THIS WEEKS ISSUI 7025 Copies 82nd YeorANO BARRlE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAi JAmUxrvr jiI till AT 23in niilicInCIease In county Taxis CONSIDERED Is 25 This year The Sililtl Lo Uilfll ttrll itll ll lA Activities of lien And Women In lllll fl iliiit 38m lltrtintvtlx lttlli215bttli Llrrlctgtetioiieitll lliStlill tn the NavyArmyAlr Iona Il INHIAI 1IIAIAI 11 IIIII II1I led NI Azlzd Linn Lilli Lit rut It in llllI it till LCleIIi IIitmtsltlit ti ct AitilltU tin Lmltizl in mm 0am ttAAAAADDED TO SIMCOE nvy mil hw tummy swath inc 194 budget was mzPROVlDES BOOKS AWA llitl we ltlul Uiilttt Douglas lCliLUtkli UIn biiilo of Lle ry lizdi torldzn smoulwud King 595310 Dr mun libI my Wm iiititUtilityll ll wit elder son of Mr and Mn Stan PenUr nu iAiI mum by Clltllllllilll oi finance Conn Benson of Punching KIWI Foch llnIrrlIe is serving vivtrCmI town lil2il tll to ttillrltltl Le 5mm II The increase is onehalt mill tor road punon and oluA II bum IQHUI 31 1m Rd UlllIMd lilCUlllIlfllltllt ll llizike lilmtb illilltliH on lilt plu llitll llllll ltll general lltlllWSCS lltt lt llllxl lltt liilll lllEllsx humilga gtzoi Sudan llll Barrie lAlUllS lllllllli tltilll Naomi 110mm Ami 15 V1 II Kl ct Ith hock mam of WI IImlIlme IIIIzIIIIIII IIIIII IIII IIIII II III IIII It IIIliI tor ht pronoun tour ytiila II IIAleIIuIiIIIIpIII III yv er ago Doug Joined the ltCAlA mimo Mm mm mm LSIIIII LIIIII Burries share or the County tax Will be tliitll Sislhllti TVIIWIf IIIh tt 15 A= 3A 3AZ June 19 and after training ati lgle follow Elsi Art tlo on Irrm um hwy Lollipdittd Willi lpplllklllldtcly $5000 ill 19 nmmm III III III IAzrelInnfI lurontoI and trIilIiliithiIzilli vonuIn to line 13tn tlinlcolnnxnced in Sin A1110 illt llllllflplll items ilLlllltlttl ill le1 gt Al idlliwi AI v11 iclatuaui as navrgator Wit cointor more thorium or bind IA the Ulhthm mm from MI Ach yum HR DPIIIIL IIIIIII AIIIIIIIIII III lit it tut rI Ill lllt tllo tun olil llot lo 010 At It 10AM lie wan boiled to caigirvlunnl ta llaloltl Fulllt 131 llAHlLM ManipurloJustice $46000 an increase 0t310llltil Chzltlren if and later to Connix BC where lioyloudam hivlIluty uh 13 lll7lli llAAOtlU Hospitalization $18000 Public Health and vellarc Section Pages to lib b3 LICI ll UH 1V 91 an um ymcm OWN IDLIHIIIIIII ILIIIIIIIIIII OI IIIIIIIIIIIIII11IIII ltilIItI Itiruultlp iollIIili000 ontlngtutlts $10331 II IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIICII III II Flight Serucunt llerbert lyllarold Stephen Lefloyt ll my Al ll llli ltVtliltt which the tnlllty hits bltuitilttl llil til your gt pm IIult Aizuuiti alien tit lrIltitirli Md nthom MNCI has unwed Elillitlr fluxnut tiltk no My Inlqu hiithtlulcliliri Ipitnoirln IHIImCI 312000 LRIPUMIEII $400 PIImunIII SIIIOUII RIIIIIIIIIIIII IV II II II CIIIIII IIIII III II II IIIIIIIIIIII II CI IIIII II oycrueas llis wife formerly lletaiiAH lAllHlml DWI Illltlllkwhl Ml l1 WA II III IIIII III mm ital unwmn RR WIl mg db mm UHKm JILIHQM Of this mman the County levy ml mm Whln buncue county wll le gum oi slum whetUm Lilith Hurt and he defeated all oiiosition ledlU Rm Mm Hom vtlk Hlimfletl and J0 luldren EA tlltllltllt ll $342930 The revenue should be llh ltllltiwsi tlndhealc ilit Av1 II II II IHI tII llld in the Northern Ontario SIXHII hank AHMMI HI 11 588qu mu Mom tniplo ll tilti lil litlllllltl ill tilt the ftilllitt to mi lumen Swami mars mm ML Mm Ull Nimrod and llltiltIltttl that the to ul onehalf llllllS for general purposes and one and onehull it mallow I5 inlnzstiation $04450 includes grunts oi $215008 Retortsill ltlllil lldllllx fllfliAlintllzt