mwowom anemones1 NEWS OF ELMVALE monomomowoaom WYEVALE 030 114 11111 u11 lruplr licarlil la Mrs42d LL Miss Fraifcw Orallia We are taLL 331 auttertd IGgafy Miss spent the wire Mr led 41 Frtdai 11 1111 Ulll1i 51111 lic1 About nnrlti III 1lll1 Ntl v11 Ilmvdr lrii1l Fllnvulc Vllh liiiiiilx Tltlllll Illlrk NEWTON ROBINSON 12115 1111 1lil iicv lcilill 11213121 Allclniood lntlval 1111111 Annual Hrtlzn llll llLlll Mrs lc mmr3 Winl Junior League Officers 4M WA5AW AAAN AAA er Feeds Poultry and Hog Concentrates Oilcake and Gluten Meal Cod Liver Oil ALFALIA SEIII Stock Jacl rlttlltllll sou I1i11ililt 1In11y itiil laiiiw Tiff twin1 Dunn IliIIEIl Illt Il and Mrs ctiiincd Sons 11 nine in liallim oiiiiialiilatioln Eugene Ilclantax arrival of gt011 Miss Grace Barr has Ioronto alter liiiliii11i 1917 tirandniothei l11 31111 School ltUllttlLtI heri holidays on Jan 11 Sillllllii 111111 liid 1113 it1li l11nE tin1111111 111 ll ti and Ifilc ll iii 11 ll 1111 Illailbzm 1lzi lliliZ Lantern Asst 111111 paid $2901 was and lllllltil Fund Now Scarce Last Get Your Supply IIarly Book your order now for Hybrid liield Torn BROWN cli Year lilnimil Allsx Hlkwiilili spent llicni11nalt lol1111s Napance sooner the voisl storms in this community raged dumpj follows heavy celrcs our leacaer illtl 111111111 Illbin lic1s l1r111 home 111 01 1c hear back Intgt2 liast week and some 111 Inc rwiuaiu Otiicis Willlilfll atiil 5day visitors Ilnniday Jan to Carley station lupils 111111 and collegiate AAA 11 ll 11 wholl Ill1 111 aQiie oclock lllllll train rIOObI $135 pc BARBIE FLOUR MIL lcll it well and it will sell Fol llarric and district ll1elcllingzishest Izilll through lhe Barrie Examiner 1111 Millel Conjzralulalionx to who was elected Deputy ltccw 111 litl1 at Medonte lownship with majority of 1011 over Owing to the and blocked roads he 11 11111111111 followln snonslioi During the summer he nominated and agreed to stand councillor Reeve Stinging Eczema or Salt Rheum Eczema or salt rbeum uLitis commonly called In one of the most painful of all skin troubles The intense burning itching and smarling espe cially at night or when the llllltltll part is exposed to heat or the 111111113 plaeod in but water arcmost 11n bearable and relief is gladly welcomed LWrw roll Itching Bu 111111 Wednesday home and had when was appointed Road Supervisor rather than cat the expense of an election 1111 very busy with farm work as he is the only man home 111 111dr1 111 doubti tcrni FlCtI Wood lake now will serve to the best of 1115 he has done before man of such The relief offered by Burdock Iliood hitters is based on the knowledge that such ailments 11s eczema and other skin troubles are caused by an impure blood condition Ilring about inner cleanliness by using ll ll to help cleanse the blood of its impurities Ask at any In Not of young short expel ience has been shown such pro ference by his friends third member of his family to en terilnlinicipal office counter for ll ll PriceSlJll 11 bottle The Milliurn 71 Limited Toronto Ont Intended for last week Mrs Wesley Martin is visiting friends in Barrie Don Gibson Lefroy is VlSllllljJ Mr and Mrs Clarence Hogarth Wilfred Davis attended seven day course at the Agriculture Col gGuelpnf Congratulations to Muriel Bates BertSeldom whowere mart ried recently Owingto the bad storms of the past few weeks themail man has not made his rounds