moi rwo THE BARTl3EEMINERO 50 OVERSEltbtlYS 55 ENTERTAIREB Little RedVVRidian Hood This iiiizmr ixiiix Lmrrlm VVVVVVVV cV CVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VV VV 12 Wills nevi ix 14 mm VV VV VVV VVVVV VV from the files or vl US 24 BARBIE EXAMIRII ftl ms Chi An LS an an opinion 1m VV VVV Vt VVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVV VVV VVV VV 8W VV VV Vi Vi VA IllVt lit iv LIV VV zVV VVVV VV VV VVV IVI 31V11 21 VVV in Milli lllll ifi 11 ii 1i VV VV 1131i1t32 vii lllv VV ViV 71V VVV 1VViV VV VVV l1 VV VVVV VV VV ii VV VVV VV VV VV VVVVVVV VVVV VV VV iVV Vt VV ii il it 11 iltt 3112 13 VVVVsVV VV Vi mlil 51 NH Liru it T11t1e dove Vi My ipV VV mph IlltlllllclgV Aynusll Va VV VVV VV Hf gmum lien emanation itiviishoid VV My lit has Jilllzltl Ill live his VV VVVVV VV VV VVV i511 lttlt llltit1llltliV intuit4111 il1l11 Kim hiillritl Ui liiiitllil i1iils 11 tiilii II mar lll lie Iil 11lHlil lt r1 iv it tn siilioiil ill we li Iillillillllllv 11 ll Ln and Llul ills llllt 211111111iv rV ever been perpetrated 121 11 Li tltly will lltt ilit lt ll VV VVVVV HUI hum mm mm mm n3 VV lmtllillai Vzilitil ltiiii llt iiitl1il lldtl iii WW lll is We in im War on lllllltl mm will xlmll HM lwulll 11 Vt lilllliliil 110 Finnlie olnill Britls If haw lnnin bring pHrndgvV VVVin VVniV VVVVVV in VVV Hf RVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVV VV VVVVVVV VVV VV 11tl ll 1w WW ilid1 by IMHWVHV 41 WHEN losliiimlei llilllt tlt lthl ili1ost iniotni Mining WV b1 day 114 l1 1th Tu it Vg iVV t1ittic 11 litiltil itlllliillVYn we c1llV Ni VV innitii appreciated KIMTRIW 5111311 ytlilhbunl VJVlh 1011 illll Hm if will Irmn Hi qwndiii ll the gt Aw vi rv srr gt VV VVYV VV lltV hll tiiililtli trr Him its llil Mlllllisll 35 ttors vscro uinlv liVlfll to HV Hi RV Ur illl Illll 11xVinVIV mug Uqu 11 mm mmV ViVVVxVV1 111 wslotl tho ieduud iiiViaia tV Wm Th LlH1 wiylnl ll Wily ilt till lllliiw lit llilli lllltl llltllli KNIT him ys 1lmlm we Hr1Kj4wltiiiintil ii1t =3 Hows Id nri myr ll ww il devastated Al lilz lmie tiling VVimV in nose iispoiislble ior the Barrio tiziol ari ioV jv 1til1u of ViiiVsVVVV VVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVV Uh UL L1 Ulllmllldlll ll lilllllli illlltltiailttii til ll 11 ten times what they land paid ltltl riiarti iv over 111 l1 ll it lilillill Ylli innrovinieiit or conditions ior these 1l for litl 10111 held the 01mm ll shortterm prisoners It iii the interests hum so cessor 1o iii 1r latter capacity in lrltilil Allans Since re will be niart roiiwntion and mm mu lm in an no 1mm 11111 Hilttt liiiii rvluh tlicrc Si iii mourn11111111 rot litltil llltliitt iLi iiotiir cause or than 11111 These Iood Germans says l1iltl varhm i1 iV1 it unhappy ins bu m9 11=1it had not kilch tllll2ll tnas1ga row ttllllllltd iiiitltl hiitli deplorable iindiiioitrg idV 111opeaiis so theyiueil 11111 cattle hay of ip no oi toi11f lliltiil 1inal iril he serv1ces of any executor cost in reparations and they were lt pm V1 V3 VV ainiiigl for another and tiltltitl 0min 3Vg llvtl tiluiV iFlll ll read to Mr Vesiclui iaiiii 11111 mm of mem Kimmy 01 lmwn Ier flhpllmugtit Yc all the vtorv oilitle Red iii 21min within miiiv out about the same in fixing the fees the Courts 11 tiv1 limit It gt In hm gum1 Mmemt Jud the 10 0001 iii hd ieliiiiins llll tiitlllisiznir Hood 111 real lite lcrhaps horses 11100 UllvillVl It null rz iiiv it up Lcadu V1lt iibiiil so shin term is tiiit will is piiiiisliiinunVVVV VV thmi11Viihhi1mooih 111111 AViniuritVtV VIVVV Vl take into C0nsrderation the care pains and llllmbelr 113 3A thwlittl liiiil turnough lOI petty Olltlilltis Vlllitlitl Still1 iii1 it an text and it isto lloilttittiS 11in itiiildl to be Vvise 111 our common 1V V11 VVVVVVVVVVVV nipteiwcn11w ray an genera Ion VV JrrV Slim LL Mm HUIIA MAN lliliinlAl IrOUbk deVOted to eState by the executor hiCh hi 11 idly llltlllficilm in or er lurl 11VllvlHrlxt Guitar FIHCOSFS lhm and to will thorough RIIICAL Iv LIQUOR AUTHORITY Thyan Incinerator whether it is this trust company or private 11 ey we tilgm 11 iitrrl Air Hepburn The Oshawa TirncsGazcitc sh ply cuti 5855 Itll Vl VFmifmrNT Th il lliliCll lie 111 anciltritis to criioy tht hioiiil suppoitucmts the new Liquor Control Authority ays gmeer