lilll II II run1 II hid the ivltIlClllgt the momI 15ch mllkmwn inmcplllet Dalton tilule includes the ioliowing amounts Justice Siililltl Runny lice Sr 000 interest on bonds Public Health and Wcl Anti md 1hr tllaek lollllAioll Alilrct1i Md AlmntliA unitl the turning lhm mpbt of Sllyml md mm ll1 out lltlil 34 tA lmmll in his amateur duys llerb was Mex fockhlnn Perry Dlrkln UHUIAIHH hilhhlIttllit llru 90 Irv ltl 2W All it BCl also played defence for BarriolA he Nv WV1 lllmihhfhl llh ismull be 588989 it yrr tle it rated or met httllchA At HM ll in these parts hm mt Ihmdm mu nlines anti eventually became the li Milled mgAm 55 Ulllhl III tilVltl tunilait nateiiAll lit htillltlhl III 19 tllClC WLN 23 lelCUGnPCf the war he went to Great Britain mum to due ve DIN WW WW 15 Sillihl mills for county roads there Wlll be tax rate tor education ii iliul 11A7lt AA had been on flying only until hlsluttlltl hur llvlalinrl titlt 01000 illltlIV liUlllt 312000 liltltlrltllttl behoou moth lllewl ti mmvl All iullA WK aquAp 000 ll Hit yeinAold on may are residing licroim lAlllllAlth UM Ie Av II II II IIMI gum II It II II ht mumI 1m UL lumm MW JUlml Ml Hm Bumll lmmm 11 Md in M11le 115 llmdtd 3142 yin llll Ltds cit imills will raise 91080 lild the Ontario itmlllltlt rebate lA mumn it zliuludidilthtm WWWAl me 001mm ml Huck at Mill lAllltllttltll lidti llL Jno nldita ntlt itllliltl to lulu hm ll II IIII eA The llgt0lCtlvIiill Au AAA gtiAltA Colts But boxing was his liiglllmlh Hhhlht hw MmAy hmcu hrutnuls All lztlsllioilrl llit total olllity budget this year pliHltlth lol ln II 101 some limo he 5min Illwl dude lhmll County levy $214641 Sundry revenue $30300 Road rebate Mt In itllllj Ut it little Turn it lx AAAlt lepllilet of Educ lwZl nundim mm hmwywciam Chum iCollin Gordon Higgins len bk WNW mm pronwl In addition to the active ounty tax rate oi three and WWL tfi1t vimi mum Hx In iCtl35l lellCtl in Simcoe County AM interest in hittll LUlldlllttlls zmd humid pmfcssmmmy mm lnumlCOUNTY This is not struck until the June session and is based on the Mn mm or iAilitrillc vim mam AIiIAn tiry brought in revenue of Micem there and on the continent 1L IAIllnllll supervisor lxlitrlrwl mu pupils unending um Him mummy 50mm in Sin IImIIH Nancy MINI i1 R00 liluljvnlul Isutfyfuit IIrlplllio eoe Last year it was $7345673 or liiproxliiiatcly one nnllI WARDEN SON ON Ltltll GCttlgC Clark of Barrie When the war sluilCtl he was rtlllnll boards to provide the lieu of and onequarter It is not yet known who her or not he prn Jamm Gibson mm Sim Clmited to the Council that Shh FOR RED CROSS icri it link Atcarold son home on vacation and volunteered Wilmer lhtlt lhllIhA lhh posed ntlirlo xtiieiiiiiielit cdueiition SlleHllCS ltlll alleet the II $19 litmlgAkA Biy retired Professor of llnlos Mile lime Nd 01 actth SCIVlCC but was turned lll Kth Milll1 lllhklll CPL Glen Morley wonkmw CUUHl Clerk Simpson WC 0013 received 37311670 as was stated in the Registrars report to the went to Germany swdy and CWle Treasumr 13 3019 childrens shelter was being down because his eyes He jom in 0d llmil Urmnmmulm supply mudcm plumbmg culliw bounty Lax this itlllllli lilnllllicliHElElleldtte iiiillil lllgglltlll lintlillltllvllfttiljliill mined Over to me chC for me IIulIllCK Iouny lis yeu Avil eA uiA ll gt ed the Grey Simmc lorcsims CCIIIC IIIIIIIIIQ IIIIIIHIIII sumo IIIIIiIIItIIKl LICLUK llkhtltlnA th hiltl t1 mum Clerk III TI Simpwnllle related mum31m mmdumj of llOblhb hJUbL 10 01 II mu II mmmILIIIeI Value mIlCHIIk bIIUIIm by IIILIIII II I1 ldihUI Wm bum emOumIgICImWLverslty of lorlilto and Johns