itiLtttbtmi trim 224112 gt i321 haunt AA PAGE 01 11 WW WWW Belgian Shepherd and His Flock RRIE LETTERS if ittlttHO rm it Auh AV 11 37 THE FORCE 1114 11211I1iljii1ii An Wm AA Whu those serving their ii1n THURD gt WW 111mm and 5111 pro uytnx ll MW hie bummer uric up Lets to be published Lu wholl 33 Ji 13 pm mu termini 41 Vitiov fumed when used lotiham 1= ltrtl lmrtr ritrs Hutu itvet zit Irtmtt 11pr 1111 1111 Klmlts 21 Ian ix lillllilldnltI 3le ti you knew you 511 si normAI liRititt 111 lttklt Hit llS lllrs 111 Hl ml ts iltll ltlrdkfitl Elly pOULnS it Inltttlts lt1 HIP4 iltlltilil 1111 rm fmf pimp 110 11 3M llftlItllllr1fllll3h it my 59 11 tilt Iililltilll tul ts WV Httttlt1ttltt 11 um AII lll tt Tim Hymn 51m my 1111 hatth front on the l1lttllllltlflli 11 Avi 1112 Intkes lIltlltlS lli this vouII ttoIItItI L111 1111t11 lUI 11 H1 lteli111 l11 iliitl and heeptlou the tloelt prales coIittitttttll ll while in iltt l1acA1o111l il1 be soon N1 abandoned petrol lump tor vInptjc titl IitIIlin 1111 Wetsuits lhotm klllil 11 muwd w4km 11 11 1w Sinvlc copies of the l1nincr 21 Toll it vscll and it will sell For lm Hfliil 11 ll Lent AI all ll1tltlt$ or thiai lilllll and district the tellit is llfft lllltlllllllixIiiflul tr lslllltlli kiwi IIItlttllts 111 done llHUUtAl Ilc Bruit AArtmimrA orthuutwne 11111 13 tin15 litA 0101 1111111 lit1 WM 11IIIIAI 11 211 121111 1It 111 Monday l11 Al tttl lviueutt I11tti11rr llljttttl in hhlson beloved 211 11 11 511 it lil1all littL2111wttt tti 11 ill Ari ttltt1 IuilsInA 1111 In itxitxir IIIItoNs 11 the 111111311112irnemf my on Hospital 1111 lhtttstizq Jul lh it lSlH lohtt ll lliIoItA i11t1t it lm 111 11 llllxlXHHl 111 lvnnit 111111 mutt 32 Oh numb gt 11IS1111l1 Inngt11 V11Itt etttttety Hamilton if Hill OII lItII1lI Nov flit lElAll high Winnipeg lzaries 11 1th COHth Untied Church Trlntty Angllcon ChLerh litntherst native of il1111e lillld2f REV 11 Linus 11121 111 bllfllll6131 411011111 $113 9111lljf 30 11 1111 Inn 111 Minister InonintmoxuA1 1111 Royal v11 th A2 ifif Mls lull nus second unduy in dvcm mi ODldt AItiltl tl 11111 when 1e do we Ortuuttst and littl Leader Hosttuy Dec 1944 Bertha luluA myic 119114 ll Apt um AMvllOIY COhIMllNlON illiltblit Ibostcr beloved with AA MW lb Mm 11 11g ni Iv 511mm 1111111111111 111 11111 1000 AllYgtlln Peoples 1111110 lhclhbtfrlnglt Iliullufu hywll 11111111 st 11111 gt1 not t1gt1llh 1111 1111111 assoc 11 mm PlumL DP 11 11 lheAverIve 11111 and an l1lc1t ll AliIOllNlNG PRAYER um Ititcrntmrt 1mm Union 171 LA lill l1 cmetcrv Ht JM it THE CHURCH 511001 WWW ll Strawin 1110 residence 11 hi 13 Vi limit ll 1ntBeinncrs and primary 11tl1 111 God dmmmrl MN WNW ilylltllltdl1ltltjllviI3031lmtgltlttlhlgr Depts 3001IHSUN17AY SCHOOL ltvmmlln Sill nurriu WMWVi 15111 Iin7 1111111 lie ltirilz PmBIUM Cl 700 lMAlVlCINi lltAYlI 19 Em 1111c ioII qu thtin 11 ncnr 230 p111Ao11ne llotnzin Class QCan gen gelolwilmlgttsiblatrid Mary liiuAi wlxm2lmji mtrwmr Bu my Alyugu is 111 ya 11 p111 ltllllttlnittitl UL AA nmldmg Chnslmn wwm myan Monday 1C All JW mm by valetI tuliai lvllllllllulltitl will MIRIth lIll lA2 till Through Prayer thur Ont xiii witl M1915 him um PM iv we HORTREED1 lemllllllmtlt ll11t 1111l111 11 if ll vozt 1n if Jesus Christ cannot build char1 Aliigijgflglfwlinldc imb Sunflilyv NM 35A 19 Jm l11 min ininliilnlnot Olli All 1115 actct