mdlaw Joined the buy lt Have it beer Ami gt 50 liltitgtltil ii lii mill lhltLt which ttl lxiunill lld thi in tin trely tt Iii itlllll tilll in 21 iiil izu Once El and keep the ltillll plur no lt llll illill Nixie it rl2tllid illitllltqillt are livzi Wd UH lviiiliy Euler gtl ll ututi ill ioiuis mp dont like your dug livery my 11 liiilt one he Links md dont trust him Id come oftclier if it want to your dog tli tile lllsl vittioiil blink mans best friend Mrs fltuioi 111d in ifuvi Il lilil ll fwlzv it kills stipeivisor volthired lll inoi COUGHS SORENESS CONGESTIO Now get real relief front bronchitis miseries this double action waywith the bottleproved medication that lip Penetrates Stimulates deep into bronchial chest and back sur tubes with soothing faceslikeawarming medlcmal vapors comforting potilt ice 0R OR HOURSRIGHT uni To get the benefits of this com gone Now dont take chances bincdPENETRATINGSTIMUlAlINGac with untried reniedicsgct re tionjust rub throat chest and lief from bronchitis miseries t0lt back with Vicks VapoRub at night with doubleaction tinic bedtime VapoRub goes to work tested Vicks VzipoRub instantly2 ways at once as shown aboveto ease bronchitis ton ADDED RELIEF Mclta spoonful coughing loosen congestion re of Vapoqubiu bowl of boiling lievemuscularsorenessandspeed water Inhale the steaming inedi restful comforting sleep Often cated vapors Feel them soothe by morning most of the misery is nagging bronchial irritation Dple Bake cups flour ts salt lbssugar tsp Ma IC Bakin owder bk Hulk tchA apples Sift together dry ingredients cut in butter with two knives add sugar mix lightly Drop cog into cup unbeaten add milk ice cold lurnnon to oured boardLQhapAe doughnpuLurLgreasedsheetiir are and cut apples Into eightha press into parallel gozssnto dough sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon Eu ot with butter mixed together in the pro gr on of two tbs sugar and 15 tsp cinnamon Bk at 400 20 mlnutes k3 trams lN CANADA 1til1tllt1iri iillli llttl tilt fm Eiai Christ came l1iu groin our gtlil inl grasp ll Cor 212 lie came to Ilium 320 Ea Elli lie Sermon for even to lctl us Slllttlillill it is Eie Goaltl conct ninu Tlnisi cruci Illrin ll El ti mi llii ll it lila Iflllill oi it Iin Timla liil Illx ll lu Lottiitku tul in Mi unit ilil ll llu llolIll lilli iii in to ill lll ithi SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON lB liev Thus White Tl lll srnins roit counts IUIJJIIYIJIN itvlllll illl lAHil ltxli lla fijtll limb llltlllllt Mullittv linl iilt Sermon oi ilit1 iltillt ll inn riaee of llclcn lcaii Grace Moir laughter of Mrs Moir and the late John Moir to John James Coults son of Mr and Mrs Richard Coulis litv ltobcrl lelllllllll or find lnl lrcsbyleriaii Church ltilliti performed the ceremony at three oclock beneath an arch of hciiceii and ferns tritnmed with pink and white roses and wedding bells Miss bride croonisman was Cooizsltivii The bride given in marriage by brother owned in brocaded satin and car ried Sweetheart roses and maiden haii fern licr bridesmaid wore baby pink chiffon with fitted bodice and pink flowered headdress with veil fall ing to the shoulders was of pink roses Mrs Trimble Cookstown sis of the bride honor wearing dress of turquoise blue alcoiie lace over taffeta With to not to teach in which the unravod iiiind cannot an ilerstaiid and the unsaved man can avc us because vxe neeilwl railing Locatise we lil not sa oiirselvc Ill lilo Mount is not the Gospel am in itself possesses lui power to Save lied buried risen glorified aiid lllilf as our Mediator which saves men atid gives them the desire and the power to live holy lives yea would go even farther than this aiid ray that it is Christ living within gtthe believer Who liiimclf lives otil viillCll life as pictured in the Ser mon on the Mount through the wielded soul While this sermon is the proclaiii ilion of the King the satire Clllltal teaching is taught by the apostles in different language perhaps in the epistles to the churches and as THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRYE Mrs Smith Heads Collier St United WA was wondering by what lilidl15 ll could find out who he War Willi1 izil offending Illill People are al ways little disconccrled when you do not recognize them they are so Vim Zlillltlllliill to themselves it is shock to discover of what stilaii ini portnnce they are in others it is great asset to be able to ltiitllln ber peoples names and it is one which can be cultivated Lilltlllip Zy inability to know people puts me through some very tlillixilli inc moments am our of those very slioitsiuliled persons and literally do not see people can talk thlgt5 it room to woman at lea anti the next day cut her lead on the street because could hm MW tot see her in the first place and lice 27 tilti Allan It Sizi WW l7lilllil DS IilllIIIZS tilill lllill lllllitll lltiitltti kiwi Sclilaht Muriel Hi lilx llur and liauw eldest daughter of lt lle lib lll tit iilttIl ll in ltiitlotiiltl ltc Edwin llt Borden lwconiiii lltr Jtl my tainp street veiled hat CilSLili liliillillll Hf illi tllt gellov lior luulvioaiil lllII pink two strectdcnulh lil llHll lttllS of red and pink roses receplmn held at the or which lll lllt lll tiipizuid after tl cred couple lrft on lion eyinoon trp to Ioronto and points They will result on Cilliii tillll Iliiliit tlllllit th lmltit nldhc brides ino tookritowii in Saturday look place Muir sister of the bridesmaid and Elmer lriinble lcssic was William Moir was Her bouquet was matron wove read and study this lesson we ll no doubt see how far short we conic from the ideallife ex rsed here May the God of all aiace so touch our hearts that we shall not only realizrtLir failure but so yield to Him that He may indeed be formed in us and that beholrling as in mirror the zlnry lt of the Lord we might be changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord 12 C07 3318 BLESSEDNESS 51310 parts rileed ZCor 1355 Our Lord YOuCan rely on FLEISCHMANNS fresh YEAST to help you bake tender netextured bread CCanadian women of generations have known could count on FLEISCHMANNS fresh Yeast to bake delicious sweettasting bread If you bake at home FLEISCHMANNS Canadas favoritefresh Yeast your grocersthe yeast with the familiar yellow label 362 Extra VitaminsMore Pep by eating cakes of ELEISGHMANNS frestheast every day lhisrftesh Yeast is an excellerit naturalsource of the complex group ifvitamins or Mat 182135 Only those ivho have caper ienced the cleansing of the preci ous Bloodcan eruoy fellowship with God John 323Psa 51 When we become peacentakers we do indeedfollow in His steps lsa9z6 C01 1220 While as much as lieth in us we must live at peace with all men we must make no compromise with the forces of evil or sin 10 Pctbecution to cause happi Iness or blessednessmust be for righteousness sake if we are true to God persecution will come Tim 312 Acts 541 BEHAVIOUR 4348 The Law demanded holiness but gave no poWer to obtain it Christ demands it and empowers to live holylives Leve in its highest form isvexpected in Gods children The last verse is Christs summary of the behaviour expectedfrom us Rom 1221 Col 314 Eph 51 John 411 bolero jacket to match Her head dress was of bridal tulle and 01 ange blossoms bronze roses and snapdragons jgigtilia Copeland cousin of the bride played the wedding music and Mrs Cooper Cookslown sang Because After the ceremony the guests were received by the bridal party assisted bythebd3nollier in deep mauve crepe with matching hat and corsage of Talisman roses uritibaby mums and the grooms mother in anavy blue dress with corsage of roses For travelling the bride chose twopiece black and turquoise arass willimatcliing accessories After weddingdripitoLakefield wjll take up residence at Cookstown and carried This is tliepoverty of spirit as seen in the Publicon as he cricrt God be merciful to me sinner iThis spirit realizesits destitution and relies upon the grace of God to iimpart the righteousness so needed to have fellowship with