Womans Viewpoint on This and that lill lotnrn tiiiIiltIn lnli ciNriiAi lVlII nus fltt llmciii Md ial iiiitcc day iittnni on IS litnvil lizt 1i Illtilkiii ltllilt up lod inch itxlsiiiitsli it My Ition Iul ml El t7 vilzlwi till ll iv tt cIIiilili1iiii ii iv iw it in lilgltii of iIol II vt it Murray rcndcrctiai tl IM solo Lttttltllllrtillill 13 lTlliitgiiil1Vltlliililll lg fl curl ll After thc carol Rct it Iltllllltttl the licnctiivwn hostess llttl liliittJ ltiti Licrricus Iiisniizs One way in ti Ii xii rmi can liclp rpmI ocaxczy Wl tIiil mail all the ycar ially during lllt Is It llt ltlltgt in bundles facing oiic per right corner lii Cil be follocl to Itl firms or indiyidiiais im mailings or pogtlilltf mcri Santa liius rolicd up the iii itltlctl llfitlntltlll tca ias litltl in thc 77 cixicciiicii liiiiliIs of many TAKEN FOR NAIIVII iiiordcn soldiers now live at iicaibyl From Marshall and lilllllgt iizd Barrie and the YWCA base comes this onc iliicc Sitiltir soikcis have lJLCZl iiialiiiig lllLltl boasting about their son tans vcrc fool right at hoiiic The Women and joined by fourth who hontunBuddies incct the wins iltit Yesterday when walk ilic ivcek and this event iiiaikcd the dock in shorts some annual Christmas party off ship from Paul llllllhit who Accainpinitd liy llltll president of the Parish ltl Mrs McNivcn limvcvcr thc ittcntl ancc was not large on account of the busy Christmas scason All Iiristtniis Day will begin for thc pziticnts at thc Royal Victoria llos ctl Iy tcwi pm pure Canadian 4star One star each for good teeth healthy gums sparkling eyes and clear complexion the complete Csmiie of perfecthealth Vitamins and are in it get them and valu able minerals fromLibbys delicious Gentle Press Tomato Juice AmOng Canadians Libbys is by far the most popular tomato juice Theyre keen about its sundrenched healthful avour lgentle pressed from pediu greedtomatoes1plump vineripened at fruitygrown Jfrom special seed andi pickedat the peakof gnodness dewy fresh and luscious Marloth DOUBLE Your MOMEY BACK it libbys Gentle Press Tomdto Products are not the best yolrfvo tasted TOMATO JUICE COCKTAIL can libbys Tomato Juice teaspoon celery salt IV teaspoon lemon iuice 1V2 teaspoon malt vinegar V2 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce drops Tabasco Sauce Mix ingredientsin order given and serve chilled Serves six libbys Gentle Press Tomato Catchup Chili Sauce and Soup are equally QOOHTY them LIBBY McNEllL lIBBY or CANAiyu LIMITED CtIAIHAM 744 dozen lctlcrs it lt of YWCA iiiit lint tai if local lcttcrs Iriti outoti tltl 1i licp lic iiriividilm15 MillV Aliwi letters an Supumtvd ihfxaimu WW Milan luticli last Satiiitliiy lit aid of par ill avork llzc ljoslt1 was thc iiothcis pital thn tho hrciikfas trays arc of Hair caiiicil lit Icl with ficsh flotvcittll PAGE EIGHT II iiiiui ot iIilt it oI liillJW th all the trim tziiics ttl on cicl and thc trays Scott ll ed me how much ld iEiaittc it liltl ilt lililt Weave him IIIKZIIEILII il flit in tric pti iitci in rim Christmas dinner we 7M duoW wwa 77m7 lIiilays thi tiuatics in town are given as lhcsc lliincc ommittcc by Tony Stiso of the lioyy and Granada theatres and by it The Executive of the Canteen ap picciiitcs very much these gencr loiis gifts ziltlian thc ucct and swing music of W01 ii lowkc and his Camp Borden orchestra while George Mul holland titaic siiiitiii danccs of the dance floor and the Armoury chestra tcst ONTARIO adian lelections at the last general meet 331 LJS uni lllll Y4llilllN ARMY RRANGICS llliISllAS llillli$ lltll littlllllltl ifiili Liv lllltlti of Ioitii iit lilillllllt ti tzpii tl lit lll iic izitoiatcd with favors IiiachCrossI chaiiiiian of tlic lioiiil of cducalion ilvi oi the Stlitnlllllilhl inli ll Iln cliiltirciis ward the llctty iionk Iioctiii Iiiii llcwcll day ill hc liiiiitltiicti for thoichaInpion cakc iiiziltcr iicnncthI thou Inrlv by the Cill of Caldwell cook Jack llaiIis cap Strnct linitcd liiirch vlio dccaintinit Christmas tree thc dances licliiin lll Ac Scivicc thil on lucsdays and Saturdays passes to lt latices the lucky spot arc donated to lilt passcs tilE ltit Garrett of the Imperial The dance sponsored by the Can riiiourcd Corps Womcns iixihaiy on the drill floor of Bar rnoitiy Saturday evening last iiot unusual and most suc lhc place was packed dancing throng who