at yo ul about bi ad adc with Fleischmanns Fresh Yeast if you liiikc at home you can rcy on lfllilSCllMxlNNS fresh tlcasr to help you who wholesome delicious lllCiitl Ask for it at your groccrstlie least with the fami liar ycllow lalicl Canadas favorite for chr 70 ycius TllCitSDAY UhLEEdiiElli iLHi is for Wopflerful MADE IN CANADA lI cth hrlan lzii ti ii knit fitri 1318 Misting lit KB titii thLtttilit Iain lltd lills 1i Illi 6223+ it il oI Iii and uid it lii illlllv2 flinth My lllt illis 4f HH Ira Iftcrcil ll ll ll at that all me iltt sock ttl Ilil liiit tutw llJt pairship LlIIl tiisc catos we stirif lafi iip ccrtifitatcs ti pro rifti ti Mr lihhlt anti fu ll aiiiplln lpi floss liming Camp Bordon iill Mr and Mrs Arthur Dyer zziiiiail iaapiiysrs gtllaitl ll tic hcld lc1lntsday at to am public Sllltll hiist held liiurs Ulle will lic Iiav tlil1i lcc Your vli iiiicrit lgsiics to wish all his itiedos vcry Merry liristinas and Happy Nun Year Mrs Graham Miss Marjory Wilcy Arthur llyci and Alfred Dy VI with Mrs llclscy in Toronto lhe sympathy of the community is cxtindcd Mrs Johnston and faintly iii the accidental death of lisr father Draper of Elm Mrs Rep Sriginy who won pail of llllih yon Bay blankets and cash prize iin the MailCoiiriers contest con Advocate Gct Extra liturninr Murillcp by eating calms of FLEISCII MANNS Fresh Yeast vale aitgratiilitlions to Fiin mum WM llllcl oy lhc 111 THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE itiiallw IliwitIMcIl Lintii it Iltc tliltl Iiit liciitc if And MIN llll ltlatt Illill tillllll ii iii lilc of lllltl ltcic Waltci owlL spoilt on the work of thc lilll and the pith mis farm liltfflt to iLccp down Inflation and Mrs Waiter Cook and Mrs Dusto tied for the prize liostcsscs were Mrs ton Mrs Riddcll and Mrs Clements Sunday riiIc lfyllia lrs Ituiri Addressed Bec lirtlltfs Ax0lall0lt izi iii zinc Mintsing Womens Institute Womens liistitiitc lit quliistons llt Roll tlil lliiistiiia uisn IIi tron hmgiw fruit xviii foi iiiiiizii which patl llII ll illilt llit Ill 1711 itciit of tlc district pro lutii Iiiidcr oi LUtlic Sin As inch was the iltttfitlii slm spokc llli yc llzt ltt niiziiiiiiy when illis young girl lilh cit lcd iii wvl lltltl MI iiaizt and tlwr siiiic tttlit Kl known illlfpi liy Stcplicii Fostct lirhutu loziiiiton EIi the lift nton of this song writer who among hrens of wellkn=nvn songs coiiipoad iionic Succt lloiiic hilt dictl practically homeless and pcnnilcss An iiitcrpictatioii on the motto ior unto you is horn this day in lllt city Saviour which is Christ the Lord was tttitlltttl by Mrs and read irs Harry Foyston lt of David Young Yotltli sting Mrs beautifully liast and the Grant ll lll liano solos wcie contrilnttctl liv Mcilc Grant and Barbara Orchard and Mrs Grant and Mrs Gen Johnston favored with piano duct An interesting was conducted on music convener contest by the liarry Foyss Arnold intended for last week Mr and Mrs Irwin Bonnet spent part of last week at Maddens Mac Emins and Jack liunter All yotirjob printing needs can he 0mm 5mm senday gm friends efficiently filled by The Examiner here Mr aiidMrs