ii ii Hill oniuiunili Niizhl ll It Ll nlm ition Xi Field Corn We are now hooking ar ders for this product for Spring delivery Im tlll its admit ilt llllll the lunch lltlt wh Ii Illli llll lti al ill 1h filiOll Fall Fee lt Ill lillll onmntin 1m lililfi lUlii and llllfiirh li ill lfil lt ll tliiill and if vil Zils Bil sduy in lorontn weather Muirs sale of id implements Mrs lllclictiwn llr anti Condi lil rm DU lilillr stuck successful lhe community Dillll to it Galluuchcr in the ideath of his father on Friday The Thus Gallaughers home was lncornwnt was at Al lislon cemetery oll Mondiiy after lltltlll tawny expresses sym late lat Everett coULSONsiiILI tIntended for Inst week Mr and Mrs Ielly and Mur iray spent Sunday in Toronto lliss Luberta Stewartwisivislting sister Mrs AllJiipglit Kitchener Edna Morizirity mum is spending couple of weeks at home Mr and were Sunday Mrs NOW Til Mrs Everett Stroud Knccshaws on Mrs Broley Kennedy and Crecch Ioronto are visiting their sister Mrs LHamhly Mrs Stetheain and Mrs Mrs Paul Russel on Thursday Kneeslmw Mr Everett chum mm ATYOUR HYDRO SHOP Fine Job Prinlimg IliomIiiSer viccFair Prices ttx ESTABLISHED n99 Coinpetem Advisor Worthy of you Condence Skilled in all phases of Life insuiancesevice every Continental Life Representative is comp etem C0 sultan able to advrsc you Wisely lllE cniimE HEAD arrice riiiiiiiii TORONTO DISTRICT MANAGER iii in insulin NT MAYO l50 Dunlap Street Borrie Purely Conudiqn Company islilleclll lie allseolgjhlllllll Rise If you suflcifrom boils you know how blt tlicyiniide you feel Bails areaiioutwnrd indication of impurilicsin the System and Just when you think you are rid of mudtsnbllictcrops up to hike its place and prolong yy the limiting and poulliciug you can Initial 3t ensemble and do maygoi Stop more iirily tlielilood so why not give Blood Bitters chance to show helping you get rule them Thousands have Used it for at years Why not you Wilmington ram over loin mmthe pa nine boilil you should edicinc Burdoc trmw WYEVALL ARGYLE CEO INNISFIL NOTES Ill lit Illiltl iil gt Minerva Masonit llll IlHts Ullkmrnlmliuic llios imh liztlii xi the nulilllii izzl HI liiiiir Itll iri Iravnl IIquipnicnt Still in PHELPSTON peiution The lt au ti tllllllli bri lanzc urt MID home here Iis Hopkins and Carol Oril lia spent Saturday with Mrs Iiltldlioiisv Mrs Adamson and Mrs Peacock attended the Commencement ercises at BI The sympathy of this community goes Out to Mrs Murray in the ICCCllI loath of her mother BELLE ART weekend at Ruffctts here last week til the weekend Wedding Anniversaries Gifts from Italy on hand made iiig Wood I0 break one wrisl is having months rest andersu Melville Bates sometime at the Soo mir NEwIovv1LL iiioizmmi JLLRdiiiLli rim Wing Commander Burt Formerly oi Alliston Dies in Plane Crash Killed in Plane Crash cahm atLaw it lit ltl lt llf ltxlzu lluxlltl lt lltltlll Nu wu rt lit lli Hill for your Ullll serve llauwll Ilousc the stimulating llltlltl of luliniiicritiiii PINKERTON uifli Kin llitillv II itiiii Iii ll uiidttmi tut incii llll li to the lll ly lil1lllil tilt llltl llitl llll Illllrllll ilin Ivizl il lltl luv police with deeply satis fying llnvm lllle IIY ucll louse your regular roller raiglnnsl Womens Instituti Nuklirlii ll21 ll Vls iIilJl lliliit All llXllll Airlllliltli luiwt gt iuapl HULL lill llilfl tif dd liklll Ii lv Alillwhi Death of Mrs rllln KHtii to it lllfiL lark llllllllll Loni ic llltl tlill tell it until it liltlit on Firt ml tll llt llllltll iiiuntn Ms Mrs on Guaranteed Trust Certificates hi li lasi llll fruin her It iulsonsllill ind burial and Sonjmborli RUN linvnr rr dutldiigd ate lllll lut 11s ttlll minute ll be livid ll Ill lillll vt lltl nune lllt lltlIltl won by December in lillll liltsii ttllllllIltIlHll lta lil Ilitll iiliitdii iirtl Mrs Clark Air and Mrs Alfred llav il ii llt lSSIIIl for my amount for mm of lelilltlililtl IlUlll as to principal lllltll tllttllltu nizlilrtl to IIHIt ltIl lief in llct it Allhli l1i Davis Mitt MaiQue lrs Mr and Brau lrlt Ills ztl illli lllt till4 Mrs lit Siixllrlil FIIWoili fur mnntn lame