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Itailermaclier similarly trucked in limeliitht They all w1ne choosy fash WNW HIVHMS mmmwd looped silk satm ribiionin Wmnw matching shades and 11111111111 ininia ll vwmw cascades of mauve swcctpeas pink snapdraimns YOI ATV hIVI1 itR ll Lees CAC was You can save many times the an and the ushers were price of your Ellllllltll by read Anson Jay Raymond brother of the in and tltlltll upon 1111 advertise bride Lieut ll ll ltotlizers 31C1nciils in The llariic liitlllllllti 111 1111 1111 111111111 11 11111 111111111 3111 11 11 t11l iiiiay 11111111 1111 111 11111111 111111 llllflttl 212 111111111121 r1111 11 111i1 1l 11111 111 pinplel 111111 1111 111 1111111111111ij 111111111111 11111 11111111 llll 11111 3111111 111 111ll11l1 111111 s11ecipc1 11d S11111gtihe111 1111111 travellinr in 1111lot Indies 1111 crept over which was worn 11111111111 Itrccn 111111 coll1ieitwit1 1211111 1111111311 accessories with Delicious Cake 11111 mmsows 11111111 111111111111111101 alien gm of edits pulpit if our gimp of milk the butter frljisugar tsp flatorlne extmc slisp Magic 311111 11min add sugar oily add em yb 111111911 in Whillillave been beaten um ibck add tlnw ir Slft together ttifpr 1111 ltiiixlil wnvtl11113017 to we pnna n1 175tfor 2025 mlnnus SUGARLESSJCIHG up r1111sriN111g11 white tsp salt cup 11111111 tsp maple syruynnd salt in top of vanilla pm egg White beat with llln 111m 111 no Rmch from heat111 double boiler ove mmry mm for lltldllylyblndtng Well Add vanilla or cake MADE ItsCANADA fold in coco and spread illlStlN 1111121 1111111111 1i111i1111 11 11111111 1111 hit and 21 gt 111111 with 1111e of 11cr 11 tripdo Montieal 1111 Quebec 1111 11x luv lee11 1111 Notirtaii 11111111 11111 11 BAPTIST BIBLE SCHOOL SUPPER 111111 Ill1i1151111il TM Tim 5111 1111 111111 splendid the lhhle School 31111311 1111 laiiily 11111 11 oclock t111111111111111111111tlieihilil1n 11111111111 Mine 111111 in 11111 111111111 icarol inainzz prevou 111 eviin 111111111 ltoy llt Ilihle Hclio 11 51111111111 11111111111 acted as 1112111 111 11111 tannuat childrens 11111111111 1311 itiiznary lasa led by Tilru It 11 11111111111 with 11e1ilatl1111 112111 sacred $111111 piano 51111 11111 played 11v and llcach tac coni 111111311 classes of Ila 31111111 111111 5114 It l1ri1l 1111111111 111 1111111111 piece entitled lltlltlnli of Four Letters Marlon Ileath 11111111111 11 violin 111111 111111111111111111 11 the pi 11111 by Mrs II Heath Yonnr Ar 111111 tracj rccitcdb slort piece which elicited applause Arthur al lt11 sanu Christmas 11essagc Shir ley Frid and Carol Beach scholars in Mrs Smiths cl1s stave an 1111 propriate recitation 11111 Wants the Girls poem Where D11 You Live was well read by Miss Betty Elliott Ari illustrated and liilltlllllL recit ation Only Ileguar Lad was 11111 class The gathering was favored with clarinet duet from lat Iux ford and Ted Heath John Smith chairman of the Deacons board was called upon to make presentation of Chrishnas cheer to the Pastor on bchali of the church Following this Pastor Mit chell gave short timely message illustrated by Colored lantern slides Before the presentation of Christ imas gifts to the scholars of the tBible School Mrs ll French sang beautiful hymn and Mrs Elliott secretarytreasurer of the Bible School read most interesting story to the children l1ollowing gift distribution the program was brought to happy close with the singing of Silent Night FIND WMJDAWSON NOT GUILTr THEFT Continued from page one much of the cash put into the cash draWer was not itemized She said there was as much as $1000 day received and one day there was more than $200 over Other days there were shortages which were made 1113 the following day Another witness Police Chief Carson of Orillia told oficollecting sales slips from retail merchants Liotalling $165190 Theseowere not RS MILLER Aberdeen Scot has nursing home in edifsasr parts of our on the affected areas Just by knowing this simple fact thousands of babies maybewlieved from bronchial learned many of Suffering Never leave poultice ustardang its 1111 inhome on longer than twemnnutes nursing whileIwas mrmm inv