llo can build nothing else PM SllQEllCQli llllrbixlltt UN on 11 l11l lIvd 1lhis lettuz tcceived Simuhollilliiishilgiilfii1ls11311I lwd NW 313 VillG Mrs Everett tllclent llllltttlh l1 gt1 til lhlo vine and Edwind mypyqiw 1i Illa H1 Scotland Popular with anztdtans OS Tabernacle CNNLl V5115 folmtll tittuloyul in 1111 11 to l1 mother anerI Unlled ChUrCh 20 Mlmqmr Street Underhills Ltd interment Aurl 15gt mum ma xiv lfletcher litorntom 1111 1M lllVlalirllA Baum Rem Celine 913 NW 30 A2Egll Mlmflfr 118 02 Rev Thomas Latte 13A Minister BaggidflAhFfsfjtt ha 13de Lfn All 15 MET JLZSIEI Elsi dl George Spruhg in his t7lh vcar Door Folks Have just returned SUNDAY DECEMBER ilfdci5bii 1112111 111 111 14121 21 15 SUNDAY DECEMBER 10 tillt ll AMDEVOTIONAh HOUR of Bruce Interment St lauls gm Wm for month UIISII 1Itllt1ultltt that wurrr GIFT SUNDAY 245 l1ISUNDAY scnoor Cemetery Innisfrl Dec throw of Us Will be 440111 111 11 AMAAIn the Days of His Birth 730 PM Great Evangelistic Service AM 7A IlIhilgtelhlllllll jsllctLllzij 11 MwAliceiuners Dept of Come and hear the Gospel preached m1 1111ln In not out 3211111 lid Sillllly 5911001 111 the WWW the Holy Spirit lllliltl thyl varlant made out it the 230 PNLASUNDAY SCHOOL IYou will enjoy our bright services cents word My 1llg1 north of Scotland and just spent White Gm Service in AudiAmnTTM HwEverybndy welcome Minimum Charge 000 hm ml mu 11110 and half days In London 11mm London wont to Ldtnbutgh PlIAFhe Perennial CluIstImts AvAAAAAA Xltitilltul 531 up boAAdom 11mm A130 81 lll counpNEy md My teen went alonu the Coast to In llRlSllH llOUlt Courtney vishto think their Illni VCIIlCFi Liltllt N055 l5 IUSt hm Come Gl5110ugc on HIS Day Grace Gospel mean and neighbor for kmmm tlf lititnFllOtlll lllglltlghlsylpir and help durng their recent sad BARRIE 35 ul VUItVV 37 Maty Street Home bereavement wanking Rev memo FLOUR MIL theisttnou Natural 35191115 cut for his message of kindness al lsfllpimn L190 Tum SUNDAY DECEMBER 10 1944 so Flos neighbors Mr Clute and 151 the men who 11401 10 along the rtver and bat of then SOlVGltOIl Army 11 AlVlABelIevers Fellowship lmd mqblc ml homes saw Scotch pines bccclt COLLlER STREET PMSunday School IICKL1NGMJ and MN Rm out 5111111ch EWCI 300ngHrfllfmpijf Ofcers in Charge pMEV3ng1iSliC Sonlce Hiddin and family WM girunpyllxn nvlthiiJJIthtsceitlbiti MAJOR LAURA COLLINS Qubject nvvmt Dans God by thank neighbors and other friends 0mm uffhhmf Ive of WWI LIlLUl RUIHMETZGER Mm Salvation 3211ggektbconsilofcslllggiffl AA tress is still unspoiled There are Specml mVllllOll IS extended to With the1r sad bereavement 1n the It has put up game struggle 35 19105 Ultifmnf Cdld SUNDAY DECEMBERJD 1944 wormnt 111 that district Ihe tlsh soldtcts and othcts to come and death of then mothct also to tho though Jill Inhlmul DERMX 11134 1111 told 1s wondeIlul there so CORPS SGLMAJIOR RYA N5 Worm 71m 115 1P llflped 0pc me Nd 10 wigll Alghm it should be here iii the IsDrinQ Kitluntsvillc Sa vation rInv lw 11mm ll 35W 11 PF ed Dec 13 Praver Ind 511111111121 11111 to up thctc on AM AND EM 111d HOBBITFEatl 101113111 tattd 11111111 111111111A1oi wave mm arm leaves are IMCHURCH SCHOOL PMEVENING snnvtcn gt230 PMSUNDAY SCIIOOIJ Tuesday pm RS Womens AuxE Wed poi YotttltGriUpmecting lhjursday8 pm First Baptist Friday pm Childrens Meeting Public Meeting