tpiltlt mans lijlllli lll llllll lluilcssis il illl llltl Nllx lllllvtpl ml ltl wedditti liiliil hits lruw Webb run lers Oliver lr mtl nutnut Iitillltis lll tIiio into or llHlll option llll lu allowll to HIllllllllll Il MD llauln and in lom zitd son vll ll lllllll titltl limmiis and sun rci los Bowman Mr and Vlrs and lumily Struid Mr tls Darrin Mr and Mrs lliompson illiplt luau Suriu tmlutmvn llill quilt lllllfl premier Il pirlt lititli rovers uul Slitllilli lltll their or ltlllllltlllllll ililtltsl nxI water 31 rtuiipcrs Illli lul illlliitlltl toni pzinituiutlioiittl Iii luw for ttlinlil Inourtlr cvrvtitors alltl oi licr Ilu lll lt An llltlll untImcnt preceded the Sunday oven ll llalbert preachxi taking for and tell this people of miss gosps 50H Hit WliLL sow ri As lrosicii MOTHER TO KITTENS nimtin INIZW ll Ill fls Stron ialluwuy Illl lllrlllISIUI that shows the mother in 15 llslstinct even in swine lim lizuigglilinl lof New Lowell has sow with ilittor of sixteen little porlicis lltllliLll SIli and Elli intl Mrs Ilision and itll laitenham lluml lltad nd Bradford tll Ill lltlL another loslcr mother ncd 11 itl Tillf STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower Toronto utlltl liili all llovs linicrlaiurd Society It the and Ivy Erniuuet provided of the presideu tIll mics and YOU AN SAVE wasnt ilsu You can save many times the filliuu the role of foster mothci to price of your subscription by read two young kittens lhe kittOns are and actini upon the advertisv on hand at every meal and are lieally doin fine so are the piglets if that llill 33 years in Business in mcnts in The BarrieExaminer llc intro lll table MN Melicl llizes luisun boys on tlitir which they iul hier ment Day tr Killed The moiulf Keimr Labanmu mumam Alieninc rue1rd II In liner to If 20 lm lu 001mlj0r Ii Mirmm it 112 iimlil ilit tlz ounv II ltllllflili Apprenticeship Sports Partnership ll and Citizenship Ill ill In ullsc in boys and eiils club Dancun thrilling adventure in routage thrift suicly initiative and 1gtmij tncy add 7sl zillil pleasure thCv make the daily 1115114 worth doing and provide lountlatirm for full andsatisly mg way of life husinu ship adcrsli in Ownership IlllillSIlll Salon itll sh itercssiiv said These mini STATION quite Mr and Mrs DAiijimBramp ton spent the weekend at their ltill5is tllii lil They develop happiness sibil Goodveair Synthetic Rubber Tire Goodyear dealers have it for eligible drivers only ihuuull of Goodyear forty years experience in tirebuild ing plus ondyeors specialized knowledge of synthetic robber gained through oncoming research and testing Wedding bells are ringing met rily llllllllilllll here Miss McConka turned home after plCCIFBIIIVISLI with North Bay friends Raymond Neely on Sunday improving nicely after an appendix operation in the Ban rle hospital Recent visitors utd Mrs John llewson Mr and Mrs Grant Mrs Tlios chson Mr and Mrs Jas Lenngx and Miss thv Barrieal The Womens Ii wHhmw WM wnwl AngilSVlllC Black is visiting IClllVCS search BULLETSEAL GAS TANK iiiiiv SEcllET DEVELOPMENTs or WIDE POSTWAR USEFULNESS AGONTINIIOIIS STREAM 0F TIRE IMPROVEMENTSI It In has ro immodwiii Miss Cook Toronto spent the returned homo ll nunm iirsnirr SL Reg Canning and Mrs Can ning Toronto Visited his mother Pig GometjiidMis Ferricr and baby Oiilila visited at his home nCIUJd Mr of Toronto with MIND Dr Hardy London and the two Kneeshawvmid Drs Batemzm Toronto spent the luvmc in Tommo weekend Willi Harvey Whan McCar M37an Congratulations to Mr and Mrs in the ham next noon Dec 14 at 230 The Home Economics converters have charge of the program The speaker Mrs Seymoiir Kel will display madc Roll call of the United Nations Some of these are illustrated below some must remain secret until another day Since its foundation at the turn of theeentury Goodyear has carried onwithuhntlessienergy its quest for improviment in the making and application of better rubber products Geo Baxter who ceiebratedtheir BOthuvedding anniversary Dec 1944 also to Mr and Mrs Wm Riiftetteheii=a39h=vsn=e39 During the years that have passed