scojandn explained Mien Pure Mustard lis Oneinparticularwas method Safe Mustart CGUWPtien perspire The best proof of the yalue of 11391311 thus helping tilieak the mustard in treating so many com mon ailments is the fact that erand eliminate 111115 from thousands of people like Mrs body She ides nnelublanket is di din boil Miller depend on it year after meear Kep mustard alWays handy water mww WW mustard and th in your home to help relivCliills wrapped aroun tlr patient or Colds or when you feel de induce perspiratio pressed by Grippe or other Winter infections Use it to help relieVe pains of Neuralgia Rheumatism 17111thritiisr Neuritis overtired muscles etc Callfyour doctor if symptoms are serious Be sure that youluse famous Keens DSF Mustard vmade lt1fieirely from Bronchialilrlle in gBabie grieve hesitate to ltlce on small ba 111115111111 trouble as Mrs iller It helps quicker saferrelief thniein tinremedy saturate the ches ack with ive oil and apply txed one part Free Mcdicinnl Write Reckitt 8s Col gonads lettedStn110n Mdntreal for han 55 booklet The Mustard Treatmerit for Rheu pains and other 131 orden describing dicinel use of mustard and the standard his of using this reliable medy 11 mustard ncaa of form quality and full medicinal strength Sold by grocers and druggists everywhere Describes of Mustard mustard seed bfhighest quality and packed to preserve itsuni accounted main the Knowles Bail ey bank account In charging the jury Judge Robb pointed out that there was no evi dence produced to show theinven tory on January or December 31 nor anyvaccurate accounting of the tr Isa rded during the time the $157000 in discrepancies were alleged to have occurred 111111111111 11 le1 111111 111 111 11 tier1 for two 111 1l1r 11 icn by the boys of ll1rlcygt= TUMTIIFM G80 BARBIE EXAMINER 95133 NEW MEMB Il11l 11111 lance the 1111 111l lll 1111111 11111111 11111 l1 111111 tl 11111111111111 Iii 1111i 111 1111 Ilitrtlll vintir lt1 1111111 1111 11111111 11111 llXt 111 111 111111 111 had 111111 111 11111 111111111111 skating on 1111 ipcnlildt 11132 are 1111111 of ti Di DA ERIC MACKLIN AWARDED CBE Continued from page one of age when he arrived in England with the 11111111 Battalion IIII 111115 ltlaikliirwas horn in ltllttl 11 Scarborouuli 0111 After his mili tary service in 1111 first Great W111 he entered the University of loion 111 and graduated in electrical c11 uinccrinu liozn April 11125 to May 31 113 Uictniical iitrue for in Sig ls at Camp Borden Then he was sent to the staff col logo at Quetta India and after graduation was appointed general staff officer at the Army Coop School RCAF where he served un til December 1931 From 1036 to 1940 he was general staff officer at NDIIQ Ottawa lhen followed his appointment as tOpcrations with the 2nd Canadian Division In November 1910 he became AAQMG Canadian Base Units with rank of lieutenant coloncl and in June 1941 returned to Canada as Director of Staff D11 tics NDIIQ with rank of colonel He was appointed brigadicr in charge of administration Pacific Command February 1943 holding this appointment until January g7344 when he took commandof the th Infantry Brigade VCoLWELL Intended for last week Jim Brunskill went to Toronto and brought home Mrs Btunskill for Christmas Mr and Mrs Harold Iiffia and Mr Brown Mcaford spent Sun day with the Tiffins John Wordley who is working in the lumber camp attmlkige spent Christmas With men iere Mr and Mrs Geo Symes and son Fred and Gen Page spent Christmas at er and Mrs Thos McFaddens Ivy Mr and Mrs Robt Glidden and family Trenton spent Christmas with the latters parents Mr and Mrs Percy Costello The Crown produced evidence to show thartbe aecusd in 4943 bed $999 down enomhouse850 for acar $200 for an automatic stoker and $998 for furniture The case was begun on Boxing Day and continued all day Wedis day Thursday morning the Judge charged the jury and the verdict was brought in after the jury had been out for two and onehalf hours Crown Attorney Frank Hammond KC was the presecutL or and Boulton Marshall of OrT illia acted as counsel for the=de fendant SANTINGfA IENNETT IIED Iron ESSA Dams Continued from page one ly