lisiocihiihn of Clilititlli hold their person IS 115 Company Dweller 03 glve throuahout in bclicvc LllXllSiBOIllCl refusing to consider letter from thci Hm Hui Wilma3 Rillbge 500541 mm genemm mm VVVVV VVV VV and OV0Om0 County Tmnpolance AssociationNDHQ problem may ht shivou by 153 roonis here last Slililltlliy vztli 11 you extra value for your money stability under AL V94 11111 11 lll linlil with 111 llt incxs of ii irscdlv Iiit 131 11 111 111 Dill Mn lr hat they diulop resentment against 11cv 11 111 book sums up liiitlilrillil 101 iiig dcbasing physical conditions jihhhd hh purgi ill in llk lllry fill method rather thnii by Chic WONlh WWW lllllt will again tltti 111 tllilt Minister at lllOiCOllilllllll about conditions in Whitby and VV vi rvv VV earliest ODlJoitrrix thinking SDOCIlIC complaints rcuardiiiir onct Cm mcmemtw RM the mm hm presenf day condmons busmess exPenence and 11 VVV VVVV proud to coritinizw 21gt tiirir representativelthe Assocratron and both reputable lilellll mm the on creaking labor and it great 13114 Pics Gio lord 011111 sit JIilllmld Gung my me DOW education on the part of the public TIOHSA Dilttlmi Jill 11 iIHW li in the Lijypipth V1 11 the Bdard werereally dcsrrous or trying mm Nummi Defgnce 2111 separating noncombustible gar Ollllln Ghml MAN The lBliiili til littllli l0 tlit LibGllllVlO Implove the moml 5mm 0f bOVCIREv Sliltmcm Ht Resebzgi huge and vraPilinQ and draiiiini in 100 Willi 13111105 Jilmth 00 it leadersml Will will muwmilv lo lnOVlnimOmS says the OShawa lmpmv it WORMllilllclmlmmd if Myth 100 Orillia Vic Illlis Tiliiiitifxootl 1gt 12 order that Uaibae could be burned archers who attend VV Cm poumx 31 galting permimhtyV 15 apprecrate liiiy eVldCliCe that might be lOpLh VV VVViVnViLiVCVVVys lawnsm CVVVVVVVVVVCEnnVne easily he reported WV VV VjlrVV VVV VVVV VVVVVVVVVVV 0V not wanting in olltttw and is lorcciulrcomlllg from any source The Boards atti VVVVVm and Mm me munch llic eity councrl has ordered that ms 1t NLHC VV sanitary fill be the has 15 the largest lassilicd lCLllUll ol niy HEAD OFFICE Vt 253 BAY ST Speaker HO i191 711 1037 mm 010110 tOi mde 15 HOE that 9f bOdy Bagel 10 invest will Lama Immulmgu1 eussion with Bimitford vanghip town weekly in Canada Results TORONTO ctime is lVCn be too hasty oi gitctii but this rnay thavcle my complamls biought to its gum 1111on iii peat on Semenmm 0f the garbage dis have done it In 1013 this iicws lid been toned down ill illt intervening years 091 51312 WE1530111er Maclposal DWblClll The lUWllShll 0005 paper had lllll all ILHlleds The present OVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV gVVVVVmOVV AVVVVV VVV VVVV VVVVV CSVVVVVVVVVG VVVO SVVVVVVVVVVV not mm an 1CQVVtm that woulVd 13 ol the Reserve Army in be HISMW give mm 90 Ellllllllmy 10 59 hl lmi If feet ebonomms whom thei the city nor the township doubted ability and abundant energy partic gm if qun wmmut dent wants open smelly dumps Cy It it is calmer some ta ic lilain it com ilJVl ulthi toll onsidcud 111ch Premier George Drew assured deputation mom to the welfaieViVnd VofchiVeViVchVy sanitary pm will mean we ment WVT of women my week that both beverage of the force and th VS ation of bulldozers to eliminate Iaids city engineer has reported n00 or 28 Iflm fillma lls 15V Umbehl hold 0f hqum mmwllly lillfVlu town Streamlining of miracleS 21 no said the incineration would All 101115 llmim business efficiency and most important per interosts 01 hi imt ilit LilJtllCll PttiR01llsal was Stillltl b0 lilt lO lllt liltll that halyard rcscrvc army of VcliViIZVCVil VVVVV CNS more Hing mp in mm was conducted by John ll tarry ot 15 will cmth gt oiiiiih ty ml my lmclme was ml mmme bl Im9110101 possible extent 1111118 or VlOFVVd 31Vlhflfhllllfmlfm Emmn Mum MHHM sonal servrce to your benefrcranes through its tention to 9V1 ii gull support zindlescirtation Quite properly the TiincsGal 51 V411 be pcrpetliiilcd iiiIVU EWKJIW V0121 leg trim urge 10lllll ltll cooperation iiit good old IlCllnglVZCLlC holds that such stand is lildtlCllSlblOVahp l11ltiilil poiind tin Com lVVVVVVVVngVVV VV VV FVVVVVOVVVVVVVVV mVVUVV OHM estates and semor OfcerSV of Brmu has Hmi ill in mo will bolus the letter was Signed by two OllllClS Ol itlli 31s lllwmed 1a we Incineration meant