THURSDAY JANUARY 1945 ER 111 BARRTE ONTARIO 31311101 PAGE TEN ilr Bat EEKA We WWu WW Quality Youll Enioy INNISIFIL NOTES munsmrw anomouomoaomonow CONSUMERS 11111011 01111011 MENDAR COUPON VALUES rM liitzislil NominationIIllrrlItan ButterCoupon92 II IIII III III Bullet Coupon 93 III $090 COUPON 50 11er arter Kingd PriiIsIerIves Coupons 37 38 II 11 III IdCiisxl it ww 115 Valid WW utin H111 11liltllll Shoots llllli warn1 Burer coupon Valid III JI IIIII III II II II III conserve BUllerl 1111011 or 1111115 11 171 111111 littier lnnisfil 111111 tile deptnib 1111 tlnI xvii 111 11011 lknlt yellow 1111111 311113 11 equal 111 yc 11112111 11 11 ha OllllllllllINIOfllfl tracllci llllt 111111 1lll11111l t11111 111 11111111 iii Iiiafoul 1111111 1111 lhil Suggestions lho llertlttl tit 31 kt 31 it For the New Year til NHL riitllizi her husband 111111 1111111 111111 113 11111I W13 111 tin11 lei ifr1l 11111 111 FYLE FOLDERS CASH BOOKS 1l11l1 1111 tit111 latv litlit Mtllu II1111I111I Il AI IIIIII III III II II III IIlII I31 AMI MIMI 11 1III 11 z1111111111 511 it neck sin111111 11 111111111 IIII II II1 11111 111 Ii 11 liruce lele 11111 thfrtil ililwli ditty 111 with hits it 111 1111 l11 1111 11 111111111 113111 Yea IIIIIIIIIPIIIIII1d1 51 I1I tits 11triI111 1111 11 11111 41111 to iltttltl WfltiN llllIltI1IIi I1H Name I1111II111I ix my Itiilitillil Vinitlib Lli McCartziI IItli1iiiII luiiils 11111 gt11Lllt 11111 11207 II KIN my ML I1 111 311111I1I lislei 11 the Farm 1911111111 115 1I Inn U1 I1II 11115113 and Mrs Met imam ll mmm 111111 11115 lias Hoyt1 111l faintly lhlit Iii11 liitliliht 11 11 111 11 111 tiptt 11l 111 1111 1111111111111111111 Miss M11111 150 Thin iiililv1li 111511 Alilt1 M111 111 2W HM ttatia at 111s ileum1 Mil illiii 11 1111111111 Tipping lo dim 1115 Van1 held very suctes Mrs 71111211 ioroiito 11 ll Illilil1lil ll II IIII I1I null 1l 11W fol 511110 lac Veiliisday hill iitmrons columnar lm wiitt 1I in 11 1111 111111 roads lllc crowd waf 1311 by Lever Cllllstltllls 111111 RULED BOOKS 11 il Ml 14 llllwti Arirave prices WIt Snot as large light ihlltltt Sorry to rep 111 that Lorne llar hurst Mix1 1l11IiIIc Mr Ward and 171111 Ht pmdum 1111 c1111 Whisk11 11 livestock yum ma 1111sf111tnnw 11 have and Mrs Alison LET US KNOW YOUR REQUIREMENTS 1111 111 rm 1n lure11111 1111111 1111111111111113 11111 lioustholil 11 hmd 1111 11111 Mi 11111 ltllilil li1l111tflz1i 13111 HITS wndml UL and etfhcts Working at the lfliSt WIlltlilll and Mrs 5111 iina llilt1111iliigt1l moi111 thi lhil11I IlIUCIt diam VEuMSI MrI and Mrs Packers1311iitt1111 llec 17 111 and IIltIltsI lIruItIi gt it mm imi isli tali1111 UL SfLTEdnhrd 1c1111v and Robbie ltil 11111111111e1111torsrare 111s 1111113 111111s 111 30 Elizabeth St Phone 4055 Barrie Ont 11 51 3111111 11 11111111 111 111l 1114 3111 11 11111 11111111111111r1 s11111 1llit gt 1111 ii Net 1111 ftltztuley 11111 151111111 lilltfl his 111tl111 111 31 11111111111 fowl lb 3111MII IIIId MR Alex 1CII WI AI mums PM he 5W hI COL autumII IIIhIM MM My my HWY5 my L151 =1l111i Hcihltlltfl Belle and Dorothy llarrie 111111111110 1mulhvfdlunhiu 111 Violet Vutlt 