for weeks Jas Knupp and Canada Clifflrtl ien aI and Mrs from Western are visiting Mr and Mrs Davis Mrs Hurons who has Mr Margaret THE BARRIE EXAMINER Sunnidale Come 11 MOUNT STLOUI IIlilillI1I 11 11111 BARBIE ONTARIOIANADA EGBERT The Iiiilu Iii ivl1 her liilin Snitda las wch vtl1 Losidoi llt 11tlt1 ullll spend liinciac 11co1lllii1r Isji11 lhiliei 11111 Howard 7188 vll1 wer lllll lnh or 13 litt1cady Howling svicial ivenanii held 11 Ilotil iiipalhv cvlendcd drfoleiiiaiz 111 if ilifivkciipox hivl iiruiiiiily 1ll 111 Ill llv lflhl ti the commun 1o li Duncaul father away on 111111day fler l11cin illnesz litbilie liiroyleilzin Church are annual c1111 iiiiltday day cveni Schinil win 15 Spin Iillllllll passed t11d llll llfbl cation eveninu Jan Jan 911 1111l1i1 med at skating pa church 11liniy and I111 iiicl 111 I131 c111 Ilannd Iltlllll 1111111 who 1111 been Hamilton inday Schell have Sunday ezilcr 111 supp1 lllttl lll lllll iI1vol Ilic prayer meetings last attended Prayer dealt with by the re Choir of each church lcd Ill fuc siici of song offering llnrloy 51111 for MllllSlJIlnl Ssu Mrs 11 Hart St Johns her sislc and it il week The was We lmltls The fully 110 11111isc1s iiizl Ti5 lhill 11111ltl ii11l llllli lllll Siill Clll saf 1y overseas Schel 111111 Stanley has Ilttli seriously 1lli1l l1lio b121 pi 11 11 with went is vi Illllitl Pall Murray ilsi1It Wm moaomnomwomom NEWS OF STAYNER monomouomono 11 wzr Three Nanier for Reeve no 151 11 EL lt l11l mnnis iniu Ltutc 1illt1s if Illt hull3 Illti hil It FL 11 111111 iNd itJZ and ex I11 and llt 11 her new 11111 in l111cvillc hliich aji llt1lll il iiiziliiili were Slll fro11 111111 11111 and SJi mini 11c he 21 onuniltc LOIIA Spent Slll for Overseas Boxes Since the year 11111 the tiv11e XOllA hax spent $43141 111 zoximal 200 lime or 11 iveiscas 5311 was donated to licil lid Cross and $10043 to the Es cniugt leliili1111is War V1clims liinil SBltltl to tl1eiiiliiltlcii1 Citlilltilt Fund Russian thin we and Orange War llclisi andv lilllltlLl Auxdiary inalxlriu tidal war exprndilur of Suit ill llHx tinlt great work was started The following officers were elected for HHS Saturday iltir noon J11 I111 las Mistresxl Muriel linltncy Mistriss Mrs Ja11 Mitchell Deputy Mistress Mary Forui Chaplain Blanche lenl Rec Sccy Mrs Rubi Dickey liin Secy Mrs Estella Brown lrca Mrs John liiikncy of Mrs Ilios Dickey Luelurers Mesdamos Groves and Bryce Guardian Mrs las Dicker fjimmittcc 15 Mrs Geo llullon 9nd Mrs Illllll Warden 3rd Mrs Roy Nevills lib Mrs Albert Rumble 31th Mrs Gullicld Syn notl Sick Com Mrs Mitchell and Mrs It Dickey lonailons of $253 wue fltllilllll received from the Bingo Chili and and Mrs Robsit lnc Salvage Connniltn GILFORD ll 17 Mrs Paul Russell spent svvcral 1131s with friends in lo1onto Llirs EDENVALE Maw visited 13111 lgis vek Mrs llll1 lcin ltniilt Albert Dixon are with relativss 1n spend liiionlg Miles returned home Mini with nez Rubi Cherry Creek lJzick lliigihes who is recuperating after an appendix operation Several of the young folk of this 1itighl0rno11 Farmers conference banquet and iskaling party at tlhornton on Friday last mcelincr Frank Iodd receivsd the awarded number judging competition Kcll substituting hm school for Mrs loyil Barrie Mrs Clark Middleton weekend the hirinci parents Mr and Mrs Allis 11711 loiouh spent with attende Junior lhxiiii Cookstown and At this