Saturday pm Church gt Clanperton at Worsley REV NAME Minister Miss Elsie Cloughley A1CM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY DECEMBER 101914 AMnvroanmm mwelcomcg Mon pm 47 BYPU Wed pmlPrayer Service Service nten and women always tiA Free Methodist Mission Clapperton Steef REV BALL Pastor SUNDAYDECEMBER 10 1944 200 RMSUNDAYSCHOOL RMSUNDAY SCHOOL 7245 PMTHE PASTOR ullhullllllllIllllIlIIIllldlanl REV Advance Notices Burton Ave 55 Christin nouy Tuesiugntgrnec nnnnnnIInbnn White Gift Christmas service pm as Tree Entertainment Fri Dec 15 All welcome Supper 830 Entertai AJI welcome muuWniItInnnam Bibl Study Collier St Baptist Church IlorldiIJfE Forth the Word REV MITCHELL Minister SUNDAY DECEMBER 10 1944 11 AMDEATH Youth Story Hero of Korea PMBIBLE SCHOOL PMThe Act ofa Just God Youth Message The Highland Mothers Love 820 PMFellowship Time Wed p1nPrayer Meeting errtfpimYoungPeoples Service VISITORS WELCOME Church REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister organist nd Clioirinasterj 1r AMCQMMUNION SERVICE This do in remembrance of Me 7fPMEVENING SERVICE Soldiers and strangers willnd Preparatory Service Friday 1pm cordial welcome at this mission Thurs pmPrayer Meeting IIpiircItllgntII+I BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH GREEN MA PD Minister Mi SQNDAXJQEMEE10 1944 AMWHITE GIFT CHRISTMAFSERVTCEW Christmas Story by Mrs Bell 230 1MSUNDAYA SCHOQL ml PTMTHEFKITHBYWHIPWELIVEIN Subject The Mercy of God Holly United Church Sunday School 2p1 Rey Haire will speak Some to Church p111 nment following Phelpston St Andrews Prebytdrion Edmund Hardy Mus Bac SUNDAY DECEMBER 101941 49D familyt son of the late Mrs Fred Jobbitt wish to express their sin cere thanks to the many lriettdsand and thoughtful at the time of the recent death of his mother 49b RUMBIIEMMrs Rumble and family Hilsdale wishto thank their many friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown them during their rcccntmcrcave ment 4th WARDMr and Mrs John Ward wish to express their sincere appreciation for kindness and sympathy shown them itt their recent bereavement 49p BRUNTONIn ever loving mem cry of dear husband and father Brunton who passed away Deer71940 1915 GRAHAMIn loving memory of dear wife and mother Evange line Patchell Graham who passed away Dec 1941 499 our grandmother Evangeline at chell Graham who passed Aawayp Dec 91941 GUTHRIEJn loving memory of our father ThomasIsGuthrie who passed away Dec 81943 Loves greatest giftremembrance Gtandchildrcn neighbors who have been so kind Wife and Family Husband andeaughters GRAHAMIn loving memory Jot 49p Sons and Daughters McNAB linwloyiiEF memory of Mrs ndrew Mc am who pass ediaway Dec 1940 Gone but not forgotten Sadly missed by Mother 49 Father and Two Children SAUNDERSIn loving memory of our dear grandson and nephew Ernest James who was drowned at Whitby Dec 10 1942 wocannot clasp your hand dear AA Ernie Your face we cannot see But leththis little token Hitat we stillremember you EVE remembered by Grandpa 49p Uncle Herb and Family WOEEENDENwIn loving memory of Mrs Mildred Wolfenden who digit Dec 1941 Aluhte Loved tmd honored In death remembered Grandma John Aunt Ming Husband and family 1111 lctv it to 11s DRIVE in today Ar BRENNAN Auto Electric Service Altlilll ONT Mlrtr IOQOIJIJIOIJOIM LET US EXAMINE