1111111 with L101 1111 11 1121 11e 111 tile with humus pawn MR and hallrs IppnImhon MDIIII III III II MM MT MC hi mem Md 451 111 111llts 11111111 Ellis Lockwood At this season of tne year we lIuniotidI Miss 11I NI Him Uulsml rdmy Fruit etc Sillt with their cousins 101111511 can think of nothing that ran ttitt IontIo her1111111 MN Bmmc Mdmrkm right111111 iaek Ellis ltJ Earl Audslev neuter satisfaction to vsorkIcisItItIi lIalItoiIiIei lI111II1I Lilliorap Passes in 111110 N111lllill 511111 ll1 1111 ISIIIIIIIIIII BIIIIIIIIII Mm Andghw 1md 1111 hwai11111 lwo ditch111 1I1IIII 111riiiitu holidays with her pr11s MIII IIIId MIIS DUIIIIM CIIIIHSII 11IIIbIII IId Ifmm 1D II II III IIIIIIIIIIIIIII II 1131 1111111 1111111111 in Toronto 311 and Mrs iliox IV11111rzhigty lilIltlc 1011111 with M1 mt MrsI ltllmrlICtllc 111111 Lieu 5111111113 issII IItIII1I1IIII1IIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIII 11111 511 why Dec 24 1941 of Elixa span Christmas With Mr and Alia 111111119 tiot bagMi 1th MrMnsiey Mr mid Mrs Georgy overseas thanking I111 I111If1I 11111111 IIIMM I1 Imi IiI1I1I IIIIIIIIII 1111211 11 lt11utl wife of 1111111 Nillllltll Will1111111111 BJTIW 11111il5I 1I 35c vilodg and YyiinncI 1111111 1111 11111 Cross 1111 lilill liristlndsvnnI at 11111111 11111 ha 111le Playtei Cits Mr and MW ml Hr abbnyin each 510Lt with Mr and Mrs Andrew Millerzrels and also letter written by 1111 Hrs Hamilton 111111 3115 Clifford Mill ll1 Bush and 11111 311s NH limb mmns mama1L 136 111111111 hliibziiidlliliirg Cecil Robertson NS to the lrLnfcl Red Cross 111 11 lihltlriitl Torn1111 She was in Bush the past wenk 1111111115 einit Harrie Wm ML and MrSI WI III pim 111 bag 11 1111I Remit 51 Th malt Mrs W111 llulst Mild QiliiitiSW Allw 641 msket Dempstcr Mary McCann Beryl received Follmving the letter was itld iield 111111111 late tcsirlmltu D1 Jacki113I1ronto and her sin llitterint varieties 210 to 10c Junk and Mummy MmSI TnII Chrigimns card Wllll picture Ni 1117 111 2111111111 Pleasant CCIIWIGIF 3411 HUI51h Spent 11 couple of fakes lilStIy 013 11111111 with their respective parof the corvette on which he is mumm vtandleliglit Service and Pageant 211 with the Shaw filmlll Cakes 300 to 50c ents Rimmed Ailml The evenin service at St Johns veek Martin senior cornpm IIHIWIMSI do IIIIIIIIIIIII II 200 ll ml VICIIIIIII 11111111 1111 Sunday took the fort officer with the Canadian 1111 Rolls IIIId bImSI dOZI II 200 111 candleligihting service and con Fighters went to England in IliliICIIIIIiIII do II 20C MI 11Hmiz with tiinEciiitlgctlmlii ICllilxlmiinhdiitylNudity Tarts 11oz 35c sunnldale corners MM Carrylg 1151111921 ML mrmd E21Ini Hm 1m mu II 311 Wu driiiiv illlltil candles same as the processional and canmbmk Tinonto rec111 pies Hm 10 The annual 111 etl1 I11ffcl Come All Ye Faithfu The ly and is now stationed at Ott111iau3mnd Mar lnhi 11 ilililltm bl the mill 7153de Amongr the Christmas visitors wand It ill Kiltliu 5010 by Ms were Dorothy 11ml Bernice 1Ilv FIMIIII mde dry elmI so IsyIII IIIIII 1m mm LAW OWCII SmndI 511 3p 1111 Lump 130mm 51111 CI 11 Macho11 llalifax Still liVCF