HURSDAII JANUARY 18 1945 rm BARRIE EXAmNER 13111111 ONTARIO NADA MIT 1311111 BE1T10PENING GAMES 11011111111 11116111 1CHE11IES ACEISViiiiovmii PAST 11011111111 311111111 H0 ANGLE fence 80111 Armstrong Bruce flar therland 224 Lillian Graham 161 Bush 0011119 Cam Stewart Wings 1Melis high singleGerx Waltonl Allan KcrrAllan Saijeant 21115 213 ROV Green 186I 11 Dale Black Perry CockbuinV Len gumImiiig John ReeugV Gordon Saturday NigmersVI 1looc Jack Nixon storms to have departed from the club roster Colts had only tour alternates CollsTSChewies Aces 1111 the York Regiment of the Non Permanent Active Militia whose VIIcounlcrpart today is 1heReserve RSM BURKE Army Smith Studio tiev r1 51t111 III III 1IY 111 11 V111 II AI 33 11419111 arrie rena r1 an Alfrlt Frlld 411 II 11 11 ltll 113 an it tii lluCrify LtJLIlH Hunt 11 11 v17 311111 V11 im wuiid 111111112 A114 VAitli V1 Vm Aii Am 11111 1113111111 111 11 VIIV vs BARR COLTS I1 II II III 631 41 1r 431 11 11 IlIIl $111 itA 11 11 11 1131111 lel 111011111 11 11 11111111 in vrV 1V1 111 21 1V 2111 1111 111 4111 to W111 tne iiore with 111111 Sound l1 111111 1111 111 1il the 11111111 11 the Stiirlul 5211111111 il Et 1111 Uivy 1111 151 1s111 will lulll 111131 iVI 11 IVV II 7V lell ll 330 ADMITS 25V l5 1il ficiz 1l 111VI v11 11 M1 1it liivjfll 1w I1111JV 11 111 111 hlll MuftiC V1 VI IV 1500 FANSON HAND r011 OPENING HERE 11 ZiriVillIV II1I1 VVVVIVIVI1 V1V 11V IIH VgtI 1131 ll 111 vwvI 11 lr 11 1i1i1111 11111 gt1 VIII IVIVIIVII III 1111 IV VVV VVVV II VII II III II V1 nII wII III I111 gt 11 IV 11 IM Inn aw 11111111 111 lll 11131111r 111115N1U 111331 llllxll ll lxlIll 111 llwiil 11111 111111 Email 115 11 Imam m1 In 111 V1 11 li 111 1111 1111 VIIVVVI VVIV V1I1 111111 11 111111 111 11131 n1 1111 111 1111114le night lHll Ive Hi WP lib ltllt 11111 11111111111 Vl 1V1 111 11 111 11 KHHU llw 15 El LUHH 3le 1111s lligrst irmul 1111 11111 111 11 1V Hi 11 whim 111311111 tliiit 111 11V VtyIV 11 111 1111 111111V11111111111 into It IV IVII IV VI IVVVVIIVV IIIIIII IIIIIIII III II IVVIIVIVI VVIVWVIVVI IIVVVIIIS II II IIII IIIIIII III IIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII III VII 111 11V111111 1141111211 11 233 liiilrlt ll1l HUNl 131 lllJtlll gt rum 11zi1 V1VVVIV IVVVW Luann 111 VV1VI1V 1V Vl1I 1Ill 1111 11111111V ltl 11l1ri 11111111111 11 11 lliiii 1o llll l1ll 11111 111 11 151 121111171 311111 11 1111111 11111 1111 l1rl 11 1111131 11 lI 2H 11 l1 1111 NH this 11 511 1111111 i112 11 11111 N11 II VII IV VV IV IV 11 1111 11111 1111111 111 1119 111 1y 11 11 Ilx 111 1111 11 ll II 11 11 11 111 1V 111 lVV1i 111111 11 11111I 111VI VII II 11411111511 1111s 3111111111 2111111 1111 11 11 1111zloilI1111 1111111111117115lxlliuo 11 191111 II luwltr 111 1111 11 11111 if ll 11 111 lliim 11111I 11V 11111in 111 112113 lulliimiill 11 for 111111 111 V11V111 111111 111 111 11 1lillfll ll Im lttlliill litfi Itilliiwl 111111111flt1 131110 with tour 121111 11111 1111141 lo VVI 11 11 111131 11I1IVV Allilth lJal loioiito and MW Illl but ll llJtVlIH1l 111111111111n 1I 11 11 fit rtiiniiiiuxr 5511111111 lllix 1111111 ll 11 11 VI 111I V1IVVI1I1 IIHI VIVI IVVIIIVI 1111 11 