llop 105 Ifolridlifw 3v 10 THIS Job at Toronto and MOHUAORII is II IIIH AII gtI IIII Iconcrete basement they WeiCI 1y IIIIIII IIIII IIHIHII VCIIIIIIII 50on bCI kins Univme IIM HIIHIIIIIII III 3le illoilc ea an Older blOlllClS TCd imd Bl UN MAKE my dymun hm hm 15mm mm 57mm hula ZUCunc At uni VA tiv ar alwas He Pl Ems Cilllllgllitildt CW Gellhmcountics were lntrodtlcin lllll as C0llilldlltll 83201 HO in litiii Total net earnings except 50 Wm 0C or oF the new COmmlllee From Overseas with the ITn My Patterson PUIII MUNICU oulltv ouneih Net earnings in 1913 were nearly $5000 lcsa lb more that he 00k this fiegwy mall on behalf of the Wll Citizens Build in 1939 has mlumed tion of the grant He was three yours studying in mended that the request for as UVCT 40 years ago the students were At ilisiil which has many miles of shoreline to add to the value of Burke BAC 81 C01 and sistance from the Canadian UniledlANNUAL armr hall $148126 Barrie earnings to the eflicc were 5131830 Tl MCViltic Public School ln limethegjt Id rm came 19 in Allied Relief Fund be id over lorl lslthttoi addressed tll lS rmg lis Clildleh Count Messenger RObCTl TilAg Heomef the Royal Canadiah EnI IwngIdetimIIII Midland S718 olllngwootl 56w Nottawahaga $861 bunllidale ounty Council last TinnedV Germany were hhlLhl unouest was ranted an increase in salary gt 3863 Im 5784 there is considerable lakeslime iropeit iii these Silo gmeers November 1939 811d COUnCIl also voted $2000 to thc Medmv Blrue JmUMY 15v the At lioning obedienceand the onl eh II sl 500 er aqumI three townsliiis II IHI pmgmm of OIIIIIIIII CduwI II Item $120 Im II went OVtheaS With the lSl Divrswn Salvation Army or 194 and $600 tulgeolghm Buy Idllb ASNXMUOH bet grams to me muniClpamiesI He sons permitted to expusz any 0pmI Barrie had the highest values ill realestate the roperties lie was engaged in map survey we cande Natwnul Institute Mitentative dates for seven Fall Fans 501d mmunung to SSWIGSOI hmism was second with 5554I185I Icy that the new grams depend ion were the UlllVelSlly Professorsl After hearm an appeal rem work for several years then was the Blind The CNIB lmd asked Oit Ore September 19 Midland Sep II Allie unnamed assessment Andi Who were specialists Comparing Dr RYnard of Orillia tor transferred to the TinI1mS 01 $1000 tember 20I 2L 22 Coldwumn sep hllc rillia wasI in third place with total of 8149300 IIIIIIIILIII IIOIIII If IhI II lme niversmes in Germany at the $0000 101 thc Lions British Child As the equalized assessment of the County Is $61i26000 it mud 15 iglndl Canadian Army show as or Almmm 1ch grant was $3I0001tember 19 20 Elmvale October II tth Q4 764 pccls of the new Act lplcscnt time ll the former great War VlCtlms Fund the finance Chest conductorA to the Navy League of CanadMZv 33 Culgwd September 27 28 fe mt in tmas W1 infirmlineconcluded by statism of learning the speaker said committal recommended grant After altlireeqear our of Camps Theppcal this gmm was made 29 BectonI September 27 23 or 0c V3 Hm this your there was parli3it was like turning the Church at of $1000 This was Passed 13 ln England North Africa Sicily BTDr Neil Laurie Barrie l10ber4 Barrie Septembci2425 who emphasis on renovating thelswmy Bay Pig Pm lctilmcil Sllbje the approvalQt Ital France and Belgium the In reply to letter from the in36 schools tlilouhout the province He EmthSiZlng the importance of the Minister of Munich31 A331 Tin Hats have come to Canada perlal Order Daughters of the Em AThO GHOWhL Officers were 10 SllChSCd the ilzigly picture of weedslrespeahlg ODPOHGMS PIOf Humet for crosscountry tour