Miss Joyce Matchcttlspcnt few Donald MLILIHC 15 days in Thornhill 10C xings jungimilatgpgon iq iII TOI Mr and Mrs Lambert ItIlIillson 10111I1511fendmg 111 25 11111 $313111 115hgndnp are 313 annlvelSiIl 0f M13 mid Mrs Cur Hughes is progressing favorably visiting illitt it 11111 Ray Turner the angel annunI DOIIIIIIIy and SIIII AIIIICIIIIIIf Donald Courtney me Ivy MC Dmmeny Spent the week with their yev vnadleiim and in Quay 011 the birth of son David grandparents Mr and Mrs ilie YizlllLxLgtCCl1i itliss Audrey Jani g32l1Iiigmiiietleodlifiitiirizlfls Jam Dec 25 at COllmgWOOd Donnelly AII A1 or 111 portrayed Mary The speak hospital Howard an Iiss ouise 11nd was interspersed with the sing GI itIlIlbbgilgeII Vlainmmawgm MI and Mm Mac McGauley lan Mrs Wm Constable and baby 11111 WWIS The mm me SthWbbollS Niludld Mr Kll tish Intended for last week land Brian Alliston Mr and 1s Bruce spent the New Your 111 Ron leliureh was beautifully decorated uqhis 1v in Jack Sharpe Mr and Mrs Web ald Allan iwm evergreen trees and calmea ggiiilrfgdaiaatimer letawuwh 11111 tliZVONcflyiichiys lm mmn Perry and Satidla Stlllgl 31 M1 The uniel Church wid 38 34mg Id llgmed cross at the ngn Ray Latimcr Halifax with wmI cook 39316110 and Cam Jas Buies Mrs Geo Reynolds annunii SS COULJL 011 ms 11 11 But1 Timid Bun in MdClmn FONIN ML maple and some hard maple 3111 131111 $119119 from 1411113221344 McMackon Mr and M1ltl iliie Christmas pageant included 53riwmd Imd km c1111 $10 Thompson after 111 appuidix opeiaiton Witt W190 MW ken by Rmmld route with Mrs Ward Mrs LorneI Congratulations to LAC and Mrs Edward Holden and Tommy MN Ufrlhe Choir 10 Mr and Mrs Fred 11311111017 Will Copeland loronto were at Wm WVCIkY MI and Mrs Walter and St Peters held Parish Tea Spiche and Dom md Mr and on Fm evening Both mp0 so Mellackon Toronto at er glandS the weekend I1 belit Willsons Mr andMts 1111IYSI BennetiI 110mm and MlI Mrs Roger Pickeinig and children an enjoyable time 11 11 Holida visitors Misses Georgie paddison and nnCi d9 liloiittlili Hid Mm iii51ml SiluClibstiiihci giiiiiiplcwiih Rcive arid Jean Davidson Toronto at CWi3iii P1iikwwnii Diss Soho bitiniiiagingilhiiiiigil Mrs David Patterson Arnold Mc atI Reives Miss Normt lid12 My Watson lVicCimii dyDLiiltll of Mrls Nelson Yake Quay andMiSSDOFOthy Strcahqme WInsml VliiIiiIquIloumllll 1mg Chas DVerspem holldays at Evelyn and Vivian and Mrand Sympathy is extended to Wil TOrOHiO at 1105 MCQWt 51 Misseslls Sgomrguwl IIen fromoo 11351101118 iltLOndon Mrs WilburyMcCaniiiandJamiil liam Albert Robert and John Clara HOOd and F1018 HOOd Leonard Dunmore has gone 10 Utopia withMrs Ruby Arnold Mailing whose sister Emily La Owen Sound and Mr and Miss at Donnelly Misses Maiy an eye on the carburetor of your car It is the heart and if that is weak there will be poor circulation Take no chances DRIVE IN TODAY BRENNAN Auto 111111111 Service Banric nt 11 Packs WALLOP Against Muscular Aches and Pains Ifyou want beneficial strength in linimentrub if youre fed up with weak products Whose 131in is halfway or imaginary llltlll try MOONES EMERALU OIL It represents our