eiijoycd of Strand accompanimcnt provided ado for the Tables WtlO sci along the sides was daily decorated with streamers and flags of the Allies Among the ltltilt iiinkinc officers present werei MajorGcncrzii Worthington MC MM Commander of Camp Borden and Mrs Worthing ion Colonel Griffin DSO gitcut Ii ii Schcii Loco iiiilcy IiCol Wilkins Capt Ettics of and Wing was the master of ceremonies Lpl Lewis of the Borden CWAC and Bandsmaii Adams of theCrC or sang several numbers lllCllJilS quite jitterbug con which four prizes were wait out Thc judges Were Mrs Edith Bird Meioche LtCol Schell and IiiCol Finley Prizes Word also given for three spotlight dances Colonel Griffin officer com manding Wing made the draw for the two 15pound turkeys ilie winners were Mrs Swetitman Barrie and Tpr Cour cliesnc No CACTR Cami Bor den The Ladies Auxiliary to the Can Legion held their annual ing with the following results PresidentMrs Dunnett Past lPres Mrs Hadden 1st Vice Mrs lL Pringle 2nd Vice Mrs King Treas Mrs Lindsay Cor Secy Mrs Vera Lines Rec Secy rs Linda Feltis Executive Mrs Allen MrsT Dawe Mrs Toles Miss Connie Coles Mrs Burton At the close of the elections and installations delicious buffet lunch was serde and pleasant social evening was enjoyed CENTRAL ss UNITED CHURCH STAGES CANTAIA The Simday School room was packed and many parentshad to stand throughout the annualChrist mas concert given at CentralUnited Church last Friday evening The feature of the program was hilar ious cantata Santa 1n Blundez and Directed bythe church organist Miss Jessie RBryson the cantata featured the men doing thehouse Iwork and the women did thework customarily associated with the men folk highlight of the dra matic performance was football team of dogs and cats in which the children impersonating the an lmals sang and gave their college yell The cast of the cantata was com nolds Bruce Cameron Douglas Al len pages June0wens and Peggy Cameronz maid Donald Maxwell watch dog Delbert Cloughley the Mayor Ruth Cameron four Secre xv annidu trio lriictl llrl iiou hunting Iii lliiMm ctitcitiai siiznc rif Sltllltl haziics tlic ltiiitoi inj tho mood llllltfll ha iicicii hcirausc it iitlpk hridm the cap of milcs lgt iannlji or Christmas Day when lac tnaj tain of policc iscicntist hall coach Dorothy iiciiiilkin thor wrong way road illizalwth llohin son upside down licilh Smith in sidc outpCaiolv licavcr The pioizrain also included selec tions by the primary departments and numerous I100 young pcoplc took part through out the evening Chairman Sunday School superintendent Dr Perkins program Santa Claus made an ap pearancehnd oranges and apples were given to the children as they left for home Nylon rope tiscd to pick up and tow gliders hchiiid airplanes can stretch nearly breaking You can save many times the price of your subscription by read ing and acting upon the advertise ments in The Barrie Examiner Mrs Alker Mrs John Jones Standl ard Bearerk Mrs Alker AuditorsI posed of JaneLBewelli Feme Reys QA VI 1K VILIIELH WWWMM lill ll and Mrs ll DJ illt it 13w hchlN3ItAlllEN iilll ttxi This 20page booklet levery woman will want The new Kelloggs lleight CO Errol Plan Ilitl plai 51 you vital fact on mil iitiititnx your itlcai wrightfSCiriitirzillyprepared wriglttctiiitrol xiii nus at thrrc caloric ill to Qt in NEW WAY lfrst Kingiihvii vmair if good housvkripstz NtIglihoi ill of PF litgt natal ini Hunt at ylllii iiitn Illt ilt tiIm tic In for cvuy day in the week Pri at by coiiqirtcnt authorities thin lx ithit can licPp you antlyrzur husband an lootfyonr lust it cl your licst Mpg brtoiiil MA Nllllrtk to Hf 13 1mg Walnut The day llogmctl wicl You Will turd thcncw Kctlol mm ELM hluyll Hunt to Iippi an cw Jll illght Control Plain packed hat and wt Ijgnn oppnivi Infnit tio 11 or every package WW lullqu iAlla lilxANlllttltllfluus ltlll and usaizc of yellow ox In iI Hi It iiiiiiits lpl Alvin ltuddick ixxaiiiaicr AdlIts coat iiitn hot your up xii uui giocci now do big jtll lath ilariip Iloidcn lt tlic iooriisniazi or llttl fiiililt tl tlill foII oiict iltt llca iiaiitlcr lntt ii l1it tLILI itvyinictii illcii llclcii illaiitni liiinikni loyce Santa Ntllttlil wensfl lioilgcrs foott aut of Tliiistina lalhaia lciltins llilccn olpittn lcatlcr recitatioiis Nearly for the evening was At the close of the NYLON ROPE third without