1111111111 11111V to 111 litIgwal wwr 1111 Mar 11 111Il11I1I1lmtmff 11gt itliiii 51111113 ill I1 tutaxiom 111x IIII1Ilt ll 1111 1111 111111111 I1 1VII 111 graham 1I1I IV1 111N17I V11I11I HIVu Iiiz 111 lIl1iu ln11 111111i1l 11111 llllll1lI 1111 111I 111 Viiliaii Armoured orps 1111111 Willi lllt Hi lltl llilttl Iltl 111111 1111 1111 1ll V11 131 Iill ivoiiiil hint111 111 1111 11111 i1 11 V11 111 1t 11w iliiitlcd In 11 mil louk lll 11 lllA 11111111 fi1lilllr11I1Itt1111n 11 111111 11 Vt111 IIII II II IIII IIIII VV1 1V 1IV VI It II WWII JIM III II FM xlnuum HUHHHI Riml Wing mm Mlluw Iii 11 11 lilll SH INN mm lmiuqr litlfi 1411 11 HI ll lttllt llIHiI 11 his liouwlioli 1111111111 T111 11111111 Slim 11 11113 111l111 10117101 NW VIli llfllltitl 1111 11 lll KM =11 111 11 mi mmr ml HI 1111111111 51111111 Ian gt1 lultl lll1V11111313111111 all 111111111111111 111 11111 111 51 121111 31 1IVI VII IVIV wmor unmlrur stars are on 1111 Mulliniil 111114111111111115 Kens 11111 111111111 111113 1111 11 11 11111 1111 iv In in llv mum II II II II 11 11 VVVVIIV VIVVVKV VWVVVIIVI 11 III IIIII III IIIrrI IIIII 41 11 11i111 11111111 11 11 11 VH1 1111451115 1111 311 1111111111 Sims1111 ltlllhllzt l1l1lillylillmil ll lil 11 WA ifltlll lip 11111 Honda Luul dunsitar night II II IV VV II 1111 111 11111m M1 tun5111 IV 11 11 11 11111111111 IVlll 111 Butllmiy 51111 1111 11 111111111 1111131 II VI 11 11 1IV11V11I 11V IVVV 31 lUl It 11 II V1IV1 1111111 1111 11 71 11 V1III1 IIINV III V1IIV IIVIIIIIVII VVIIII III II11III III II III1I VIII II1II II1II HMth mewl IIIIIIIII II IIIII III II III III II II IVII 111mg 111mm 111 ill 111111111111 IIII III VIVIII 11131131111511 V1C1 11I111g1 11 3131 1V1311 ttVIt 1V In 1113111 Programs are lllll IIIVIIII IIII III III IIII IIIIIIIIIII1II1IIIIIII IIIII IIhIIzIIM lll 1111 11 VVVVII I1 11 IIVII1 IVI1 VIII 11II1IIIIII1 II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIg name BOIIVIIIIg IlIIlI II IVI V1I VIVI II IIIIIII III IIII IIIIIS IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII II V1111 1t anneal 1111 1111111 1111 11V 11 51 gt I1 III IIIIII IVIVIIV1VV III RVVVI IVV III lllI mu 1lil1111ultlI and numbers of 1111 plan11 31 111 11V 91111111111 111111111111 ll 111 111 11 111111 121 at 111 III VVVVV II IIIIVIIIIIVIVV I1IVIC1I MIIHIS I1 IInIIIV IVASVVVIIIVI IVII IIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIUfI iItItI 11 IIlItIlI II VIIIlI II Ill lII II tIIVI III IIIIVIIIIIIIIS II II vIV III 110111111911 1119luhV pth IIIIIII All Coll lum1lit41f 11111 Ioalio lllltf Hasoiii Ilitlllh KI NH Ml Ah 13771111llll11111113111 11111 11 11 in i1i1i1111 lill ninwmm INN 7Wil 11111 111111111d 11gt 11111111011 fut111111111 ar 1111111 11122 1101111211 1111111 1111111 11111111111121111111 Will T1 111 9111 111 11111371111 11 1010 11 IV I1 ll ll VI IVI VI N11I Sl lb 1I Burden I1ili1r Spryiug 1H HUIJM Iliu 11111110 lltllll 111111111111 A011 All 1mm 11 11 11 1111111 11 111 1111 11 IIII IIf MI IVVI1 11h 13m VVV IVI II VVI 11 11V 1111 11 155111l11l lltll Major Goodman is IVH III HI 11 lm meq 13 111l 11 ll 157131 11 11111 111 11111V11V 11611 Inll lCltltll111t 11 11 1111 l1 lltllwl 11 