns wle li his and ninth atlllzitta that tlttt lintz of good Li lJlnlilslli he addi lltl iiiifolliiianly tinin llltltl ll this that tlrliltllll1 lint we tii place in llrilrj MUiii Mr and lV ilnltindalo wish to announce the tllllllitlllll of llltll younger daughter thllll frcd Mary to Stephen lolln Isa rlinl son of fill hachui and the late Michael ltitlllll of Sndbury ruminating in 1s liii it til iliiimu lillll tillr ii tfli 1l itll lllv pimple ili The tlti ti Ill if lifiutr ltillllt il in lullov IIli lltiiiil ltliltl ltiiy McLean it liiiharti ifllitt llsill till REEVES Jewellers in2ilpin was BRYSONS Pea and Candy Shop LOOK FOR THE SIGN 12 Elizabeth St PliolleV4562 Central United Church REV BEWELLV BA Minister Phone 4159 Miss Jessie Bryson Organist inri Choir Lean SUNDAY JANUARY 28 lflli ll AlliLOST AND FOUND tile lnariiaize to take place ln in St ilaiys hincii Alway 11 tin iii the opinion other ll probably wont do you any iiltl but it will thorn liill Gospel Tobernoch 20 Mulcaster Street Barries Revival Centre uv lhomas Lotto BA Ilnlstei SUNDAY JANUARY 28 1943 ll AMDEVOTIONAL HOUR 245 PAVESUNDAY SCHOOL Presentation of prizes to membch 730 pMVICTORIOUS LIVING of Young WorshippgrsLeague 230 REITSUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES PIV sacvaamc BROKEN PIECES Court to Gods House on His Day Free Methodist MISSIOn Clapperton Street REV BALI Pastor SUNDAY JANUARY 28 194 200 PAMSUNDAY SCHOOL 24fiPMTHE PASTOR Soldiers and strangers will find cordial welcome at this mission Thurs pmPrayer Meeting How can overcome sin the world the flesh and the Devil Ilear this helpful scrmonConle and enjoy means more to them titan their good song service Visitors and strangers invited wf we Zollier St Baptist Church REV MITCHELL Minister drew me closer with the cords of SUNDAY JANUARY 28 1945 ll AM AND PM THE PASTOR PlBIBLE SCHOOL 820 mayor Fellowship Ilour Wed rimPrayer Fri pmYoung Peoples Meeting VISITORS WELCOME The Salvation Army COLLIER STREET Officers in Charge MAJOR LAURA COLLINS LIEUT RUTH METZGER SUNDAY JANUARY 28 1945 11 AM AND PM 230 rimSUNDAY SCHOOL Tuesday pm RS Womens Aux Wed 8pm Youth Group meeting Thursday pm Friday pm Childrens Meetinr Public Meeting Saturday pm Andrews Presbyterian Church REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister Edmund Hardy Mus Baa FTCM Organist andChoirmaster SUNDAY JANUARY 28 1945 11 AM ANDW PM THE MINISTER PMSUNDAY SCHOOL MidWeek Service Thurs pm Come to Church Trinity Anglican Church REV MHQWDEN BA Recto WRIGHT Organist1 VSeptuagslma AMHOLY COMMUNION 1b AMYoungrPeop1eVBible Classes 11 AidMORNING PRAYER Preacher The Rector EMASUNDAY VSCHOOL PMJeYoungPeoples Service Preacher The Rector 515 pm Trinity Fireside Club for young people in the Parish Hall Men and women in uniform are cordially invited jaiiinoiiivinus our carer Ma Tim on Minister First Baptist Church Clapperton at Worsley REV HAIRE Minister Miss Elsie Cloughley ATCM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY JANUARY 28 l945 11 AMMORNING WORSHIP PMBIBLE SCHOOL ParEVENING WORSHIP Ordinance of Believers Baptism 830 PittFELLOWSHIP HOUR Monday pn14BYPU Wed Jan ZYIPrayer Servrce Service men and women always welcome dont tell them thtiyli all going in hell tllt13 they tin acliy whaU we say inl til ti fir thing thcz Itllriiillli litll line lllllltli if to lend and ll in lll2 own tongue When you try to teach tiltm to read titty lillnit you are not right in the head in added The Bishop of the Arctic sllcsrrri how difficult it to chance thu EIltilliti from their faith to lilizl them ready for linptislli the tildcl ones say to them mo and some of the youlii rncs ttun tioln the new way back to the old He is nllltll off his feet by the old Pagan taith llc uocs down again However the young lisltilllor arcl again persuaded to join the Chlist tian faith and then comes the great day of confirmation The Bishop contrasted the difference between the Christian ceremony of bread and wine and the Pagan ccrclnonyi of three days of feasting and riot ous living