EFMBER 01 Published Thursday Marni C6533 icekly Newspaper Association BARBIE LXAMINLR Lumm Ls1 fined liczuu of Circulitzcu 1311131 SUBSCRlililoNs mmur li mm 3131111 or Great Britain $2 00 you EL WALLS States mv 3233 year nernmonr 1111 umm Inn 5141 Ccpieu 5c each ll 14 121 2111111 1111111 The flow 3N illOll lIlIOltl lll 11 511111 111 lilii id let Nlllfll 1112I 01112111111113 111111 11 on 1111 11l p111 o1t11111c 130 humans 11 0111101100 111 51111111 torcw 113 11p 1111110 51 1111111111 1111111 1111111j liL 11111 111 11i 11l 1110 110 21111011 aouu 111111 111111110 11101 tHMlU LllKliili 11 11 1210 1111 ll proporiion 1111121 irom 1111110 111 1110 special 1111111101 3111i0 THE BARRIE EXAM WW ERIE ONTARIO CANADA ssential Facts Re Britains Stand 111ci11sl1 palimlarx 11 11111113 lllllA ggoodl 111110 1120 13111190 16111111101 11111111lgt1111 printed 0n Rebellion In Greece By ELAS YEARS AGO from the min TE BARBIE mums JANIlltY 1130 hinime tounty Hrlrlw Sul1 x1111 2011 iv ha 11 101 111111114 39000000000 IS 115111 011 1012 sintcnicnt 1111115 Ilut it 1101p1t111g 03 11 Llcul 11 111l1l0ltl cctil 1111 Ftlkll mg it earnings 1111111111111 factors are 11 11111 111 fixing lif 111100 11 111100 said 11111n 1111 11111u industry it the 111111 tire past mm Kitten for SI by radio letter the 1ill in oiil tilt ll 311 of IV 111 lvlllpiilllt 111 unda BIQ 111111111 through the test well 001 icy have in 11111 p111 And lookan gusty lhr T111111 2111111111 111 111 pasi 111100 101112 l1ti1 11111 1111 1111 have taken rcztl 11110104 1112 g111113101111oi1 Dorms that time the 111111153 3111 11 11111 three editor 111110111111Iui zvll apt it iLlMl 111111 11 11 Stun 101 111 Filly 19 be 10 Mi Im 11 11 C0 md vi Kn but haw gimp mm LIyip= at 111 slice lilpl by Hilladiens 2121 ccj he 011101111111011 to Hum the zoo 11 101 liollri tiny 111 11vz 1ic pointed 11 1111 months 11o ltltlul local 11111 111 lt0l 1111110 01101tau111l libloinnll ktil 111ll 111111011 ViTank is the outstanding service publication cialiaritist inll19111217762117 It is fine piece of jrgrdniidf real the aSsistant editor 46gb Ab Hulse Au tlnus 1111 11101111 11 lot of 0x 111010 1i but 11 1111s 110011 real pleasure to 110 01111111 Vllh soon 110 1101 no evidence 21111111 1111 could that 1110 11101011 ii111111 112150 111 11 last ntrusftl with the 11111111111 11 such 1111 tXi desperate 1111111011 11110 11111 111ll 11111111110 11111111 1111111117111 to demand illeoal 01121112 lI10r11111111101111 1111111111 in Canada 111011 1111 be expected in ada took the trouble in the 110001111101 issui 111125 ur resources 11 111011 materials and to devote 11 whole 500111111 to 1110 Barrie 151 money musi 0oz 11110 to be 1111111111701 for 1111111101 They have reproduced some history war purpows This 11111j111 continued 10 11 this firm and pictures of our staff strictions said the limanci Minister 11 pecially 11110 are 1110 photos in 1110 0011110 probably means an intensification of s11lt11ls111011l showing some of our personnel at ages and 111111iti1 11 requires high taxes work 111 The Tank and some of our presses voluntary sell110111111 and postponement of and 111acbin0s getting the magazine ready berishivl plan The 2111111111111 people had To Mr 811111 and your lank staff may 11013501 11111011 1o irwpt any of the unpleas extend our thanks for your kind interest ant ll1iili1 12 Word for 111471 011 carry on for the January issue The year 151111 had brought slight dc ves crease in 1110 not 11 living index and there KNOW OIR OWN PROVINCE iiiiiht be 31111110 limiter 111 1111 but Mr 1151011 Recent literature issued by the Ontario warned that onrolrz would continue to 110 lover111110111 and intended to attract favor 110008511131 Fvlu 1111 311111111131 iSPLlflfob able attention to this province in the British 011 the Minister said the danger of Isles is worth more than casual glance runaway lilil 1111 Will 11111 11090575311131 bozevcn from those resident within the provinceI past for when 111111 111110 comes consumers slimy facts aboutOntarioare disclosml about will be anxious to make 1110 purchases theyiwhioh we venture many Ontario citizens have deferred and will 111110 plenty of money have boon quite ignorant in their pockets whereas warcreated short2 How many 01 instance have known that ages hd 1ihlhlhlfl 15 mm limpEOntario coversan area as large as that 0111 9111 Over nightH ltending from the west coast of Ireland to Those 19131150111111119 mod forceS Moscow and from the Mediterranean coast had record of which every Canadian3 of France to Trondheim Norway HOW should be proud But some of the hardest many have realma that this province is 3112 fighting is ahead of 1110111 and the duty restsw111mg large in area than rthe British Isles 11 upon all of 15 1111 111111111 at borne b0 back HOW many behve win our agncumlml 13 011 lhlllmlm