I1IIIIIIIVI Im Mk Im MIMI $141131 511111 1111 11 11 11 111 11 11 21th 111IlIlIlmllfIkE1 Il 11111 IIl ll 77 V9Vl1ui1VV 21Mli and NIH referee II 19 With 11 Minnaz 111 l1 1f11 113 11113V 1111111 111111 131111131111 U111 1111 10 OVERMAS ARRIVALS NW 111 after that 110 was much llllfilltl11VVIVVI1IVVY VI VV VVVVVVVVVVI VVIIVIIIVVTrlle and Sf Mary Sltwiuuu VVVVIVV11VIV VVVV A111 V1IIIIV VIII III 111 IVVV1 1VV1I 11 Buck 1111111 and Illilny 1011513 101m Ann gaping 11m 1V IVIIIII1II IIIII III IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IVIIIIIIIIII II IIII1Win opening Bantam I1 sIIIIIII IIIIIII VI VIIIIIV IIIIIIIIIIIII II III IllA1ll 0115 VVIII VIIIIVIIIIVII IIIIVI VI II III IVIIVIIIIII IIIIVtVII lllllll llttlill illlillllilll ElltflllOOlS Hun hmp in Mundva 11 In MilMI gIII IIVI IIVIIIIVIIV VVIII IVIIIIIII IIIIIIlIII1III III VVIIVV III VVI IIIIIV VIIIIVIIIVII III IIIII VVVV 1VVII1 1VIVII 1VIIVVIII VIIVV1 II1III IIVIV IIIIIIIIIIVIII II IIVIIIIVIIII 13 Wk 010 5mm he 31 50 lwllldl 11111111111 111 1111111 lltllllll 1111 lIlX RUM 213 ll 1M Hi Im 1112111 lullldlll 111111l1Kl11111L pllllhllJ my mm 1H1 mm VVI IN ili111 11112151111 11111 1111 1y ltuniud IV Itliiike Clarke gt011 1111 11y 1111111142 lxenV VVIW Mlill Il 111 511 l11 111 11 1H 1V1IV1 IV lVI II lii I111 oneniii VV I1 IV Smiths Dairy ll I11111111V 111111 11I1V 1111 11 11 Ver VIIIIMd III Jack Retro 11 iiuiiliill after it VVIV IVIIIVI IVIVIVIVII II IVVIIIIVVI III 1VIIIIII IVIIIIIVIII Illllllll 111111121 11IitiieIlinl MVVVVdIVVg VVIVEVQSANOV 175135I15IIV17 WHSUVVI A133 1111 VVIVV1V VIVVV V1 1VIVVVI 1x IVVII1 1l11silj Ullilllll 11111112 111111 11111111 1V 11 11 TH PHIL ilt $111111 ImI Topaco arnms is lim 111111411 11 101s of the 1311 11111 1111 111I11 11 1111 le 111 1115 111 111111 5111111 111 1111111 010 111111111s lofvilitl Cllllll Unii 11 ltllllLl Cupbllilltl gt 11 II No SCORVII 1N TIMI I1 II II 1VIVV SHIV IIVIVV 1VIVI1 1V VIIIII Munittt 11111 gtlei1litml iilnli VIVII IIIII IIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII IVIIIIIIlul 11110 1311 S1IV1VVVIIe had 21 l1koI l11lC 0V 1311111111101 1IIIIIIVIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIEII W1 11111 31111 wag 131011 V11 Shop VIIVI IIVVV IIUkI VIIVW Meet the new 191145 coach of ter of 194041 The 111111 moved VI 11 Olympia Ordnance iillk RCAI 11 II V111 1151 1tl 111 111 111 111 on 111111 11111 one of Al11111111 11111 Mai lllJCllUll 11 111111111 11111 lot gt11Hll mm U11 Vc AUndmhlns 151 13C 111 tl1s r1111 lllllllltlll 11111 Main Mlle Oyh llm md along to Nmfmmnmd rm WM 1111 lClll 111 11 111111 111111 11 mm Allhim was we mg mm 1101 rliill 1d ltC010d 1111 nice with vitliiii hp A22 Muml defmccmcn 1d 91 115 llmmd he is 1101111112 results With liisidefence in 1941 but returned to V11 c1111d VV 13111I1V 419 mc c1 III II II II IVIIIVIIIIIIIVVVVI IIIIIV IIVIII IIlIIIVII IIIIVIC 1111 utn Voa BIIIVIIQ IIIVIVVVVVVV IV1mgms minute and 11111 the 111on 11L1 111151 so 1nd to 11M 110 1110 Midland s1ml 11111 111 119 yin tfImI hmm Debmlv N01 Ecol fl 5m IICI11IV IIIIVIV VII VIIVIVIVVI GIIIIlVIVIV 3111 Aiigilit 11 downed George The IIIVIVIVQ VIN VVIVVI IVS wk FOPHFV 110111 