God The spirit of self righteousness bars un itoldithousandsifroin ever entering lhekingdom of heaven Feeling no deficiency in self they do not seek the suffipiency which Christ lin they INSTAL UNITY CLUB OFFICERS The UnityClub Mission Circle of Collier St United Churchbeld its January meeting Monday Jan at the home of Ruth Aarson Mrs Graham representing the wavrs was present to install the new officers The meeting was in charge of Edna Theodore and Bernice Baldwin The Red Cross Convener Jucly Knox distributed ogbabies gar PERIOIll0f Not all mourners come in this category for some are only embit tered and hardened by sorrow This speaks especially of those who catch the spirit of the Saviour and mourn over World lost in sin and unbellef and promises them the strengthening power of Gods spirit Christ was the Man of Sorrows but expcrienccd the comforting of His Father Vtch 57 We too may know this comfortiii ourltime of hunger and WOOL be 133 int thirst but found meataiid drink in metilsf doing Hieratherfstwill Llhefhcait which has cxper fenced the mercy and grace lfGUCI should surely show mercy to others et 311 Stiff tli its Weak Nervous Dragged out feelings If at such timesyou like so many girls and women suffer from cramps headache backache feel tired restless bit moodywhen due to functional periodic disturbances Sicrt at oncetry Lydia Pink hams Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms Pinkhams Compound not only helps to relieve monthly paint but also accompanying tired weak nervous feelings or this nature T111343 because of its soothing effect on on or WOMANS MOST mronnur orients Plnkltams Compound helps nature and thats theklud of medicine to buyl Follow label directions LYBIIIE IINIIIIIIMS vscmiits ONTARIO CANADA Somerset filauaham once wrote 1tl little idea what she looked like llere is one method to help in remembering names fricn My bmlds llllC worked ill the personnel Itri SChlhIlHiaittucul of large store She had Still deservedly high reputation for ltl ability to remember the names if the staff One day tvo young men who were very serious in their mu lelcrmination to succeed in the lltlitlillllti Hates iusiiiess vorld came to her office ask her if she would tell them ici secret liiis surprised her die felt ihe had no special method ul she told them she would tiyj fiuure out what she did She liscovercd that she looked carefully it each person as she talked to him till used his name several tinies When she liowdoyoudo in meetL in person she added the lli lank As she talked she might ay Doyou think FliCIiillKISt lll ilank and always Goodbye Mr lilank Looking at them when she iid it the name and the face werei nconsciously associated it is rick worth trying as everyone is illlly flattered to have his namc emcmbcred Be Accurate Accuracy in measurements is one oftthe essentials of good cooking lherc are many little tricks which nake it easy For instance re ipe calls for seveneighths of up of flour Now it is difficult get that exact amount in cup out if you remember that cup nolds 16 tablespoons arid that an ightli of cup is tablespoons it is an easy matterwto measure up of flour and then take out level tablespoons leaving 14 table spoons or seveneighths of cup Solids such as shortening are easily neasured accurately by the dis placement method For instance if you want third of cupful put two thirds of cup of water in your measuring cup and add short ening until the water rises to the top of the cup Pour off the water and there you are with your re quired third of cup Graduated measuring spoons are conveni ence but lackingthemfifydu want to measure half spoon take level spoonful and divide itllenglhiil wise that is of course if it is not liquid Butter lord and shorten ing can often be measured by re metnbering that there are two cups in pound Down in the Marltimes butter comes in twopound slabs with each pound marked off into quarters Local recipes often call for square of butterwhich is ry Pre Natal Diet Orange Milli Shake milk