blocked Names on the voters list number about 1200 Three New Councillors Thethree councillors electedJV Wood Wesley Martin and Loni Truaxware all1 new to municipal affairs =Mr Wood who is best known of the four candidates through his prominence in the work of the Federatibn of Agriculture got big lead in his home poll with 146 votes Elmgrove also was good to Geo Wilkinson with 139 ballots and Ivy gave WesleyMartin third highest with 109 The spread in the standing of the last three was only 18 votes Certainly very close finish WHEN acorn stuffs up the 110513 causes mouth breathing throat tickle and nightcoughtng use this timetested Vicki treatment that goes to work Instantly ways at once At bedtime rub good old Vicks VapoRub on throat chest and back Then watch its Piuammic SIIMULAIINGV action bring relief from distress me passages soothan medicinal vapors 11 summer chest and back surfaces like warming oomtortm poulttce and it keeps on 1110 ng for hours ovpn whllo you sloopto ease coughlng spasms relieve muttonv Boroughs andttllttnessinrad com or distill Vicka 31111101133 It 9511511211123 toluperbEtHJ DD zulnnuiHauler Wmi uvklv nrrslsr 1Trrr rrvrr Wt Yrlrlfrll 71111 nrtjrrrrn fCOUNTY COUNCIL be Lb Lit r1 It In $1135 jasper 190 m1 leCJlAlAiSli 11 COMMERCIAL QUALITY BEEF 3611 WE PRODUCTS Ogitvie Royal Household FLOUR Ogilvie Scotch OATMEAL Eiffiiiebigs Wheat Germ Ogilvie Tonik Ogilvio Bran Health Wheathearts with UTE Oats SPound Bag 25c RATION COUPONS VALID BUTTERNos 1111111 $1111111Nm 10111 ratcsrznvrssos 32131 NOTE All coulnnw tn ltatlon Books and 1pir11 Dec 11 231 151 191 so 151 101 it 11 ILK at 11 WING or CROSS OR 1111 Play 111 LEAN BAKED SLICED Special TICK SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT Size 1111 Size 70s men lt11111111111111UmUlllllllIlIllllllllllllll New Seasons Sunkist CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS Navel imitators Selection of Two or Three Sins to Choose me ALIIORINIA lllY LEMONS 36 431 1102 One of the above siztrsminf Am Ch store SELECTED QUALITY EMPIRE GROWN BAHAMAS TOMATOES 11 25 1110 Size Hill 252 Size ONTARIO lllllllllllllllllllllIIIIllIIIIlIIIIllIlllllIIllmlmlll GQt Basket COMBINATION GRADE GREENINGS 450 Basket From British Columbias OKANAGAN VALLEY Fancy or Extra Fancy DELICIOUS APPLES Attractiver priced by the dozen and in original cases tlQt Basnct APPLES REDS 59 Combination Grade CAIBBAGE N0 0R COMBINATION GRADE No Grade srrs 111 29 Priced according to size at Met NTOSH SPYS Selected Ontario Seld Heads 8c 10c and l2c Ontario No Waxed 7774111113116115 zisse ontarioNo lGrad Washed Ontario No Grade wished PARSNIPS 491 CARROTS blSc iltltlllllllllllllttltltlllllllltltllItIllIlllllItllllllllllitlllllllllll1llllltllIlllllltlllllIlllllIlllllltlllllilltlltllltllltlllllllllllllliin Pkg Concentrated Javel water 111116550112111111161 11151113131 chANwa 1591 11147251 11111111111111 927 50 FasterThe Newtleanser Tinsilacv 1011 ourcu 1111ct6 99941100 Pure aZPOIISh tttiuytiiiottttitin llllI lllllllTiITIIlIllIl 111111111111 Harry Hornets GRAVEEV BROWNING 191 ttoz lkgs JUNKET BENNET TABLETS pigs 23 Paste Hoop lslb Pkg 311595 739 EVEN Bacon Liver SAUSAGEwlgS 2Jyr15 gt 0111110 FIRST RIBS STEAK or ROAST 5111101 My SHORT BEBE ASTS 25 3101113911533 STYLE 131595593 37 1111c CHEESE 1111111111111111 1011 251 IllllllllllllllllllllllllllliilllllllltllilllllllllilllllllllttlllItttltiltllllblllllllltlllitllllllltliilltlllililltltlil LOBLIIWS BREAD 2111 I51 COTTAGE Brand 2402 Loaf Wliitc9 Wb leWheat Cgacked Wheat MA CL vavv Glenwood Artificmt VANILLA Eastlake Choice Tourists Catellis Ready Cuts Spaghetti or 1110611118111 Beehive ram 111 Coupons can Will Heinz Strained our roots Crosse Blackwell Pure Seville Orange MdhltthtME Glenwood TititStlllBE 311111 Bensons can 1111011 Crystal Brand rum 110111 Aylmer Added Pectin and Color REELle Jttlit olipoiis Libbys IInz 11111 Il onpons 21111111111 llb llics 24 11 111 Jar ILIIIIBE 231111 17 Choice Quality haunted 111111 211 At Your Birds Eye Store llnz 11 IMSTEIESWIIMII Thoroughly lasbcd Ready to Took hnuIunouunu LOBLAWS 1111101137112183 Orange Pekoe 1111 Pig 39c RED LABEL Labiaws bwuLABEL1I332 1111111111111