YVrR out for rerairs when he ran into Curliiit 1111111 and Arena Gardens bones Palm from mm ultimo early 19142 Eddmnmmwd Fiacliiii inil 2221111111111 1111111 1111110 leml by huge muml Copnconnd 11011 by Bill Adams lllt 14011111051 Bil$110113 Chill 11 lililitlill iti 51111111115 were used gum up Ilmms 0w man10 gm 01 homey mm 11mm iiniv 1111111 11131 1111 while 1110111 Th lillrl llllmllC 5111101 111 Ordnance lle rolled 21111 1115 Am lllWl gtlnttl 110 lllllllils crazed 115 llll 111 the last periol 11 gt1 11 VIIHIVHL VIrouI 85 92ng BeuL thth mIml 11112111 M115 11 close calls the puck fwl lVl LXVcxm Itclllllmlllcv lIllllonml lWl lllc 111111 I1IIIElIlIIIlIVIW IllI VII37I llilllihut he camehudc411191141palm 51111411 111 it 11111 Examiner 1I 111111 91 SSI To his disappointmeiIit 111s cate IVIdIII LIIIVIVI IV1IIVI IIIVVI Jimmy btraclnm Lolt goalie 101111113 games 111 1lCI 11 111 0111 1111 Some his saves ucre 11th cntsI At all 1lLltllli or this lldwm 11111051 Burke 15 lone lligory was lowered and CSM Burke VIIIII KIIVO IfId IIIVIII1VIV II I1IC forced 11115 ContestV Averages 1310 and mewAdams Lents FluIV 1111 not stand out 111113110 V11 mar11 011110 VVIVVictVilns 1101055 than HapII cauldntgo ovemeas wimw Fug VIIIIf VIVVIII VIVITIIV II IVIVI IIV 11mvyGn11V Jack MacDonald Ztttl Robeson 2326 MOXOH 322 lllll Nor the other players as both himself who recommended Eddiel VIVIII IIII IVILIVIVIIC defence Bill Ball Lloyd lnnnmns Reynolds 222V 1140311glllIVIPVoIdwa1l 1111011111 were studded with torinei Burke 11 the Barrie Hockey Club 5mm centre C1511 hchrthur lll$ 218 Bailey 21 111 oy VIIVV1IVV VVVVVVIVHV VVVI 1121 1W1 IIIIII IIO IImII WIIS IIIIII III QOIIIIIII IIIml 11l 11 1111 101111 1111s 111cs 11r1 1IV1VVV 1IVVI Hemp 31111111n1lliiilley 312 ltivc1t 212 Walton VIOIIIIIV III II IVIHIVIIV III AVIVIIVIV IIIyIu mmdle the mmls mum We ljlr EMS Dalia Illudllmldl lull 212 Smmsmu 21 Bastien 111111111 Port 10111111110 no out 3111101111 111 111 bu 311 111111111 010 1111a 5011 2111 lmllI II VV 11 msme Eh 01mm Chns 015 ust 111 practices F11 Jim HilllltlnV Clarke alike League lcmmmn Nd 10mm Mulhmos one lnls 11111 Weeks of SIaintIJohn NBV II IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIICII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIVIIIGIIII1I DIIIIgI Baker kn 17 who was Manln 10115 second We Sharpen Skates WOl Burke has lived 1111Bm1je for IIIIIII IIIIIII1 IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII VIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1VIVIICIII Jack MIIIVIIlI VIV1 VIVVVdQWVVHI Shippers IIIII 29 10 68 VstIIIIVVI who he CIIINCdI 11 wian an II 13 60 111100 3015 and he calls out grow VIIIIIIIIIII ACIIS IIICIVQ VIIVIIVV IIVIIVIISIIIV 011111tIIIJgI1I1II$I11I1I 1SIIIIIICII HIIIIIII yetciIsII III IIELVVI III IIIV 1110 11 111 11 00 the 1111 town his home now He is II 111 I1Bunny Glover loronto Jerry Rein 111111 11111 1111111111 Just bl C1 11 11 W1 01 11 111 11 VV the Remmental SergeantMajor of WW Ale ple 111111 Fion Bombers 11 Bill 9W el NO II VV Mikes Buzzers and Victory Air 13111 11111I B111 AyerstV Bill Me Tanners II 23 10 1M II VIII VV VI VI mlm lmome orps