egg teaspoons sugar for the sick or convalesclng WHY CHICKENS HATCH eggs Tommy Coiier St United WMS VHod Encouraging Year limitf iih ira Ilill apposed of nun zlgt Molttl lilacs v1 tcrial lreastncr During the of Pray3t ltilfti litk ltll and hits mas interestizii lilt ti llll lIlt iLlotol of 327 Ill ti gtrlrflll ilttl LJl ill practical gttil of viz lizelziinu lii liit int refit Slillllll it lilt llfbbyr Eii iici iotcd 15 over fvlgt Listen it MUSICAL MYRIDR presented IIA DRUG AMA STORES In tIIITO Ottawa ctlti IIML ilarnilton every lItli lorouio Beacon Mouse Killer lcau onvenlcnl Positive Kill Scientifically manufactured tnicc Stellar lootli luilr slowly so they seek air die outside the building Ready to use and zoz carton25c Brylcreem Hair Dressing 25c 49c Drene Shampoo 67c Fitch Shampoo Glovers Mange Medicine 59c $110 Vitof Shampoo oz 25c Pinauds Eau de Quinine 65c $125 350 The gentle laxative th THEM ruu Relieves Constipation quarter of pound or half cup From measuring standpoint it is an easy shape to have for butter but have no idea why they hap pen to mould the butter in differ The Quality Tea ALABK Id Money Saving Special Values and Reminders For lluirsday Friday and Saturday IDPl Brand Specials 18c 27c Calamine Lotion oz litgest Magnesia lnhs um Reg 35 Iapin iiile Salts Tabs 100 old Team lb jar For backache rheumatism tired feeling KIDNEY PILLS reliable combination of the active principles of Biieha Aloes Juniper Potassium Nitrate Caldsicum Ura Ursi Stone Root that stimulates the kidneys Box offlti Viramiriiil Tabs Vitavax Caps OneADay Tabs 18 19 THURSDAY NUARY to gt41 mm Cdlivcr Oil neg 39c 29c inan for HANDS Honey and Almond CREAM Two sizes 2545t 19c 33c 69c Hour Cows +1005 7430 Alphamettes $100 to$15l0 $250 $700 Waterburys Cod Liver Comp 93c H335 CherryCoughnSyruiyllozq Reg 256196 BayerAspirin 180 29c 79c Groves Qold Tablets to 440 Pertussin for coughs 59c 139 Spahrs Remedy 50c 150 Vicks Inhaler ant shape from the restof the coun The pregnant woman needs to eat light meals and often They should havea little somethingto eat atlO am at pm and at bed time This food should be chosen not to supply lot of calories to make the woman fat but foods with definite mineral and vitamin con tents Here are few suggestions for food to be taken at the be tweenies cup libt bouillon with leg whipped in and crackers glass milk with graham crackers 14 cup raisins fruit juicerwlth vgra ham crackers orange milk shake 4large stewedviigs with cream large glass orangewjuice cup co coa made with milk and brown bread sandwichil glass miikand raisins malted milkgumcocoa with cinnamon toast bttttermilkg or range and peanut butter Sandwich or BLdried pruns apple meat broth with egg whipped in graham crackers with peanut butter and cup of tea Most women feel bet ter if they have cup of tea and cracker before they get out of bedi The three egular meals Should provide plant of Vegetables irieluding leafy onesfruifs whole grain cereals wheat gerrn eggs urea and quart of milk day Both the mother and the babvaill benefit greatly from proper diet THERMOGENE RUB Idealfor ChestiColds For Coughs and MASONS 69 alarm Coiigh Remedy for Chest 00191543c 11m OSSLANDS DRUG STORE BOOKS STATIONERY KODAKS and FILMS DIAL Iojc CR 12 glass orange juice glass 40 CUSDENS PHARMACY Elizabeth Arden Toiletries Harold CuSden thB 11 Hotel Block DIAL LIL Mix the ingredients and shake well or beat with rotary or elec tric mixer This is good drink Teacher Do ou know why the little chickens ycome out of the weumgto Tommy They knowtheyd get ounrouun cooked it they stayed inside HAND 39c DRi INSTANTLY WITHOUT Colds 29 457 KNIGHTS DRUG STORE Next to Roxy Theatre Helena Rubinstein Toiletries 47 ROBERTSON5 DRUG STORE OppositetPostOfrtce LAURA SECORDZ mQCOLATE rages DIAL nIAL A82 44c 08cr$lr7 77 ums KEPSWWFREAM Altl tut any way IRACE 0F SIICKINESS zrvwywt rentzmera Ordinary Type No charge ferjcntainer Common Gal $133 NONCORROSWE Retarded Evaporation Packed in sealedttp $5595w Wm mlbvmhnmrlsm zetas mAr MW