Earl having lpoints at the lat Allislon The WMS Rt lhwells on incinhers presenlOne new mem ber enrolled The treasurers re port showd an excellent 1944 was deeirtcdto send much need1 ed clothing lbale to Russia donating medal highest Rowe Miss met with 19 Jan 11 with one new baby garment as well as used Mrs Frank Kell gave yEiy full and interesting talk on who study book Next meeting will be at Mrs Neillys imagine sill each mem her clothing r1611 MrsfMartindale Barrie visited onjuiulay nuthlL31sister MrsL Whitesides Cavanagn Mrs Harvey ton has beenrvisitinig friends hm this week nMrs Ferris Candles who has been visiting her daughter Cook has left to ton Heres full Allis bodicd flavour fiforyou in an yeasytosmake Mrs visit in Hamil GUTHRIE Miss Helen Caldwell spent the weekend in Toronto Mr and Mrs Scott Betty and Pauline spent Monday in To ltililtl 11 Jim Caldwell and Bob Stoddart attended the short course at OAC Guelph the first week of January Mrs Mason has received cable that her husband arrived safely in England shortly after Christmas FO Gilchrist who has spent the last two weeks wlth his par ents Mr and Mrs Gilchrist returned to Vulcan Alta this week Congratulations to Rev and Mrs Andrew McMullCn who were married in Barrie by ItevN Sinclair DD on Friday Jan 12 Mrs McMullen is the former Marie Tudhope of Jarrett he taught at Guthrie school fronr Sptembcr 1943 until Chritsmas Tney Wlll livein Tivcrton AC mam y4 Bob Fleur has returned to To ronto after two weeks with his parents Owing to the stormy weather there was noWomens Institute lastTIlff Mr and Mrs SherwoodNomian 7a nd Lueyghave gonetoilvoronto for visit Mr and Mrs Plaxton Angus visited on Sunday with the lat ters parents Misses Mary Mathews Toronto and Erma Thomas Craigleith vis Misses Irene and Beatrice Davis and Mary Knapp Gloria Paydon Toronto spent the weekend at their homes here thats real budgetsaver Try it Youll Barrie and the General Iospital Toronto Was able to1e 1m home Tuesday patient in its nj hearty good oess its distinctive tang that FI=Z BELLE EWART Sluu am 18 Cluck Starter These young chicks and thousands more just like them will be looking around forvtheir first feed in thenext fewvweeks What they eatforthe first eight weeks will determine to large extent how fast they Willdevelop and howrsoon they will comeinto production in the Fall Early hatched chicks have particular need for well fornmlatedjeedp Their vitamin requirementsare high zaud their needs for minerals for good bone growth put nsibility onthe quality of the feedjthey do To nto Mr and Mrs and Mr and Mrs John kneeshaw spent last Thursday in Hamilton Mr and Mrs Everett Kneesh andPaul spent Sunday at Stlt Misses Ruth to were horne for th Knecshaw Torori avheavy prespo end rrceire eSHURGAlN Vl18n Chick Starter has been specially de slgnd to suit the needs of newly hatched chicks and provide them With nutrients that assuretast feathering fine=bloom and leg colour rapidrgrowth health1and invigouraGive your chicks the advantages of SHUFtGAIN 318Cbick Starter and watch themvgrow ll Sllllkltlll 18 0111011 mam Made andSoldby Mama SFLOIIIIWIILS 111mm tumour rain STEM ulnartum ItlllSlllG Deathof William Hunter 9Williamuntei lifelong resi dentlof this community away Jan Stimiving are dhers and one sister Victor of Torontoand Mis 111 lian of the teaching st byiLodiesCollege Monday illness