ml the naming om 111oduct10n amounts to over half billion If 18 ml immmlgp mllrlrffgejlgelit ms hem dollars annually that almost $000000001 know mm ml 11mm mi mm lmy worth of fruit is picked annually that the way we know how lvalue of our tobacco crop is about $18000 Starting out upon this critical year of 1945 00000 each year that Ontario dairy herds 19 it be the mm IQSOWC Oi elery oneflpiodticed almost 6000001100 pounds of butter us to back up those 111 the front line by domgl and cheese am 1942 everything we can in the war effort It should not be difficult to find way to help Red Cross blood donor clinics salvage col1 lection projects to raise funds to devote to urgent needs the big things like war loans down to the various ways in which comforts can be provided for those bearing the brunt of battle Men and womenand children tooecan easily find some line in which to interest themselves Let them follow it with enthusiasm and feel that they are doing their bit in helping to hasten the day of Al lied victory Has it been generally known that Ontario has 8373 industries producing total value in manufactured products of close to $1800 000000 annually Have we realized that Ontario produces 50 per cent of the total mineral production of Canada that the 1mining industry em ploys 35000 skilled men none of whom rel ceives less than $170000 ayear thatthe total of Wealth produced from the discoveries of the prospectors in our mining areas has reached the staggering sum of $4012353000 How many of us have known that Ontarios CHRISTMAS ISSUE OF THE TANK forest areas cover 240000 square milesi that The Christmas 19114 issue of The Tank over 2000000111 electrical energy Is de Canada official journal of the Canadian Ar veloped by the Ontario HydroElectric Power moured Corps is an outstanding effort on CommiSSiOhi that the DTOVihCe has 75000 the part of the small but clever and energetic miles 0f highways under government SUDEF staff of that magazine It ccmrms thevgen vision that there are 100003mlles of railways eral opinion held for some time that The Within the 1331111109 The true Lfact 1mtoo few of those of in Canada Editorial work artwork and gen US Who Claim Chiarid as OUR DIOVianZ have eral layout are of high order taken the trouble to study its potentialities The Christmas issue has beautiful cover or acquaint ourselves With its great economic in four colors the work of Ltfwm LeBaron achievements If we were more interested who before joining the army Was commer in Ontario as We Qllght t0 be We would be more proud to claim 11 as our home and Ligandmay be seen in ThEExaminerwini 0t Within the wideworidfnuntsviuo Bones 1stained glass Windows in the back Editor or The Ta is Lt Sinn Mont ITORIAL NOTES rora and the business manager Lt Wm Tel Not single CCF candidate was elected ferToronto The excellent photos are the to the City councrl of Toronto on Monday work ofvcameraman Sgtl Jimmy Evans There are Christmas messages from Major gt Thrprivilege of the municipaLfranchis inGneraly Worthington CB MG MM Comy islittle appreciated bythe citizens of Torchr mandr ofCamp Borden 7011150 Bailey tor In Mondathmihghhly 12970 the 1llilltr and 1110 watch Now where isthat copy with those pictures more proud to acclaimto theworld its ad gdotyrlt depicts trooper innchurchpew WWWMJrSCm With any JWlt horses ban any 11110 the suit of The Tank 11 if 1111 lillllll1 11111111 fiyiuiiuili 011 in 11 11111 11 11 11111011 ilidlaml 1011 1131 1111111 ltl11111 in 111112111 1pl11cl by it ltlHll iltci ii to lii1tl ly A111 111 of Victoria Harbor 11 011111111 star illtrit stick work 01011 in 111131111 11111 1111 to win1o The Swinging Pendulu 111 01 3111111112111 0111111111111 111 that always two Slflt 11 and if that 110 c1c1l tilltc in poli f111111111 lll 111 11 111111 1111111 own Gilbert linriv in time 10111111 l11ltfl til 1111 and very 1111 horn 1111 11 1lll1liV little lliilll 111 11 11th Conservative But in these days of political Confusion 11 appears that boys and girls are being born alive with 11 var 11v of political views Somci Vcorsiazo five Canadian professors ilrcv up symposium of Five Pol 1011 Creeds in which lllll lined the meanings of Fascist Conunuuism Cons va 119111 and Liberalism The first thicc if these litrwtvit are more than cremls they are political systems although Socialism 1111111 Communism are in reality 1110 111111 the sums the only difference be 11115 on of degree The wholg three are basically similar in tho they are oneparty systems Conservatism and Liberalism are 11111 111 separate systemslhey are two subs if one system which ave all Democracy 111 fact Demo1 crncy could not exist without these two opposing parties Under Fascism and State Social ism lhere can be only one politi cal partythe State or as the so Cinlisis like to call it the People