Jack Church and family Egbert visited at Keys Weekend guests at Matt $chii icrs were Mr and Mrs Wisseiis and Mrs Schiller Sn Toronto Ross and Mrs Bidwell Mr and Mrs Stewart and young son Bar ric spent Sunday at Jesse Bid wells Pilot Officer ROy Hunter Sum merside PEl is spending some time with his sister Miss Joyce llnnter Mrs Frank Madden was hostess at the December meeting of the Womens Institute Two ditty bags were packed Mr and Mrs Norman Dougherty and Son John and Mrs Beardsail Sr Barrie were with Mr and Mrs Jack Beardsall on Sunday wiltlLLYLEAGII Intended for last week John Randall spent Sunday with friends in Alliston Mr and Mrs Fred Seweil Wind sor spent the weekend with the Hewsons Seott Sharpe has purchased the residence ofthe late Mrs Henry Thornton Mrs Scott Sharpe is patient in RV Hospital Barrie suffering from afractured leg Mr and Mrs Wm Greenacre moved to their new home last Thursday having leased the farm of Spacling Rodgers arrived home from overseas Monday morning His many Killyleagh friends are Heat Complaints lLandlord Lioble ONTAR IO ANA is lt SW OR MAPLE llla HAMSW llill hhlxt In tlm In BONELESS SMOKED HAMS llII CHICKENS it Ititn SMOKED lololia liII St ore llours CLIISlll ciiiiisniiis mu andALlDAY Boxing Day 1s TUESilAYDEC26 operated DEC 27 ALL DAY Selected Government Grailf Govi GRADE ll lb Govt GRADE lb gpmmnhhhanmhkhnmn CHRISTMAS California 27 CALirOizNiA SEEDLESS Arrhin 1in and are rushcil hours III tIIIir New Seasons California BRUSSEL FLORIDA leDIIR SKIN museums FLORIDA run iiiiCiz SPROUTS 294 liningsii FLORIDA lit il ZXAS Ontario Sclcctod zzdviy than II ran DUBKS lied no onan gillliliofiiliii it ilo HEARTS ll 39 Wm GREPEFEUET NICK tiriiuiiirc www if Ii iFIS ranum iEAr in UIRSWEET 3c 42 154 llllll IVH PRIME COMMERCIAL QUALITY REEF BLADE it ggc RIB floust 08655 OR iiiiiiiirm ElgT RIB BONES it SHGRT ill IllB Roast it it lilietti jii EXPERTIY BLENDED AND ROASTED PRIDE of ARABIA COFFEE par 39 alga fl ens NAVELS tln storm lllllil fcw Irriial Silo 150s gig y355 DUZ lit 29ft LOBLAWS famous oRiiiiiiE PEKUE Very Fillt Iir ttlllllll irountl lIli ling Iry Illli or liuhuni tiroiiiiil an ALWAYS riwomir lly it Hill It ltltli l1 Size 37 Ontario Large Iiottiousc LEAF LETTUCE illllnclltl 19 sm 7t sm Slti guns 17 12 St Tm 1211 pkg 39 IM AVAILABLE IN INIIIYIIHAI From itRirisii COLUMBIAS OKANAGAN VALLEY 135 35 WW 30s 35c 60s 65c iRAl AtiiIictivIly priccd by fc do DELECIQW APPLES FROM TEXAS SELECTED Pink llleut Grapefruit IN and in original rimI lllll liRlENDLlEST illl CHRISTMAS HAMPERS 23 Canada No PEI POTATOES lo Ilisf 29 Imported Jersey Kiln llruIl SweetL Potatoes lb 290 Ontario N0 Large Cooking Onions 8t tntiirio N0 Grade Iixcd Rutabagas 2th 50 Ontario No Gratin luslicil Carrots 4H1 l5t Ontario No trade Yaslictl Parsnips Texas RADISHES Large Original Bunch view 5i its ggg tfheesffurgmaths ASSORTED BEAUMART 3hi4c gt weakmag $235 23 ur Managers will gladly offer suggestions of urailalilc merchandise that would make suitable lIiiuipcr gifts Ontario Apples elicious 1L59 trade ltnsliel oniaincr lilciIl Tliristnias lift SPYS tiiitlltiiliii 594 