rm 3mm EXAMWERBARHIEONTAR10CANADA THURSDA Dgcmam 31 MN HfH ltliiiiiliiilliiitIiix1KiQiK1 PAGE Rehabilitating The Service Mon oocallcsoeoo444Outtuooutrunuonerrcomcoorouacocx Nomination Election Bylaw TOWNSHIP INNISFIL DEAR FRIENDS ncr again the Christmas illits ran out Ilitlf mes sagc of Peace on Earth mod Will ta Alin These words down through the ages hati signiircd to at men the finest aitaiiunvug lfl Human relations All of us hope that Dtltilt another Christinst rolls round the bells will ring out over pcutcliil world uiid all pulpitr wtll manure tiizi pracc founded on I111 and tout21 drailngs among nation Will trlilr or tnu tcr blr ronilict which we are now engaged Vltlzrlll Lodge Installation 51 ll EC immune lair 1w We send shirtre Seasons Greetings znd liopt that the New Your will bring you lull llltitlzlllz loud Health and Prusprrity with continuing and stiitictlu citing of mutual regard With kind Christmas Wishes we are Yours very truly LEIROY ELEVATORS ALLAN 3154kminEtiokhfxiayziitfiilbllkREEEEZREEEEEER llttVL for isu Add Tom Hall Sit in Entity llt mmn lot ttn nllixis =i1 and 11 gt111 lll ti tho in thf Vl Imab ItrlJll 11 ltiil 1litllvltlbll9 gaunt lniil tutii Strouil Visilcd Irexidc ut Itdo atiuii ounli li 11 31K rm iolluuim pink in we itlll thrun its to lnllim uluc ric on aunt li il Ultuiis and Ill tlvihx lltft llill llll till lrp llitgt1i ihhk2303033224hikihlkkhnmlhihllihhl lttllMi OI Milk MARLIN tOOKSIOWN litp litturning Officer Illllll loll ltrk St Iltltll IltilSE 88 NO tll Returning Offictr Iull lltll 12 OltANtlII HALL IIlIltlllLL llcp Ilrturninr Officer Poll 1ch MIMINIIY HALL IIIIIltY Ilcp ltrtumiut Offlcer Ioll lcrh Ill11112 IIt1 SIIIOOL llcp Iltllllnllli Officcr loll ltik ORANGE HALL IIIOIINION PD lltlllllllllt Otticcr loll lcrk th1llIY IIALL llcp Returning Officer Itill ltrk ORANGE HALL LOT 30 ON 111 uxitwoou MOTH an No l1llull Li clv yh hm vi my Stubhy Ulllll mw plieru Vt touzniy wutlo li lit 11 lxt Eislili lfs tgtiiiiiij However Iiiminzii Ins rliiciif We hold lll Stmird 1111i ytunquigiqegeciaiaitzuaut Oregons annuitth izi taiinil lll Illulfti uinl tl 11$ llt lltl MIDDLINGS 0155 per 100 lbs Examiner Atllut c1419 little but BARR moon bub do bn Job 4Mle ROI GALLAIlfilllIN OIIILANII SIIZNIII STEWAHI Hit lri lli Womens Instituti 1912 itlllilt lv llti lillill lull iv ltllttl nl ilwiui on grain Cld KtilfVikltliifldKQllfmtlwg MILTON Illilll ALLAN IOIH llltlt no mourn chance 11 rilfic Ainl the rueturn 11 the rahpayers Is Would taunt llt any intl prov union COLWELL IRVING ROBERTSON HUTHKRLAND ltlllrs Islablellla thllIlllt lorontn t5 and Mrs ho fiffiu Menl ford 1lltl on Sunday Will the fiinuis brothers Mr1i Iliienslrill is in Toronto untlc iio ilit of ptFlilllFl All hunt for stLtdj recovery LEFROY ailitt uvt liitltl lllty lrs GEORGE PLANT MRS IROMBLIH May take this oppor tunity 0f wishing you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Especially to you mn and women far from home and loved ones extend my Best Wishes and keen re spect To the homes that are sad and tone 1y tender my sincere sympathy For the long days that lie ahead may webor iow faith and courage from those who are absent mnmrm NEVILLE IAMIICSON ALVIN SHAW SIIltlIlI CHRISTMAS mi T0 ALIl lit ltlll Ettmtsl i1t nticnnth to ltlllll llll You not it in large lltilill llc llairic lisiituinei flood and mo Examiner Classifieds IOWNSIIII OI INNISFII SOIIOOL AREA znizilil he lwurd nw directions Mrs made roll and inn Small had display of lttlt izicli tol liviw they nvrc made Sort1 llcp Returning Officer hiistuias ils Wtlt uiu2 run lerk IllaElli limoviihill fl scuooi llOllSIt HOLLY lIUllitllltl was ill tll 111 and 1h IMP Rllumln mttl WILLIAM LITILI following llllSlllti Ioll lcrk KAY un WK rl It tumor HALL IAINSWHK Elfm fllnltlg Ilcp Returning Officer iioiri VAUGHAN Iialmihiitliti 10 lvrk WALTERr1ka scuoor nousu so 14 BIG my POINT llltl1l School Arm Will be holdfliristnias Fund grcuini cards to the zuscd at Chris as It was lc Iltpi Returning Officer WM REYNOLDS loll tcrk HARRY HORTON In School lloiisc No Fifth Linc MN 1m ca iavc llulrnxax 11 on Wednesday Dec lt ai After the sinniirv of IVT Chm 21 flmnmu National Anthem daiAty lunch This Ilylaiv shall