YOUR ES ANDAFITYOU maria VERY LATEST STYLE two also have facilities for grinding lcnses on the premises and can replacc any broken tense just bring in the pieces ROBERT REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST ESTABLISHED 1920 53 Dunlop St Phone 2588 Hours to Sat 10 pint just coming off the trees now Nov ititrougerlasuow up the West Coast med withmn from the Dominions and Americans on leave etc Ftnally sup ly of it and all sorts of orna merits such as Staffordshire dogs PRICES pewter silver etc saw fine old FROM 21 lI Roses and flowers are still blooming bttt it is very cold Last right vakencd up and my knees were aching with the cold To go back to my story from lnverness took direct line down through the Highlands to Edin burgh On my next leave IllAgo gr 31 24 It ti sv 3i 91 it 14 $5 and that will Cover Scotland as well asit can be covered by rail Edin burgh is fine city it appeals to me tnuch more than London The Scots are friendly and their gener osity is somewhat surprising in view of the typical stories of Scotch stittgincss that are current in Can ztda They have particularly warm spotin their hearts for Can adians The other night in Inver ness had tried four hotels Willi out success They were all jam TIIESE ARE THE GIFTS lllill ARE USED AND APPRECIATED AS TIME GOES BY BRINGING JOY THROUGH MANY AHRISINIASPZS 1OOME MAKE YOUR SELECTION EARLY FOR WIDEK VAlilETl phoned private hotel from the Dominion Officers Club At first he said they hadntn thing then as talkedto him he said Are you 11 Canadian When told him that was lte said Come on up well put you up for the night When got there he had fire 011 gztnd tea and sandwiches made Most Canadians aptefer Scotland on ac count of the hospitality Aand the fact that the country resembles Canada more thanEngland does Englands beauty is sjetiled and ma ture Scotlands rugged and natural visited the Howell Institute in Aberdeen but unfortunately their prize herds of Aberdeen Angus had been disposed of and saw only Ayrshires managed to see sev eral herds of Aberdeen Angus on my walks out to Loch Ness They are fine cattle but cant see that they are any better than Herefords Thousands of sheep are everywhere in the Highlands Mahogany furn iture in Scotland is good and pier tiful Antique dealers have big They are upholstered in Fancy ind Figuredllieppsflfelouis and Tapestries inshladesthc1iwill matchbedutifully With thocolour one of the room lt dnd 1215 HO$L9$ 97 upward gt Modern and Comfortable jSOFA BEDS OPEN TO FULL SIZEABED Finished in Plain or Figured chp 149 to sec325 long mahogany table about two feet wide and nineAfeet longbemg used as stora table in ware WW finishedinto fine bit of furniture SAUNDERSin loving memory of one feufadnwiisdrrSmHandr our dear son Ernest James who Practically all the houses are stone was drowned Dec 10 1942 at with slate roofs Whitby Calm and peaceful he is sleeping Sweetest rest that follows pain We who loved him sadtymiss him But trust to God to meet again Evcr remembered MotherDnd sister Eileen tron house It coul have been re AMANY OTHER our SELECrIohsnEaE Dunlap St BARBIE mnnnmnnamwmammottatwmmmtmm There are miles and miles of They are built to but all are cold MK gmmmmmexm last indefinitely Heating is poor SWO will write from new sta tIon Have you rainewed your subscrip