and debauchery But he added to these people who are on the verge of starvation the year round this little piece of bread former three days of feasting They have true simple minds love the Eskimos theres no question about that the Bishop told the congregation as he re ferred to the text They drew me with the cords of it man but they love Bishop Fleming explained that the work had been started by the Church in England but that source of financial help had been cut off for the duration of the war The Church iii Canada hasinherited this service He was charged with the responsibility of raisiiigifntlm to carry on the work for year The Bishop of the Arctic also ad dressed the evening congregation and morning Bible Class Mrs Fleming spoke to the Sunday School in the afternoon Pirates of lenzonce By Ovenden Students An Enjoyable Event One of the best productionsstag ed by the girls of Ovenden College was played in Trinity Parish Hall last Tuesday evening when they presented the Gilbert and Sullivan opera Pirates of Penzance The difficult parts especially the songs with their tricky articulation were amazingly well played Patri cra Gunn as Majoereneral Stanley Jean Hunt as the Pirate King and Marylin Snyder as the Pirate Maid Mmud ianwork earned Speck 90m Collier St UmtedJChurch REV ErLEWIS MA ED Minister MRS GRIFFLImM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY JANUARY as 1945 11 AMSanctified Imagination THE CHURCH SCHOOL 11 umBeginners and Primary Dents pmBaraca Class for Young Men 230 pmYoung Womans Class pmaJunior and Senior Depts pmgAdult Bible Class mendatioii for their outstanding perk formances The overture was played as pianoduet by Miss Champion and Miss Biltcliffe The entire performance was pro duced and directed by Miss Bitt cliffe LRAM MRST director of music at Ovenden The students of Ovenden staged the opera in aid of the Lions Bri tish Child War Victims Fund The net proceeds would have been great er had it not beenfor the $75 ex pense incurred inrentingthecos tumes which were so very neces sary to add extiaglamorto the performance While there were more than 200 in the audience thefmmbers of the PMTKInca These Thith Lions clpbregrettd that the hall Are MoreThanVConquerors 37 Mary Street Barrie SUNDAY IANIIARY 281945 11 AMBelievers Meeting BM=Sunday School remweeps Service Weill Jan31Bpin Prayer Meeting 0f another SO AII scrutiny invited uhirsocuvscH r711 AMmirit3flf lei BE rims league Storggmrhhmg 236 paramagnetic gamete Museum1619b Cordial Ittvltdtlbn to All GracGospt Hon was notpfacked for such an admitJ able production VV OAKLANDHILL Thelocal hockey team played its first game against East Ore and lost 30 Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Gordon Dunsmore on the arrival Mrs Wm McGilIivray New Lowell spent stew days with her doughten Mrs Franklin Hickling ANTEN MILLS Mrs Wilson is spending few weeks at Wilsons Mint smg days with her sister Stan Jordan Elmvale Mrs Pie cox Newmsrksti and Pie pbell16 were reckon visitors at their homes here in magnumh cit Vs lgtficers wrloglrurneditlw Miss Borothy Fleming visited DIAMOND MERCHANTS BARBIE 76 Dunlop St Phone 3745 70 MUM MRS lAIIthl WEBB Mrs Mary Webb rilr or linino at lip Buy loill ltilltl IT illifi shalt iilniu flt Weziii was daughter il lltli1 ll luvs and the late illi lilitl and was bolli at lZiw liay lviiJ fine was in in lllltl car Siii itltgt to mouth lltl hcl lllllullll and one Iiili Daun litl lather four sis ters Dora Mrs LeonardMartin llclrn tMls Illlllltl Wallaiti Mild ICl lhlls Dalton li wilii Cora Mrs Win Young three br Illltl chV thcr twin brother overseas Turn of luraldtoll Lyall of Bi Bay Ft The funeral scrvice was conduct ed by Rev Catiicart at the laimc of her EilSltlll Wiiltotiiii on January 17 and interment was made in St Pauls Aliclican Tomc tcry The pallbearers were two bro thers Lyall and loiit and four iirolictaililaw llarolil Wallace leonard Mania Dalton Irwin and lllUltl Webb There were many lovclv floral tributes from friends and relatives also wreath from