MAXIMUM in counterirritant relief for muscular inches pains chest colds and warming rub to relieve tiglilness as well as muscular ac 93 of back limbs shoulders and neck due to IIOALQQEXELCiSCJLeIwork 11 expos ure to cold and dampness Once you try Moones Enierald 011 we aieIconfident you will say Now youre talking and that you Will never be Willlhl it in your home On sale at all good drug stares Real c111 season gvisited this luringI the tremely difficu OAC at Guelph for specml Wm Switzer spent holi day with her daughter Mrs Wm Manning Creemore Iv Mr and Mrs Carl Michaels De troit are holidaying with the lat ters parents Mr and Mrs John Kenny Miss Dorothea Caldwell spent the holidays with friends in Toronto Marion Caldwell returned With her for the NEW Year Last Thursday afternoon the community was called to the home of WF Edgerton to help put out fire from overheated pipes Fortunately it didnt spread and only caused minor damage MacDonald who has been in the military hospital Toronto spent the New Year at his home here Eddie Smith who 15 trum ing for paratrooper at Camp Shilo Man was also at his home here for New Years III The worst snow storm ofttlie community New Year evening with the result that the road isat present completely closed to trafI fie This tieu has made it ex it for New IIYears visitors to reach their homes The January Iirrceting of the Womens lnstitule WWWbeheld at Mrs Atkinsons my Tuesday 321119 Roll call will bea Cookie Recipe7 with sampler Current events by Mrs Caldwell paper and Ernest Peterboro at Sheriff ELC Drurys Miss Muriel Groves Toronto Mrs Effie Key and Minancl Mrs HarveyKing F0 11 at Evelyici1 gos Bi orrison an Morrison and Bobby Deser onto Mrs Dunsmore Torontolvlr and Mrs Bent Bonner aInd W11 Cecrl Dups Kay IndKMi Dnald TEE an 55 ac ay vale and Mr and Mrs git Thurle MANUFACTUHEH llY 191111011 54411 11 M712411lic IILLJHtllti you Soeiat Welfare by Donaldymusic by Mrs Chiappell Mrs Mac Visitors in this neighborhood for the holidays Iwece Mr and Mrs Jas Ross TOiontoLieut Hyliard Chappell RCNVR andlelrs Chape and Mrs pell of 1215138 Que Harry Foyston and Carole Mine sing at theJChappell home Mr and Mrs Percy Mallean and Eliza beth Collingwood at Vernon Cald wells Miss Mabel Partridge of Dunnville and Mrs Ruth Part ridge St Catharines Varley Drury Napanee and Mrs Drurv Orillia and Tommie Lefroy fred Churchill at more beck Barrie athas RiXs GIVES BEST EESULTS whyhasfhe Barrie Examiner thetargest ClaSsiIfied section of any town Weekly triCanIaIdaI Resuth have done it 1119 this news piiper hada total of 8184 Classifieds denee Mr and Mrs Ted Vasey of Vasey at Thos Duckworths Mr and Mrs Reg Arnold IvypundleIIiss Mary Kirby Barrie at Wm Kirbys The Late MrsTJolm Brown Eleanor Jane TarBush widow of the late John Brown an old and highly esteemed resident of Angus passed away Dec 25 in the ROyal Victoria Hospital Barrie where sheihadbeen patient for about three months She was in herI 38 Her husband prede ceased her about three years There was no family The only hear relatives are cousm TarBush of Angus and three nephews Walter TarBusli