which in effect means the same thing The Communists call it the Prolctzuiat The fallacy of this is in that there is no such thing as theJPeople so far as an act out governing body is concerned What we call Government by the People is entrusted to 51901an aliver few individualsolen per iodically by majority of the people and subject to criticism by representatives of the minority and public opinion generally Democracy is not perfect sys tem but that is because men are not perfect and it therefore fits them The minds and emotions of free people are in1a c0nstant State of flux0f ebb and flow in politics we call it the swing of The pendulum and this makes for steady and ordered progress If You stop the pendulum swinging you stop the clock This is law Cflife and of the universe lik SLEIGnsTnoAINQPOPULAR Orillia Packet and Times Emaintuindd birth and 11001111 11111111 and lay sununcr 11111 1151111012 this luv llcniocriuj 110111111110s of change and endeavors to conI form to and control it by freedom of speech and ill toApIry sys 1111 Under that system urea 0111111005 and radical reforms have been brought about by free 111111 lic 1111111111 ory we havn 53011 1110 old order hanging yielding place in ml ural way 11 the new lcgtt one 11111111 custom should corrupt 1110 world SpeakiuiLin the House of Coin mons some years ago before the war Winston Churchill said that if he had to choose between Fuse ism 111111 Communism he would 0111ng Connnunism but that it would be desperate choice very good case could be made out for State Socialism and if human nature were nol so complex and liable to viol911t actions and auctions under Compression either Fascism or Socialism would be very good systems of government 11111 history has repeatedly shown that such systems can only be established by revolution and by rcgimentaliou 1an suppression of freedom State Sn cialism is static system like that of the be hivewand one can well imagine what would happen in bee hive if the bees were to split 11p into political parties Socialists scoff at the idea of maintaining what they call the status quo but under demo cracy there is no suCh thing as fixed state of things It is the State Socialist who is seeking to establish status quo He would swing the political ulumover to the extreme left an old it there Vlllllll living 1110111 lotlvintt 51111131111 11l play wiri Silillll 11111111 Barrie Local Notes 1byhlcf llyrlzi Engin 1101 lltltltil Council not to buy gas xplant l1l111 v11l truszuist in lllgurie 113 ycu1s lie in loronlo lo11 110111111 11ci from illymcnt cheque for 5207011115 in take 11 1111 1111111151110 on the 1111 l1 lroduccr and 115 11111111110 ofs plant 100 on the bay ovcr 501011 inches thick Amos former minister of Allzuulalc lrcs byterian luuch elected president of the UFO Alvin Wire resigns from lluiion Avenue Methodist choir to accept the position of clioirmasler for Central Methodist Church llavitl Stccfer form er brulzcman on the xFR at A1 luudule appointed s11perintciulc11t of western lines for CNR with 111l1111rtcrsin Winnime FIFTY YEARS AGO Owing lo the first weeks issue of The Examiners file of 1895 being damaged in the fire which hit the office in August 1914 the items of 50 years ago do not appear this week SHIPPED BY ALLISTON Allislon Herald Through its own initiative and foresight the Alliston Farmers Co operative Co has established this wellknown potato district as fac tor in the export trade Commenc ing to load in carlots about Novem ber 11 thecompany has already supervised the dispatch of some 14 carloads to various points in Can nda and the United States In fact car from Alliston to the State of Virginia was the first on record to have been shipped from this pro vince and according to reports there is good outlook for regular shipments of Canada No Grade moving under government inspec tion in new bags of the Big Chief brand which is the official insignia of quality potatoes from this dis trict rounrenu 1111s POTATOES lRead and usieExaiminer Classifieds no only providing healthy in 1111111 foundation for the nation now but also luiiltliin an ocean lllltllllll if 1111 111 which policy 0111 01001 iliclt postwar holders 111 l=1l111111 recently passed or 1111 to provulc social welfare measif urc 111 umulu xpressed th llopu that governments in Canadii will continue to foster legislatldrf to provide sound social sccurllYLSC 111111 1111 auadian will lack the 1113 11111111111 10$ simport such projects provided Mt they are conceived on sound prlns SUGGESTS MODERN BAKERY HERE The Editor The llorrie Examiner Dear Sir As cur011 of Barrie wish through your valuable paper to draw the attention of the other citizens of our town to the necessity of establishing 1111dcrn bakery here It is indeed an opportunity and one which think should re ceive our