SB No 141m llisfil and one from Innisiil Chap tor lifltl MRS REVJ RIX Daily News Prince Rupert BC Mrs Sadie Rix wife of Rt Rev Rix Bishop of Caledonia passed away early yesterday after noon Jan at the Bishops Lodge Fourth Ave Mrs Rix had been ill declining health for the past year and death came as merciful 1c lease to months of suffering Nev ertheless her passing is deeply re gretted by the numerous friends in the city and throughout the diocese for she had endeared herself to every person who had the favor of her acquaintance To the Bishop and the son and daughter sincere and general sympathy will be ex tended in their bereavement Mrs Rix was the daughter of Dr Donald Gillespie of Canningtoii Ontario She hadresidcd in Prince Rupert since 1913 She had always been closely associated with her husband in his ecclesiastical duties at Wycliffe College the Church the Redemer iname at Orangeville OntarioVand for more than30 years in Prince Rupert She was for many years in the early days organist of St Andrews Ca thedral and was for long time presidentoithc Womans Auxil iary both of diocese and parish She will be greatly missed in the SPENCER Individually designed Found ation Garments and Health Supports 1For appointment or further information call in or telephone THE Barren DRESS Isuorrn IDia139847 Barrio FRESH CAUGHT EVERY DAY Home Killed FRESH PORK Nigger POULTRY tar Dunlap renting it The congregational meeting and new iTrinitymEhuich Womans iAuiniory Reports Show Year of Great Progress lit iltllllltl incltiny liiili Auxilialy was bold Hit of Trinity txiziltn In the chair Rev ll It lltivn optllttl with prayer in Fitliptiilt lending Have an ill 11 tlillz lirtliilii of all officers iii Hill had been 5m of proI inii 51in iitlp to iiciilbcl jaial other well li llllllll 2177i circular letters llt 3tlll out It church llthllbtl llhi brought ready response inl niw members financial help and larldeti interest Mrs Creswickc lit lino 1le limb VUil till Ullil hl IM Mimi Nlv llill 17 with the littSItltIll Ml llli and iAlllcrInli and aliiill tlltl Mrs iicwclt with very kind ill lf Illillllmlll and iiliiiiil it we iivi tillit tti lilt Wiles In lllt Siwiun It Kilt did llilll ll illywniil ll tzii lllal ii Nitllii tll llilll lllltl ttll TiltMulltiii Iii ti Iii vill lllltl ip mil ilitl lili ttiLl itif il liitiwjl Alvin llillllil tin lnii llctt Yiiiiiici iIiliin li my Mi of ltilillllii liirtliiipc of iii tin tiillllllllltt iii SltWilttlx illllgiallilr Siitiinl picture have Ila Stiiiipziil iii Vnubatt I711 ltlkilis iiil litllllll mmi 12 HEHMVW Khvnllld Hr Timmw wmulim UVVHHVVMWV MWVNVV liliaitiaiip war tlliill and ii iwn iillthllttl the luilniius llpyois lENv ltllilllllllt ill llli riliitlilailiun Till IVnt llIl lltlty lilvViiVlalxuy iranclinc VfulVtxallada VIliViry Vin mefmuk ml Mum Mth lI ifVluilazliVc has xprcssrri the were nazltcd tliltl llll III 33 LAM mummy Hm VVYVVHV tVV Vititiii lVllit twviriiiiltn twyltijti tor llllVlill llVachls aliatl gm Vmphw 5mm ULVVVSS is tiiOlldllHl iVliii llili =ilil litr iill iirpiiratinn lllllitetltillllii SPVVVViVVI VVNVHHVVVV WV WV militant at IlZinJtt In tho titititllt nanw fin llltlt new collipany Um VVHVI VVNMVHVL the Sm 195 if tilvaar lllldlitltt iniitilcnl mail that of law mm m0 VVVVVVth Many itilltly man and womangluiiiiyatiiin 1113 My 11 mm WW ml Up until that time Mr Nathali undid WIWVNV Th mine it Sinidlly shows liladc ititllllltsm hm hm mbwl in the t30liiid of the vveniln was iiitillerx mllurlmd nd WNW mlmmlm illillll IINlUlll Alli Cim ti it very imth tliisltl lltll tl lhrhlv in lull inuliltlln 15 DWMW mm tillfilttllliill ltllltlllllllitl it im 11V1qu VV ngfQVVVVVulEV vliiiniu In Will he any his av im md Mr WV BMW QiVVunVVV CVVVVVVVHHVMN TVVVV qudVVVV socmtes purchased the lilzijcthlcVtili hwv we VVVViVVkVfVVVo VVV iild holllu ofVllVieliirilanla ill lo me mVVVVN VVWCHVVVhLVVVVVV mm by tVoiitii from the llitcVAnlbrochJ lll llltlllts Willifilms taunted by Small and rebuilt in into the bus out one of Canadas first dc luxc oistribntois This