cx1f1x11cl thesclves Les Chew CulloLVsili Ken Caldwell Tackerg 14 25 31 ICVm 10 W0 RlSO attach Ski Harness 11111111111 Regiment Camp Borden IIVSII IIVIIVIVIIl hIVI WIIIIM 1111th 10 VIII In 11 would game Father Tom some II 11 25 3311111110 Owen Sound Orphans and adIIISL to boots It MARITIMER BI VII II VIIIIIII III VIIII II VIVIIIIIC IVIIIIII VIIIITVIIIIVS SII MIIIIIIS bIIIVS IIUI VVIIVO Finishers II 11 25 32 FIIIIIVI BIIIIVIIIIIIII VIIIIIIIVOV IVIVIIV1 LIL 11 Prl 111d from Giioux 111111 Weekly llll1 scmes Single Clllll Ollml Geller 1N1 Edam Burke was born at Mn 11111101 n1 It VV V1110 New Brumwicl in 1914 The second line of Jones Dliy from Poland and Gardiner 1211119 Peiiy 217 Campbell Cpl Ron 11111 11s not outdone in 1n C1111er United c1111 28 Three games Burns 601 the A19 nets by the starry Bastion 36 Bayfield Phone 3874 um played his first mm of 59mm Loughch llldR1llll$m did 111 01 I011st I1 II OIC IIV CqmprII 717 III IIIII IIIIIIIICIIII III IIII IIIIII IICII 1I 31 us 10 wWWWW WA homey Ills mauve town Wan tenant J01 m911min1111311111111 Illolik he AVelageSLad1053 Bums 179 he was only 16 right hand shot ele CV0 more Fralick 164 Perry 163 gt It IIII II II IIQQ QCCIIIII much more SVI MaIy1FGOII1I PM Gunny de he has always pla ed 11 lit w1n McFadden 162 LCameell 131 VIId Eq IIIVUIIl it Vegposmm at home at 011er lhim Itglll Winfi Ji Breda 153 M0nRivclt 1516 which 15 80 hard OI fill 011 most 1lr5h9Cd md 1IlnsmIlI GilllI D2111 Poland llllSV Don Flil IBgalnh 194 Rowen squnob teams His family moved to Fred lmVCId IlIcnIlendmIyeIhly leighbllluriiy I1121111191I DdelanI 5011 12K llV W215 Ca ac 311 11101 05mm md Edd Wye the WK 13 VV Lolilaws League hiah schom 133m thme He also spdlc BLHNO 11111011 1d John B1l1dll mated his mmmry CareCV by join turned to school in Toronto and Collie Goal Bruce Kerr 10 Ladies high SingleMal10n Su Eddie moved along fast 111 both HI Simon 132 WV Bowness if the mmxand hockey From private lllels When lhey left 111 the 41 Barrie Arena Jan Refgem EfurdgyanI 20 127 Brehaut 126 Harris ArmmeekDivisiork thePineom mand 01MajorGenera1 Worthing ton present Commander of Borden He was sent to Montreal Depot for six Imonths and then to lEWIES7CESGo11 D01 Campbell defence Howard Cox GeorgeValliere centre Paul Ron ly wings Jim Williams Pete Crawford alts Gordon Chard Jack DeLazit Bill McLaughlin iC vs K11 riddle HlrermtSidelQAl rwriAllsopp 12 ngtingtllliaiys stTrinity 123 Hampel 120 Marshall 12011 Plant 87 Dunworth 871 II Armoured corps HOCkey Ijadies Aux Canadian Legimr League Opens Tonight 31V he moved up to qualified sergeant after taking number of courses He graduated from business college after high school and moved to Save Time Gasoline Rubber Money SaintJohn There he worked at Needham alts eriiie JonesLar Hal Robinson Bill Zellers Limited as floor manager 95VCATC Camp BOIdeVn as JimJrnback Ken DarlingI Hornetsuuum for two years andllle McAvity an BARRIE COLTSGoal Jimmy Al Thornton Arena Butterflies 29 V27I Sons 1341113113ng supply house forl In the Winter 0f 194243 the A9 Strqman qgfenceklymx Eghrdson afgney Bee For the Convenience of Farm atime Rams entered the