Wm NORTH sermons MINESING Mm STATION wmw 1illi1i oplii litnu iit1i riiiui liili oooooacavvc wdddv it Christmas Cards family all WAVERLEYr for and lltiliti Wraps Ribbons Seals Tags Enclosure Cards Decorations Novelty Candles Fine Stationery Latest Fiction WEAYMOUTHS Bonitsroiu 30 Elizabeth St Phone Ill53 il1tielrlt tl PKKKKK$$EKKKEZZKE tll 11 tltl 1il iie Vi lll 11 Nav iivilli ccccccsc CHURCHILL 105 Iltl Ni invariant DOMESTIC sroxun IS nor xiaw JUST BETTER eon Allandale Lumber Fuel Co Tool joke Wood 7f intruders Supplies lhotrc 855 hi li iat 31 It Sinclairs iiit Dev 13 Note chaie Itiilit ltull lll Show ltclie ll Aliiiila lil15 speaker iii llllllltll ll ia 111 11liy ntd Sittiiti after lillttl Snow plows we la 1iii Saturday Sllltlil 49115511Rd will disappear llllil th next storm BETTER HEARING criNic 11 Here is your chance to consult ab from soluter free trainedpnd expe Champlain llotelrioed beiiertiearingspecialist TunsbAY DEC 12 In announcing three superb vacuum tube models at new low prices from to Dm Acousticon is making hearing aid Queens only Billllc history Come in and prove to your self how much your hearing of onum lioinlihd business CONVERSATION can be restored with the grat new Iiutura Acoustic ACOUSTICO DEALER BROCKIIURST 1131 in IM lie lltitiinliei inceti of Clitiic institute will be held till Tuesday of 11 llt lllilt vi will tie the the num ltl dig and cutters tin lllt lilllllliliill 112l liiietliiivii vehicles or 330Bay St Toronto on roducing the Great New ACOUSTICON Conversation Hearing Aid Based on U$ Govt Findings Attention Farmers The Fertilizer Administrator is advising users offertilizersto take deliveries early The labor Offsituation is acute and heyvoitld Strongly advise the placing of orders now stereos DISTRICT coop smnvrcris =Phne4220 Barrie RUSSELL PATTERSON Mgr vavovvvo IItlllltlt and him Ci iniinii Slessor LICEIISED AUCTIDNEEB SPEClAtlZlNG 1N FARM SALES Phone 2188 Barrie wlllllllwl1vvvcddv Avcricrrrii TRAVEBS 111tiniieer Licensed for the oniity of Siineot nith eats of experience Farm Sales Sllttially Apply to Travers oavli lines oftiee ILiirie or iiite llnx Angus int and prompt 2t ttntinn Ill he elven oowalomooomooaoooaonoiao0Noptoo3 Mtrrlentlw orlutrllmo lellltlllldllJlIllllllle CD SPROULE LICENSED AUCIIONEER LIVESTOCK MAN For Successful Sale of Household Iiurnitiiie or Iaim Stock and lnrpleiiienls IIIONII SlltOll Zflltll WMNNDIMNItpa Ar went the ilss 111 ils Zli and l1 II VI list ieel nit Flute 1iltl Wiiiiiitied spoil llli lin Lll ti iti ti li it ltl 12 llev ll Iiilti till heiii l1ld llllli11 11 it we 11 spiiii lil aid Mrs lltiue lzltllt ii Siiirtiir 11rd llOatii iiil Mr liiioiia teii izii Mrs lltllll Sn Mr and Mrs Ill len ant little son IILlllttll ll lziltei Ill residence in tziis twinninuiily Fred has lLl enipliiix by Wes ton Ctllllllt as in his herd of putlired lie is Beef Ring Officers lieelected Owing to the storm oi Jliiirs day the attendance was small the annual tililll the Beef Ring held in the scout After the general routine the officers were illi1ellttd 1121 la Elwood leiinttt F1 Ilert 1v an lIlFtittliiis hive ii iricetiiiji ol the liederatioii nt Attriculturi was 111d iiithe SLlletl Nev 29 Owing to the storm the itteiidanco was not assHope as expected Mr Marnn led brief riScussion on onestions of the Farm Forum mission Len Bantingr care 11 short report of the beef calili meeting held lllBIlldttllCl introduced the speaker Cecil Chappcll of Crown uill IVII Channell spoke iiilltiii11 Man agemen very instructive Wilfred Davis Spoke brieflylni the short course to he held in Guelph in January An evening of enter tainment was snizccsted finsauna illnle the near group leaders appointed commit tee to make arrangements McQuay reported the liblzllv ready for use and that Harry Banting Federation llleetiiig had very kindly Consented to keen the books in th store Two reels of motion pictures were shown Mrs AStta1h Satirin INEIVISll Mrs Will Cnm tine her daughter mine Mr and Mrs Reliandlen Barrie were Sunday visitors with Mrs Thurlow Mr and Mrs Orville Locke and Doreen Hamilton were Sunday visitors with lVIl aiilelis Fred Richardson Sympathy is extended to Mrs Yrnac