of the pire requesting money to buy elected Pres Donald Brown Vice the school yards that are seen bylrccalled that as boy be respected The public health nurses were training centres The show is ex books for theAarmcd forces liliiarlplcs J01m Walker Secy the thousands of tourists iii the Queen VlCloridS Loyal OPPOSillllh01lzed attend the Ontarm tion LI Med Cam Borden soon and 65 the Counul voted to bend rlColeman summer months He recommendedllldn He recalled 100 that his Educational Assocmtion com 811 GlenI wrllv renew acquaintance in cheque for $300 The speaker was John Carroll that the schools should give an eviJIamily read the Globe while their in Toronto Easter week and $8 Baffle secretary of the Ontario Association dance of perpetual carev with the neighbors bougm the Mail and Em Lhch Wm be allowed for expenSJS of Agricultural Societies He point grass cutI the buildinn paintedI umpire and he added that they used LtGen Sansom Given High Post Ed OUt that the miolldigOE fallSl lwindows repaired ans perhaps ev to exchange thepnpers every weekl AAAmong finance 30 use IQc LLGen sansomi C83 D80 had been carriEdwen Iduring the wari flag flying The inspector in order to gal bOlh Sides of ill Counts passed 11th four has been appomted by NDH as years Eleven societies have passed stressed that this would be in ad story for wards at training 56 0015 Ref inspectorgeneral to survey and co Thieves forced gnu thmu their 100thfair In this connection In veriisinu for the county as the Referring to the present situation 000d Shepherd 3de uh to County of humor villl dbulll II School on ordinate training andigIIinforce side window in the Active IMF Carroll pomted out that there advemsc for county supervising II tourists drove byI ImI Canada Prof Hume warned 892 Ontario raping TraIIIImd ments for the Canadian Army in Service Cluband Canteen on Ilis aI special grantI to any socrcty assessor and the Councilhas mlth CounD0nald Brown INottawas against tlielaboruniOhS anti aSked Boyst $1312 onltlzrlg Si MawZ Canada and oversgaSI Thcappoint Toronto street last Wednesday lholdmg its 100th fair recomnmnded that an appointan aga asked the lfispector why the what wouldhappen if thefarmers School for Gir 513 IBSI SI JOhIIIS merit is viewed in capital circles night and stole goods valued at Agricultural Representative Stew be considered at the June session Stayner Correspondence larger school area should get demanded $2 for wheat and $3 for Trflnlng scgool $231 Te 8150 as indicating the Government may $65 The entr was discovered art Page ex lalned the new set larger grant Mr McVittie re lied bag 0f potatoes lqrdmmg Sc 00 This mdllel brought fullh mllw ALitlzciis ol btayner ccrtamly ma to Mldiand he contemplating aAreViSlon of re Thursday morning and Con lup of the Slmcoe Agricultural Comv discussion last Friday mmining and decided Monduv that then that the Department in its Wls Near the conclusion of his rc lecomme edeay fl name of cmltlng and training poudes Stable Downer made invcsu mmee and 35k the Fairs Assocm recorded vote showed 27 council telest in their idwnvs affairs was dom recognized It at there were marks the retired Professor told of Oi I$3507 01 mim home the light of war developments Gen gation tion to appoint representative 1015 in favbl and 18 agamSL not deAadI for the vogepom advantages to the children in one good idea he remembered fromgremdenll atprwa Sansom is expected to establish ATheI goodsstolen included 10 John Walker of Oro was named larger school area of administla Germany He suggested that it appropriation of $30o0 was Ree one