McIntosh Reds W373 No Grntlc4io tiql ltaskct FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES unit Cum Double Soda www It Bottles L0 BLAWS FAMOUS llus ustiiil 5c deposit on returnable bottle xW f1tieytii all be wanting io telephone home Long Distance lines will be loaded through the holiday season especially those toEaslcm Seaboard vayntlifarWesternpointsrrI Help to make Sure that they Wontho disappointed During the holiday seasopl make Only essential calls mumwmuWwa Buy Wdr Salin and Certicates Stamp Regularly Jack and Bobt Strachanj spent fewdays in Toronto last week Service was cancelled the United church last Sunday on ac count of Weather Conditions Our school ismaking prepara tainment to ix held in the Com gaunhy Hall Friday evening Dec LAC Doug Robertson Hagers ville and Jack Robertson Brant ford are spending the Christmas holidays with their mother Mrs thertson nLIuuvgumnsgrxhxnsu tiousfor their Christmas enter 4LoLAWs iiMitdwhite Cheese LOBLAWS Medium White Cheese lb ii 28 33 LIBBYS FANCY gxrkrs cocoa 12112 19C Tl 20 Fioz llb Tin 31c Tin 17c N1IINiIlnlllrlvlu Silvets Sardines 31 it 25 pure pork product 12112 tE one way Wcanallfplay Santaw Claus toithOSe absent in the services Intended for last week numberof the members of the Beef Ring with their families at tended the annual fowl supper in the hall at Stroucl Dec Mtgarid Mrs John Stimson and anniversary of Mr and Mrs Mor Lindsal on Frid last Weekend and gut were Mr and and Mrs Arnold Mrand MrsWm and son Ronald With iLloyd attended the tenth wedding lay Johnston at Oakwoodt near nday visitors Alfred Webbw1th Mr and Mrs George Knowles Ms Peacock ROSE BRAND Sweet Mixed Pickles 16z24 31 CLUBHOUSE rLAiN QUEEN Olives 79 MRS BURGESS hi Sandwich Pate iii 25 YORK BRAND Meat Spreads ITg 27 vlllttvolIillla TOMATQ JUICE jfnriasty ttatkEI rgiigliity proud to welcome him cream Cheese at ac Viii Arm Mr and Mrs Frank Keast and OLD OXFORD BLENDED family arrived from the West last Ingersoll Cheese 239 week and are making iheli hOXle TASTY ggpgrarily With Mr and rs ll Maple Lgaf Cheese 19 Mg are farmers in this district INGERSOLL Limited have 1316 to innoculate their entiie creamy Cheese 41513 82me linen be form of hemorrhage septi WT BULK ALL cemia Relish Cheese lb 49 ALL DOUBLE FILLED Fmt enemaCheese $13 25 Dgglf 49 GAR INGERLL SANDWICHES 13 ED Matted Cheese tidy 19l Crackers BEAVER 179 Enchcraciier contains hat or cap novelty joke or rhyme and snaps LiiviirED QUANTITY AVAILABLE Mysuinuuphuusuu HELLMANNS 21C BLUE RIBBON 802 21617 COTTAGES 222 geezer Ciacked Wheat mum RIBBON french Style 30 FRENCH DRESSING manic ku uuypvnuuusu CLUB HOUSE rounn DRESSING vj 5a SAVORY THYME SAGE We uip MAYONNAISg at ANADA BEiAD BREAD M35 1202 rim Canister Xv BURFORD STANDARD CONDENSED CREAM or TOMATO No SIEVE Heinz Soup 53 AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY EV Tomatoes 28m 12 IORDAN BRAND Grape Juice 16 aka PEA ilt 1c xtlllvldm GARDEN PATCH UNGRADED CHOICE RATION mitter Surat BEEHIVEBRAND COUPONS Cannliizgodusgaga friction133 1M9 20 Elite VALID Non mui Nos ANNsunscruvusnsimrvvcmpumn Wyn24awareanamnnuiwnocmm xr