Rental and relatives also to Miss Monica 111111 and relatives in their recent sari hriiezvmerits Mrs Marshall and Dottiilws Hendrie snent last week with Mr and Mrs Mnir Mr Muir confined to his lJLLl with heart condition but is littlebstter at time of writing Pleshvterian Anniversary Anniversary Scwices were held St Pauls Church horn on the with very iijocrl attendance Orville Locke l3 Hamilton cunied the pulpit illtl deliver=11 very lllOltlltlil inn is ltiniikii are due the Elvao lieabvteri choir which supplied the in at both Esarviees in their usual ct iclnnt manner thus helping to lmnke the anniversary so success ful menace ll ii lltC from MITCHELL SQUARE Vllty Mould like tmsec him iollowiiig the tis wwWhxl izi1Liiiiwii3 ii linehie Series loses earliie 11 of the Nw 111 lilcV 111151 lad Mrs llmnn low it lii ninp Grant ii1ei1i 1lilt Mill birth 11 Reynolds 1il it will iv cases Jack 1e Aldon iii for li Shit 11 till Entiptiwll tooism Silllilltll iertiintl the ztiist 1111 21 brunch ll SCY ttl BAXTER In i1all ti ll ii as post the avy eatnw ri hall 1ti mid Risk its with friends ies 1r Murphy and Orvall 11ll went few days with ltiniitii and lltlllllliOII aid all passable 1i1 ll vv snowfall oi lliii 12 which tied up all traf llll1 llifi 11is llllies have turned few months in Ste where Mr Gillies 1illtl for lll Sterlinf hug stiiitiiii llHllitv of 11LLll liy the Lady the lliVS oviseas they had received their parcels already and these ttie lctllly appreciated llllaitillllis laitk it l1 llLlt Mrs Crawford Orillia is vis iig lltl sister lilis Albert101 illirt Jerniiy does not rapidly as his friends uin as Width of lhcil Goodrich Li Sorry to report the death iii lisliiltlt Flltl litttllirlt who passed away at the Orillizi hospital Satur day her He was taken to the hospital Saturday afternoon with severe itaick of pain and only lasted few hours He will he lllll missed in tlieriieiitlihori hood The funeral was held to Essan eeiiietrv Dee Read and use Examiner Classifieds MIDDLINGS 1155 11011th no mm norm may and Ilceiiids which fullth The Bert 3355 DAYTIME or41651at Night numeral Auro intestinal This 20per booklet every woman will wanti The new Kelloggs Wei it Con trol Plan gives you vita facts on menu planning and holding your ideal weight Scientically propier weightcontrol menus at thre caloric levels for every day in the Week Pro pared by competent authorities this bookth can help you and Your husband look your bestfcel you beat You wittfind the new Kelloggs Werght Control Plan packed mside the top of every clinic of Kelloggs meowswede idbtrofood that aids natural Mullty Get you copy at your crews l1 ccfriis nitiii ntpziiCd on 1twllll til bull itiiiltiyi End 31 lt1ll Ii ix lt irii ll ilxti ll ix Sudden Death of ll till lt in why iltt Farley itl IM leaslres Srcy lir lia li lis ls1ili 1l ii and llaw llllliil iii7 ii sh lhe bazaar llt1ll ben Illl Dec iiad ll lli will lit hull fl Friday its lunch Ni ii lil Have you renewed your siiliseiip iioii we Jam on rcr and Mrs 12 um IlllI ON MAIN SIRlilil llusliaiiti dont ttiitleislnitti life lii itdli lttlilkl ienareh Pastry Ii fiilit people object to haviiiL rum nova Domestic or Jewel surname up Domino BAKING Pure EXThhng Milole Leaf CAKE FLOUR Aunt Dinah reusa iiiiiouirr iiiiiiiins Shelled linens ll iiii 23 27 295 oz 193 16 oz litilllts 29 oz pkg ll oz 17 in pk Avlmcr htiirirSeliiiio CHERRIES gill 69 iiiiliiijiimun Maple Leaf runsulna etlsons feerunes irritant All merchandise solder your Dominion Store is unconditionally guar anteed to give 100 satisfaction 39 Sallie artisans 78 027 wtin jDECEMBIIR7th8lli191h rtttlirrrrrars Prime Commercial Beef iiouND STEAK mama goneironsshallots BLADE trollsr 25c fezm Beef BRISKEI Boneless Vim WIS neutrino WNMw LAMB LEG Fresh Xoung Linn recurs zit WHOLE Olt HALF children in tliezi iuiiise l1 251 lb for breakini the window downl ltlllS and making chalk inaiks all ovei the Concrete walk Slllt villi NM itpiiiiiand fWiilJ mirror murmurs Florida ORANGES 291 Florida SeedleSs 2505 doz VGIIAPEIVBIIITVV 96s 77 for Extra Fancy 125s DELICIBIIS APPLES 391 Selected Washed fwmw ciiiiiiiirs in ztiisc DoMiNion cranes LiMirizo New Texas SPINACH Mask2