SCllt ol where the rate layers IVeI II II II II II of mc wan illybclillecd tlletllECAIinztilq the Cmle CUUHCil This moneyjmmwd yII be wd mod IN ninth illAn the dais and llelrCITIIESIIhII IIIlLTIIIIlIlIElll13 MI th linarian and PT WI be ldullills lluilllng and ot tractor lll and liwild Itll CIILWV bylaw ViAS P355 Whic PW lilbltllCtOl in 1910 dm HUI II II in In SCI beside liot llumc tttidtd the lun Since then he has been on that dug out the cellar and put ill ft rt the councillors and sliyllenitcd States lie has the first PM like the place Of comm CUWL wr Benmn lCthlithi til oloutvitit it vh Property sales put tlirouth the Registry Office for the ountv Chwirmm UK mime Cum =gt elven hearty ovation of Arts degree in the United States 19 ll kc all record ccl till M7hi02 gt McNi 011 11 be Chdlhlhm IormerBarricBand Loader Returns muted Ht 11 andlhealth scheme fnr supplies and equipment 31958670 from which the County losophy degree Imwam bm he USiCim Who 35 leader 0f Barrie gated to make the proper distribu Total number of instruments tiled was 7027 sun Insurance Company present Cmud duel being overseas f01 The finance committee recoln IR Germany md eve that le navel to Warden Herbert llllld topped tie olinty in ice earlier mth lu In me years Native of Penticton An ed was the largest for many headquarters in London pounds of butter abouteiglit Douglas McArthur was named Hggnfecltgmwas veils 9f 13 em Rec Guam 17915 tion MrABrown retorted that he might be used here in Canada It 0f the 18pm ie to theIreforestatiou commit In 1939 Gen Sansom went over cartons of Cigarettes and five representative for district 1n the ma II rI II ht Lambert 157 WmI Hawkim thought his small school unitI couldeouldI authorize policemen to colA is 5935 th the 15 DIVISIOXL He re cartons orchomlite bars 103117 PfovmmaIlTASSWlBtiOIIJf ggfiiMegiigiudialjmocmors CI wood 345 do uwmellfor hisrstudentsrmtlrexrleerfines of 10 cents or 251ents Ciggedvcgiggasofrfge turned in 1941 to command the 5th dltlon the Canteen was thor About 25 were Present at the cti be ml 11 this elr MorrowAzgsA Lucas 278 ha money as the larger area from persons who were caught dis lt iiteefor1945 1d lClsalmp 1301 as fr 38 eelarad we Wh It Gibson of Orillia East Sim obeying traffic rules such as walk Cull Int 86 1e His ofthe best in mam years on Loun Evans Bttrud For 3116 179 lOp we Inspector ke Ed catio Ii lcrosts the et ag St redl daughtei 110W GLt Charmian Sari If you want all the neiivs OfBaliiC ford introduced an amendmentdo 390 Ic ort 34 II II II fNurscs in the adult sphere and presented light The VIClOIlafl Order Stayners 1945 Council som of the CWAC overseas was on arid its trading area read The Bar Single copies of The Examiner I5 gPIIIllIIgiilgslorgIIigftgpoeIiIIej Mayo AI Morison Reeve an appeal On behalf Pf the Countv The Speaker Was Introduced byI the staff oftlie Barrie branch Can rie Examiner $200 year and cents At all newsdealers or this Grant Councillors NIIAI OehmI Library Board To this the CounCll Jack Howey and was thanked by II Aubrey pen Bi ROSSI CI again granted $1000 Bob Leishman adian Bank of commerce It was Worth more Be PI EI MII Employees of the ChildretryAl excrete lilrliiicaifii gestuczisia blfii 301 AA becausctthere was no time and he lare to be covered by COmPSHSE LOH 1thI th hea bu has recoveredISuffl grlcuII ura ee further assemd in do WI Gives BEST RESULTS loca If epQIIS insurance With the Wilson Acientl to take this new ost 600d anyhowII Why has The Barrie Examiner thmpany Lid IV tlle largest Classified section of any it Commands CouxarS Night Fighters rms empt 