coinciin force and take cffcct from and after liil lu piupost oi ictrtVHitl lllt was served tho passuu llltlttll this tittcculh day of November ISMl liaiiiuial icport of the Trustees and rum Forum presmmmm Eleventh Lim Wes Farm Forum hld their Christmas incctins at 124 Dunlop St mum Se GORDON MASON RAYMOND NIIIILY Willi Our Holiday Greetings Goes Our Promise for Continued Fine Service in 1945 rtlil ralcpayms lllttlllli tf Miss rplul Taylor spent the PlIltl with friends in Aurora Mr and Mrs Donald Crouchcr Toronto were with Mr and Mrs Corner luring th work Miss Kathleen Allan uturtained the young ladies eucluc club Wednssday evening and was also the winner of honors Miss Mario Donnelly underwent an operation for appendicitis in lforonto hospital Her many friends here wish her speedy re covery limiimPMWWZW aarmuaaaen any other business deemed ncccs ALLAN Clerk IIIOS OOKgtRccvc fill31b If mum Mr and Mrs Earl Wicrs on Dec Alllllllt ll GREEN $00 18 After listening to the lroad llairie Out cast Mr and Mix Nvlmllii Vltt were brought forward and Mist mo m0 stand Earl Wltt NHd 1lllltl Lstill due to the kind of weather 33Zirziilltdli 935 OlllCfvlllll llftl lgll ll are beintr hande out As llth IlllIC West Forum on illlll MCAW 11eyvecv being gnfnv 45th ltldllli DIDNT11 95 30 ed in has some resemblance in 11d RIISFPl LKlillitll DIVcnled mild way to being bombed out them with 21 lOWlY KL0ll On Lady of thc Snows has C01 blanket as remembrance from minty been upping herself their neighbors Miss EdnaWicc some fantastic llthlV On calvn pinned corsagc on Mrs Wicc day 1113 snowfall piled up mp1 and bputonnicre on Mr Wicc LiftS cvcry fuiiun pas became Linus of their daughter Narnia vhilc mnth 1mg grenadlep Wt Among the community weeklics of Canada there is no better adl vcrtislng medium than The Barrie Miss New Teacher Resigns Examiner Big circulation hiin is with gimme mgret mm we rcadcr interest and effective display learn that Miss Margaret Neilly combine to give best results has resigned as teacher of the public school here Miss Neilly was kind efficient teacher and her pupils were greatly attached WNW WWW Hoping that we may soon rejoice in longawaited VICa tory Peace and Goodwill that maybe worthy Of the supreme effort of our Fighting Forces am EKKKKCKKKKKKKKKKQKicittxlmtgllliiCKZCEKKK Lemma 11 tICZtzCEEZi Yours faithfully ARI ROWE nannnaxmaumaanmmaamnnmnaannnnww zmaamzzxwmnmn am AND nus it arosn of ltllt take um oDDOr 5135 tunitv of 1lllti you all Merry hristinas and Ilappy New 31 QKKKKKQK Yo rmd vo thttlilV hank licir many friends for the loyal tllVe you renewed your SUbscrlp ion twenty ycars of pleasant busi support cccivcd liltlitz thc ncss relationships and trust 2m you will support their successor Mr Sterling Archer of Lyndon It if 11 E1 12 hiiiiibmtaeii aaaizizaaaaaz 922Lamazsmwaanw Mlebf rnn OLD CHRISTMAS GREETING GLAD AND SINCERE AND BRINGING BEST WISHES FOR HAPPY NEW YEAR to thc ongregations of ANGIiSfiirOPIA AND GIUCNFEI UNITED CHURCHES W4 from JREV ROBERT LACEY EKEKMEKKKEEKKEEKIEKIZEKE ks Marshall Wicc picscntcd his grandparents with beautiful basket of fruit from Mr and Mrs Edson chc and Marshall Mr and Mrs Wicc rcplicd fittingly Mr Wice intcrspczsinu sonic ad vice to bachelors from boyhood pccm which was much enjoyed Contests and singsong followed Then the guests of honor were seated at the beautifully decorated table centred by the brides cake which was cut by Mrs Wice The singing of Auld Lang Syne brought W1 the 1944 meetings to close Next meeting will be lTeld at Mr and Mrs Edson Wices Barrie Jan nets The United Sunday School con cert will be held Dec 21 at pm All interested in the Sunday School are cordially invited Childrens Choir Cut Absenteeism with Laying Mash public school under the direction credit is due the Therewasvavrspecial the United Church on Sunday evening when the choir wascom posed of pupils from the Angus of Mrs Soughton accompanied at the organ by Mrs Duck worth large congregation join edwith the choir in the singing of the familiar Christmas carols The choir rendered three selec tions which were very much en joyed very appropriate scr mon for the occasionwasdelivcr ed by Rev Lacey Much teachers