of To ronto Jack TarBush of Detron and Sgt Bernard TarBush of A11 gus and three nieces IMrs Hol lingshead of Toronto Mrs Humphrey of Angus and Mrs Hunt ofINew York children of her brother the late Jonas TarBush The funeral was held on D1128 Rev Dr Sinclair of Allandale cIori ductmmisggcgat her late reg angus with interment in the Angus Union Cemetery The pallbearers were Chas Miller Allt bert Middlebrook Vic Meltfaster John Woolsey Gordon How and Garnet Woolsey The floral iri butes included wreaths from the members of the Woolsey family old neighbors ofI the Idccea Some of those from distancept tending the funeral were Mrs Hotlingshead Toronto Miss Helen Richer StavnerMr and Mrs Gor doti How Mrs Chas Harper and Mrs Wm Myliey Barrie 87th year kd Mrs Hodgins Mr and MrsIV Hall and family spent Christ mas in Midland Holiday guests included Mrs Wm Adamson Jr Midland at Goodliands Mr and Mrs Cecu Kirkup Mr and lVlrs Wm McCoy and Layman Murdoch Toronto at GIH Murdochs Mrs Guest Midland at Lyons Grace Stott Midland at Stotts Valali Parnell Toronto at Nerpins Maurice andMarie Lawson To ronto at LawsonIs Hall and Mrs Guest M1dlandI at Halls Doris Marcellus Kitchener and Jean Marcellus New Bruns wic at Marcellus Jean Orde Bele River Lloyd Onvnle and David deb Toronto Johnny Orde Camp Bordenand Mr and Mrs Ted Webbs Edward and Betsy Wild Barrie at Morrisons Mr oDougall Toronto at Sginssrlmna and Evelyn Bum 3djorontio at Bumstead WYEVALEI Bethesda da afternoon in was staged on Fri as was JohnIIThompsonsg Webb Windsor at vinu Marlingl Ytikeuuiiexuf the late Nelson Yake Toronto died at Toronto General Hospital Sunday Dec 17 1944 Funeral serVice was held on Dec 21 in Bethesda Unit ed Church and interment took place in Bethesda cemetery Local Boys in Active Forces During the Holly Days spec1al salute toIour young then in the fighting forces May 1945 be Vic101iousiNew Year As far as know Maurice Gallaugher pent Christmas in Iceland while Albert ICiozier was in Holland Earl Mobluster and BernardTMon we understand were in England Leslie Allen was in British Colum bia while Herman McMasteciis in Nova Seotia It is reported that Bob Briggs would be repatriated Stanlcv Norris with Mr and Mr John Hood Presbyterian WMS Officers The WMS met on Friday af ternoon at Mrs Robt McMurravs Scripture lessen was read by Mrs Davrd Patterson The following ofcers were elected Hon Mem ber Mrs Isaac Pres Mrs Bur rows lst VicePreskMrs McMur ray 2nd VicePres Mrs Patter son Seem Mis JC BiiiejTreas Mrs Hood Supply Secy Mrs Henry Corbett Home HelpersMrs Everett Lougheed Press Secy Mrs Ed Buie Welcome and We fare Mrs Bates Glad Tidings Mrs McMurray Auditors Mrs KMilneand Mrs GofdoTBu at leasttemporarily Chas Stone tlntended for last week Trentbn was on holiday leave with his wife and son here Intended for last week Mrs Galbraith spent the holiday at the old McCullochhome stead atMono Mills Asthe sideroads are piled high with snow Christmas visitors in and out enjoyed theIexperience 01 oldfashiltiiied sleighrides Sleig ing is extra IIgood onall roads including the highwpy and agbd deal of fuelwood 