99sng teltown weekly in Canada Results fJCoun Evans West Gwil lt cth it Wing Commander Hiltz Olin piksd cqlllllllbeUIlIIItihave done it In 1944 this news 1jmburyy and HenryI Barrie Milllown NB former Chiefying tThe Simcoe County Agricultural ggeralwineclxbellsliiuigncguggifmipaper ad 19 0f8184C1a55med5 Ayear of activity and fine ac appolmel lms for lav instructor at No SFTSI Camp Honored on Birthday war production Committee organ their feet The Cdummms did no mlcomphgmm was revealed by the ends Active Spgefy Izamimstrationot Justice accouns 39rdPnlIltlh14243f and reading it is zed whenHon Dewan was jump up but one by one they arose IIBPOHS presellted at the annual 1945 arrie gt is wie is re ore Ontario Minister Agriculture has carefully suggested why they nleetiugof the BarriAAABraiichAof AA AA be in command of the Cougars gt been disbanded and cor the CaladA The CouncrlvoIted $10 iol half were not In favor of pIombmng la ross octe night fighter squadron RCAF Us advertiSiiW in Centennial responding Aorganizatlon under discussion held Ion Tuesday Jan 16 page 19 00th nniver 315035331Itoreilihtztggmfver3h different Isetup is now being esI Coum VI AIIEmSI CollingwoodIIlI IBImgo every FridgyImghtI 13 FlyimIIpresI1demI whoIpresldedI olfagilgpgd lofang Lodge tabhshedm this muntyAThe Coun said he fall it Was time for HCUUiligmn H311 Owe SL5 830 Shalp 15 paid mbme to Athe hundreds of Wast The canteimiql Stroymgkwiblazl aircraft Smcen Lty Council adjourned its WEdneS Spoke in fax0r of open dis games 35c 1m loyal workers who gave whole am Day OperatingriromEngland for t6 to beelebraled at 0mm mfs It day afternoon session ast gekII II The regular dance Will be held hcaitedly of their time and ener year WByearS eA squad WPSAtransf Permit the farmmembers to hear Audrew Cumming Reeve of Ves in Baxter Orange Hall Friday ev gies in promoting the various unI ferred to France sortie me 380 tth r0 used new setu Ia on II II pra asserted thneI was no excrue enmg Jan26 I4bdeita mg Cdllled onI VI Wh19h bemg memOleAd by lhe for not having discussion He sub1 Bingo Monday night January 29 AIIieIportsIshowed an amazing pro Penna M3 WWMimary Meal DepartmentngrLcuuum under mittcd that if the Council had time Orange H811Allahd310 830 llmAIdUClJQHlh total numberOf al1i01S The Military Medal has beenl HoniTLA Kennedy to sit andlistentodelegaticns askILOBA 551 Warwork tipunade duivlngAtiie yearbeing66442 ingfor thousands of dollars they rrThornton Hockey Club dance diVided as follows To Borden mil AI ACemreAbmnchesIA could inot afford to drift along Orange Hall Thornton Friday itary hospital 62093 t0 IICorvette with an important matter like Jan 26 Beattys Dance Band 4b Barrie 83 to the Ontario Division The Council approved the fins county assessor Crown Hill YPA play Nora 4266 ance committees recommendation CouIn William Offord Midland Wake Up St Georges Parish Hall Very hearty commendation otthc for grant of $200 to the Blue referred to the assertions in the dis February pm Auspiccs St Work 0f the Red Cross and of the Water Highway Association ay mission 0f the lira10115 day when ii Georges WA Admission 25C 411 IBarrie Branch in particular was AIA able to the president of the Col1 was emphasized that local asseft Play Simple SimonSimple by given by officers Ilrom Camp Bor lingwood Board of Trade sors were intimidated by the Edenvale young people in Burton den Counculors He alguecl that in the Ave United Church Wednesday Col Lloyd commander of The councillors appointed to face of such statements there should January 31 pm auspices Group the military hospital in