OHA Intermed SE9 CVle1VVI gliclhirdson Ggyggk Tonight Tliursdaymhe Canadian pg INTO SENIOR HOCKEY iate series and played home Armoured Corps hockey leaque Wlll St Marys CVIIIIVchLengueI crs Children Aged People and games at Barrie Arena Eddie play ed for the Rams and that was the hockeythe senior provincial lea ms look Bame fans had 0f mm gueere played with the Saint John as hockey player Sea Gulls for seasbn then sWitch Thenrthe new No VCACTR was dd 10 the Saint John Beavers for established in the reorganized Can officiallyopen at Thornton Arena with the Corps CommanderCol JIVDgslp524I39 hum5 31 DOpeS 201 onel Bailey IDISO MC and High sing for nigh1LadIesI Other high lmnkmg ATmOUer Agnes Drummond 250 men Gord Corps officers present Higgins 216 FiveVtearns have been entered New series begins Jan22 All bowlersare asked to be present sI1II1IiftI Workers we stress 11 ispecialadvantiige of the Wed ncsday Matinee at 300 ry Loughecd Laking RefereeRed Farrell Barrie FIRST PERIOD 1AeesCiawford Williams Ronty BarrieBowen uiiay It was at Saint John that Eddie rst got in the big time of Maritime tw 35111 193839 theBeave Ecgfenmlreegveoliesigusiilt Righarilsmc 15 iffiliniosaggfh$$gh Tde Best choice of Tickets in 90 W011 110 autlme championship eoaSCONID PERIOD ScIIooVSWVngI and TIVaIIIIId SonIm 110 15 01 mice De 110131111 Sergeants Bowling League 39g1m91t1 ellgfPl the CA 11 Baohaornhers Soulhnaws 7l phy lwon IaSt year by Brampton Lions Alley Cats Reinlins beat H111 Volams in the Eagtem He played hockey 1111 his unit team Canada Vna1IsI but ost to Toronto in the CACleagueIlast Winter and Evdilable IforfMon IdctYNighticmd WedI BarrieBowen Max Rich IV ardson GoodyearSih theIfVVVHIISI Vt IMIaple we canrecall some of the games IBIIITILIMIIIIIIIV Box 011111 open Bullets Doubleheaders commenc 11 from 10 Ct Leaf Gardens II Ithe Rams had against Brampton II II DDY 085 as r5I 01 to ache next season first year of the Newmarket anti SrWingIeSpe Vgt11231111season13 1=fatIIV73IVWWldblayid 131191315 Vile inmIeVsiSVIV 19 19pm neSdcY Afternoon Vi wai2Eddie WaSVirnportedVVV 1311113 malty MW BarrieMI Richardson EBIEI11JI$II Gerhmlmg MEI 015m V7243 1I Sherbrooke Bed Indians of the VCRETIRED ASPLAYER wifgweg ill$21 cygddlsmlzl 1540 mm on as CS Ch lln engaged bythe Corps each Thurs day Soldiersand civilians alike Quebec Pronlcml Leaguev Wlth AIjteVr 15 yearsIIoIforgamzed hock IAVceSVWVmam Rbnty 1125 13X Depot RICAF IAngus Chm 39th theowz MONT931 ey RSM Burke annullle his 16 Bari=ieBbwen Mui ay 11 tte f1 ofcy eI ITYPhOOHS 471 Beaufighteis32 Mar E93119 I33 Coach1 In tirement 1133 player after last 58213 Richardson 1815 gtWIIVV tealggguedopzer N381 W111 KllthaWkslV 32 leeralOISK 27 dlanIs won thIe title all right but in Cliff After 311 hesaySI Im 30 PenaltyMax Imchardson I1 II HurmcanesI 23 Robots 23 Hm No ITELEPHONEII ENCLQSIE STAMPEDI meet No and inthe nightcap vardSI 21V MosquitoesIIwI JHIVRD PERIOD SELFADDRESSED oneIof thefbiggest upsts hockeyVhas mva As ifage had much tOIIdO VELOPE FOR RETURN known in those parts lost to St with it Life iheysayI begins at ggnasIIrgsifIIIM RICIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIII Ice Follies vo119i45 RESERVATIONS wILL Swlll clash with No RSM High single4812111 Evans 353 BE ACCEPTED Eddie 131312129 coach of Bzirrie Colts Jerome VIII VIIIerIIIeIIIIIe wIIIIIeIVS III II II can reVmem er 9w in been med to landle the No 15 Ordnance are Part the playOS years agowhen the Minelngteam ggisnes fggturefof opning night Whatateaim Bhfe Devils 84 0F TICKETS JOINSVHHE ARMY most of them in their 40sI trim favorite songs W111 be the presence or the 11 Bottom Up 4Bashers C055 Things looked black overseas in med all the youngI blades 1n the Again re hockeythe RSM is ouer Corps bandVVunder the direc Sacks Sounders DIME VLMFIIGAnENs fr the Spring of 1940 and when the Barrietown league kee 10 bring the 0H uniOI on an 110 W01 Cyrll FOWke furonto Dada IShiIsIrlgrookeI Fusiliers Were mobil However Eddie has taken lot title back to Bayre afte Io thfese Little is known aboutathe VVcal ankers Leaguew GIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 126 01 ac ive service Eddie Burke of hard knocks in his day and the SO many years isappoin My 11 113113 of the3 la erg mattered signed up as But they have been long He is am 21101 of fans sisal throughout the V1111 harass is ii iirriiiaqiiitassumisiiriraiiiig1 were Short 0f quallfled M305 and built iri theI 21109061 Class bUt enthUSaVSUC MICkeyeIaSo are Fry there are said to be many inc Toronto 34 36 when they learned of his long donIt thinkheIIdoesnt bark out the eIager to see him attain that ObIjeC pmyers with each team and this Nova Scotia NoV 28 x35 uoxes at $3011 VVTVVIgtIIVIIImu mama 30 NPAM experience he became CSM ordersor drawup aparade anh tlee IWe are now seeiIng theIeigIht plus the natural imam riva1yI ComnerIc 1221111113 26 x37I an one day He played with the steely eyg Kiss Me Goodnight prInCIDles ofVWtu applied to Junior should prvide some bangup IX aI es aIy 1VstTle1 Blue and South End It $2110 22 Sherhrooke Army teamin the win ScrgeanfcyMajorw is not among his hockey competition $181521 Siggledl15 ghyglsuirim II III 11 Green and North End 3171 pfth 39 Tier It 1410 IVVVVI II SNOWEDJNI ENS SPEND en eIggSI representing ten days my 189 II FULL TIME AT FILLING SHELLS duct from hisIock of 500 birdSI treachery BDWHng League DATE OF PERFORMANCE WANTED nuuIu1quunrunnuunonurse1onuuuuVIII lt Moth ProofII by the latest MuseumVMeth IBadJEIOSVIJan 13 About the only About 60 per cent or the flock lay HighVSInIgVeI IadIIesI MISS HI Burk NAME II II II II IV II nuuufunnnunuunnnuu IIuu uInweunuoudnuuond VIM63 thing to fuhction normally during every day Seeleysays7m 144 men Higgins 223 nanInuuuunn 0dsVF0x and can Furs sk nsImadeI intoILadis III the recent storm in thisIdistrict These special IpeIrIfqrmmg hens II ADDRESS VV II II 231 WaIs WmI IseeIIleys of hensI came from the Gllmore Poultry MT League MINIINIIIiIHIOINIlIHIuillIUnoonnouuInoog which averaged 30dozen crate FarmBarrieas baby chicks Duz Bo Hot Shots 7V per dayI SeelmIIgeIIIIt ofifjltfnlln HIWIIESII SIYP1InI ends 2I Back Or CITY uumInununquunuuuuuuunuunu us flown dalk by sleigh with neat 1300 102 Read landuseEkztmiherdlassttiedstiers0 Get Craditn