lot of back Pros Godwin Barrie Vice shown 10 slow on lllGE ijIXil1Xlllllltlls rooms and liquor stores would be closed on VDay This we believe is quite in accord Premier Drew has announced that five1 with the feeling of the great majority of the year road program to cost $250000000 is people of Ontario 7being drawn up This could only be paid ltgt for by taxation or increased bonded debt Toronto Civic Property Committee and Highway improvement is undoubtedly desir Toronto Police Commissioners have put able but something much less extensive themselves on record against Japanese or should suffice at least until postwar condiV Germans Canadian born included being al tions may reasonably be estimated lowed to secure business licenses in the city Gilbert Jackson loading Canadian ccon Alnd rightly so Time enough to consider omist foresees level of prices some 50 or them after all thegood Canadian and other so above prewar levels He points out that British applicants are taken care of tlllrtailpfidciTinTisllOw 18 andgthe Tialt9 WW wholesale level 31 above prewar figures Leonard Brockington KC speaking Mr Jackson also expects and for very goodover the radio recently paid fine reasons that postwar expenditures bythe tribute to the medical surgical and nursing Dominion Government will be three or four services given to the Canadian forces on ac times the prewar level and that taxes will be title service overseas nothing beingWantingV 1an the organizational framework which it is the policy to main iiiiii Mr Macdonald Fdxplained that the Reserve Army was the modern name ofthe prewar NonPerm anent Active Militia which is the framework of our national military organization in peaceV tiineil He Continued It is our presentpolicy to en sure the continuation in the post war period of this framework which will then become again the major portion of our military forces The men who have gone irom these reserve units and VVthoV now fill the ranks of the mobil ized active units will return and to the extent that the Reserve Army is kept alive they and their units will find their military fam ily aswciation maintained so that there will be no break in the con 50 per cent higher in perpetuity than in the in any respect The same unqualified praise minty or service and tradition of 19305 and tintswilLbethree times the rates is heard Vfrom those who have needed such of the 1920s These conditions he claims services And as for those who receive this cannot be avoided care Mr Brockingtondeseribed them as the With most wonderful patients in the world sibilities ahead of the taxpayers our provirrT each regiment It is hoped that this statement wilgizve assurance to the mem bers of the Reserve Anny that their work is important and that it is in national interest that it should continued and that breeding of rats creation of foul odors blowing of paper and other refuse and fires in clumps that have Vbeen one of the biggest nuisances in Brantlordhd YER Add from theme of BABRm TDECEMBER 111919ii Local Barrie Notes Council decides to submit to people bylaw to provide for buying out Barrie Gas Co at $31000 lBOard of Education raises maxi mum salary for women teachers to $900 an increase of $100 Town Engineer submits to Town Coun cil plan for remodeling the municipal building upstairs to be combined council chamber and court room laid over Rev Hugh McFarlane assistant to Rev QWVWi delay urgent home repairsjbecausgpulack cial authorities should not at this time rushp Improvements to the amountVof $50000Vare it is thVeVimention of this GOVam DrV McLeod in St VAndmws into proleCtS VlllVllleg the BXDBUdltUYe 0f plannedt for the ComngWOOd Hospltals merit to protect the tcontihuity of Church accepts call to Wiarton Vmany millions half of the amount to be raised by town de the reserve unitsVV to the greatest Robt Weldon dropped dVead Dec behtures provided the bylaw to be submitted extent possible in the Postwar 8th illome on Codnnggon eiiod 00 ei in arrives ecj 0L ABOVE AVERAGE 15 2lppmved bVy latepyer5 The Bord The role of the Reserve ArmyV f3 All Vthe criticisms levelled by Toronto of the Royal Victoria Hospitalis in somewhat was reaffirmed as follows Vsimcoe County Briefs news or editorial that the existin theus mesituation