opening bring iiia report oil superannug be discussion by the whole ICoun I3 II Wp his remarks said he was no strang U0 fund for Cottnty employees cil Saturday Jan27 FofstiyRinkder to Barrie having served as as WEIEIV Ellis Collingwodd G80 The Reeve oIf MatchcdachALeslic Midhurst skating party Refresh sistant to Dr Lewis He Shepherd CreemIcire Earltichard Borrow described the attemptto merit booth ProceedLioi war spoke of the fine help he had re Mg RHQWDEN sohVespra OrtonMdont put through the committee report work AuspicesIMinesiug Womens ceived from Dr Lewis Dr Little II 4b and DI TumbunI He was with the Rector of Trinity Church Bartle The postwar souI cqnsewan nA officeI strong opposition from Court Al The Simeoc Courity Womeirs Institutedhis year will getjfl from the county and $25 will be totthe East South West and awarded toCSM ThomasV Dewell ti SSlstmt director of AgVen gt 3r Penciangservm lnHolIand 1th riculturzil re resentatives wasin the FM an SUther and High IA Barrie to explain the Government Ilauders The medal was given for Act which pmvidesI Ifor theIheW his no in taking out 13 me qnei organization mommg and Playing Gianna AA rThe Simcoe 011th Agricultural who were dugm and Iho1dmg upl vwm production Committee open the unit with machine gun fire and laced with grant of $2000 annually sorties CSM Dewell planned the from the County Council When AI alum and lever 103$ mall the meeung was held the We Vr vious day the Agriculturall Flylnz0fcer Don Lewis Overseas lcommittee had already voted lnl After serving in Canada with the favor of granting moon to the com RCAFIsincehIe enlistedtn ISeptemI mittee which had been disbanded berI1940 Flying OffivetIIDOnald JA several delegates present at the Lewis formerly Bafflei lSJQVA 001me meeting understood from the inv1 eIrSeas Iouly son 013W TH Who vqas pleasantiygsurpnsed last tation that the new committee was flcgofficeritactt is and Mrs Thursday anembom when p19 to have been named at that timeI newlorillaiVEGKMPllindei BI sentatlonwas made honoring hlm Howeverrthts was not theIease PQGClllel 6d 19 on his 68th birthday laxWarden The members will be appointed as was prominnt looalvathletics Georggmng onbehalfAOfIcoun follows Five from County CouncilII He Went to GemA reraftfschoonm Coucmors Imends present tonIfromI Faderation of AgmulmreI time butWaacalled or aircrew ed Mr ColemanWitha urseywhich oneAfrom County Soils Committee II traininAnd Eldwds Wire was stipulated ItoAIbe used forthe two from Gropltleprovemcnt A550 Turhto eaSe urohaseofatravllinjIIbav II tTurn to page 51x peasei Without open discussion as passImmuteI =ing the MICK He ArecaHEd that ll Womens Canadian Club open infantry inthe last war and laterlWh the lemy elect PTeSIdem committeathisyear will beriIEiiic had been suggested the previouS meeting Thursday Jan 25 at 830 with theartillery In this war he the Bar 3min or the Cam Simpsn day thatI the Ontario Government pImII in theLIibrary HauI Speakn was overseasgwtheIAimevofIthe IdlgriIIIItIeIdigrgsIs Society Av WWI was Atrymg to get more Contr01 Dr Blatz Director of the Battle of Britainin 1940 On aci minus Replying to this argument Mr stitute of Child Study University count of his agehe was given non Touching uponIsome ofIthedetIrucAlleyI 3me remmded the coul11105 of Toronto Subject Modem Ed combatant duties and came bcck toItion inJAEnElandnhe said the work that ltwas the ontalio Government Iucation Admission to nonmem Canada At Borden be amid UftheREdCIOSS lhlerwas 138m Turn to page six please hers 25c 34b blood donor clinic in full sWingzl Tqu to pazeisixrplcase