careful consideration Few of us Iam sure realized until the heavy Snow ofa few weeks ago threatened to disrupt our connnunications with the outside world that we did not have albak cry in town and that we were on tirer dependent upon sources out side for our supply of breadbund other bakery products We are all cognizant of the elfOrt by the Barrie Chamber of Comer merce and our Town Council to bring new industries to Barrie Their interest in this regard is to be commended While they are so 011 of thspaakee war gagcd would it not be fitting for us rifieeiipf our what Will to do something for ourselves and be donate ms easier establish Citizens of Barrie Co them tonashemgelvcs operative Bakery scarcely need to elaborate on provided This is exam should tieslkers meant the advantages of such project what marksmde prepared to The value of Cooperative enter put me gmmuments ex prizes is not new to Barrie All of messed us are familiar with the service the First Cooperative Packers are rendering to agriculture in this dis trict The farmers benefit by many thousands ofrdollars annually from omorcprivact Smith SecretaryManager gt of Orillia Board of Trade would like to get in touch with anybody who knows of vacant shed or barn in Orillia where farmers us ing sleighs to come to town from districts where roads are blocked to motor traffic can stable their Farmers living off the highways cannot get their cousin or out and if they use sleighs to come to town they haVe to leave their horses standing in the cold know great War ts as hp While bringiiig its policyholdersair the aim ohomperjeiggbusinesglifeinsurance Alivesrioargtm in house It has no more privacTthm goldslrtom plete details of its operafioiis re onlookers11011 holdersand the public at large in the 700page Annual Report of the Qominion superintendent cf balance and in Provincial Reports Under the laws enacted at Confederatio fahmlyebroadenedhandjinproved during years policyholders Enjoytha doubler both Dominion and Provincial supervldo ceivedllinf9131l 01111119110 11f Limits in Canada itsrovetments policy fugi tingenCy reserves the volume provides and in fact the wholefdetail of its Noother industry in Canada is under such and experienced supervision DsoMcCommanding oriiooromsi CACTE possibleYel117eP911d the Shea archbishop Derwyn 51 Owen Primate of the Farmers from distance are go 19 lcolle er ing as long as possible withdut pres Churohoi Englandvin Canada Hon Major 11 lienmylvamacommu ct visions and feed for their stocky A1Desrnody Senior Chaplain RC and million dollars annually through the use of T310031Farmerscoperave xe rin the Premiers of Alberta New Bruns motor vehicle parkingmetres hThlS state ports that thesituation is getting Wld Manitoba and Nova Scotia has23127 metres which yield this huge year critlcz as transport menare averse to attem lug deliveries off the Theg60 pages abound With articles of ly revenue Highway departments may SOOn highways The farmer living tereStingahdinfOrmativereading Remini be looking to thisxsource for fuudstomain therback concession is upagains scences of Pasthartime Christmases isby tain roads real problem which woulduot be DrakeBrockman 1380 MC The Town Council acted wisely in giving $12 tgwfl Sgtigiiigg this frequent C0ntlibut01 tOthe maga negative answer to the offer madeto pur some place to stable and feed his 2111 Tand in fact is editorinchief Major chase the Town Hall for converigon intoa horses eBmcmhah refers ih hlsiser 13 1914 factory There are many argumentsagainst WestCrn Front to 1918 in Northern the sale of this building and the Council by SET OF FALSE TEETH Mid to the Northwest Frontier of In turning down the proposal fully fleets FgggonLNwgiE IE 22 public opinion Life insurance isthe outstandingbusi of privateiuaoagetnent under Moraine lathepublic interest Within is democ the faith that Canadians have intheir mm has been vindicated through wars epid and depressions Within this pattern th cs must havebeen serious predic4 lament withoutt th It would be bad at any time to lose ones teeth at itw rly unfortunate visions of all tie vote forthe deputy reeveshlp sthe second such finish in that town ticles are Farming in the Herbert Hannam Fres hman Federation of Agriculture E55 91h Ihlellhdei by 00101181 Pr ship in recent years Six years agoWaiden the the Christina formattedmmahdlhg Ofcer George Banting and Frank Higg without teat tem came from Menage from the Life Insurance Comping in msexllehehces lhthMidd191F19li ship Clerk was not compelled tormake of 1914001 Griffin isrnow off Chemobemoan the two owing toarslig1it Wine Of theGAC 31111118 lrregularity at one of thepolls This necejss 139m BMK to Mill hinted at new election for reeve and Mr 13 031334 auntingwonabythreeVotes teeth was 20mm all mo in in mistakoon crummy tho murky