Mr iSteele took his pupils to see varplay in Penetang Tuesday Shepiperson visiting her auntf Mrs Latim ville iPte Keri TerrenceWFetnwpwa is spendingashort time unto his mother ihere LMrs Lloyd Reynoldsmceived Dair of wooden shoes from her Mr Toronto husband inplilolland last week Compliments who 1blrtlrday on 15 hand to Mrs il Mrs vi Harriny 1s visiting her Mrs ChasPeppc1all passed in York County Hospital on after lengthy two bro and aft oflllhit is to the Hornsby twins who celebrated their tenth birthday on the 10m to Miss Elma celebrates her Robson whose birthday isllan 21L puts an edge on appetite hj r11 Sgt WAG GordonRut fett is home on sick leave MrsFredReidhasT Many tasty dish owes its appeal to the spicy nip of Libbys Prepared Mustard butter smooth con diment is good rixer zest futbut never biting Keep jar on your pantry shelf and use it oftenin your cooking This Meat Loaf is Beat When Served Cold pounds cornedbeef chopped line slibhysPrepnrecl froma vis ropto Darcy days at his home last weeks Hel has returned to Fort William Jim Reid had his ice supply taken in last week Ruffett is taking his out this weekr Owing the cold tweathergtheice good cropthis year 11 few This isa mammalp ammo65mm mummy1 tablespoon Mustard medium size onion choppedrne crackers rolled ne eggs well beaten 12 cup warm water Dash pcpper 12 teaspoonctiopped parsley Mix ingredients well and pack into greased loaf tin Bake in moderate oven about350 degrees Serves abouts PREPARED lthby Muwiuai mugman 111 vii lucid mum Ont 3445 ited their homes here Mr and Mrs Frank RoweIand lBobbie Toronto spent the week end with their parents Mrs Mumberson weather were not very good 18 1945 THURSDAY JANUARY $111 one Supply um imh Bins Cough Dmptupeclnlly layooly who you 50 that neighbor with bad cough to to can some toe int or menthol med Two Radio Statious Seek To Locate in Orillio WYEBBIDGE t1 13 IVY1 Um 33 in 11 IL viii ZEltiIl Ill BLES 1lI1I ltliin Mule Qllill triti gtill lt 1211 MI 11 111th 114 will 1211 of lic ezllptiolis 1l lew Itching Itch Salt 1111 sklil Itiilllllcr Ilntll willl ltIIII 1111 ithiii text 19111 vii Mlllci ll iiurcli lll 111 iii 1111 l111crild 1I1111 1111111111 penetrating not stain 11111pleti 11211 tliJ 111 111 om Mr and Mrs Wes Mumberson Barrie spent Sunday with Mrand The dance held Friday nightwas gt asuccess although the roads and short visit this week stone schitis tage Tpr Gordon Wortley kept He isa constant reade Examiners tor Mrs Handy GunnerJ View covery were returncd by vacclamation lulled in action France AMM LCp1 Wortley was 1home for Mrs Pughspenitialrewdays re cently with Mrs VrHart Hawk Mrs Dayilias been confinedmto her bed for asfew dayswith futonf Mrs eWhite and daughters Jeanne and Antier have been spending few vdaystlatRose Strivgs min1813 nd in doing 21st 11111111111213 in Italy oniJang of The Pte MacDonald wlio has just returned home atteriour and half years in England and jttaly spent several days with his Isis Manitoba has undergone an operation for back injury Allhis friends and neighbors wish him speedy re The annual meeting of the Ladies Guild of St Thomas Church was held at Mrs audys on lien 15 The same ofeers The empmunity of Sjlranty Bay Wish to extend their sympathytoi Ernest Partridge who has mew jed omelet wordtliat 13 brother Sapper VHarold Partr dige vihas been ineladand use Examiner Classifieds