many Goodyear discoveries have been adopted as stondarcl in the tire building eld During these years the performance has improved immeasuybly tire costs have consistently reduced over clothing est Economy Wrinkle This community was shocked to hear of the sad death iiCecil in Toronto on Sunday Very recently Mr Spragg had moved from here to make his The funeral service was held on Wednesday ill St Pauls Ceme of Mrs Fred Johbitt Mrs Fred Jobbitt passed away iiiher home here on TIT Nov 28 in her 63rd year Po lll=E akindly disposition Mrs bitt will be missed by Vmim friends in this community Fun era service was held on Thursday Wllh interment inSt PaulsCems and Mtemoon oad con Mrs Harvey Whans son Jack who has been in Italy for year last May has sent his parents 21 lovelyparcel of souvenirs from Italy These include Venitian lace table cloth an Italionhead shawl pendant with pressed lily in plastic also lovely silk scarf for his Dad and an afghan In the Goodyear Research Laboratory skilled chemists undenglneers with shirt sleeveimoginntions utilize lithe skill all the experience all theknovvlede Goodyear has acquired thrgygh more than forty years of working with rubber Spragg Dec Goodyear continually reaches uhecicioftomorrow to provide the best for you today That is one reason why therewu no delay in utilizing synthetic rubber to meet the needs of wortime Goodyear wasteadv When the need arose long agoGoodye moihi new nluleriul home Toronto with llllQlmCIl Th wl9 for the resultsoi Goodyear research ldgds and improvementmcreatodby need become practical realities in the lobprotory Then tested and prevail in day to day service they are incorpcutul into myodemlGoodyeur products ICly Deal 7+ or discoVered how to Sunnidale Co ers IVVIissiElvii SchellTororito spent the weekend with her parents The YISenterlaincd Crossland Society at social Tuesday even In todays Goodyear Synthetic RubbeFTIrevyou get ulljhe benefits that Goodyear skill and experiencolrcan put into modern lire If you urieliaible for 1ng tlroggGoodyeuris your bestbliy Spurred by war many historymaking products born New of Goodyear research are servingdho flghtingiorcu United Baz Although weather and qr not very favmabie those wnovenlured out Inst Fri daon the United Church WA bazaar and afternoontea enjoyed pleasant Hughes and MrstSmall charge or the baknt table Marquis and Mrs Ferguson touch and take and white elephant table Mrs Herb Wallace and Mrs the handicrafttable and Mulhol ca Proceeds Mr and Miska Freetliv spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Harold ditions were Sorry to report that IIai garet McLean had the misfortune Mrs were in Mrs time Writ Isaac is conducting services in Zion Church asRev Isaac Bob and Margaret Huth Phelps lion visited on Tuesday with Mr llfeGuards another e122 nurtPM replace art22113 it tubes provide Jaimie blowout protection If blowout occurs 119 szeGumtl carries be load allows the driver to steer to Mf stop Goodyearfriiamm Weitransitiztrrtrwater fmlymt proof vizoistmeproof Jumpring materiil will literally tJousmlts of applications as posi re protection for mois ture isenjsrtive products Dektred 18 new Junkuxumrplmes ellWW um are motJew product of GoodyearresearcJ WIsz bullet the tzmk the puncture is automatimllyrmled to eliminate the 1242 fire and loss of Rubberized Life Rafts BulletSealing Fuel developed by GoodyearW saw the liveso air crews whenlimes are forced down at sea These rafts inflate 11 second will chemical gardens by rip cord 03 in ed and Mrs land the afternoon Mr and Mrs Will Robertson andI daughter Mrs John Thompson $90 00 have returned home after spending tbizt provides flame 12be twoskid wea therresistant oor and deck covering for ships truck and aeroplanes It 41501245311411 pole rial civiliiiilises pierces Mr and Mrs Lainer weekend Oo account of the storm Friday night the bingo and danc was postponed Mr am over the 4rd fuel ll Doufglas Morrlsog are movmg arm was Wes Mumbeison motored to Caledonia for the weekend unni al 111ch We twin them izmlmimoilmied missedhere sure every success They will be mu