in the training of the children inthis locations ffiifsOALR Maurice FerryBeeton isvisit inre Mr and Mrs Williams Wm Halght Makinak Man is guest of Mrs Richardson nests are abaoLsign in the poultry house Empty nests mean lazy hensnot paying for their keeprand eating up the profits from hard working pulletsl Ah senteeism means feeding methods are faultyor else the feed hasth beenrvup to the job required of it Dont let empty nests show in your poultry house to Vasey after Rigid culling cfombined with properfccding resultgjin fulltune capacity prdduction1titakes feeddesighcd fbrfiilhume production tokeep pullerslaying right up to tlieirbest abilityrandtyhat feed is made by your local SHURGAIN Feed Service Min SHURGAIN Lay tng Mash is always FRESH forfmaximum palatablltty Its an efficient feed because of its highquality ingred ients andits an economical feed for its made close t6 home saving expensive transportation and middlemens profits You SHURGAIN LAYING MASH Saves Money MADE AND SOLDBY rBAItIlIE PLWII MILLS III BELL llltIPIll mannamt tt ME mm nurses Jurythat LCpl Bob BrandonOttawa spent few days with his parents LAC D0ug Dawes VToronto spent the weekend with his par ents Miss Vera Tinney has returned spendlng some time Lin the village Maurice OConnor RGAF New foundland is spendingVa furlough Witir his parents Mr and Mrs Ross McFarland Vaseymade brief visit with Mr and Mrs Granti Dunn Congratulations to Mrs and Mrs NZ Finitav on the birth Of dauvgh tcr onDec in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie ion who were married on Mori ay their Christmas soci The YoungyiPeoples Society held meat ofSt Andrews Church on Monday night deyotional pmbf theprogram was conduct edrb MissEvelvn Shackleton as Rev AHenderson Mrs Alvm Brennan was infcharge of the meram The exchanze of giftscnd lunchlbrought pleasant evenings entertainment to close 2mm SW nMis McDanald has been gt 110 all theC0mpliments Seasoni twttHICOpacm Barrier social yactivitiett in ppmmuu mlbwf 13 iAllen is yisitingatFred Cooks Allandale Lewis Atkinson is employed service in Cbngmtulationsto Mr and Mrs JWm HaighhtneeGraca Richard al in the base summarize ot tha capped nth towering bushy mine The ly haadgcar ui cercmonicusly 11CllC1 off by Northwcst Wind Esq went along with the rest to be stacked up in to blch and better snowdrifts than ever were seen hitherto in the month of December Mostl farmers must perforce scale snowy mountain range or two to get to the barn The cars are hav ing arest The weather beats rationing all hollow at saving gas Through it all one 5095 numbers if starlings still about Does this presage open winter later on Dont forget that we have had no Indian summer yet YOU CAN SAVE You can save many times the price of your subscription by read ing and acting upon the advertise ments in The Barrie Examiner THE WINDOWS OF THE MIND Fortunate indeed this that skilled professional and tech5 nlcalmen stand ready tmglve yourjision the benetTTitth exact techniques of modern optical science from 1mmnr Fellow Faculty of science London Eng optlclans Ireland Licentiate outage of Optometryuomt 3DunlopSt Phone 2963 EAST OE POST OFEICE Attendance daily Saturday 91170 Appointments made 1015 any hour would Those who keep mass Of linpurity thhilthOiW 747w0fficeor day after day iuteadcf 1m it removediamntzlure intended nal of purest cr YOURTRYESrARg Member Institute of Chemist 715mi MO meet every twentyfaur Hoursin variably suffer from constiigttiou Tlle use of cheap harsh purgptives Willznevar gotl yOuranywwlfere all they Oulyr aggravate the mublbuudliti Jute the delicatemnwuullhtngmhe bowslsyand are mytlfubloittifcaune piles LamLiver Pills imihave natural movement Of the bowels They do inot gripe mkmcmlt alckextf an manylamttves do ti If constipated falter Milliurna gt Your nearest Em Your prayincial agricultural repreentativncufieldi nian or Ybur local FarmProductioniCommitloe or SIGN UP with anyrcanvasser repfbsentingyd pulp and paper companycutliorizedlby National Settle flvaSerwceThverttthhgtd dotlit to goback to tha Companyijyou worked for before Win am Dinqornjglvatimitliyuwxrviqc in mm in uniting NPER mummy or cannon X911 back 33100 fssopmarst