mmm of DIN ve 31mm motion pictulc thcatics From the 18 original theatres and ccllclnm lift in appreciation of their uUlk through the your pleasant social hour was cn joycd by everyone when the ladies elaiure secretary utivc instructive and interesting talks on the SLlltly ilhuili West of the Date Linc Tile elliiicris work consisted of sewing lfor Indian boys and girls of the illusion schools and The Empty ltail for bribics and western needsi IYl June the yearly shower furl British Bolnh Victims was held at the Rectory Some 074 articles Ol ldonntcd amongr which were babyl LCIOlllVOS soaps powders blankets in quilts as well asgood clothing and used Ill letter to the Dorcas secre tary Mrs Bowlcs it was stated We were able to make up and send 24 laycttcs and many service bags on receipt of your wonderful boxes Pledges were met in full with the united lllllnl0flClIll and extra The Auxiliary begins 1045 with prayer and the hope to go forward again womenis work of which she had been for so long leader Besides her husband Mrs Rix is survived by one son Major GLA Itix stationed at Victoria with the Royal Canadian Artillery and one daughter Mrs Ruth Isabel Breukclman who resides in Trin idad Rev Bishop Rix is anative of Crown Hill and hasrclativcs resid ing there GEORGE ALBERT JERMEY The death ofGeorge Albert Jer mey occurred on Saturday Dec23 934 at his Square He was born on the farm where he lived On Sept 25 18831he son of Mr and Mrs James Jermey He wash member of the Baptist Church and was deacon and superintend ent of the Sunday School for many years tile is survived by his wife form erly Beatrice Crook two daughters Mrs Leighton Slessor Annie of Thornton and Mrs Roy Martin Irene of Toronto and his sin Gordon on the homestead brothers are Samuel Thomas Clif ford and Leslie Jermey and there are two sisters Mrs II Heath and Mrs William McKerrol The funeral service was conduct ad on Dec 26 at hiShome by Rev Guthrie and interment was IESldeIICC trade in Knox Cemetery The pali hearers were Finley McKay Russel lermey WVilVfred Crawford Albert Forrester Irwin Clark Orton craw tord Many floral tributes were sent from friends and relatives also irom the Baptist Church Mitchell iquare the Womens Institute and oblaws Toronto All your job printing heed can be efficiently filled by The Examiner 40033138 CUPBOARD FULL COURSESOR LUNGHEQNS Currants for BANQUETS postnatal satin 2Hanemnrtrotrtetrr centaday funds much increased His of the con ncuation served rcfrcsi Film us Pia 01 fin inents to IIIItllltlt iliiipv tHlllIl lit lllCllylllll men Take grew the Famous luVmS mum ht ii zatlon cxtcnding from coast to VV i112 the Canadian entertainment Wm umqu emu pmmm WILTB STAFF CHANGES Mfrm lVVanmyfny hwh Players owns or operates in is Several Stall Changes in WPTB Mm wnmdm mmm socizition with partners 311 local offices ill the Central Ontario IVY tV VV theatres in Canada and NC Region are aniiounccd effective AMP fmmdlnnd no London Gazette records that Jail li OileVof these changes 15 AV JV CVMV AV qr Today Famous Players provrdcs that Wilson wlioVllas been Cmnilleri of Eastleigh Hampshire an annual payroll for Canadians local representative in Lindsay forVEulz Vis to assume the name of of $6000000 aan paid taxes lost more than two years takes over the AUIQlIUS JOEGDII Clmlllm Small year in all forms of more than same duties in Barrie llubnwondelthusc HUNS zlatnd Em $10000000 Falllous Players and me associated theatres provide enter Aurelius Joscph mid 01mm CP lmanuci Pius Carmel Marmnus comes Rentals Officer for BamciArilctlus Thomas Aloysius Dom and district linic litr Canadians every week Alphamotta CapSulcs Vitamins and Complex For Diet Deficiencies Beminal Tablets 100 l375 Betamin Tablets 25 Caps 100 100 300 50 185 100 Caps350 locq 85c 500 Caps 1500 25 160 rs DAYS SUPPLY 5125 sonAys SUPPLY Panto Kips Improved campsites 1160 VV 50 Capsules 270 V100 Capsules zooCapsules 1150 not and Ye oaE ROBERTSONANDQAL logging orrosrrs rosrolliir Barrie the producing or tainment for more than 2000000