asfthe Collin wood Trus To maintain throughout the Protesbagainst theelectionOf of 6013 801 in type th Zountry continued interest in the MurdochaSMPPf01Cenile 77 ml 13 or and as Obtees nurses res nean 05913 Canadian Army and its activitiesshncoe tiled in CoilntyCourt up solete as the stone pile and the dark hole have been badi overcrowded for many in we Loans for such pu seaor for an reasOnabla and to set the exampe to all citr on petition of Si pso VV VgtVJVVViVchVinV apply to the VSimcoe CountyV gaolat months In October there was peak of 90 zens of preparedness at all times feated candidate Grounds set msm W5 Wm VV persona needfare Vavauabb at anybranChVOfThe patients 50 above normal CaDaCitY and 1003 ePfVfygVngeemeit 00113Eg 53 cslaugs illegelrbgibfgt VVlo pavV Vigtondcmistotrv r1 $11 86 110 0t Truerthe bulldmg here Is nearlylooryears an average of 794 forcesoovcheas by training young Viispra citiien diced gland The sin izlaenfjmlgll Royal Bank dcanada Theycmbe Palm lt old But improvements have been made men of proenlistment age 74th year He was member of to repair or improve the especially during the past 10 years and in December lst was the third anhiVersary of To back up the civilauth Patrons of lndustiy and ran in 233313 CVVVVetVVzVVigieengiiVae Period 0f 513 twelver 01 eve Elghteen months by factcpnsrderablealterations have been made rigid overall price control in Canada Corp omy responsmle for the enforce Centre Smcoe 1894 When he admtagwtb and montlilyqirarterly or other 1nstalmentstosurtyoday in the presentyeali Remembering that it is parison of living costs in this country with ed merit of lawand rdr if requir andA Thom son were defeated businessoppom by Robt Patonp Turner meet erSLWCSCA 1V 32101 the womens quarters are compara those of Britain and the USA shows how As trained reserve to sup merchant cralghurst had $500 in 53231 WW Convenience tively chfortabie In each eeil there is the people of this Dominion have benefitted PM the active forces avallable for cash cheques etCstolen Lt VV the defence of Canada if the mili Spry appointed AA and steel bed With mattress and white sheets by this control Canadas cost of lrvmg in my situation shoum deterioram QVMVGV of Military District NOV aiicl woollenbiankets There is also little dex on the third anniVersary stood at 1186 in As basis expansion of 2V cam mm Mm mm irrronocien dresser which gives the impression the 193539 average wasrtakVen as100 This the active army should the nieces Vninghight and day mostly on ex of alloy room rather than aprison cell At was only 31 points higher thanon Dec my an port orders the arid of the corridor iii the womens 1941 In the US living costs are up 2930 FORSCK00LCTEA6HER Helen Sine mduartersls threepiece bathroom set The since 1941 in Britain up 30 Since 1939 sTUDY FOLK DANCING HERE aoll Torgsnto accompan rooms are well ventilated and clean These So well had Canadas fight against wartime led her at the piano singsong alterations were made during the past few inflation been managed that the index show Fwy rural 5011001 teachers and was led by Stewart Page ready funds may prove COSHY later on FwTXMi When ouv are faced with su b1 Th Pro emi see Royal Bank abou personal103andglheJOb StartEd ght away sonal loan with your ed Meme the ea Such other young people from through Sponsored by the CLTI these year Slmcoe County attended the ll1913 ave being helg one gt In themenVS section the cells are tiny but suit could not have been achieved had our third in mew folk dancing re month throughoutthe winter batters are clean and the plumbing people not realized the need of such restric creation SChOOlS he in Trinity ties are adequateV Shower ban1 have Hons and givencoopemtion to DonaldGob Parish Hall Barrie last Saturday You can save many times the taken byme to curb elleningMiss Nollie Lewis of the rice of your subscription by read When you need personal loan to meet some sudden or unexpected need go to The Reyal Bank of Canada The marlager will be gladitoniiscuss aper untamed to take the place of the former don in the measure Ontario Re grous Education Coun rig and acting upon the advertise BARRIE BRANCH FISHER Mano er tarybathztubs inflation cil Was here from Toronto tolead meritsin The Barrie Examiner