15 being moved fronttheIwoodlots The infant child of Mr and Mrs Fleming 12th Line West under Went serious Operation in Col lingwood hospital and is progress ing nicely Tough Goingforllail 111111111111 The trains on ourlinehave been so late all week the best our faith ful mail carrier could do was to deliver the rcvious days papers With delaye and unprecedented Christmas mail the couriers life of late hasbeen just one thing after another when it hasnt been two or three things at once Bethesda SS Concert Due to continued storms the stead of in the evening planned fair attendance thor pared under the apable direction 00111115 of Mrs No public school rant teacher of Mrs AlIvin Smith presided at the piano Slides illustrating the old yet ever new Your correspondentwishes every one Happy New Year Zion Presbyterian Sunday School last Sunday was conducted inrthe form of carol service Several carols Were SUHE Readings were given by Isabel Young and Donald McNiven The junior class sang Silent Night Christmas visitors Mr and Mrs Howard McDonald George Iand Joan Toronto Pte Gordon Bread ner British Columbia with Mr and Mrs Ed Breadner Mr and Mrs Eleod Gordon and Kathryn with Mrand Mrs Patterson Allandale Mr and Mrs Lamont Livingstone and sons of Langman Mr and Mrs Geo Buie Toronto lilt 11 BuisMiss Elva Scheii Toronto withheriparents Mr and and Helen Hillock at their home Now Prisonehof War Word has been received by Mrs Crawford that her son Pie Lloyd Grainiger who had been re ported missing since October 17 is now prisoner of war in Ger many Giving to shortage of labOr and the very frequentstorms wearc asking MrsEd Buie Mrand Ma1 shall PalmerCrgtsIsland and Mrs Percy Martin and family Sudbury Miss Laurine Martin To ronto aInd Mrs Jack Rainbird Iand children Siayner at Jas Martins Miss Margaret Schell Collingwood at Philip Schells Ross BIell To ronto and Clinton Bell Kitchener atCarman Bells Mr and Mrs Herb Elliott and Ifmily Malton LAC and Mrs Donald Courtney Barrie and Mr and Mrs John Mori gan Iat Jas McQuays Mr and Mrs Donald McIntyre and Mirelda With friendp in Collingwood Mrs Thos Sunday School concert Dickinson and Ernest Mr and Mrs Will Robertson and Eleanor at Mr and Mrs Herb Culham Kathleen and Archie with Mr and Mrs John Mr and Mrs Bill Me Eachern and family Mrs Terry Pembroke and son Terry and Petty Officer Lionel Brock at Davrd Pattersons were show Fisher Milton Young Harris Isa lTiigiSLinGmiihin accompdnierd belandHeleu McGauley With Mr the always interesting and instrhm tivecommnts by Rev Graham Santa Claus came all the Way from Camp Borden to breSide over vile Bates oughly enjoyed the program pre lthe distribution of gifts from the wellladen tree II and Mrs Tom McGauley and gm Wes Bates and study and mast Buttes New LowelL at Met Mr andI Mrs Elwood iffen and family With Gif fans Mr and Mrs Albert Barrie Bisiness 01111111 NEW CLASSES WEDNESDAY JAN Call write or phone usfor any information desired is really awant togtbltmt 111111111111 11111 81 311111111 1111 Barrierid 1111111011 1111 1111 611111111911811111 1111111111 0111111111111 111131111011 II